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Every step along the way
So few stay and catch me when I fall
They come the moment after
The moment later is too late
The wounds are open
But so few are ever there to treat them
So few are ever there to tell me it'll be ok again
To help me stand my ground
So I stand-alone

Don't say maybe
Nothing ever happens that way
Don't say tomorrow
Tomorrow always comes too late
And don't say later
Because later never comes

With every breath of word spoken against me
Who was there to ease the sting?
Who was there to say they're wrong
That I'm above the words they spoke
That my life's more than just a joke
That my life's worth something more…
More than the world's shoulder
Am I merely that?
Merely this world's ear

Don't say maybe
Nothing ever happens that way
Don't say tomorrow
Tomorrow always comes too late
And don't say later
Because later never comes

What am I to this world,
Nothing but a waist of life's precious gifts?
I hold my own
Stand my ground with every stone thrown
When will I learn?
How many stones must they throw?
How many promises must be broken
Before I realize that you…

Don't say maybe
Nothing ever happens that way
Don't say tomorrow
Tomorrow always comes too late
And don't say later
Because later never comes

Later never comes…

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