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Day Zero, July 7, 2001 - Absentee Ballots

I spent this day with my sisters as they had all flown in to celebrate my second oldest sister's birthday and to see me. It was good to see them again and take a break from the hectic pace of AX. Not much to my surprise, my two year old niece would not go anywhere near me. I'll be away for so much she will not have a chance to get to know me very well. Well, at least she didn't cry upon seeing me. I had handed off my Love Hina artbooks to Jesse in the hopes that he could get them signed for me since the director, Yoshiako Iwasaki, and character designer, Makoto Uno, were going to have their panels on this day. It was not to be. I got a call later that night from Jesse telling me the autograph panel cut off at seven people. There was an open autograph session the next morning but I would have to be there at 4 am. I decided it would be more convenient to crash at Jesse and Freddy's hotel room and bade farewell to my sister’s that night as their flights left in the morning. Not the good-byes I wanted.
