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Allen's Hummingbird

no color adjustments made

That is, Selasphorus sasin sedentarius,
or "Non-migratory Allen's Hummingbird"
as it was called in the old days.
Another moniker longer than the bird!

adult female

This is the subspecies of Allen's Hummingbirds
that is resident on the Channel Islands of
southern California. In the 1960's they
were discovered nesting on the Palos Verdes
Peninsula by the late great Shirley Wells.

note bill curvature

Since then, particularly the last 15 years,
they have exploded across the L.A. Basin,
and beyond. They have creeped into Orange
County to the south, and even into the
valleys neighboring the coastal plain.
It is assumed the ornamental non-natives
like Eucalyptus and Bottlebrush played a
role in this. That is where to look for them.

juvenile or 1st yr. female

Contrary to published accounts such as that
in the National Geographic Bird Guide,
Allen's Hummingbirds DO NOT sound like
Rufous Hummingbirds. Sedentarius is clearly
and obviously VERY different vocally as
well as mechanically (the "wing whistle"
and "tail pops"). Whilst migratory sasin sasin
Allen's may well sound more like Rufous
Hummingbirds, sedentarius absolutely does not.
Don't believe everything you read, even if it
is written by "experts" in their books!

male camouflaged in Red Willow

The Palos Verdes Peninsula and "South Bay"
parks are excellent places to see them.
Going south on the 405 Fwy. from LAX, they
are at Alondra Pk., on Redondo Bch. Blvd.,
just west of the Fwy. a mile. Further south
towards the Harbor, they are abundant at parks
like Peck, Banning, and Harbor. Actually if
you check any Eucs or Bottlebrush, you should
find them easily. Though they nest year-round
most winter nests fail due to rains.

note gorget reflecting onto bill

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