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Interior, Dash, Gauges & Console

These first shots are of the original speedo and clock with idiot lights for comparison to the new ones. I don't know about you, but I always had trouble seeing these at night because of the dust on the inside of the lenses, and the clock never worked anyway.

Old Speedo

Old Clock w/Idiot Lights

This just shows the wasted space where all the wires usually hang down if anyone has ever done anything under the dash. Mine had been vandalized at one time, so there are a lot of hanging wires.

New Tach w/Turn Signal

These shots are of the new electric speedo and tachometer both with turn signal lights. Much nicer than the originals, very visable at night and in my opinion look great for fitting into the stock dash.

New Speedo w/Turn Signal

Tach & New Speedo w/Turn Signal
View Through The Wheel

Dash & Console

The view from the passenger side of the Dash & mock up console. Note the BowTie! That will be the high beam indicator once I get the blue plexiglass cut to size, and a light socket mounted to the back of it.

Console Up Close