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. . .Amazing Remedies and Procedures

Primal Defense

HSO™ Probiotic Formula



This product is for the Intestinal tract. It is unique.

The PRIMAL DEFENSE formula is a combination of three highly concentrated whole food products. It is THE ONLY PRODUCT containing the proprietary HSO (homeostatic soil organisms) probiotic formula and a full therapeutic serving of immune-enhancing PhytoSterols & Sterolins. The third ingredient is the highest density of Kamut and other certified organic grass juices found on the market today.

Together, these ingredients form THE foundational health formula that cleanses, rebalances, nourishes, and supports the immune system at both the intestinal and the cellular levels.

When you take PRIMAL DEFENSE™, you are getting nutrition very close to an original paleolithic food source. Even with dietary supplements and a great diet, it is impossible to obtain adequate amounts of these crucial nutrients today.




PRIMAL DEFENSE™ is a restoration of complete nutrient complexes that used to be in our foods [prior to 1950]. When we ate closer to the soil, we consumed these critical nutrients:

1) Beneficial soil bacteria,

2) PhytoSterols/Sterolins, and

3) The pure plant itself.

Beneficial soil bacteria used to be ingested as part of food grown in rich, unpolluted soil. But for the last 50 years, we have been sterilizing our soil with pesticides and herbicides, killing most soil bacteria both bad and good. Our modern lifestyle, which includes antibiotic drug use, chlorinated water, chemical ingestion and pollution, is responsible for eradicating much of the remaining beneficial bacteria in our bodies. A lack of beneficial bacteria and inadequate diet are the main causes of sluggish bowels. Poor waste elimination often results in auto-intoxication, or "intestinal toxemia," which is a poisoning of the body from built-up waste material seeping into the rest of the body ("leaky-gut syndrome").

Our immune systems simply will not function at the necessary optimal levels without plant lipids (fats) called sterols and sterolins. Found in freshly harvested plants, plant sterolins are completely dissipated within 6-8 hours after harvest. Accordingly, we get very few of these indispensable lipids since most of the produce we buy (including organic) is out of the ground for longer than 6 hours; those sterolins that are left are destroyed by cooking, freezing and processing. More than 130 studies have shown that restoring this concentrated "PhytoSterol/Sterolin" substance to the diet in therapeutic amounts increased the immune response significantly in many autoimmune and low immunity patients.

Densely nutritious green foods are the very source of life. To function optimally, we must consume three to five servings of RAW green leafy vegetables daily. To contain the necessary minerals and bacteria, these plants must be grown in fertile soil free from poisons. They must then be eaten within several hours of harvesting. Obviously we can’t get this today, even in organic produce. So what can we do? Ingest highly concentrated, certified organic cereal grass juices.



Homeostatic Soil Organisms

The base ingredient of the unique PRIMAL DEFENSE™ formula is the original proprietary beneficial bacteria (HSO) used for over 20 years. The naturally occurring colony arrays of soil organisms are non-mutated from the original cultures found in unpolluted soil and are now cultured in U.S. labs using the discoverer’s proprietary methods. HSO are in a substrate of trace elements, enzymes and proteins from plant life that contain over 70 trace minerals and micronutrients. This substrate and exclusive delivery system keeps the product dormant in the capsule but alive through the digestive process.

How Do HSO Work?

Impervious to stomach acids and the digestive process, the microorganisms move through the stomach to the intestinal tract where they form colonies along the intestinal walls. HSO multiply in the intestines and actually compete with "harmful" bacteria for receptor sites, crowding out the pathogens and taking their place. Once established, the organisms quickly begin producing the proper environment to absorb nutrients and help to reestablish the proper pH.

HSO work from the inside of the intestines dislodging accumulated decay on the walls and flushing out waste.

HSO break down hydrocarbons - a unique ability to split food into its most basic elements allowing almost total absorption through the digestive system. This increases overall nutrition and enhances cellular development.

HSO produce specific proteins that act as antigens, encouraging the immune system to produce huge pools of uncoded antibodies. This increased production of B-cells and antibodies may significantly boost the body’s ability to ward off diseases.

HSO are very aggressive against pathological molds, yeast, fungi, bacteria, parasites, and viruses.

HSO work in symbiosis with somatic (tissue or organ) cells to metabolize proteins and eliminate toxic wastes.

HSO provide critical Lactoferrin supplementation. The organisms produce Lactoferrin as a by-product of their metabolism. Lactoferrin is an iron-binding protein essential for retrieving iron from foods.

What’s the Difference Between HSO
and Traditional Probiotics?

Even if they manage to get through destructive stomach acids, most traditional probiotic supplements can have a hard time implanting in colons that are pH imbalanced or have too many harmful bacteria. HSO can implant in any colonic environment. Since most probiotic supplements contain live cultures, they are temperature and age sensitive, therefore requiring refrigeration. HSO are dormant in the capsule and activated by fluids. PRIMAL DEFENSE™ has at least a three-year, non-refrigerated, shelf life.


Plant Sterols / Sterolins


Plant Sterols (phytosterols) and sterolins will become one of the most valuable tools for the repair and maintenance of the immune system we have ever known. In over 130 double-blind clinical studies, sterolins have proven to be responsible for a major portion of the immune function because they block normal production of lnterlukin 6, the chemical associated with autoimmune and inflammatory conditions. Sterols and sterolins also modulate the function of T-cells that specialize in fighting viruses and certain bacteria living inside the host’s cells. Studies show remarkable response by patients with a number of immune dysfunctions including chronic fatigue syndrome, MS, and diabetes. They are also beneficial for those suffering from allergies, viruses, fibromyalgia, tumors, BPH (enlarged prostate), and are proven to lower LDL (bad) cholesterol.

Although plant lipids are found in every fruit and vegetable, the highest natural source of sterols/sterolins known is a combination of the South African Potato and Oil Seed sprouts. This unique source of sprout sterols/sterolins is hundreds of times more bioavailable than any other source. It contains no chemical residue and is not chemically extracted. It’s in the natural whole food form. The recommended minimum therapeutic quantity (400 mg.) of plant based natural PhytoSterols/Sterolins is contained in the suggested daily maintenance serving of 5 capsules of PRIMAL DEFENSE™.


Cereal Grass Juices

Cereal Grasses are the immature shoots of grass harvested before "jointing" when they become mature grain. Much richer in nutrients than grains, they are well tolerated by those who are sensitive to grains because they contain no gluten or long chain starches. Grasses can pick up more than 90 of the estimated 102 minerals found in soil and contain ample amounts of vitamin A, B, C and K, offering unique digestive enzymes not available in other foods.

Cereal grasses contain the antioxidant-enzyme super oxide dismutase (SOD), P4D1, large amounts of chlorophyll and the "Grass Juice Factor." These substances have all been shown to slow cellular deterioration and mutation and may even help reverse aging. According to experts, P4D1 works by stimulating the renewal of RNA/DNA. The "Grass Juice Factor’ has a potent anti-inflammatory effect.



The PRIMAL DEFENSE™ formula is made up of three products in one 500 mg. capsule or caplet that contains:

WARNING: People taking medication for diabetes, high cholesterol, hypertension, allergies, asthma, or digestive disorders may have to decrease dosages. Monitor frequently and consult your health professional.




PRIMAL DEFENSE is found at Health Food stores everywhere, usually [for 90 caplets] at the suggested retail price of $ 39.95.

The above statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This information is for educational purposes only. No medical cures are claimed. These products are dietary food supplements, not medicine.

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