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Photos by Mitch Heindel - © 2000

Judge's Score: 9.9 for head position of top center bird.

California Gull - 1st winter

Herring Gull - 2nd winter

Heermann's Gull

"Olympic" Gull - 2nd winter
(hybrid Western X Glaucous-winged)

Ring-billed Gull

Western Gull - 2nd Winter

Western Gull - 3rd winter

Western Gulls - 2 subsps.?
pale bird likely hybrid Olympic Gull

Glaucous-winged Gull - 1st Spring

Sabine's Gull

Mew Gull
Short-billed Gull (brachyrynchus) - First Winter

Bonaparte's Gull - First Winter

Little Gull - first winter

Glaucous Gull
immature, TX

Thayer's Gull - First Winter, dark

Thayer's Gull - first winter, light

Black-legged Kittiwake - first winter
Dallas, TX

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