



Quote of the year so far:
Tim: I am viagra.

Hey look! This page has some pictures of some favourite frequent quoters! Take a squiz! [UNDER CONSTRUCTION]

Last updated: [Kat] April 30th, 2002. New funny quotes! (sorry for the lack thereof, i've been in hospital).
Stuck the May and June, July/Aug/Sept ones in their own category. :) Current quotes below are from November AND December because i didn't get many November.

This site was inspired by The Quote Book which is a fantastic and hilarious site i recommend that you visit ASAP (It's been updated! yeehaw!!).

Email Kat!

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This site is always under construction and features strange phrases or conversations that come up between my friends and i. New ones added daily (my friends are constantly funny).

Take note: The quoters whose names are only an initial and their surname means it's been said in my classes, and they're the teacher.

CAUTION: Some of these quotes contain profanity or obscenities. In fact, a lot of 'em will. Just warning ya. If you get offended by this kinda thing, fuck off. ;) *gaze*

July 2000

August 2000

September 2000

October 2000

November 2000

Dec 2000-April 2001

May 2001

June 2001

July 2001

Aug/Sept 2001

Here's the latest (March/April with a lil Jan/Feb 2002):

Tim: "New South Wales, we're like Wales.. but.. newer and more south."

Kat: I've been high since the Olympics.

Kat: I'm high, get over it.

Chris: Okay, so do that again.
Kat: Uh?
Chris: I wasn't filming. I didn't get that. So we have to film it again.
Kat: Oh okay.
Chris: Cause seeing we didn't film it-
Jeeves: -it isn't on film?
Chris: Well yeah... so i can't use.. that.

From last year:
D. Gray: No murder will occur in the back row!

Kat: They just like fish..
Dan L: ..and small aircraft..

Kat: And Daniel's conscience says, "I wish you would use me more often..
Dan L: ..i'm not satisfied with this job arrangement..

Mrs Sophacleous: Never use 'appearance versus reality' in your Bursary essays, ever. In anything. Or i will hunt you down.

Sue: Tranzrail, we'll bomb you!

Blake: Don't say i don't ever take you anywhere..
Sue: -And leave you there, too!

Kat: I'm gonna be knackered at the gym tonight.
Ceilidh: What? why? that's a bit bizarre.
Kat: Bizarre? i've been working hard..
Ceilidh: So you think it's okay. Hell, i spose so, someone might get something out of it.
Kat: um. who would be that sadistic?
Ceilidh: sadistic pervs, i spose.
Kat: ....rightyho.
Ceilidh: But seriously, WHY are you going to be naked at the gym tonight?

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