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My Buggy Re-Build Project
Some Old Pics of A New Paint Job...

Off Road Racing

Here are a few shots of the buggy from it's first freshening up after I had her a few years. This was almost totally cosmetic, cleaning & painting, new rims & tires, Oh yeah, and a little engine work.

Fresh White Paint.

This white paint was automotive paint sprayed on by my dad in Burbank, CA when I still lived in North Hollywood, CA for a good base to lay the rest of the colors on, and sealing the fiberglass.

I was glad we did that, because it held up really well playing, and just in general until I was ready to do the colors.

Actually, I had bought automotive paint to spray it with, but I moved to Santa Ana before my dad & I could paint it...

So, I went the spray bomb route. It was just easier for me since I didn't have a compressor or spray guns. With a new home, one child & one on the way there wasn't much extra money to buy equipment.

In The Paint Process

This is an early picture in the process of my first attempt at a paint job.

I didn't have a clue what I was doing for a multi color paint job, the process, or the order of things to be done.

You can let me know what you think of the final product.

One Side Pod

Here's an early shot in the process of painting one of the side pods.

Sand, measure, tape, scratch head, drink beer, cuss a lot, and spray some paint.

One Side Pod Done

Here's a shot of the first finished part in the process of painting this car...

Not too bad... even if I do say so myself.

On To The Hood

OK, time to start on the hood...

Where do I begin???

Oh, I don't know, just tape it up & start spraying in the middle!!! LoL

Actually, the masked of parts are already painted.

Cool, The Hoods Done!!!

I'm starting to feel better... The Hoods Done!!!

And looking pretty good too... I must admit I was feeling pretty proud of myself.

I know it wasn't done yet, but it looked pretty good when I put the parts on the car just to see how it looked.

Almost Finished

This was when I thought I was finished painting the buggy.

But after looking at if for a few days, I decided I didn't like the white lines between the bold body colors.

It's kind of hard to see, but there are three colors... Dark blue, sky blue, and black, with the white lines in between.


Now, that's better!!

I like it a lot better with the yellow lines between the colors.

I would have liked it better if I had made smooth curves, instead of sharp corners, but it was my first paint job on a car, and I was in a rush.

I still think it turned out pretty good for a spray bomb paint job.

Out Front For The Neighbors To See!

Now, there's the front view...

I rolled the car out into the front yard for my neighbors to see the finished product.

Several of them kept coming over from time to time to see the progress while I was doing it.

I did get quite a few compliments on it when it was finished... mainly because they knew the environment I was painting in.

Outside, wind, bugs, dirt... all in the paint...

But when it was all said & done, you couldn't tell.

Fresh Paint

That's Kenny hangin' on the head light after the buggy's new paint job.

He helped out a lot working on this paint job bring'n me sandpaper, tape, beer... LoL
I think he felt good getting to help Dad out.

Not bad for spray bombs though, Huh?

These were taken back in '81 when we lived in Santa Ana, CA.

Maybe I can do a better job this time... with a little better planning, and hopefully a better selection of paint colors available.

But it will be another outdoor paint job... But who cares? The last one lasted almost 23 years, and it's just gunna get scratched & chipped up anyway...
If it looks too good I won't want it getting messed up!

It ain't no show car, it's a go fast toy!!! Let's Play!!!