The Civic Action Free University

Koyemsi's Library of
Native American Studies



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Newest Arrivals

Aboriginal American Basketry
The American Indian in the United States, 1850 - 1914
The Case of the Cherokee Nation against the State of Georgia
Dances and Societies of the Plains Shoshone
Famous Indian Chiefs
Food Plants of the North American Indians
The Hunting Grounds of the Great West

Indian Games and Dances with Native Songs
The Indian Sign Language
The Indian To-day:  The Past and Future of the First American
Indians of the Southwest
The Indians' Book:  An Offering by the American Indians of Indian Lore
Introduction to the Study of Indian Languages
Introduction to the Study of Sign Language among the North American Indians

Lives of Famous Indian Chiefs
Navaho Myths, Prayers, and Songs
Personal Experiences among Our North American Indians from 1867 to 1885   >> and <<   Supplement
The Pawnee:  Mythology
Riding Gear of the North American Indians
Societies of the Plains Indians
Travels amongst American Indians:  Their Ancient Earthworks and Temples
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The Indians of North America
Twenty Volume Series Picturing and Describing the
Indians of the United States and Alaska
The North American Indian, Volume 1 - The Apache, Jicarillas, Navaho
The North American Indian, Volume 2 - The Pima, Papago, Qahatika, Mohave, Yuma, Maricopa, Walapai, Havasupai, Yavapai
The North American Indian, Volume 3 - The Teton Sioux, Yanktonai, Assiniboin
The North American Indian, Volume 4 - The Apsaroke or Crows, Hidatsa
The North American Indian, Volume 5 - The Mandan, Arikara, Atsina.
The North American Indian, Volume 6 - The Piegan, Cheyenne, Arapaho
The North American Indian, Volume 7 - The Yakima, Klickitat, Salishan Tribes of the interior, The Kutenai
The North American Indian, Volume 8 - The Nez Perces, Wallawalla, Umatilla, Cayuse, Chinookan Tribes
The North American Indian, Volume 9 - The Salishan tribes of the Coast, Chimakum and Quilliute, Willapa
The North American Indian, Volume 10 - The Kwakiutl
The North American Indian, Volume 11 - The Nootka, Haida
The North American Indian, Volume 12 - The Hopi
The North American Indian, Volume 13 - The Hupa, Yurok, Karok, Wiyot, Tolowa and Tututni, Shasta, Achomawi, Klamath
The North American Indian, Volume 14 - The Kato, Wailaki, Yuki, Pomo, Wintun, Maidu, Miwok, Yokuts
The North American Indian, Volume 15 - Southern California Shoshoneans, Dieguenos, Plateau Shoshoneans, Washo
The North American Indian, Volume 16 - The Tiwa, Keres
The North American Indian, Volume 17 - The Tewa, Zuni
The North American Indian, Volume 18 - The Chipewyan, Western Woods Cree, Sarsi
The North American Indian, Volume 19 - The Indians of Oklahoma, Wichita
The North American Indian, Volume 20 - The Alaskan Eskimo
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Alphabetical Directory

The Aboriginal Races of North America:  Comprising Biographical Sketches of Eminent Individuals, and an Historical Account of the Different Tribes
American History:  Comprising Historical Sketches of the Indian Tribes
The American Indian (Uh-nish-in-na-ba)
The American Indian:  An Introduction to the Anthropology of the New World
American Indian Fairy Tales
American Indian Life
American Indian Stories
American Indians
The American Indians:  Their History, Condition and Prospects
Biography and History of the Indians of North America:  From Its First Discovery
Blackfeet Indian Stories
Blackfoot Lodge Tales:  The Story of a Prairie People
The Book of Indian Battles, from the Landing of the Pilgrims in 1620 to the End of King Philip's War
By Canoe and Dog-Train among the Cree and Salteaux Indians
The Cherokee Indians:  With Special Reference to Their Relations with the United States Government
Echoes of the Forest:  American Indian Legends
Folk-Lore and Legends:  North American Indian
Food and Fiber Plants of the North American Indians
Geronimo's Story of His Life
The Ghost-Dance Religion and the Sioux Outbreak of 1890
Handbook of American Indian Languages, Volume 1
Handbook of American Indian Languages, Volume 2
History of Sitting Bull and his Sioux Indians
History of the Cherokee Indians and Their Legends and Folk Lore
History of the Early Discovery of America and Landing of the Pilgrims:  With a Biography of the North American Indians
History of the Indians of North and South America, Volumes 1-2
The History of the North American Indians:  Their Origin, with a Faithful Description of Their Manners and Customs
History of the Ojebway Indians
A History of the Osage People

Illustrations of the Manners, Customs, and Condition of the North American Indians, Volume I, by George Catlin
Illustrations of the Manners, Customs, and Condition of the North American Indians, Volume II, by George Catlin
In Red Man's Land:  A Study of the American Indian
Indian Biography
Indian Biography, or, An Historical Account of those Individuals Who Have Been Distinguished among the North American Natives as Orators, Warriors, Statesmen, and Other Remarkable Characters, Volume 2
Indian Boyhood
Indian Heroes and Great Chieftans
Indian History for Young Folks
The Indian in His Wigwam:  or, Characteristics of the Red Race of America
The Indian Miscellany:  Containing Papers on the History, Antiquities, Arts, Languages, Religions, Traditions and Superstitions of the American Aborigines
The Indian Races of North and South America
Indian Researches:  or, Facts Concerning the North American Indians; Including Notices of Their Present State of Improvement, in Their Social, Civil, and Religious Condition
Indian Stories
Indian Traits; Sketches of the Manners and Character of the North American Natives, Volume I
Indian Traits; Sketches of the Manners and Character of the North American Natives, Volume II
The Indian Tribes of the United States:  Their History Antiquities, Customs, Religion, Arts, Language, Traditions, Oral Legends
The Indian Tribes of the Upper Mississippi Valley and Region of the Great Lakes, Volume I
The Indian Tribes of the Upper Mississippi Valley and Region of the Great Lakes, Volume II
Indian Why Stories:  Sparks from War Eagle's Lodge-Fire
Introduction to the Study of Sign Language among the North American Indians
John Ross and the Cherokee Indians
Legends of the Red Children:  A Supplementary Reader for Fourth and Fifth Grade Pupils
Life Among the Apaches
The Manners, Customs, and Antiquities of the Indians of North and South America
The Mountain Chant:  A Navajo Ceremony
My Friend the Indian
Myths and Legends of the Sioux

Navajo Creation Myth:  The Story of the Emergence
Navaho Legends
Navajo Texts
North American Indian Fairy Tales:  Folklore and Legends
North American Indians of the Plains
The North-Americans of Yesterday
Old Indian Days
Old Indian Legends
The Old North Trail:  Life, Legends and Religion of the Blackfeet Indians
The Origin of the North American Indians:  With a Faithful Description of Their Manners and Customs
Pawnee Hero Stories and Folk-Tales
Physiological and Medical Observations among the Indians of Southwestern United States and Northern Mexico
Pictographs of the North American Indians
The Removal of the Cherokee Indians from Georgia, Volume 1
Seven and Nine Years Among the Comanches and Apaches
Sign Talk:  A Universal Signal Code, Without Apparatus
Sketches of Indian Character:  Being a Brief Survey of the Principal Features of Character Exhibited by the North American Indians
The Social Life of the Blackfoot Indians
The Soul of the Indian
The Story of the Indians of New England
The Story-Teller of the Tribe:  A Book of Indian Legends
The Sun Dance of the Plains Indians:  Its Development and Diffusion
Tales of the North American Indians
Tales of the North American Indians, and Adventures of the Early Settlers in America
Ten Big Indians:  Stories of Famous Indian Chiefs
Ten Little Indians:  Stories of How Indian Children Lived and Played
To the American Indian
The Traditions of Hopi
Traditions of the Skidi Pawnee
Villages of the Algonquian, Siouan, and Caddoan Ttribes West of the Mississippi
Wigwam Stories Told by North American Indians
Yaqui Myths and Legends
>>>   Top   <<<
500 Nations
The Story of Native Americans
500 Nations:
The Story of Native Americans
Part 1
500 Nations:
The Story of Native Americans
Part 2
500 Nations:
The Story of Native Americans
Part 3
500 Nations:
The Story of Native Americans
Part 4
History of Native
American Indians
Four Part Series
History of Native
American Indians
Part 1
History of Native
American Indians
Part 2
History of Native
American Indians
Part 3
History of Native
American Indians
Part 4
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Indian Native Prophecy
Elders Speak
Indian Native Prophecy
Elders Speak
Part  1/5
Indian Native Prophecy
Elders Speak
Part  2/5
Indian Native Prophecy
Elders Speak
Part  3/5
Indian Native Prophecy
Elders Speak
Part  4/5
Indian Native Prophecy
Elders Speak
Part  5/5
Selected Photos and Music of
America's First Nations
Great Chiefs
First Nations - 1
First Nation
"Tribute to Native Peoples"
First Nations - 2
First Nations - 3
Lonely Nights
First Nations - 4
I'll Be Back Someday
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Native Americans in World War II
Indians in the War
Native American Medal of Honor Recipients
Navajo Code Talker Marines
Part  1/2
Navajo Code Talker Marines
Part  2/2
Navajo Code Talker Dictionary
Navajo Code Talker Photos
The Story of Lozan -- Apache Woman Warrior
Lozan -- Apache
Woman Warrior
Part  1/5
Lozan -- Apache
Woman Warrior
Part  2/5
Lozan -- Apache
Woman Warrior
Part  3/5
Lozan -- Apache
Woman Warrior
Part  4/5
Lozan -- Apache
Woman Warrior
Part  5/5
>>>   Top   <<<
Great Chief of the Shawnee
The Last Warrior
Part  1/10
The Last Warrior
Part  2/10
The Last Warrior
Part  3/10
The Last Warrior
Part  4/10
The Last Warrior
Part  5/10
The Last Warrior
Part  6/10
The Last Warrior
Part  7/10
The Last Warrior
Part  8/10
The Last Warrior
Part  9/10
The Last Warrior
Part  10/10
>>>   Top   <<<
Sitting Bull of the Lakota Sioux
One of the Sioux Tribe's Greatest Chiefs
Chief Crazy Horse of the Lakota Sioux
Crazy Horse
Part  1/5
Crazy Horse
Part  2/5
Crazy Horse
Part  3/5
Crazy Horse
Part  4/5
Crazy Horse
Part  5/5
The Lakota Legends
The Lakota
Part  1/12
The Lakota
Part  2/12
The Lakota
Part  3/12
The Lakota
Part  4/12
The Lakota
Part  5/12
The Lakota
Part  6/12
The Lakota
Part  7/12
The Lakota
Part  8-A/12
The Lakota
Part  8-B/12
The Lakota
Part  9/12
The Lakota
Part  10/12
The Lakota
Part  11/12
The Lakota Legends
Part  12/12
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Some Contemporary Issues of Major Concern for
Native American Tribes and Peoples
Broken Rainbow
Russell Means:  Welcome
To The Reservation
They Buried the Heart
of Leonard Peltier --
But Not In the Spirit
of Crazy Horse
John Trudell
Battle for Whiteclay
Uranium Mining in the
Navajo Nation
After Decades of Uranium Mining,
Navajo Nation Struggles With
Legacy of Contamination
Uranium Mines Poison the
Navajo Nation
Structures in the
Navajo Nation
Navajo Nation Power
Vs. Coal And Uranium
Part 1
Navajo Nation Power
Vs. Coal And Uranium
Part 2
Navajo Nation Power
Vs. Coal And Uranium
Part 3
Navajo Nation Power
Vs. Coal And Uranium
Part 4
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United Nations Declaration on the
Rights of Indigenous Peoples
Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
(English -- PDF File)
Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
(Text in Numerous International Languages)
The Universal Declaration of
Human Rights
Universal Declaration of Human Rights -- United Nations UDHR Site
>>   LibriVox Audio -- Multilingual Group 1            >>   LibriVox Audio -- Multilingual Group 2
UDHR -- Film Clip Collection
>>>   Top   <<<

We Shall Remain
Episode 1:  After The Mayflower


After The Mayflower,  Part 1
After The Mayflower,  Part 2
After The Mayflower,  Part 3

After The Mayflower,  Part 4
After The Mayflower,  Part 5
After The Mayflower,  Part 6
After The Mayflower,  Part 7

After The Mayflower,  Part 8
After The Mayflower,  Part 9
After The Mayflower , Part 10

We Shall Remain
Episode 2:  Tecumseh's Vision
>>>   Trailer Only -- Film Currently Unavailable on YouTube   <<<

Tecumseh's Vision,  Part 1
Tecumseh's Vision,  Part 2
Tecumseh's Vision,  Part 3
Tecumseh's Vision,  Part 4

Tecumseh's Vision,  Part 5
Tecumseh's Vision,  Part 6
Tecumseh's Vision,  Part 7

Tecumseh's Vision,  Part 8
Tecumseh's Vision,  Part 9
Tecumseh's Vision,  Part 10
Tecumseh's Vision,  Part 11

We Shall Remain
Episode 3:  Trail of Tears
>>>   Trailer Only -- Film Currently Unavailable on YouTube   <<<

Trail of Tears,  Part 1
Trail of Tears,  Part 2
Trail of Tears,  Part 3

Trail of Tears,  Part 4
Trail of Tears,  Part 5
Trail of Tears,  Part 6

Trail of Tears,  Part 7
Trail of Tears,  Part 8
Trail of Tears,  Part 9

We Shall Remain
Episode 4:  Geronimo
>>>   Trailer Only -- Film Currently Unavailable on YouTube   <<<

Geronimo,  Part 1
Geronimo,  Part 2
Geronimo,  Part 3

Geronimo,  Part 4
Geronimo,  Part 5

Geronimo,  Part 6
Geronimo,  Part 7
Geronimo,  Part 8

We Shall Remain
Episode 5:  Wounded Knee
>>>   Trailer Only -- Film Currently Unavailable on YouTube   <<<

Wounded Knee,  Part 1
Wounded Knee,  Part 2
Wounded Knee,  Part 3

Wounded Knee,  Part 4
Wounded Knee,  Part 5
Wounded Knee,  Part 6

Wounded Knee,  Part 7
Wounded Knee,  Part 8
Wounded Knee,  Part 9
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Links to Some Significant Contemporary
Native American Resources
Open Directory              Tribal Governments              Yahoo! Directory              BIA -- Useful Links
USA.gov -- Tribal Governments & Native Americans              Virtual Library -- Native American Resources
Smithsonian -- American Indian History and Culture              Library of Congress -- Native American History
Center for Multilingual & Multicultural Research -- Native American Resources
Georgie Jessup's Native American Resource Links
National Archives -- Indians / Native Americans

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