wanna get a look of me?  *bat bat*

I know that I should get around to making this page look half decent especially since it is piccies of me but I just dont. Ill add to this page for the time being, its easier :P

Click on the thumb nails to see larger piccy.

these pix basically go from newest to oldest

MORE PICCIES!!!!! Trinky with red hair.

me & tebby at Paramounts great america park

ross & tebby

                                                                       the end result

  photoshoot take in July 2000, by |One|

me being a nerd, talking to tebby when i came back the second time from Sacramento.

march 2000

                     Tebby & I, December 1999                                      Me in an apple yay

with Xanthi, at Dominion sometime b4 september 1999

Der keller opening night, April 1st, 1999

Photo shoot, March? 1999

umm,!!!      these were taken mid 99? i think

          Year 11 Ball with friends, Bindi (the fairy) & Pania

 Me when I was about 11  or 12