The Civic Action Free University
Wishes You a Very
Happy Re-Inauguration Day !!


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America the Story of Us:
The Declaration of Independence


America the Story of Us:
The American Revolution


Declaration of Independence

Fifes and Drums of Yorktown at Fort Ticonderoga
The Star-Spangled Banner (History) Understanding the Declaration of Independence -- 9 Key Concepts

Sesame Street -- Don Music Writes "Yankee Doodle"
Liberty Fanfare Painting -- Declaration of Independence America: Fanfare for the Common Man

Stars & Stripes Forever!  (Muppet Variation)
Battle Hymn of the Republic America The Beautiful Lady Liberty Anthem

Muppets Reenact the
Continental Congress

The American Revolutionary War
Middlesex County Volunteer
Fifes and Drums


Music for the Royal Fireworks
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Working to Keep the
Spirit of '76 Alive and Well !!

Your Friends at:
The Civic Action Free University