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Everytime I think of you and her
Of your love for her
I’m feeling blue, she always turn you down
And yet, (you) keep chasing her

She hurts you and she hurts me
‘Cause you love her and I love you
After what she’s done to you
Why are you still loving her?

You look so sad
You are crying
You never cry for me
I don’t want to see you like this
I love you, it’s hurt when you’re sad.

Everytime I see you sitting there
Looking to the space
I’m wondering what you thinking about
And if, you think about me

When I look into your eyes
I only see your love for her?
Will I ever get a chance?
To be the one in your eyes?

For R.M i made this poem into a song, if you haven't heard it, too bad :)
Copyright @ Vy Nguyen


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