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Reasons we love Denny!

How could you not love him?Here's a list of reasons why!(feel free to contribute!)

1.He's so darn cute!
3.That adorable smile.
4.Pacific Ocean Blue
5.He's a great dancer!(is so!Watch the Endless Harmony video,where all the guys are dancing in the dressing room!You tell me that's not talent!haha)
6.His gorgeous bod!*swoon*
7.The lyrics to San Miguel!
8.The innocence he embodies!
9.His singing on Little Girl(You're My Miss America)
10.The "Do You Wanna Dance?" picture sleeve...
11.And Denny singing it live!
12.His clubbing the poor drums.
13.His deliberate defiance of the wizard.(Never Learn Not To Love)
14.Because he sang "In the Back of My Mind!"
15.'Cos he was so cool in "Two Lane Blacktop!"
16."Celebrate the News."
17."Little Bird."
18. His heart and soul
19. His smilin' eyes
20. His energy and love of life
21. The head flip in Do You Wanna Dance(video)


14-17 were sent in by!!,18-20 were sent in by Lovendaisies(!!Thanks for the help!!