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Mitch's Sketchbook

Here will be some rather rudimentary, crude drawings,
I call sketches. My drawing skills are a notch below my
photography skills, so don't expect much. When I don't take
pictures, I try to sketch rare birds for my notes.
A picture does say ten thousand words though.
They are however, in retrospect, valuable additions
to your notebook, and add lots to written descriptions.
When I look back at an eclipse or female Garganey I drew
20 years ago at Harbor Pk. (LA Co.), the sketch does as much
to convince me as Arnold Small saying to me
"Mitch, I've seen 20,000 of them, and it is one,
but who is going to believe us?"
There were no pictures of them in guides then ....

Drawings by Mitch Heindel - © 2001

Dark-rumped Petrel 4/28/01

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