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Cronies, Friends, Roommates, Pals- those people who know me best

Squint your eyes and look closer i'm not between you and your ambition i am a poster girl with no poster i am thirty-two flavors and then some and i'm beyond your peripheral vision so you might wanna turn your head 'cause some day you are going to get hungry and eat most of the words you just said.
Ani DiFranco, 32 Flavors

During moments of introspection, I have approached the quandary of how different my life would be if I was a Wildcat, instead of an Aggie (in other words if I had chosen the University of Arizona over UC Davis, back in my high school days). Was it fate that I ended up in a small college town, where you can smell cows all the way across campus if the wind is blowing right, and bicycles are the primary mode of transportation? I think I was meant to be here. I was meant to meet these people, the people who are....

Mikayla was one of the first people I met in the dorms last year. We met that first weekend bowling with Chris and Albert. She was so friendly, no inhibitions about meeting new people. She started talking to me like she had known me forever. And now we are roommates, and will be again next year. Mikayla might major in molecular and cellular bio. She loves "people watching," swimming/water polo, and discovering indie bands. She's a great fan of Vertical Horizon (check her site for all the latest VH news). Remember always Sunday afternoons reading at Brueggers, having bagel sandwiches, and our trip to Shaver Lake where I met her wonderful family.
Anne is my second roommate, we share a room, and I have only heard her talk in her sleep once :) We met through Mikayla. Couldn't ask for a better friend, or roommate. She loves soccer, plays tennis and flag football (when she can) too, is another Ani fan, and an X-Files buff. Anne's major is plant bio. She's going to see Erin McKeown with me this summer, though she may not know it yet. See ya in LA Anne!
Brianne is my...I have to think of a good analogy, the perfect words, so give me a couple of days. Brianne is great. She keeps me grounded by exemplifying her own convictions and morals, and lifts my spirits with her fits of laughter (when we are really supposed to be studying music!). She knows just when I need a phone call, and she has great taste in music! She introduced me to Ani, need I say more? oh yes... great tits! (I just randomly saw tit in the dictionary, and sure enough, it's defined as a bird)(haha) Brianne loves marine biology, and would like to find a job in that field. If not, she will find her niche somewhere in the realm of bio.
Michele is also a San Diegan. We were beach bums together last summer, Mikayla and Dan too, when they were visiting. Michele got me into Toad the Wet Sprocket and shared her secret gourmet banana pancake/crepe recipe with me (haha) I'll never forget making two batches of crepes that time Michele, Anne, and Christy were studying ochem at our apt. Michele loves dried roses, swimming, her laptop, hapkido, Monty Python and The Princess Bride.
Matt I met through the dorms. I remember the first time I saw him, I was in Noelle's room watching some movie, and he walked in (with Sara), sat down and kept his cool. I probably became better friends with him when I learned how great he is at chem and math. "I Love Chem" are words that are frequently associated with Matt. Matt has a great sense of humor and is going to be a chemical engineer.
I probably met Rey through Matt, they were roommates last year, and this year. Rey, well, sounds like he is a great cook. He has yet to invite me over for dinner :) He
there's a spider spinning cobwebs from your elbow to the table while my eyes ride the crowd in a secret rodeo i smile with my mouth lift my watch up to the light say oh, look, i have to go
Ani DiFranco, Deep Dish

so maybe we're a Bliss of another kind