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Episode Guide-Season Three

Honeymoon's Over (aired October 5th, 2000)
Honeymoon's Over Trivia

Magic Hour (aired 12th, 2000)
Magic Hour Trivia

Once Upon a Time (aired October 19th, 2000)
Once Upon a Time Trivia
As usual, Piper was at work tending to the many people in her club, P3. When she looked around she saw Leo walking towards her. Her heart beat faster. Leo had been involuntarily orbed out of their wedding but Piper had known in her heart that he would find a way to her. Although Piper's face was glowing Leo's was apprehensive and poignant. After a quick kiss Leo backed away. His voice faded as he told Piper he couldn't be with her anymore. He did not want to risk her being hurt. Soon his voice was nonexistent but he mouthed I love you as he orbed out in the middle of the club. Piper became dizzy as the room spun around her. Soon Prue came rushing to her side. She shook her and yelled at her to wake up. Piper opened her eyes to find a familiar setting-her room; it had all been a dream. Prue watched her with concern in her heart. She had never seen Piper so upset. Piper cried as she told Prue that Leo wasn't coming back. Piper knew in her heart that it was more than a dream. Prue tried to comfort her distraught sister. But the tears kept coming. Piper told her feelings towards The Power That Be. She felt they were out to ruin her life. Although Prue urged Piper to be wary of what she said. Piper had no fear of "them". They could not possibly hurt her more than they already did. Meanwhile, Phoebe was driving Prue’s car home when the phone rang. Phoebe assumed that Prue’s voice on the other end of the line was a sign that Prue was stressed about her vehicle. But Prue was upset over something way more important than that: Piper. As Prue started to explain her concern Phoebe slammed on the brakes. A little girl stood in the middle of the rode holding a small box. The girl ran but was tripped and struggled with an imaginary being, clinging onto the box for dear life. The being scratched her arm just as Phoebe took hold of the girl. Phoebe brought her home, where she learned that her name was Kate and she lived down the street. She gave her cookies and a drink. As she looked at the quiet child she remembered that her coat remained in Prue’s car. She looked to the key rack and was surprised to find nothing there. Kate looked to the rack without shock. She told Phoebe that it was probably just the fairies; they liked to take things. Phoebe looked towards her sisters and then moved closer to Kate. Could there be magic involved? Kate apologized for bringing up a subject she was forbidden to talk about at home. Phoebe let her know she was more than welcomed to talk about it here. Before Phoebe could uncover anything the doorbell rang and Kate's mom and step dad, whom Piper had called, arrived. When Kate saw her parents in the door she screamed at them to get out of the in-between. They frowned as they entered the manor. Kate's mom kneeled down to remind her that she was a big girl and such things were not appropriate. Kate's mom explained to the sisters that she had recently divorced Kate's father and it had caused Kate to regress. She talked of fairies and trolls and ‘tween places. But it was late so the family left after giving more thanks to the sisters. Back in the kitchen the sisters discussed what had happened. Phoebe believed what Kate had been saying. Piper on the other hand had a more pessimistic attitude and went with Kate's mom; it was just an effect of the divorce. After watching her sisters debate Prue rushed to take over the middle sister responsibilities. They all decided to discus it the next day. Kate lay in bed as her mom tucked her in. As she went to turn off the light Kate screamed in fear. The tweens would come out of the shadows! Her mother looked at her desolately as she told her to go to sleep. The light went off, the door closed and Kate was left in trepidation. She heard strange noises and a tree hit her window. The trolls were out to get her. The next day Prue found Phoebe sitting in the attic reading and book titled "The Enchanted Realm." Phoebe handed her sisters three drawings, each of a fairy named Lily. Prue, Piper and Phoebe had all had Lily as an imaginary friend growing up. Phoebe then explained to Prue what she had been reading. Fairies, elves and trolls all lived in a realm parallel to ours, the enchanted realm. These mystical creatures are only seen in tween places such as windows, doors and shadows. When Phoebe had found Kate the night before she was in the biggest tween place of them all, midnight. To find out why the trolls were after Kate they decided to go ask her. Before they could leave Cole called Phoebe. While talking he mentioned Billy Applebee from Kill it Before it Dies. Phoebe couldn't believe that someone actually liked the movie as much as she did. But Cole wasn't as genuine as he seemed. At his office he was looking at a paper containing information about Phoebe including her favorite movie and music. After more flirting Cole invited Phoebe to dinner. He offered to pick her up at the manor as he looked at blue prints of the home. The Book of Shadows was at the top, circled many times. Prue rushed down to her sisters motioning at Phoebe. Phoebe said no to Cole and Prue hung up the phone. Cole hung up as well and closed an overflowing notebook, which contained the papers he was reading. With a motion of his hand the binder disappeared. Piper was about to leave for P3 when her sisters stopped her. Piper returned the drawings to Phoebe, unfazed. Since The Powers That Be took Leo she was not going to help them. She was on strike. With that she left for the club. Kate was coloring a picture of three evil trolls when Prue and Phoebe arrived. Prue showed Kate Lily and right away Kate she Lily resembled Thistle. Kate explained that Thistle lived in the Enchanted Kingdom, which is run by fairies. The trolls were jealous and stole Thistle. Luckily, Kate rescued her and keeps her safe. Prue and Phoebe wanted to see Thistle. Kate took them to a tween place, her window. She carefully opened the box but the sisters saw nothing. Then Kate listened in the box. Thistle had a plan. Kate pulled out some magic dust and threw it on the sisters causing them to laugh uncontrollably. The sisters watched as a small girl with glowing wings flew up to their faces. There was Thistle. Piper returned to the club to find her sisters singing "If You're Happy and You Know it" on stage. Piper asked Abbey, who worked there, what was going on. Abbey told her that Prue and Phoebe had been singing all day and no they didn't have any alcohol. They put some music and cut the mic as Piper went up to yell at her siblings. After Piper froze the club Phoebe threw some magic dust on her, but nothing happened. Piper sent them home in a cab and refused to help them with Kate. The sisters ran through the manor frightened by the trolls in every doorway. Suddenly the doorbell rang. They sisters cautiously opened it and found Cole awaiting them. They tried to send him away but he needed to use the bathroom. They agreed. Prue and Phoebe called Kate on walky talkies. They assured her that the trolls were after them not her but it didn't calm her fears. They told her to turn the lights on and they would be right over. Meanwhile in the bathroom Cole orbed himself to the attic. After seeing the Book of Shadows he morphed himself into a black and red demon. When Cole touched the book it slid onto the floor, away from him. Hearing the commotion the sisters ran to the attic. Cole quickly orbed to the bathroom. Prue went to pick up the book when a troll went into Phoebe's shirt. He stole the key to Thistle's box. Another troll tripped Prue as she tried to get to Phoebe. Instead she rolled both of them down the stairs. Cole found both at the bottom of the stairs. The sisters were thinking like adults as they showed Cole to the door. Prue had an idea for saving Kate. She created a spell so they could see the fairies but in their adult selfs. She pieced together three spells, one to see what can't be seen, one to cultivate innocents and the power of three spell. The spell required all of the sisters. Back at P3 trolls were after Piper. While carrying some drinks they tripped her. While picking up the glass she cut herself. Abbey handed her the phone. Phoebe begged her non-believing sisters to come help them. Piper finally agrees and started to look for her keys, which were missing. As she turned to ask Abbey she knocked over some glasses. She remembered that she kept a spare set in the register. When she opened it, it slammed shut on her fingers. She was actually starting to believe Phoebe. While walking in the shadowy parking lot and troll tripped Piper. Now she was really pissed. She looked to the sky and let go of her anger to "them". She threatened to stand there until they sent back Leo. Nothing happened. Only minutes before midnight Piper finally appeared at the manor. They quickly cast the spell and left for Kate's house. It was after 12 when they arrived. They found trolls tormenting Kate. The trolls went after the Halliwells, distracting them while they stole Kate and turned her into a fairy. The trolls left and there was no sign on anything. Prue did not understand why their spell had not worked. Piper knew the answer. She had not put effort into it. As Prue and Piper talked Piper noticed a fairy on the window. Finally the spell had worked! They followed the fairy deep into the woods, to the cave from Kate's drawing. There they found a fire with caged Kate and Thistle on top. Trolls lurked everywhere. Phoebe levitated herself over the fire and saved Thistle and Kate. Piper froze the fire and Prue and Piper ran through. When it unfroze the trolls hit it and burned. Kate did not want to be a human anymore. Piper gave her a talk about why she needed to come back. She told her how much it hurts to lose someone you love and her parents would miss her dearly. Thistle changed her into a person and they took her home. After arriving back at the manor they found flowers from the fairies awaiting them. They came inside and talked with Piper. She said she had to let Leo go. She couldn't live with herself if anything happened because she was distracted by Leo. This was for the best. As she was going to bed Leo orbed in the middle of the hall. Piper's speech to "them" had proven that they were a worthy couple. If they could do their job and be together that was fine. That worked for Piper! Piper and Leo went upstairs to celebrate. Phoebe decided to call Cole. She was surprised to find him at the office this early. She was also surprised to hear that he didn't hate her. They agreed to call each other later. After hanging up, Cole set his shadow to tell "them" (the triad) that he was getting closer.

All Halliwell's Eve (aired October 26th, 2000)
All Halliwell's Eve Trivia

Sight Unseen (aired November 2nd, 2000)
Sight Unseen Trivia

Primrose Path (aired November 9th, 2000)
Primrose Path Trivia

Power Outage (aired November 16th, 2000)
Power Outage Trivia

Sleuthing With the Enemy (aired December 14th, 2000)
Sleuthing With the Enemy Trivia

Coyote Piper (aired January 11th, 2001)
Coyote Piper Trivia

We All Screm For Ice Cream (aired January 18th, 2001)
We All Scream For Ice Cream Trivia

Blinded By the Whiteliter (aired January 25th, 2001)
Blinded By the Whiteliter Trivia

Wrestling With Demons (aired February 1st, 2001)
Wrestling With Demons Trivia

Bride and Gloom (aired February 8th, 2001)
Bride and Gloom Trivia

The Good, the bad and the cursed (aired February 15th, 2001)
The Good, the Bad and the Cursed Trivia

Just Harried (aired February 22nd, 2001)
Just Harried Trivia

Death Takes a Halliwell (aired March 15th, 2001)
Death Takes a Halliwell Trivia
