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Make New Friends, But Keep the Old...

One is silver, and the other's gold.
Here is my gold.
I hope to update this page often with news of what all my San Diego friends are up to. Nice to keep in touch, but I need help filling in some gaps. Please let me know if my information is incorrect/outdated.

OLP Gals

yikes me with long hair. (top step, then down, left-right) Me, Julie, Marisa, Andrea, Blair

Becky- Went to OLP last 2 years, then had to move away again, weep weep. It was pretty neat, the way we met. She threw some great pool parties during the summer. Thank goodness she uses IM! Becky has a great web site (check out the link). She has one final left, then nothing but glorious summer days before her! She attends William and Mary (I need to figure out exactly where that is, somewhere in Virginia, close to DC). Becky is majoring in philosophy and religion, I think
Julie- Poor Fo Fo Tori, I'm still grieving. Julie is now at Northern Arizona University. She wants to be a hotel manager, somewhere in the Caribbean? I'll never forget the pictures from the U2 concert (which I did not attend for some inane reason) of Julie in her black bra OVER the shirt, Marisa in that tutu (is that what you were wearing?) Andrea with her foil-covered belt and homemade U2 Pop shirt, uhoh, I don't rememeber what crazy atire Blair boasted that night. I think Becky's ensemble was the most sane. Julie was a peer counselor, swam one year with me (that was great, I got to sleep while she drove us to 6 am practice), had a great collection of 80s music (don't know if you still listen to alot of 80s), and has a great sense of humor. She always came back with the best tans too, after spending her summers in the mountains.
Marisa is the artist among us. She has a great sense of creativity, I really admire her talent. And her sense of humor, and her hair styles. I'll always remember her hair-dying party.
Blair goes to UC Riverside. She wants to be a teacher. She is very active at the Newman Center, goes on retreats and has made a lot of great friends that way.
Andrea goes to Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. She is considering a major in graphic design (something artsy). Andrea makes beautiful beads and recycled paper. Nicknamed Dr. Dre, or dizzy drea (from Dr. Sheehan, right?).
Bridgit is one of my oldest friends. We went to part of elementary and then high school together. She is now at the University of Oregon, majoring in journalism, and last I heard, graduating in 3! Go Bridgit! We've had some good laughs, hope I see you again soon.
Kelly- I still remember when I first became friends with Kelly, passing notes in Spanish class. She was my other swim buddy. Had some good parties at her house too. I remember Kelly singing Cornflake Girl with Josie and Laurel. Kelly is now at Grossmont College.
Josie- Josie used to give us notes in the morning, before school started, just saying "Hiya" and have a good day. Josie loved playing the piano. She is at UC Berkeley now, off to medschool perhaps? She was Salutorian of our class. Took more AP classes than I thought humanly possible at OLP :) Hope all is well with you, Josie.
Laurel is at UCLA, and having a blast with internships and lots of cool classes. Last I heard she was interested in med-school.
Megan is way back on the east coast, at Amherst University. Megan was always so involved in hs, lots of leadership and service. She's the nicest person you could ever meet, so are all these people I am talking in length about :)
Meagan and Jeanette both went to UC Santa Cruz. I saw Jeanette last year when I went to Santa Cruz with Castilian North, Outdoor Adventures program. That was an interesting trip. It was so great seeing Jeanette. Unfortunately Meagan had gone home to San Diego that weekend.
Wiara, Carolina, Julia, Melanie, Nicole A., and I all went to OLG for elementary school, then on to OLP (Old Ladies Prison, Our Lady of Perpetual Need as my dad would say, the convent...). Colleges they are attending now:
Wiara- SDSU Carolina- UCSD Julia- SDSU Melanie- private college in Texas Nicole- hmm, I know she moved out of SD, she's somewhere in the midwest :)
Friends from elementary school:
Nicole V.- SDSU Michele- SDSU Jenny- UCSD Saw Jenny last Christmas. Melissa- SDSU Amy- SDSU

Bradley, me, Brianne, Mikayla, Chloe (Mikayla's mom)
both pictures were taken in Frog Meadow in Shaver Lake. May 1999