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About Us Staff Email Us the Metatron Become a Member


BLOODSTREAK is currently located in San Diego. I started this game 8 years ago at the San Diego Comicon International, with about 25 players. The game went very well and word spread. So much so that in 1999 the game had 565 players. It got to be a little more than I could handle on my own, and it showed. With that many players the game was less than satisfying for everyone involved because I could only be so many places at one time.

Since then I have stepped back and taken stock on the situation, and this years game was a very small one because I did not advertise or even really let anyone know that the game was going to go on. Additionally, there were a few other “games” running at the same time, but unlike Bloodstreak, they only ran for a few hours at a time, and ended up simply confusing a lot of people. Bloodstreak runs solid through Comicon, starting Thursday night and going 24 hours each day, until the Con is over. (Don’t get confused and wind up at one of the other games!)

One of the good things that came out of this year however is I was able to pick my permanent, dedicated staff and make a few tentative plans. We now have a new goal of becoming the largest live action role playing game ever held in the U.S. And, with the new staff, I am able to get back to what I do really well, which is make up story plot that actually gives players something to do. I will also be able to take an active role in playing the game, while having a lot of the tedious prep work lifted from my shoulders.

In the past, we have played once a year at Comicon, but now by popular demand, we are going to start playing twice a year. We’ll still be playing at Comicon, and again, approximately 6 months later, at Disneyland. This year we estimate we will be playing in January or February, during the offseason, so that it won’t be too crowded.

We have big hopes for the future and we hope that you decide to be a part of it. To be sure you are kept informed, please remember to sign up for the Metatron newsletter mailing list, and be sure to respond to the confirmation email that you receive. We plan to send out the newsletter once a month, as we make changes to the site, or mid-game events come up. In the meantime, be sure to sign the guestbook, submit your character for approval and join everyone else on the Bloodstreak (out of character) message board!

We welcome your questions and comments, including your ideas for growth and improvement. (We have provided a link to a Feedback form on the main page, for all to use, to keep the message board free for conversation!) Remember to promote Bloodstreak to all your gaming friends and monthly gaming groups and we will see you all again very soon!


About Us Staff Email Us the Metatron Become a Member
Description of Staff Duties

G.O.D. : (Game Organizational Director) Head Storyteller in charge of plot, character approval, as well as the ultimate authority & final judge in all aspects of the game.

Storyteller: Character creation, plot ideas & support, game rules enforcement, authority on the various genres (ie; Camarilla, Sabbat, Changelings & Werewolves, etc.), supervises player challenges and handles disputes.

Narrator: Knowledgeable of game laws and lore, assists with character creation, plot lucidity, supervises player challenges and handles disputes.

Battle Referee: Knowledgeable of game laws & lore, and supervises player challenges as unbiased third party to prevent disputes.

Bloodstreak Staff
Webpage:The Other Side of Hell
Quote: "We'll start with NO, and go from there"

Website:Dark Angel's Sanctuary Website: N/A
Quote: "I don't know, it seemed like a good idea at the time." Quote: "Some Do...Some Don't...Some Will...Some Won't...I Might."
Website: N/A Website: N/A
Quote: "Good, Bad, I’m the guy with the shovel." Quote: "Who let a gargoyle into the game?.... Where did you get that... Who looked at this character sheet... No you can't have Mastery level Disciplines...jeeesh what are you people thinking?"
Website: N/A Website: N/A
Quote: "Excuse me you in MY personal space." Quote: "What do you mean nice pooka? I’m not in character."
Email: N/A
Website: N/A Website: N/A
Quote:N/A Quote:N/A
Website: N/A Website: N/A
Quote:N/A Quote:N/A
Email:N/A Email:N/A
Website: N/A Website: N/A
Quote: N/A Quote: N/A

Copyright White Wolf Publishing, Inc.
Copyright White Wolf Publishing, Inc.