Mitch’s Pelagic Schedule 2002
Here is the "story so far"... the schedule for 2002, so far as I know it. These are all LAAS trips. Other dates have not been set yet. (e.g. Arguello/deepwater) They are all Saturdays, and various co-leaders like Dave Pereksta, Kevin Larson, and Kimball Garrett will be present - they wouldn't leave you with just me !
To sign up for these trips, or to find out costs, etc., please contact the sponsors. Don’t shoot me, I’m just a LOWLY volunteer leader, not the organizer! Tell ‘em Mitch sent you! :) There will be some deepwater trips scheduled on the new high speed catamaran, the Condor Express, probably for a Laysan and Alcid trip, and a Spring trip for Cook's and Murphy's. Dates are as follows: All trips from 4-5 a.m. to 8-10 p.m.
Contacts: Condor Cruises Captain Mat Curto: (805) 693-1138 Captain Ron Hart e-mail: Los Angeles Audubon Society Website email: Phone: (323) 876-0202 Tuesday - Saturday 10 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Mitch's email: Last year on a dozen trips I led, I found/saw/directed the boat to about 28 sps. of pelagics, down slightly from the 32 species found in 2000. Still an excellent assortment is always possible in SoCal.... This 2001 total included both Albatrosses, five species of Shearwaters, four sps. of Storm-Petrels, six sps. of Alcids, THREE "Skua Slams"!, and Dark-rumped Petrel! Soon we hope to have a graph up for you to see exactly how many, what dates .... but the books are good guides of when things are here most of the time. Not all seabirds have seen a copy, however! See the SoCal Seabird Abundance Calendar for monthly approximate status. These 2002 dates and destinations have been selected to see all possible expected SoCal pelagic species as well as maximizing the most important factor: MEGA RARITY potential. ....would love to see you asea! Your pelagic fanatic, Mitch, bird nerd beak geek feather freak
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