- Too many javascripts/scripts, they slow down your page.
- Make sure you can read the writing, choose a clear font
- Don't clash colors. If your color scheme gives people a headache or even have to make them squint, they will leave and not come back
- Don't cuss too much, it gets annoying!
- Don't use too many other people's pages by linking them, make some of your own.
- Dont write in ALL CAPS or HaCkErZ - its annoying to read.
- Spell at least some words right or people can't understand your writing! That's why we take english at school.
- Don't put big paragraphs of writing on the page, people like things to be spaced out, plus they skim it first.
- A nice clear and organized layout is a definite plus
- Update as often as possible.
- If you update often, put the date when you last updated. That way people will see you still put effort into the site.
- Do NOT direct link! Will get owners REALLY unhappy cuz your taking their bandwidth, plus it'll slow your page down.
- DO NOT copy others!
- Try getting some interactive stuff of your site, keep the vistors entertained.
- Try not to make the site all about you, ppl don't exactly take their time reading an online profile...unless they're stalking you.