..[[..sOnG pLayIn..]]..
.:[[8iRtHdAt3]]:. february tha 26th [remembah!! h3h3]
.:[[aGe]]:. now...how old do i look? 13? hehe..u gotta ask me.
.:[[LoCaTi0n]]:. representin tha cali daygo
.:[[s3x]]:. sowwie not todae..hehe
.:[[z0diAc SiGn]]:. pisces
.:[[b0o StAtUs]]:...i'm content
.:[[EdUmAhCaTi0n]]:.1st yr in college...
.:[[PeRs0naLity]]:.well...i can sae that most ob tha tyme or i mean, actually sometymes --im bitchy..hey thast onlee if someone pissed me off or im in a bad ass mode. but otherwise, im pretty much myself- n that u hab to fynd out foe yourself. i mean, im an open minded type of person, i get along wid peeps pretty well - i guess. i like makin conversations, but sumtymes i can b shy..u noe. =-)..im a straight forward type of gurl, i mean, if i see sumthin wrong or tooh my opinion ish wrong, then most likely i'll sae it. but if it involves hurtin another person's feelin, then i'll rather keep it inside to myself...i think ish better that way. i dunno, i think its not possible to describe one's self- you would onlee noe if u noe me. i b coo wid peeps as long as they coo wid me
.:[[aPp3aR3nc3]]:.im hella short! umm...i hab brownish hair, n 2 lil brown eyes...
.:[[NaTi0nAliTe3]]:. viet mostly, n jus a bit chink..cant u tell by mai chinky eyes?
.:[[fAv0rIt3 c0LoRs]]:.white, silva, baby blue, n baby colors..
.:[[mAi jAms]]:. [aaliyah]tha one i gave my to, [utada hikaru] first love, [puff daddy feat. r kelly] satisfy yooh, [brissa] special kinda love, n my bootie mix- [juvenile] back that ass up..hehe
.:[[qUot3s]]:."if out of tyme, i could pick 1 moment n keep it shinin,alwaise new,
out of all tha days dat i hab lived
i picked tha moment i met yooh"
"foe not onlee who u r but foe who i am wen im wid u.."
"why ish that tha one who hurts u most, ish tha one u luv most?"
.:[[fAv0rIt3 f0oD]]:. pho [sumtymes], cheasecake [ che3scAk3 fActOry ],ice cream [ dRyeRs, BaSkIn RoBiNs], candy [ sw3et fAct0ry, s3e's cAnDy..], flan[ 4 dessert...um umm ummm..], gummie bears,thai food, viet food, mexican food, thai food, flip f0oD..w3lL,i think u get tha point..i'll eat anything dats gewd basically.
.:[[fAv0rIt3 dRiNk]]:. thai tea wit my black balls...hehe..[boba] or anythin good and sweet
.:[[dReSs c0d3]]:. no need foe name brands. [shyt, i ain't rich! heheh] anythin casual or nice ish gewd tooh goe
.:[[w3rDs Ob tHa mOnTh]]:. ish all gewd...two can play that game, sae wat?, wat u mean?, uh huh, o hells no, phuck no, crazee, this boy/girl..
.:[[mAi m0tTo]]:. " he ain't nObOdy..." heheh
.:[[mAi qUoTa]]:. " i dun care wat people sae, as long as i knoe wat i did n wat i didnt do"
.:[[bAd hAbItS]]:. i talk alot sumtymes and sumtymes i have a bad mouth- meaning i can get kinda mean n start sayin a lot ob profanity...heheh. hey, i'm nice, as long as u dun get me mad
.:[[wUn tHiNg i'm g0oD at]]:. makin people feel guilty...ish my duty! hehehe
.:[[wUn tHiNg i dUn0 hOw t0oH dO]]:. think foe myself n make people sad [sad...not guilty]
.:[[sHo3s]]:. uMmMm..i rarely wear sneakers, so mai closet is mostly sandals, heels, n platforms
.:[[wAt i lyk3 2 d0 oN mAh fR33 tYm3]].: think, kick back, relax,chill wid tha homies, or call sum1 tooh botha...heheh
.:[[mAi pLaCe tOoH cHiLL]].: tha beach, morning , noon, or nite [anywhere but home]
.:[[wAt i wAnT iN a GuY]]:.hmmmm....so many things to sae..Lets c,
***tha first number one thing ish he gots to b down foe me, meaning he'll do watever it takes just to b wid me..
**he must be considerate or he's outie...
*i want a guy taht can take care of himself n not relay on a gurl to do everythin
*i want a guy who can b down foe himself n handle his own shyt, sum1 who can take care of his business
*i want a guy tooh b funnie, playful [a must!]
*tall [not tooooo short..]
*sum1 who noes how tooh dress [pretti boi lookin= turn on!]
*open mynded [a must!]
*understandin, supportive
*generous, givin [shistieness gotz to go!]
*honest n doesn't lie [now wher can i fynd tat?]
*i want a guy that noes wat he wants [determined], sum1 who wont leave mee all clueless
*i want sum1 who is persistant, who wont give up on me no mattah how bitchy i can be sumtymes
*sum1 whos sober, clean.. [which is hard to fynd..]
*sum1 that i can hab a conversation wid n not b bored out from them all talking bout "wassup wid me n u" kinda shyt
*sum1 who noes how to suck up to me at tymes..heheh
*sum1 who knoes how tooh hab fun
*sum1 whos polite, respectful to all means
*sum1 who noes how to keep ther werds
*i liked sum1 whos an on-tyme kinda guy
*sum1 who simply knoes how to treat his lady n value her for tha things she does
..but maybe im askin foe too much..
Out of all, i just want him tooh b sweet [sum1 who knoes exactly wat tooh sae tooh make mee smyle..], carin [ob course..][sum1 tooh b ther wenevea im in need..],
n simply..jus tooh b tru [too b honest n not b afraid tooh tell me anythin]. i jus want foe them tooh prove too mee dat ther werd ish worthy,that i can trust in dem n depend on them, 4 if one dae i myte gib dem mai heart
my expectations arent high r they?
>> so many times i have fallen over and over agains, but in the end...it's always the one who gives most -that gets hurt...sometymes, it's frustrating knoeing that u do sooo much foe sum1, but in the end, u realize that tha person u love most, the person that u cared for most, didn't gib a shyt bout u from tha start...i think that's jus how lyfe goez. relationships aren't meant to b perfect. i mean, i'm lookin for perfection, but i noe thats nowhere to b found. in the end, someone always gets hurt. it's funnie how most guys takes the stituations so well tho. they start to act all careless n cold hearted- like they dun even noe u noe more. but deep down inside, u noe they care. it's all jus a face. it's just sumthin they call 'man pride'. n becuz of that, so many women are blinded n confused about love. why? - i dunno either. i guess it's jus sumthin we as women, will neva no about guys, n guys, tha assholes, will neva have tha tendency to find tha tyme to noe us tha way we wanted tem tooh, expect tem tooh, but neva ask tem tooh. we neva ask for tem to understand us or tell tem, we jus expect it in tha long run. it's sumthin that's suppose to cum naturally i guess.
.:[[tuRn oFFs]]:.
*B.O. as in body odor-->i think i speak foe all dem ladies wen i sae dis
*umMm immatureness--i mean, grow up!!
*guys who loves money more than their own lyfe, guys who make it seem like money is everything to them
*wen guys try actin all hard n shyt
*tryin to hard to fit in
*dem conceided ass who thinks dey can get any gurl dey desire..[psHhhhh...dat excludes mee den]
*those fakie-fakiees..[tsk tsk tsk] i want a guy tooh b himself..not sum1 he noes hes not..
*2 faces assholes..them guys taht act all sweet in the beginning n a bitch later on
*guys who simply talk a lot ob shyt just foe tha hell ob it [sum1 needs tooh get a lyfe]
*guys who r inconciderate n think foe themselves onlee
*guys wid no manners [rude ass people man..i swear!]
*guys who talk tha talk but cant walk tha walk
*guys who simply has a habit of sayin 'nuthin" everytime i ask foe them to repeat themselves
*guys who ask way toooooooooo much...i mean that shyt gets irratatin
*guys who are persistant on a matter tahts not worth the tyme to bother wid in tha first place
*guys who smoke too much, n i mean toooooooooo much
.:[[Lik3s]]:. diamonds ARE girl's best friends..[*hint hint..]..hMMmm also purdee that come unexpectedly, crystals [i like dis alot!..heheh *hint hint], bein happie[ob course!], gettin mai way [mostly], presents [ even tho i dun xpect it], gowen out,shoppin, [well sometymes...im picky..did i mention?], clothes [lots n lots of dem!!], n cute lil things
.:[[wAt i LiKe mOsT]]:.gettin my way..
.:[[DisLik3s]]:.first of all, not getting mai way.., being interupted, shyt tawkers dat cant represent ther shyt--> disrespecters, two face biotchs, peeps dowen stupid shyt jus tooh fit in, haters [dun hate,participate..heheh], stuckups, sissy ass chicks..dang..dun i jus hate every 1? hehehh
.:[[wAt i hAte mOsT]]:.
being dissapointed at sumone or sumthin