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Here are a list of all the advice givers we have and a profile so you can choose who you want to talk to. Keep in mind that these are not professionals, but people just like you or me. Please feel secure enough to open up to these people. They have been selected carefully and they have agreed to keep everything confidential. Still, it would be a good idea to not give out your address, phone number or other such information. Thanks!

Birthday-March 21, 1987
Hobbies-Watching Charmed!, working on my webpages, helping people, listening to music, having fun!, chatting on AOL.
Why I am good at giving advice?- I think about things a lot and really think that I am good with helping people. I can also relate to a lot of problems. I am thinking of someday becoming a psychiatrist, and have looked into it. So, I am pretty qualified to help people with their problems.
Any other comments?-I hope that you guys feel free to e-mail me. I keep everything confidential and I just hope that I can help you out in some way!

Birthday-April 5, 1987
Hobbies-I like to work with animals, hang with friends, and talk. I also never get tired of playing volleyball.
Why I am good at giving advice? I think I would be good because I have already heard some problems and I think that I made the right the decision in what to tell the people to do.
Any other comments?-nope

Birthday-October 3, 1978
Hobbies-Reading Books, Surfing the Net, Listening to Music on the Radio, Watching MTV and TV Series like Dawsons Creek, The Practice, Oprah Winfrey Show, 7th Heaven, and Charmed (of course).
Why I am good at giving advice? At the age of 22, I may not have all the experience but from what I see, hear, and learn from others, I know I would be good at helping others with their problems. And also, with the kind of training I got from Peer Counciling, I think that would be an advantage.
Any other comments?-I just to say that it would be a great opportunity to become one of the staff of this particular webpage. I've been looking for something like this in the past and I hope that you'll allow me to be of help to others. Hoping to hear from you soon and I'm looking forward to the time when I'll be of help. Thanks!

Birthday-March 29, 1984
Hobbies-swimming, hiking, parties, and just having a good time with friends.
Why I am good at giving advice?-i have been through many hardships and i know what it is like to be disliked, unnoticed, and not appreciated. and i want to help people so they dont have to suffer through the things i have.
Any other comments?-well i am gay and i am happy to see a project like this on the internet...i applaud you. great job

Birthday-July 8, 1984
Hobbies-I love to do gymnastics and diving. I've been a gymnast since i was 4, and a diver since I was 5. I also love hanging out with my friends, and babysitting.
Why I am good at giving advice?-Because I have 2 older sisters, and 1 older brother, and 3 younger brothers, and a twin sister, so I have to deal with problems all my life, and I feel as though I can handle other peoples problems, and give them a lending hand.
Any other comments?-I just wanna say that I love this site!

Birthday-October 20, 1986
Hobbies-My hobbies are volleyball and swimming i also love to dance and twirl!
Why I am good at giving advice?-I feel like sometimes people just need a little boost of confidence or just some anwers on a problem and i would love to hep someone i help alot of my friends and nothings better then making the right choice for there decision.
Any other comments?-there's always somone there to talk to u just have to look for them

Ally Eastmen
Hobbies-Acting, Volleyball, Peer Couseling, I help a friend who is 25 with Big Sisters (a mentoring program), ACTS (A Chance To Serve), Horse riding
Why I am good at giving advice?-becuase i have experience with helping others thru peer counseling and Big Sisters. plus a have 2 bros and a sis who always come to me w/ problems and my friends do too!
Any other comments?-i love to help anyone in anyway i can!

Birthday-June, 16 1984
Hobbies-most of the time I'm on the net, or watching tv. But I also like to hang out with my friend, or babysite.
Why I am good at giving advice?-I like to help people. I have 2 sisters and one brother there allways gets in too trouble, and I like helping them out again. I might not be "THE BEST" to help people with there problems...But I sure can chere them up! *smile*
Any other comments?-None.

Birthday-April 30
Hobbies-I love to spend time with my friends, check out guys, shop and just chill. I love to give advice and i am very experienced in the areas of guys and friends. My friends say i give the best advice and when i grow up i hope to be a psychologist for teens.
Why I am good at giving advice?-I feel I would be good for this job because i am very experienced and have had about everything happen to me. So i know how to deal with it in the right way and i love to help people.

Birthday-January 6, 1971
Hobbies-Sports,I coach sports,making incense and candles,meditating,I am everybodys'Dear Abby(so to speak)taking care of my children,not to mention my family,I take in homeless animals,I am in to anything that is good for the soul.
Why I am good at giving advice?- I have had enough problems in my life and have gotten through them.It gives me a great feeling to have tried to help someone.There is someone out there with a problem bigger than yours.
Any other comments?-If you do not choose me this is o.k.thank you for just giving me that chance to be heard by you.I do not know what your beliefs are,but I believe in the 3x3 rule and the,Harm ye none.

Why I am good at giving advice?- I've been in everything.
Any other comments?-none

Hobbies-Swimming,Fencing and tennis
Why I am good at giving advice?-Because i tend to have a reputation for listening to people and giving them advice and hopefully coming up with a solution.
Any other comments?-I'd really like to help people with their problems.

Hobbies-swimming,horseback riding,badminton,listening to music,singing,watching t.v.,computer,comforting someone that's angry or depressed,giving advice,meeting new people.
Why I am good at giving advice?-i've done it many times before and I plan to continue to do so
Any other comments?-none

Alice Jackson
Birthday-October 11, 1983
Hobbies-Watching charmed! Other things are hanging out with my friends, going to the beach, singing, listening to music and i also love to act
Why I am good at giving advice?-I went through a lot when i was younger and I still do. I feel like I could help a lot of people with my expirences.
Any other comments?-I really think I could help a lot of people. Thanxs for considering me!

Birthday-June 14, 1988
Hobbies-Watching TV, listening to music, chatting and hanging out w/ my friends and writing
Why I am good at giving advice?-b/c i'm a good listener and i like to feel that i'm doing something good for other people. And b/c i would never try to hurt anyone and i will keep everything confidential
Any other comments?-none

Birthday-May 18, 1986
Hobbies-Well i like to go to the movies and the mall, go to my friends house's to hang out, things like that.
Why I am good at giving advice?-All my friends think that i give perfect advice for the situation.
Any other comments?-Please put something in the subject box if you are going to e-mail me. Thank you!

Birthday-January 11th
Hobbies-I like to sing on occation,go camping,working on computer is the biggest thing,i do that everyday and almost all day.
Why I am good at giving advice?-Well to be honest,and im not trying to brag here so dont get me wrong.but i spend a good part of my time during the day helping my friends on here.I go into chat rooms on here on a regular basis.and have alot of friends in those rooms who are always asking for someone to talk to or help them with a problem,give them advice,or just to have someone to talk to.and i try to help out where i can,and hope that any advice i give is good enough to suite them,and they leave happy.
Any other comments?-I would just like to say that if im able to be of any help that i hope to be able to help at least one person one day at a time.

If you would like to become part of the staff go to my Application Form.

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