The Mystical Keys to
The Book of Revelation
Goddess of Liberty
The ability to perceive the Spirits and Angels who govern Nature is a gift that is bestowed upon all souls who are in harmony with the Goddess of Liberty, the Divine Mother Spirit of the Earth. In order to align yourself with the Goddess of Liberty you must learn to still the inner voices, stop the mind from continually creating thoughts, and practice self-awareness. By self-awareness I mean that you must become conscious of yourself. By observing your body movements such as how you are sitting, or how your fingers move when you are typing, you will naturally become attuned to the etheric plane: the spirit's energy field. Continued practice of self-observation will show you what elements within your ego are preventing you from aligning with the higher spiritual planes permanently. A complete description of the stages involved in transforming consciousness is provided in The Mystical Keys to the Book of Revelation, as well as an introduction to many of Nature's spiritual helpers.
©Laura L. Galan