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Welcome to the website. As you can see, the "Ricky Martin Sucks" theme has disappeared. I have not made a single change to this website since January 2001. There are more than 200 emails sitting in the ok2disricky yahoo email account, many of which I have not even read. Outsider has long since abandoned the site and in practice, so had I. The real world had claimed us before Sept. 11, 2001, but after the terrorist attacks I began to think about the significance of a site like this. I never thought it had much in the first place because it was just silly bullshit and our opinions of a silly entertainer. But it ocurred to me that this space had better uses and since my time already had been using my time in other ways anyway, I stopped posting to the message board (which I recently deleted) and have not been back since. Though this site was never a priority, we have both realized that we're at a point in our lives we're it's not worth it to waste our time on trivialities or childish arguments with childish people. The point of this site was always to demonstrate the importance of free speech, the free exchange of ideas and effort to make people think about the way they approach those things. Like what makes you happy and don't pay attention to what anybody else thinks. Particularly us. But, I digress and dismount from my soap box.

Instead of being silly and making light of an entertainer, we have chosen to make this site a tribute. My father-in-law is a firefighter in Washington state. Anytime a firefighter dies in the line of duty, it is felt by the whole brother and sisterhood, including the families of firefighters. My grandfather was a LAPD sargeant. I have uncles who are former cops. We all know and love a cop or firefighter. We trust them with our lives because they are willing to do anything to protect us. Though this is a small gesture, it is what we can do in the wake of the disaster. Eight months later it still aches and and it will ache in our country's collective heart and soul for eternity. This is why we honor them, because their heroism should never be forgotten.

In memory of those who lost their lives or loved ones on 9/11/01. In honor of the brave firefighters and police officers who gave their lives to save thousands. In the face of tragedy the American spirit came through and will carry us always. We stand united.

Please visit some of the following links to provide help. Keep giving blood. Keep supporting organizations such as the Red Cross and giving to funds that will support victims of the attacks. And please give whatever you can year round to organizations that help people in need. Times are tough, but we need to help each other to come out stronger.

Links for Giving
Liberty Unites website
Red Cross of America
The Salvation Army
Help feed the victims and their families at The Hunger Site
New York Firefighters 9/11 Disaster Fund (my father-in-law is a firefighter and they really do take care of their own, so let's help them do that)
The Victims Compensation Fund
Twin Towers Fund established by NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani

  • This site is maintained by Kris
  • It was created in December 1999 by Outsider, Kris and the mole