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Thanks to "Thanks to "HIEROGLYPHICS" for the Great Audio Clip

2 new additions to my download page!!

Marijuana Growers Handbook   MS Word Doc (Right click & save as or open from current location)

The Joy of an Herb Garden at Home   MS Word Doc (Right click & save as or open from current location)

Welcome to our Downloads page. Here you will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader to view these files. Hope you find them informative.

Drug Warriors are protecting kids. 
Do our drug laws focus on the Dangerous Drugs?
Is it time to admit the war on drugs has failed.
How we judge a fallen hero.
Given your recent blunders, it's time to resign
Just say not guilty.
The more we escalate the drug war, the more young peolpe & others die.
What should we tell our kids about drugs.

The Following downloads are in MS Word format. Let me know if you have any problems viewing these files.

ACLU defends Florida man.
Drug testing false positives.
Info. on Drug Testing
Every time I go to work....(Great article)
Freedom has nothing to fear from the truth.
Privacy In America.

Here are a few goodies I came across. I have installed and used all of the following files without any problem. Feel free to email us with any of your suggestions. -70kb - This is a simple DOS function game of growing and protecting your marijuana crops. You will love it so much, you'll pass it on to your friends. -49kb - This is a self-installer, also a DOS function game that simulates drug trafficking & more


Here are some great screen savers from High Times
High Times 25th Anv. screen saver     1.70MB   Zip File
High Times Regular screen saver     1.75MB   Zip File


Would you like some new Desktop Pics, just download this Zip file and choose which out of the 2 pics you like.