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Sample Letter to
Sample Letter in Support of H.R.2618
Sample Letter
Dear Representative _________,
I am writing to ask you to support H.R. 2618. This bill would move marijuana to
Schedule II (so physicians could prescribe it) and ensure access by people
needing marijuana for medicinal purposes.
While everyone agrees we need a strong national commitment to prevent and treat
drug abuse, there is no reason why doctors should not be allowed to prescribe a
medication to people who benefit from it.
Though marijuana is currently in Schedule I, meaning that it officially has no
medical value and is too dangerous to use even under a doctor's supervision,
many people claim that smoked marijuana eases the symptoms of painful and
lifethreatening illnesses, including AIDS wasting syndrome, glaucoma, muscle
spasms, and the effects of cancer chemotherapy. These people are forced to enter
the dangerous black market or search out underground buyers clubs.
Meanwhile, cocaine and PCP-drugs with far greater potential for harm-are less
restricted than marijuana. In an outrageous abuse of the public trust, the Drug
Enforcement Administration (DEA) and the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)
have prevented the medical research which would evaluate marijuana's medicinal
I am asking you to help break the deadlock which is making millions of people
into criminals and denying sick people their medication. Please look into
reclassifying marijuana for medicinal purposes by cosponsoring H.R 2618, hold a
hearing on it, or at least insisting that the DEA and NIDA ensure that research
on marijuana's medicinal use happens.
Please write back to me and let me know your position.
Sincerely, [your name]