The Keys of Enoch
The book "The Keys of Enoch" was first published
by James Hurtak in nineteen seventy three. I believe it to be
a true revelation.
The sun, (our physical and metaphysical star) is often
directly by the natural religions, and even many highly refined
schools of the mysteries, to this day. It is easy to see
that there may be a very substantial truth here that is all too
readily dismissed by modern religion. You can not have a working
body with out a heart. The astral levels are well documented:
experiences are repeatable. The Clear Light being the outer most
sphere and the bounce takes you to the center. The center of
the earth is a regional focus but the true center of this
inhabited system is always the star that gives us life. I would
contend that we are given life on many levels by our mother-
star. Once you begin to perceive the subtle energies as part
of the living system you can start to find that we all borrow
life from the sun, yet a true child of God is one who can help
replenish the emotional well from which we borrow. The sun (para-
phrased from the Keys of Enoch)is a limited source of subtle
energy. This energy is the stabilizing factor for all systems.
The system must be connected to the more stable systems of the
Eternal. When 144,000 of us ask God to be the ruler on the throne
of this system there will be a new heaven and a new earth.