The Memories
- Ozzy falling back in his chair.
- Ozzy stuck on the weather channel.
- Ozzy tried to hide Jacks knife, and he puts it under a bowl of bananas.
- Minnie attacking Kelly.
- Ozzy repeats the singing James Brown doll over and over and dances to it.
- Ozzy pretending to swim in the pool with no water.
- When Ozzy puts Minnie up to his face and starts singing to her.
- Sharon letting Minnie lick her tongue.
- Lola crapping on the new carpet.
- Sharon crashing Kelly’s Benz.
- When the houseguest Dill burns the griddle.
- Sharon throwing a ham over the neighbors yard.
- Sharon flinging a sock at Jack’s face.
- Ozzy chasing the cat and repeatedly yelling "Sharon!"
- Kelly imitating Christina Aguilera at the
dinner table in the middle of christmas dinner. (from Jhalacy)
- When Jack got Lola back and they swim in the pool together and then Lola
walks out of the pool then immediatley throws up. (from Jhalacy)
- Kelly loosing her dad's credit card. (from Rrolston)
- Ozzy trying to open his Best Of Chris Farley DVD. Then, he couldn't figure out how to start the DVD.
- Ozzy slicing a piece of ham. "I'm a professional." Then Ozzy gives the camera a freaky smile.
- I'm also fond of when Ozzy said he wouldn't do that concert & five seconds - tv time - he was doing that concert. (from tapanga)
- Another thing I like is when Sharon & Kelly go shopping & the car's full & Ozzys sees it all, Sharron says 'Ozzy, it's for your bathroom. (from tapanga)
- The final thing I like is when Sharron tries to make him where the kacket with the bat wings & Ozzy refuses. (from tapanga)
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