Eden Updates

October 2001 to June 2002 Pictures

Someone is being a silly head!

Mother and daughter. Mommy is 9 months pregnant.

Stopping for a snapshot at the playground. She's thrilled. Can't ya tell?

Hanging at the park.

"Thanks for the ride, lady."

All dressed up and playing with cars.

Daddy and Eden in Papa's back yard.

Playing in the pool. (6/5/02)

Sky Princess.

What I'm doing now...

(*** indicates my latest feats.)

I LOVE Elmo, Blue's Clues, and Dora!

I like to help change my little sister's diapers.

I'm like a teenager already, running up our phone bill talking to everyone I can talk with.

I can brush my teeth all by myself.


I like to tickle people. I stick out my index fingers and buzz like a bee then attack!

I know my colors, numbers, body parts, and more things every day!

***I can count to 16.

***I know my letters.

***I'm using the potty all by myself now and I clean my potty when I am done.

***I help Mommy by sweeping the floor.

***I can do sommersaults.

PLEASE sign the guestbook.

See my little sister, Aya Rose.


My 0-3 month pictures and what I was doing then.

My 3-6 pictures and what I was doing then.

See my family ad more pictures of li'l ol' me!

Eden Weekly Archives

July 2000

August 2000

September 2000

September-October 2000