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Name: Kenneth L.

Aliases: Kenny/ Ken/ Kenken/ Kenshin/ FT/ TranceBoy

Nationality: Asian American

Location: OC, Southern California

Age: 17

Birthday: May, 1986

Current School: Saddleback High School

Current Grade Level: Senior

Height:5'8 1/2"

Weight: 146 lbs

Hair Color: Brown/Black

Eyes: Golden Brown

Ken Wearing a Cap
Ken Pose

I don't like to post my pictures online. :-P


I was born in Southern California in the 1986. I am the only child of my family. I am officially 1st generation of my family in America. My family is completely clueless about the American World. They are truly not use to the style of the America. I had problems with English since childhood. I am still improving upon my English that is still somewhat poor. I went to Taft Elementary for pre-schooling. Then I went to Jefferson Elementary. In Jefferson, I met many people and made friends. I had problems up till 4th grade. Then I was able to catch up with the others. After Elementary I went to MacArthur Jr High School. Within there I gained more perspectives on life. I had the bests times in MacArthur. Following that, now I attend Saddleback High School, where my journey through life continues. In my 9th grade year, I met someone that changed my goals and raised the standards, but I am not to ever see her again. But this is the time when my facination begins with Computer Arts.