The Civic Action Free University


A Community Action Film
and Media Festival



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>>>   NEW !!   <<<
Tavis Smiley Hosts Symposium on
January 17, 2013:
“Vision for a New America”

President Lyndon B. Johnson, The Great Society,
and America's War On Poverty


Lyndon B. Johnson --
The Great Society


LBJ -- Poverty 1964
Election Ad


LBJ State of Union --
War on Poverty


The Great Society
A Song from the Great Depression,  Performed by Al Jolson
"Brother, Can You Spare a Dime ??"

Poverty in Rural America,
1965 -- Part I


Poverty in Rural America,
1965 -- Part II

Brother, Can You Spare a Job ??
The Shopping Bag Lady, 1975
Big Box Mart
Jobless Jack and the Economic Fun Fair
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An Anthem:
"Let America Be America Again"
Video                Text
Langston Hughes


"Before the Mountain Was Moved"
Raleigh County, West Virginia, 1969


People Power:  It Can Work!

Effective Community Action -- E-Mail
Groups for Essential Programmatic &
Administrative Skill-Sets


National Policy Issues of General or Special
Significance for Civic Action, Community
Service, and Development Programs

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Community Action Agencies at Work
Throughout the Nation

ABCD -- Asset-Based Community Development
Action for Boston Community Development -- ABCD
Blue Valley Community Action Partnership
Without Blue Valley Community Action Partnership
CAAP Overview of Community and Economic Development Projects
Choose Hope -- United Services Community Action Agency
Cincinnati Hamilton County Community Action Agency YouthBuild
Community Action Agency on Cincinnati Issues With Lincoln Ware
Community Action Commission -- Part 1
Community Action Commission -- Part 2
Community Action Network -- Washtenaw County, Michigan
Community Action of Minneapolis
Community Action on Comcast Newsmakers
Community Action Partnership -- May '08
Community Action Partnership of Central Illinois
Community Action Partnership of Central Illinois Weatherization
Community Action Partnership of Oregon -- A Helping Hand
Community Action Partnership of Ramsey and Washington Counties:  Helping with Heat
Community Action Partnership of Sonoma County
Community and Economic Development Association (CEDA) of Cook County:  Saving Community Action

Delaware County Community Action Agency's Weatherization Program
Erie Huron Community Action Commission (CAC)
Erie Huron CAC Board
Experiment In Self Reliance (ESR) -- Part 1
Experiment In Self Reliance (ESR) -- Part 2
Fayette County Community Action's Green Administrative Building -- Part 1
Fayette County Community Action's Green Administrative Building -- Part 2
Greater Erie Community Action Committee -- Erie Pennsylvania
HOME Youth & Resources CCTV Video Brochure
Home Weatherization Assistance Program on Cincinnati Issues -- May 2009
Home Weatherization Assistance Program on WCPO -- Feb 2009
Introduction to Weatherization
Jackson Michigan Weatherization Press Event 10/21/2009 -- Part 1
Jackson Michigan Weatherization Press Event 10/21/2009 -- Part 2
James City County Community Action Agency Green Team Community Gardens Program
KCEOC Community Action Partnership
Minneapolis Community Action Weatherization Program
Mohawk Valley Community Action Agency
Monroe County Opportunity Program -- Monroe Michigan
Monticello Area Community Action Agency
NDO Champions of Industry

NMCEP Bonner movie about CAAP
Northern Kentucky Community Action Commission
O.C.E.A.N., Inc. -- Ocean County's Community Action Agency
Partnership for Community Action of Dekalb County
People Incorporated of Virginia 2004
Peoria Citizens' Committee for Economic Opportunity
Rally against Cuts to Services for Those with Disabilities
Redwood Community Action Agency (RCAA): Lead-Safe Weatherization -- Working with Lead for Life
Salem Community Action Agency's Home Youth & Resource Center
Skagit County Community Action Agency -- A Life-long Volunteer:  Interview with Bill McIlraith
South Central Community Action Partnership -- Twin Falls, Idaho
Tempe Community Action Agency Children's Food Boxes
Tempe Community Action Agency and Faith Community Homeless Emergency Lodging Program
Warren County Community Services, Inc. Meals On Wheels Donation Event
Washington County Oregon Community Action Program
Washington County Oregon Community Action Head Start Program
Washtenaw County Community Action Mobile Home Weatherization Training
WLNS story on Weatherization Funds for Michigan in Recovery Act
Weatherization Assistance Program: A Program That Works

Community Action and Development:  National Organizations,
The Virtual Community Action Program, and
On-Line Agencies Across the U.S.A.


Some Civic Action Options for
International Impact

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Would you like to share your thoughts and comments about
any of the above films with other interested viewers ??
If so, try visiting the:
"Civic Action for Your Turf" (CA4YT)
All Relevant Topics & Issues Forum
You are cordially invited to join and participate !!


If you wish to recommend additional Community Action film clips
for addition to the above collection, or if you have questions
or comments concerning the Film Festival,
please drop a note to:
the Facilitator.


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