REIKI--An Ancient Healing Method that Very Well Suits Modern Times

"The best methods are those which help the life energy to resume its inner work of healing" ___PARAMAHANSA YOGANANDA. The syllable 'Rei' means universe and 'ki' describes the vital energy which permeates this universe.With Reiki we allow ourselves to be in harmony with the energy all around us and within us.

Dr. Mikao Usui

This knowledge of the art of balancing energy among universal systems was preserved and guarded by the schools of most ancient cultures. It was available to a few, such as priests and other spiritual leaders. The science of Reiki would never have been exposed to the world if it was not for Dr. Mikao Usui of Japan. He discovered this ancient science hidden in the 2500 year old Sanskrit Sutras around the end of the 19th century.He revealed that the practice of Reiki dates back to the time of Lord Buddha. According to research, many people in ancient times,including great spiritual leaders such as Buddha and Jesus Christ used this system of healing. Usui's dedication,among others, in researching the origins of Reiki and deep belief in its powers helped unveil its benefits for generations to come.The USUI system of Reiki has become one of the most simple,natural and effective healing methods ever created. People all over the world are using it to heal themselves and others. It is especially popular in Japan, Hawaii, and gaining widespread popularity in the United States.

The Principle

All of creation is a form of ENERGY---thermal,chemical, physical, biological,etc.It is this fundamental concept that is useful in understanding and employing Reiki. Therefore, Reiki results in a fundamental change created at the innermost level of being-----it is the reawakening and a connection to the heart and source of all life-----the force of ENERGY. From the earliest records man has created different methods of healing that deal with this force of life energy, but usually indirectly. They intervene in certain processes that occur in our body, which use energy. Since the energy itself is never dealt with, the result of these techniques is often temporary or even inneffective. They do not go to the 'root' of the problem, so to speak. Many modern healing techniques,especially, are created in ignorance of the fact that the mind, body and spirit are ONE.They are ONE with each other and one with all of nature. They are interconnected through pathways of energy and cannot be dealt with separately. Thus, to cure any ailment it is necessary to harness and channel that very energy that flows through these interconnected pathways in a way that will maintain harmony among the mind, body, spirit,and the nature surrounding them.All energy -inside and outside is balanced with the art of Reiki.


The underlying philosophy of Reiki is that most physical and mental ailments are manifestations of inner imbalance in the flow of energy. There are seven main chakras (energy centers) and four subsidiary ones existing in out 'subtle' body. The subtle body is not a material counterpart of the physical body. It is not visible( thus 'subtle') and pervades and permeates the physical body and is the energetic basis of all manifestations on the physical level.It is interesting to note that in the average person they are about 2 inches in diameter whereas in an 'awakened' and spiritually sound person they will pulse and glow. The halos we often see in portraits of saints are a depiction of this very 'spiritual enlightenment'. Chakras take up, collect and release 'prana' (energy) present in the atmosphere. A block in the flow of energy leading to excess of energy in some areas and loss of energy in others, creates an imbalance at the physical, mental and spiritual level.Reiki practitioners are taught how to harness energy.They undergo strict training in the the methods of capturing energy and using it to heal. They use their hands to transfer this captured energy and create flow where there was once a block. Most receptive people often experience Reiki as LOVE. Love is the uniting power which leads us forward to an even greater sense of oneness with the whole of creation. It is the greatest and purest form of energy and it is the ultimate goal of mankind to reach this state, translating it into reality --LIVING IT OUT.Afterall, love is the original HOME of the soul, where it is always striving to return. Reiki can help guide us back this state of harmony and bliss,curing mental and physical illnesses with a healing touch.