Eden Weekly!

September 2, to September 27 2000

Enjoying a nightly bath.

The joy of sleeping.

Eden smooching Isaiah.

Gotta love the look on Isaiah's face!

Such fun!

Standing up in Uncle Micah's back yard.

Eating Micah's flowers. Giving the deer a run for their money.

Playing inside.

What I'm doing now...

(*** indicates my latest feats.)

Oh, I'm getting into everything now. Crawling everywhere and chasing toes.

I still love spitting everywhere. Blowing raspberries to everyone who'll look my way.

I call for my "Mama" if she leaves me alone too long.

I'm learning how to be a monkey. I like to pull myself up onto furniture and bounce up and down, especially when I'm angry.

***I love lemons!

***I kissed a boy!!!! My godfather, Micah brought Isaiah over. (He's a younger man, you see. Born in June.) I kept kissing him. And when his daddy took him, I kept climbing over his daddy so I could kiss him more. Mommy said if I kissed boys that my lips would fall off, but as you can see from the pictures, they're still smiling.

***I can stand up all by myself.

*** I expect applause every time I stand up. If you don't clap for me, I will clap for myself. I don't do it the way everyone else does, though. I use my left hand and I slap the top of my right forearm near my elbow. It makes the same sound as Mommy's does. She tells me I'm a big girl now.

PLEASE sign the guestbook.

EDEN WEEKLY HAS MOVED!! (using too much bandwith here)


My 0-3 month pictures and what I was doing then.

My 3-6 pictures and what I was doing then.

See my family ad more pictures of li'l ol' me!

Eden Weekly Archives

July 2000

August 2000