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Eulogy: Bob Canada

I first want to thank you all for coming here today to honor the most honorable of men.  A man who, most honorably, served his family, his country and his fellow man.  For those of us who were fortunate enough to know Bob, his memory of being a compassionate human being will be one that we will have in our hearts forever.

We all know that Bob was a soldier.  But Bob was a different kind of soldier.  Bob was a medic.  He told me  that he had seen a lot of brutality in Vietnam when I asked why he was a vegetarian.  Bob told me a story of soldiers, for whatever reason, shot animals.  This practice may have been strategic or it may have been just brutal.  But Bob took exception to this practice and felt so strongly about what he had seen that it effected Bob to the point of kneeling over an injured animal and vowing never to eat meat for the rest of his life.  Bob's loyal vow was true.  He was as loyal to his friends.  Despite some of the many imperfections that some of us may have had in Bob's eyes, he always saw a bigger picture, and stayed loyal to those close to him.

When it came to what was right and what was wrong, Bob would take the guess work out of it.  He'd tell you which way the wind blew in Denmark.  I guess that was the old "Sergeant" coming out in him.  We all knew Bob the Sergeant.  We all knew that "Sergeant look" he had.  It was a look of determination for what was right and just.  I guess that's why I feel that Bob Canada was one of the best Mayor's or Councilman that Hawaiian Garden's ever had.  Bob's determination and leadership was the most critical time in the city's history.  Bob stood loyal to the truth, to the working people, and to the city.  Bob fought for working men and women.  He was very upset when city staff were laid off. He didn't see it as effecting staff, he saw it as effecting families.  It was tough times when Bob served the city.  We were fortunate to have Bob at those times.

But those times were also good times.  I remember when Bob first introduced the city to Native American Pow-Wows.  They were a great success.  Residents were  soon asking when the next one was going to take place.  Pow-Wows were a natural hit in the Hawaiian Garden's and Bob loved for them to take place here.  Bob took pride in his Native American heritage and was always giving us stories and facts about Native American culture.  As he was honored for combat in the army, Bob was honored at the Pow-Wow's for his efforts and accomplishments.

Many times Bob and many of his friends enjoyed  barbecues and eating outside where the conversation ranged from small town politics to who was better, the Army or the Navy.  Bob did have a great sense of humor.  I think that's what I'll miss the most.

Bob Canada was part of the truly good and unique people that Hawaiian Garden's gets little publicity about.  Bob was very aware of the negative press the city got.  He wanted to see the day when our small town would be the shining star above all others.  And because of Bob Canada's vision for the future, he has made the key decisions that will positively effect our city in the years to come.  This city's success will be Bob Canada's legacy.....

Written by; Leonard Chaidez


In Loving Memory of
Sgt. Robert Gaylon Canada
February 17, 1943 - November 27, 1999
He was laid to rest in All Souls Cemetery
4440 Cherry Ave, Long Beach, CA
on December 2, 1999

Bob was honored at a special Pow-wow in his memory
on Dec. 2nd & 3rd in Hawaiian Gardens, CA

 Pow-wow Info
 Bob's Biography
 City of Hawaiian Gardens
 St. Peter Chanel Catholic Church

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