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Hell is For the Living

by Michael Eckhardt

(first poem I could manage after Sept.. 11th)

(nine days later)

(altered much from the angry original on Dec. 7th)



I feel like falling through the earth to weep there;

To cry upon my knees or even prone upon the ground, just wasn't enough.

Pictures of Muslims and their children celebrating on my T.V. screen;

How can anyone hate that much?

The prince of Saudi Arabia as he handed New York's Mayor millions in aid

Tried to say that we brougt it upon ourselves!

He got his check back in his face!

No amount of money is worth a speech like that!

Later, now insulted, he revealed the truth; he said his entire country feasted!

They are supposed to be on our side! He said every family gathered and killed

The fatted calf or goat or what best they had and celebrated our tragedy.


I will not be quick to blame the Muslims, I've read many revealed texts;

Now I see the Koran and the abundant confusion and dimly disguised

Hatred therein. I recognized our planet's former creator-ruler's

Work immediately! He did create us; a trust betrayed in prehistoric times.

(Ref. Urantia book, Bible,and Keys of Enoch Hurtak J)

I have read many of his works,(U. Book calls him Calgastia)

All were written to confuse both man and scramble the

Astral planes. It is not fair! The sacred letters and the Tree of Life were

Taken from the from the children of Abraham, the house of Judah were even

Ignorant, themselves, of their God given sacred letters, until very recently!

Time and time again our fallen father replaced the sacred letters with

Deliberate opposites. The same was done with the Tree of Life, I have many

Examples in my mystical library. I, even now, have only the most basic

Beginnings of the true Tree of Life.(Ref . My Kabbala page}

The face of God has been cruelly hidden from even

His most loyal children. Though, the inquisition,

And the persecution by Jews of so-called "pagans" (natural shamanic

religions built on phenomena experience of astral travel) must have provided

A fertile ground to attempt to regain control. He found a worthy shaman

(Mohammed) and he took another of many other self titled names:

(Allah) meaning God. Having manipulated the astral planes

Repeatedly in every way possible there was no way any one on earth

Could see through his lies. It was, again, completely unfair!


You do not have to die to go to Heaven,

The entire Universe was filled with the Light of

God! That is until the Lucifer rebellion. "A third of the Stars

Fell from Heaven" Our System Father followed the shameful rebellion of

Lucifer and Satan. A million years later, this is probably

The only piece of hell left in the Universe!(U.B.)

I understand that many angels saw through the folly eventually.

And the rest are awaiting a final death on a prison planet.

Never the less he transferred the fallen throne; see "Stele of Reveling"

And the resulting "Book of the Law" received by Aleister Crowely.

Also the Tower of Babel has been rebuilt in the darkest book of

The dead I know: the "Necronomicon" supposedly fake it turned

Very real somewhere along the line. "The Ladder of Lights" chapter (a

Journey though the astral planes) is identical to the levels of the tower.

In mystic circles the order of the spheres is the most guarded secret.

Ref, The Key of it All Vol 1 & 2

( hundreds of mystical texts compiled comparatively by Hulse)

The order given in the "Necro" and the order on the tower are identical!

Out of literally several hundred references that order is virtually unique.

The fallen one still writes through the powerful astral body of

His dead prophet who boldly called himself the "Beast."

Don't expect the boogey man, though, expect a holy man

Refined, disciplined full of love and very real power!

The "Book of the Law proclaims, "I am alone: there is no God where I am."

In the chapter of our system's space bubble "Nu (2nd) #23" meaning

He is claiming and isolating our entire system and the astral planes.

To become a Muslim you must proclaim "There is no God but Allah!"

Even our early days leaving paganism God said simply

"I am the Lord thy God, thou shalt have no other Gods before me"

Now that idols and psychological archetypes are in there place

He asks only loving faith and you may call him our Father in Heaven.

This demon who calls himself Allah clearly fears the competition.

The true Lord knows his love will prevail over all who would challenge

Him, He creates the creators and does not worry that he will be

forgotten. He even acknowledged our primitive worship of idols;

Simply do not put those "gods" before me! He wields all the power

From the very Throne of the Universe yet when his authority is

Challenged and we are tempted (or taken) away and cut off from him

He says simply; I love you, I am with you still, have faith.

(Which isn't to say he doesn't give the faithful power to free themselves)

Even to the captives by which we are held, he offers mercy.

Until there hearts have grown too hard for the hope of love

They have become dead inside and they will be let go, to death.

I would think he has wept many times for their death already,

Yet, I'm sure their final death will sadden him greatly, again.




The astral planes should, and naturally, would reflect the Tree of Life, like

Chakras do in Kundalini yoga (at least he couldn't change that; we're made in

God's image). It is simply an awakening of mud-creatures into the higher

Dimensions of love and universal oneness, and the power earned by being loyal

To that love by consistently acting in a manner appropriate to that love. To

Have faith and live in that faith, selflessly giving the glory to God, always.

Many of the brightest angels became filled of themselves and were blinded

By their own glory. Our Star should have had the finest Planetary Father

Ever, and he knew it. The Multi-Systems Ruler, Satan, the same;-as well

As his next higher, Lucifer. They went down. It was difficult for the rest

To see though there brilliance to the fact that they were very, very, wrong.

They took one third of the Angels of Heaven with them. They were greatly

Deeply loved, admired, and followed, even unto rebellion. After all,

God doesn't show off and "ring his own bell." He is content to give his

Power freely to those who earn it and stays behind the scenes.

He trusts them to follow his example and live trustworthily in faith.


This was a simple angry poem, but I won't be pointing out dust in another's

Eye when I may have a boulder in mine own. With a world of near helpless

Misguided children, it is all too easy to be the only one with a speck of

Knowledge and power. I think I need to get back to reassembling the Tree of

Life instead of dissecting the many, many books of confusion an lies.

Only the true face of God can call us together and away from the errors of

Every religion on this planet. Even the words of Jesus have been mixed

With errors that I'm sure he never taught. Though the Jewish mystics finally

Got their letters back, the Tree of the magicians who brought them forth,

Is Crowely dominated, another prophet of the Fallen Star of our solar system.

As well as his predecessor Dr. John Dee. and many others/

God works in our families and our churches and our temples

And I'm sure he works through folks in the Mosques as well.

In spite of their book and its author,

(most folks don't understand there own texts anyway)

. I think I need to go back to church and visit a Mosque too,

And a Jewish temple as well, to be filled with the power of God.

I'm sure he is there, maybe this is the only way I can finish the Tree of Life!

and let it shine the love of God with Power and Truth in its

Glorious beauty!


Anyway the astral game of virgins in heaven for suicide bombers

Was easily defeated, in part by me, but mostly just

The unveiling of this folly to the people of the world.

(This happened September 10th by an Israeli on national T.V.)

I went too far and started a game of torturing the suicide pilot's astral

Bodies and dragging there tormented images through the dreams of their

Fellows and even their families. This was wrong, I acted in anger.

Though I am not sure I can put down the sword just yet.

I have been given power over the astral planes because I have been trustworthy.

Ref Trial by Fire Page

They need to reflect the face of God, so should I, not just be another wizard

In battle. It was I who struck the first blow to Osama and the Alkida, not

Bush and Blair. I don't have power over actual souls, but this game of

Residual astral bodies and the astral planes and the dreams of the living is a

Game shamans have been playing in our little piece of hell for thousands

Of years. I wanted to make sure that none of their followers actually thought

That they did recieve their decadent reward, not even a little, not for a moment.

This hell does not create real souls, only faith in a loving God can do that.

The heaven in the Koran is clearly not the actual heaven, but an astral level:

"The Garden beneath which the waters flow" I've been there and read it

In many "Books of the Dead" it's Summer-Land! an orbit is still entrapment

It is not escape velocity! Only those with there name in the "Book of Life"

Have achieved entrance in to the real universe for an eternal life. A soul.

We will never escape this pit of hell without that. When we all gather in faith

And call God to be our one and only Guide and Father, then, it will be

On earth as it is in Heaven (the whole rest of the universe).



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