Serafina Fernande Dragana

I am the bastard child of an Italian Noble and Spanish Prince, I was given freely to An ancient Romanian Gypsy,named Dragomir, who was cleaning the Prince's Stables. When my mother came to labor, she was so terrified her family and the family of the prince would find out of her condition, she went to the stables to give birth. The Gypsy man sent for my father, who helped the old man serve as 'Midwife' in delivering me. Serafina Fernande was the name my birth mother blessed me with before handing me over to the old Gypsy, Serafina after herself, so that some day in the future I sould know who my mother was, and Fernande for my father Ferdinand, so that one day he would know me and bestow upon me my proper rights and royalty. The caravan of Gypsies gave me the Croatian(Slavic) name Dragana, in honor of the man who brought me to the Gypsies (Dragomir), and for the meaning of the name, "precious" as I was a precious gift to the leaders of the Caravan (Gypsy King and Queen) who were barren and in need of an heir(ess), and "great" because I had come from nobility. My gypsy parents were unable to have children of their own, (that is why I was given as a gift) so I am the only child. As for my noble parents, I am unaware of any siblings I may or may not have, and have little desire to find out. My only hope is that one day I will lay eyes on my birth parents, and I hope romantically that they were allowed to let their love for each other blossom.

When I grew old enough to marry at 11 years of age, our caravan was caught with stolen valuables from several homes in Ireland where we had traveled to, and One particularly 'Barbarian Hermit' decided he would take me as payment so as not to have my parents he-headed, (It probably helped matters that he had seen me in the marketplace shopping, and I could tell he liked me, and I had shown interest in him with my innocent flirtations) the man's name was Os~Gar Theodoric Haerviu. I lived with OsGar for several years, being his 'servant' and companion until I became pregnant with our child at 13. He demanded I marry him and I steadfastly refused him, although I had fallen deeply in love with him. I would not marry him until he agreed to allow me to keep my Gypsy name once we were wed.

While living with Os~Gar, I was frequently left alone to deal with the affairs of the household while he went on journeys far away to make money for us to survive on. He kept most of his business to himself, but I was quite intelligent, and was able to find out some details of his profession. He was a mercinary of sorts, always fighting on the side that was just and good. When he came home, often his armour was in ill repair, but with the money he made, we were able to purchase the materials to repair it. I had learned the art of chain maille while a young girl travelling with my caravan. Often, armour would cross the hands of my father when he would win a drinking battle with a soldier. I was usually the one chosen to resize the armour when my da sold it to another soldier. Being with Os~Gar, I got very good at my art, and was able to fix even the most horrible of damages done to his armour. I always remembered not to ask too much about what had happened to his armour...I knew he would tell me all while he slept.

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