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Get Paid to Surf Programs

These are your basic and most common get paid to surf programs using adbars, viewers, cashbars, paybars, banner ads, etc. However they are the most effective and easiest way to make money doing what you usually do now, surfing the net. These programs usually pay by the amount of time you display the viewer for. Most have a limited amount of viewing time per month but some have unlimited earning potential.

For more detailed information, visit these sites:
Ghostsurfers          Maxref           BigReferral

AllAdvantage -- PAYING NOW! Display the viewbar on your desktop while surfing the internet and get paid when your account reaches $20. Maximum of 25hrs/month viewing time.


Banner Union -- NOT AVAILABLE YET. Start making referrals now and build your downline. Get paid when your account reaches $20 when the program is released.

Cashsurfers -- AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD NOW! Display the viewbar on your desktop while surfing the internet and get paid when your account reaches $40. No limit to the amount of money you can make!
REFERRER ID=charlee26

ClickDough -- AVAILABLE NOW! NO DOWNLOADING! Display the pop-up window when you are surfing the internet and get paid.
REFERRER ID=charlee26

Desktop Dollars -- AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD NOW! Display the viewbar on your desktop while surfing the internet and get paid when your account reaches $40. Maximum of 40hrs/month viewing time.

Desktop Horizon -- Display the viewbar on your desktop while surfing the internet and collect points to trade for merchandise.
REFERRER ID=charlee26

Dotad -- NOT AVAILABLE YET! Start making referrals now and build your downline. Get paid when your account reaches $50 when the program is released.

ePIPO -- NOT AVAILABLE YET! Start making referrals now and build your downline. Get paid when your account reaches $35 when the program is released. Limited to 50hrs/month viewing time.
REFERRER ID=charlee26

GoToWorld -- AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD NOW! Use the GoToWorld browser or just display the ad banner while surfing the internet and get paid when your account reaches $20. Maximum of 40hrs/month viewing time. (ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: this browser is a powerful add-on to Explorer with many neat plug-ins!)
REFERRER ID=1031133961

ItAdsUp -- AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD NOW! Display the viewbar on your desktop while surfing the internet and get paid when your account reaches $20. Maximum of 60hrs/month viewing time.
REFERRER ID=charlee26

MakingCash -- AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD NOW! Display the viewbar on your desktop while surfing the internet and get paid when your account reaches $20. Maximum of 50hrs/month viewing time. (ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: program is currently in beta testing. Start building your downline now!)
REFERRER ID=charlee26

mValue -- AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD NOW! Display the viewbar on your desktop while surfing the internet and get paid when your account reaches $20. Maximum of 10hrs/month viewing time.
REFERRER ID=charlee26

oneSRC -- AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD NOW! Display the viewbar on your desktop while surfing the internet and get paid when your account reaches $50. No limit to the amount of money you can make!
REFERRER ID=charlee26

PrizeWindow -- AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD NOW! Display the viewbar on your desktop while surfing the internet and get paid when your account reaches $30. Maximum of 15,000 ad points/month.

Profinity -- AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD NOW! Display the viewbar on your desktop while surfing the internet and collect points.
REFERRER ID=cgarrity

Sharkhunt -- NOT AVAILABLE YET! Start making referrals now and build your downline. Get paid when your account reaches $40 when the program is released.
REFERRER ID=charlee26

Spedia -- AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD NOW! Display the viewbar on your desktop while surfing the internet and get paid when your account reaches $30. No limit to the amount of money you can make! (ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: this program also offers points for playing games and visiting sponsor websites.)

SurfAd -- NOT AVAILABLE YET! Start making referrals now and build your downline. Get paid when your account reaches $25 when the program is released.
REFERRER ID=charlee26

Surfing2Cash -- NOT AVAILABLE YET! Start making referrals now and build your downline. Get paid when your account reaches $50 when the program is released. Maximum of 50hrs/month viewing time.

SurfMiles -- NOT AVAILABLE YET! Start making referrals now and build your downline. Get paid when your account reaches $30 when the program is released. Maximum of 60hrs/month viewing time.
REFERRER ID=charle45

Urge2Net/$urfReward$ -- NOT AVAILABLE YET! Start making referrals now and build your downline. Get paid when your account reaches $50 when the program is released.

UtopiAd -- NOT AVAILABLE YET! Start making referrals now and build your downline. Get paid when your account reaches $20 when the program is released.

ValuePay -- CURRENTLY BEING RELEASED! Start making referrals now and build your downline. Get paid when your account reaches $50 when the program is released.
REFERRER ID=charlee26

Winfire -- AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD NOW! Earn points while you surf with a very small cash bar. You can use Winfire Points to enter drawings to win Luxury Vacations, a Palm V, or even a Home Theater Surround System for referring your friends.
REFERRER ID=charlee26

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