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nine times knocking i upon your door
who this same i is my own nurse also
also whom to forget to take out my garbage
as i am my own maid

nine times too late for knocking company
at your door early must be this hour
as this hour's to be much too early
for my door’s late knocking

nine times smashing i upon your door
driven this nail’s wedge hand splitting planks
cracked panel splintering red shards

nine times clawing i upon your door
blood stuck fingernails cleave scratched
paint jagged bare wood

nine times i gently your door
running fingers lightly up its whole length
around square jam and down to its stop

nine times silent i upon your door
hearing your sure breath through the jam’s tight width
as when desert breeze deserted moving you
whom i brought with to blizzard in june’s height

nine times frozen i to your door
crystal shards pierce back and forth
skin to wood bone to glass inside out to manacle
all follicles ripping them forth

nine times i sobbing upon your door
deafening peals pouring from your blind ear
falls judgement smashing memory past obliterate
until ruin wails in twisted frames

nine times sleeping i upon your door
as nine blackbirds hinge sleep in ground
as nine times you slumber behind your door
as nine iron knobs locked pound
