
The Civic Action Free University
Celebrating Black History
Some Key Internet Resources


Happy Re-Inauguration Day !!

African American History

African American History for Kids

African American History: 17 Collections -- Library of Congress

African American History & Heritage Site

African American History -- Histor eSearch.com

African American History -- University of Washington Library

The African-American Mosaic Exhibition -- Library of Congress

African American Studies Subject Guide -- Missouri State University Libraries

Afro-American History -- African American Web Connection

Black History -- The History Channel

Black History -- The National Archives, Archives Library Information Center (ALIC)

Black History -- The New York Institute for Special Education

Black History Hotlist

Black History Hotlist -- Franklin Institute Online

Black History Month -- Distinguished Women of Past and Present

Black History Month -- InfoPlease

Black History Month -- The Learning Network

Black History Month -- The Teacher's Corner

Celebrate Black History -- Biography.com

Celebrating Black History -- FamilyEducation.com

Celebrating Black History on the Web -- University of Colorado Library

A Celebration of Black History -- Rockingham County VA.
Public Schools

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. -- Some Highlights

Open Directory's Black History Month Directory

Selected Minority and African-American Scholarship Links

Yahoo!'s Black History Month Resource Directory



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The Tuskegee Airmen
The Tuskegee Airmen
On Freedom's Wings:  Legacy
of the Tuskegee Airmen
Dogfights:  The Tuskegee Airmen
Tuskegee Airman Tribute
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