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Happy Birthday & Happy Mother's Day

All too often in this world, we take for granted the people who mean the most to us. I'm taking this opportunity to tell the most important person in my life what she means to me.

I've always been proud of my Mom, but I don't think I've ever told her that.
Mom is a registered nurse. While she was working as a school nurse in a Catholic school, she was a teacher as well. After she got married & had three children, she still did some nursing besides being a wonderful wife, mother and daughter. (She also took care of my grandparents as they aged.) She was also president of the PTA, president of her church's Catholic Women's Club and a member of the Parish Council, just to name a few things.

During the last decade (Yes, the entire decade!) I've had more reason than ever to be proud of her.

Mom spent years caring for my Dad -- standing by him through sickness & surgery. On March 22, 1989, he died -- 4 months before their 30th wedding anniversary.

On Palm Sunday of 1992 Mom had a heart attack. She ended up having bypass surgery but came through it with flying colors.
However, she barely had time to recover from that when she discovered she had breast cancer. That was a scary time for all of us but after surgery and months of radiation, she beat that, too.

But there's more.

In December 1998 she had a stroke.
At one point, her doctor called me at work because she wasn't expected to make it through the night. When I got to the hospital, Mom's nurse (Jill, who is a real life angel) told me she wasn't sure if Mom couldn't open her eyes or she wouldn't open them.
We learned the answer to that as soon as I said "Hi Mom."
Seems she just didn't feel like opening her eyes 'til I got there. :)
Mom is left-handed and the stroke affected her left side. But it didn't affect her spirit.
She found her way back and is now driving & as active as she ever was.

The most amazing part about this whole story is ...
Despite everything she's gone through she was always there for, and worrying about, me, Theresa & Jim.

This may sound strange coming from a writer, but words can't even convey the pride & love I feel.

Anne & her Mom

Happy Birthday, Mom.

Click HERE for Mom's Virtual Birthday Party.