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Dennis as a Drummer

By: Siobhan(JLG)

Dennis Wilson was a member of the Beach Boys.Some say he's the cutest member.Some say he's a genius.Some say some bad things.Some say great things.However,no one really explores his talent as a drummer or gives him credit.

Dennis was a drummer.A self-taught drummer at that.Dennis was assigned the role of drummer in the early days because everyone else had chosen an instrument and Audree insisted he be in the band.He practiced often,not wanting to let Brian down.

He played on the first few albums.Then Brian discovered Hal Blaine.Hal Blaine was a very well-known and widely used session drummer in 1960's California recording studios.(He also played for the Monkees.)While Hal played on the records,it was Dennis in concert.What was amazing was that Dennis actually was able to,pretty much,recreate Hal's drumming on-stage.Hal was professional and here was self-taught Denny up there copying his syle.

Some people have recognized Dennis's talent over the years,but it still mostly goes unnoticed.He was a talented drummer.He played with enthusiasm and care and had a lot of fun doing it.It was his duty to the band,something he cherished.In the late 70's he severely damaged his hand.Even though he was told not to play drums for a while,he continued to do so.Eventually,he was kicked out of the Beach Boys.Something that really hurt him.

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