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Something To Remember

Hello... thanx for dropping down on this page. It contains poems written by numerous amount of people, and these poems have a special meaning to me. I hope you enjoy the poems, and if you have any which you'd like me to post for you and have others enjoy in your talent, please feel free to e-mail it to me. Enjoy and I'll try to update it soon... oh! and sign my G-book.. thanx

special thanks to my baby, leon, and those i love dear for their poems, and pictures taken from jonny ngo's page and other sites... thas it for now =)

My Angel
by leon

Each nite I come in hopes to see
The ladie whose heart belongs to me
I've never felt your lips on mine,
Only dreamt of the embrace
And the love that shines from your face
It hurt so much to be apart
As I truely love you with all my heart
But I will wait for a little while
To be in ur arms and see your smile
For it is only a matter of time
When two hearts will beat in perfect rhyme
In each other arms we will soon be
A picture created by you and me
L & J

by leon

Every single moment of every single day,
Many thoughts of you, in my mind will stay.
Thoughts of you being close to me and staring into your eyes,
Spending countless days together, that end with long good-byes.
Thoughts of your arms wrapped around me underneath a star filled sky,
Holding each other close, in the moon light as we lie.
Thoughts of feeling your lips pressed gently onto mine,
Giving me such an intense feeling throughout my body that I can't define.
If only you were here and my thoughts could all come true,
We could be entrapped in a world of ecstasy with just me and you.

The Big Contradiction
by jonny

Love makes us, teaches us, and learns. To be, or not.

To be great, a hero, a legend, or not.
To try, to stand, or to always fall down.

Love powers the finger with strength to defeat,
Yet weakens the greatest of warriors.

Would you give up your humanity for love
Or is it love that makes us all human.

If one would say Ild give my life to love,
Then truth would make it love that gives me life.

If the roses are flawed with such vicious thorns,
Are the thorns privileged to have such roses?

Love will play its part inside the human heart,
We must decide the role to which it plays.

For it is love that tortures us in the night,
And it is love that gives the bird its song.

One can never exist without the other.
Together, they both do make us human.

To love, to make, to teach, to learn, to be, or not.

(pix by leon)

The Night
by Jolene Sessler

I am the night
And I shall take you
Where the light no longer shines.
Come with me
(If you dare).
Leave the shadow
Of your life.
Abandon your material
(If you can)
They are of no value anyway.
Follow me now
Not too closely
Or I'll kill you.
Too far behind?
I'll leave you.
Remember, you need me.
Without me,
You wouldn't exist.
Don't be afraid.
You chose to live this way;
I only provide the medium.
I am the night
So follow me
To where the rules of the day
Do not apply.

Something to Remember Page 2

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