The Civic Action Free University

"Agenda for a New Economy --
Changing Our Economic Story"
presented by
Economist and Author,
David C. Korten,
at the
Annual Unitarian Universalist
General Assembly, in
Salt Lake City, Utah, on
June 27, 2009:

The *short* audio segments provided below
summarize key points from Dr. Korten's book:
"Agenda for a New Economy:
From Phantom Wealth to Real Wealth --
A Declaration of Independence from
Wall Street"
Further details at:


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Changing Our Economic Story -- Part 01
Changing Our Economic Story -- Part 02
Changing Our Economic Story -- Part 03
Changing Our Economic Story -- Part 04
Changing Our Economic Story -- Part 05
Changing Our Economic Story -- Part 06
Changing Our Economic Story -- Part 07
Changing Our Economic Story -- Part 08

Changing Our Economic Story -- Part 09
Changing Our Economic Story -- Part 10
Changing Our Economic Story -- Part 11
Changing Our Economic Story -- Part 12
Changing Our Economic Story -- Part 13
Changing Our Economic Story -- Part 14
Changing Our Economic Story -- Part 15
Changing Our Economic Story -- Part 16

Changing Our Economic Story -- Part 17
Changing Our Economic Story -- Part 18
Changing Our Economic Story -- Part 19
Changing Our Economic Story -- Part 20
Changing Our Economic Story -- Part 21
Changing Our Economic Story -- Part 22
Changing Our Economic Story -- Part 23
Changing Our Economic Story -- Part 24
>>>   Films Next   <<<

Democracy Now! and Other Related Film Clips
Providing Additional Information Concerning
Dr. Korten's Agenda for a New Economy


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Would you like to share your thoughts and comments about any
of the above commentary with others who are interested
in working to change our economic story ??
If so, try visiting:
The "Civic Action for Your Turf" (CA4YT) Forum
for a Fair and Balanced Economic System

You are cordially invited to join and participate !!


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