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LOST ANARCHY MAGAZINE is a multi-media print publication that has been deemed by PAT MILLS (Legendary Creator, Writer & Editor of "2000 A.D." Comic

new article 1/22/2012 There are goals, aspirations, appointments, projects. The actual external reality is that the body only exists in the present. Just as the water flowing i the river as perceived as the rivers water, each stage of life has passed and no longer exists. The major plan is the goal as the plans to achieve the goal. The Macro. The means to achieve our goal will need to be re planed the Micros. Its said that the mind has so many desires plans and memories that really as they are a big part of the learning and experience that it really has no factual existence outside of the imagination. These things can be verified on the external platform to bring them to existence. The creative process. Peter was telling me about germany, he said I woulod really like it. There were all these story book meadows and stone bridges and stuff. They went to these cottages that were taverns. Peter and Hightower hung out since the first grade, and were stationed in Germany when they were in the army and Amon was there to. He said they had an apt off of Van Nuys blvd when they got out. Peter was telling me when they stole these leprechauns from Danny Thomas's front yard and Danny Thomas chased them. Danny Thomas used to live in the area as well as Billy Barty lived over by the church on Van Owen were Madison is. So they get in the front door and his dad says he likes their leprechauns and Danny Thomas was siting right there on their couch. he used to tell me all kinds of stuff. It was all this crazy stuff, the rent wasnt worth for what I got. I slept on the floor in the living room and he woke me up all night long to got to the store and get him beer and to get him some beers form the fridge cause he coulnet walk to get it he was so drunk and sick. He called me up 3 months later after I moved out and he wanted the 300 dollars for the rent when I moved out in the middle of the month on like the 17th so I think if he gets anything he only get 150. He made threats on my voice mail which I recorded and he said I didn't have his number but he has mine but his number was in my caller id. So I called him back and he kept saying to call back in 5 min and what part of call him back in 5 min didn't I understand. So I changed my voice mail greeting with his number provided and when he called again he hung up and I figure he checked his number and called back and hung up this time his caller id was blocked. He all of the suden says somtjhing like, "We're in the midst of a global crises and we playing whats hip and cool. Do you want the first african american president, or the first woman american president". He used to deliver news papers on his bike. When he would go to the door to collect the monthly payments they would say its a throw awya paper, so he told them he would throw it away for them. The said no no I want the paper, so pay me then. No its a throw away paper, so I'll throw it way for ya. they would pay him and say allright, now beat it. We live in a completely artificial environment. Our education was faulty as what we were educated in. Including what we should eat. Completely un natural and not the way humans were intended to live. Clearly GMO's are not safe and causes damage to our genes for one thing. I saw chickens with 4 feet and read about turkeys that cant stand up right cause of a very large breast. I read about a fast food chain that grows what at one time used to be a chicken that is mass produced and tube feed. For the benefit of human kind, we have mapped as well of beneficially altered for an improved upon life form and product all life forms, feathered, aquatic, plant, as well as mammal. We have only mapped human as the purposeful alteration are performed by the individual by breathing our genetic alter air as we have supplied one more atom to the oxygen hydrogen alteration. Oxygen oxygenates the blood transforms to hydrogen mixed with a chemical combination of other gmo specific to the product the individual has assumed a taste and habit for as the ingredients as well as gmo altered crops and flesh provided life forms extra legs, arms, larger body parts specific to market demand. No longer is man and woman human as we now own the genetic rights to your body and mind as you belong to us as we assume fit to dispense. Make no mistake about it, there is no longer any need for waste products as these are collected by us as well the rightfull owner that it has been provided that man will eliminate a varity of fruit products and urinate the consitsantcy of vegtable juice for our disstribution back to the consumer. corporations were created to get responsible party's off the hook, especially for the decisions of others in their company. People hiding behind corporate identity no one responsible for the actions of the corporations and they dump stuff and cause injury pay class action law suits. The only things as the rights and privileges of an entity then who should be prosecuted as that also takes place to entity's who act unresponsively. A corporation is created under the laws of a state as a separate legal entity that has privileges and liabilities that are distinct from those of its members So you didn't think these things are taking place or you heard it can be done, or that they are doing modifications that would be safe and natural. To what extent to the degree that a living species actual is no longer present due to the genetic modifications taking place. Then to top it off is that is for human consumption, mass produced, obviously a profit margin. Seems there's a lot of issues, many of these have actually been going on for a while already just escalating, be careful, selective, and free your mind. Concentration is a great commodity. Virtues, voluntary austerity, hold strong. I wonder about the worker level that is more local to the actual performance of duties. If employees are threatened with their job security or worse if they don't do things like dump stuff in the river and release stuff that is not safe or hasn't been sufficiently tested. I remember the 70's that nuclear employees were poisoned with radio active plutonium planted in the carpet and stuff. The wiki article suggests that at one time it was suggested that a corporation have and "ego" that would be some tangible. They are buying and manipulating politicians ever see this, they do a profile on corporations, they explain how all the damage and the class actions law suits in the millions are actually planed as to have acted ethically they would not have profited as much and they go into some case studys The Corporation (Documentary) Its like people they do this like stretching the truth a little. My step mother would use the rest of something I had in the fridge. I could have gone to the store the night or day before, but its not open in the morning. She would say she had some. This implies that there is some left and there probably is enough for the both of us. She should have said she used the rest of it. Then I know what to expect then. Have something else instead or go to the store and get some more. It should be I opened it and had some, I opened it and had it all, or there is some left, I had some. requarding a politicion who had his allready decesed athiest father babtised as a mormon. According to this entry in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints' genealogical database, Davies was baptized as a Mormon at a "special family meeting" 14 months after his death. generally something like that is too late for a person, then its a commitment that the individual makes during their life time. This article goes about as if it was absolutely normal for this family or group as it was a special family gathering. At least I would hope to think that it would have done some good but usually its a personal commitment. I wonder if they are going to go about thinking and beliving how they saveed and pulled up their father from the bowels and the depths of Hell. I wonder if they can do that for America. Raised him up and pulled him form the jaws of death. I hope they are not actualy going to go about purchasing the Moon. You'd think we have a deficiet or somthing. I cant belive this bitch, she said I could go over to Nate's after school and she would pick me up and drive me to work. So I call and she says she's not picking me up cause Iam on drugs. There were no drugs we were just hanging out at his house and stuff. It was a realy windy day like 100 mph winds or somthing. they were knocking me all over the place. I walked to Laural cyn and Chandler from Whitseit past Sherman Way and Strathern over by Poly high school. I was exhausted, the wind was blwoing me all over the place my hair was a mess and the door at the shakeys pizza parlor blew all the way open and I was hanging on to the door and trying to close it. So I am finnaly in the warm building and Iam just walking to go into the back and Randy the assisant manager says I am on drugs and goes and gets Jack. He said I am a mess he saw me coming all the way down the block he said I couldnt even walk straight and was hanging on the door . I told them they were all crazy, I just had to walk all the way over here my mom gave me permission then said they she wouldnt come and get me cause she said it was drugs. OI think these people were allways just looking for the oportunity to just make it look bad all the time. What ever they could do nothing stop-ed them or held them back just one asshole trip after the another. This is what I get for going to work at 4:30 am before school in 8th en 9th grade and going back to work again at 5 pm till we get home late. I dont smoke or at least I had a bad reaction to smoking then and I dint smoke. Randy said I even turned aournd and was walking backwards and I couldnt even light my cigatette. Yeah I got pushed around alright. This was only just a small part of it. besides the trips to the amusement parks and the restaurants my Mom and my family are crazy all ways going off about something. Finally when I was 16 I got emancipated due to the violence in the home. if it wernt for crazy stuff I wouldnt have any crazy stuff Yeah they all used to go "couldnt be that bad" I thought they were trying to kill me most of the time in fact eventually that was the plan actually. It was hard used to just hang myself just to get away from everybody else and do what I do play music guitar and draw and stuff and get out. I used to by my own clothes, had my front teeth broken since I was 10 1969, now I have a bridge. there were certain situations that they made "look good" to support what they were doing. I was just thinking about Bernnie the other day. I was wondering if he was goimng to the Chatay de Grand reunion. Last few times I saw him was at the Ralphs in North Hollywood across the street from where the Red Rooster was on Magnolia. The time before that was at the free gig we all got tickets for Carlos Guitairlos at the House of Blues Hollywood on Sunset. He told me what happened when He was in a Mel Brooks Movie and was going home form the shooting for the day hes was still dressed in a German Natzi uniform and a crazy guy held him at gun point and the swat team came and there were helicopters and he lost his ambition to be an actor. When I saw the Stones 81 tour when they came to LA, They announced that tickets for each date went on sale on the radio. So I told my boss that I had a doctors appointment and I bought 6 tickets that was the limit and I sold them all to the guys at work and we all went to see the Stones. Then we saw them again at one of the guys house form work when the tour was on Hbo then I saw the movie lets spend the night together which was this tour. I was listening to the Stones when I was in the first grade 1965, but I guess that when it was happening with the Beatles and the British Invasion, Boss City and Dick Clark American Bandstand. I played and was coming by at Cozys fro the Pro jam Blues. I did my number with and was hanging out with Deven Wolf and I knew Carlos Guitarlos from the Chatay de Grand days. Oh yeah, I havnt been to the doctor and I still have the meds form the three month period prior to the last appointment, Ive ben using some herbal anti inflamitorys that are very efective and the swelling has shown much improvment, for the last few months Ive been bicycleing around on the cycle trail and Ive been just ziping up and down the stairs and stuff before I even knew I did it. Great shape siting in full lotus position and the yoga, hot baths and the heating pad worked great. Using detoxifants ane we are avoiding the brands and groups of foods produced with the gmo stuff. We were getting donations for the last few years from the organic grossery stores here in town but that has stoped this year. probally wont see that again. Great shape for the middle ages most people cant do what I do. So I go ahead and do a search and download a free copy of the brown pages in Be Here Now there were a few sites that have it Ram Dass-be Here Now I am very much familar with when I first read it in 1975 when some one loaned be a very used fadded copy, and again I bought a copy in 1976. The again one of the art studendts at art school loaned me a copy in 1990. So here I am, I take a look at Ram Dass ebooks on Amazon, I didnt finnish reading The Only Dance There Is. It was the second book I read about medditation in 1975. Seems to Me there were some kind of influences then. The whole thing worked, I experience deep meditation of just being, an ocean of love, that space in the moment eternally, where from that place everything is calm allways, is that place I am trying to be, trying to get back. So I purcahse the ebook The Only Dance There Is and what memories. I remember reading that I just didnt remember clearly the whole thing, now it comes back to me. I See also there are other ebooks availble, I check out the online sample readings Journey of awakening A meditator's guidebook because I like the way that I can keep from being hung up in somthing for so long I have been trying to free mhy self from. It happens one just kind of gets stuck in eaither ritual, nostaliga, what it was and how I got there in the first place. Like renwing ones faith. How to not be judgemental or puting labels on everythning I experience or what it is I like and disslike and so one. Just everything there is that keeps me from bing purly in the moment. Really helps with my Shadana. We as Jiva atma on the path of self realization of devtional service as being an eternal spirtual being transcending body and mind, situated on the spritual platform as a spirtaul being and being aware of it, or rather being conscoius of Krsna, rember Krsna rather than the thought process of our own personal desires and the imanganaray situations and drama the minds continualy concocts based on events from our past or possible outcomes in the future. So I purchase the ebook for my Kindle Journey of awakening A meditator's guidebook, it didnt cost that much and I am interested to know about a real quide book form some real sessions based on the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita, so I sample read it and download that one too, Ram Dass Paths to God: Living the Bhagavad Gita. One of the exorcises is to find a verse in Bhagavad Gita and remember this verse each day one that inspires me or has some deep meaning to me. So today the verse is in the second chapter, I had a book mark in a small Bhagavad Gita I got when I was in Mayapur. Verse 2.16 Those who are seers of the truth have concluded that of the nonexistent there is no endurance, (refering to the body and all matter like the material universe and everything in it)and of the existent ( or eteranl the jiva atma - spritual self) there is no cessation ( or change). This seers have concluded by studying the nature of both. The verse is to be remembered whenever I catch or notice that I am thinking about other things. One is to make a list of past and future. We call it the clearing of Anarta Nivriti, the clearence of the unwanted inpuritys of the heart and habits of negative karmic reaction. Just notice what it was I was thinking of and bring my attion back to transcendenca and repeat the verse. Just being purely. Great stuff. The whole veda base can be downloaed or the Bhagavad Gita can be read online at http:// It dosnt have to be limited to only a verse form Bhagavad Gita but find a verse or a passage from any of Srila Prabhupda's books each day. Somthing that inspires and motivates or that is going on at the moment, these books really have the tendency to talk to you on a persoanl basis. The whole vedabase can be downloaded at I have instructions on installing it on windows 7 on my web site This Exorcise involves keeping a journal and I am thinking of so many verses and parts of Bhagavad Gita and I am thinking about what they mean to me and where they will take me when I think deeply abbout there meanings. So I am thinking if the next verses and this one came to mind last night as well when I thought of a verse to start with so I just opend the Gita and let it show me a verse shich was 8.21 That which the Vedantists describe as unmanifest and infallible, that which is known as the supreme destination, that place from which, having attained it, one never returns -- that is My supreme abode. This exorcise also involves deep reflection and meditation on the verse to be reference during the day and take it where the verse will take you, what it means to me and remember that as well. So I read the purport and I think about a verse that tells about how the surpreme abode is not illuminated by the Sun or Moon, How that verse in Srimad Bhagavatam about how the Surpreme truth is realized as Brahman , Paramatma, and Bhagavan. 1.2.11 Learned transcendentalists who know the Absolute Truth call this nondual substance Brahman, Paramatma or Bhagavan. brahmeti paramatmeti bhagavan iti sabdyate I also think about how I read in Be Here Now Choping wood and carring water, everythinhg that you do, do as an offering to me. 9.27 Whatever you do, whatever you eat, whatever you offer or give away, and whatever austerities you perform — do that, O son of Kuntī, as an offering to Me. 10.11 To show them special mercy, I, dwelling in their hearts, destroy with the shining lamp of knowledge the darkness born of ignorance. BG 17.16: And satisfaction, simplicity, gravity, self-control and purification of one's existence are the austerities of the mind. Satisfaction of the mind can be obtained only by taking the mind away from thoughts of sense enjoyment. The more we think of sense enjoyment, the more the mind becomes dissatisfied. The best course is to divert the mind to the Vedic literature, which is full of satisfying stories, as in the Puranas and the Mahabharata. One can take advantage of this knowledge and thus become purified. Silence means that one is always thinking of self-realization. This takes me right to the 6th chapter of Bhagavad Gita, Krsna explains the process of yoga. Truth and honesty (satya), Nonviolence (ahimsa), brahmacharya Nonpossessiveness (aparigraha), etc. On my website I have a list of classes on the 6th chapter of Bhagavad Gita called the Yoga system. Real yoga involves a bit more ruels and regulations than yoga socities in the citys can instruct. Following the vedic principles are recomeding in Bhagavad Gita and is Satvic or the mode of Goodness elimanating the lower modes of Rajas and Tamas. BG 14: The Three Modes Of Material Nature The Eight Limbs of Yoga, A Basic Overview Patanjali and His Eightfold Path of Yoga Yama : Universal morality Niyama : Personal observances Asanas : Body postures Pranayama : Breathing exercises, and control of prana Pratyahara : Control of the senses Dharana : Concentration and cultivating inner perceptual awareness Dhyana : Devotion, Meditation on the Divine Samadhi : Union with the Divine Yama Yama is social behavior, how you treat others and the world around you. These are moral principles. Sometimes they are called the don'ts or the thou shalt nots. There are five yamas: Nonviolence (ahimsa). Do no harm to any creature in thought or deed. In his book Autobiography of a Yogi, Paramahansa Yogananda asks Mahatma Gandhi the definition of ahimsa. Gandhi said, "The avoidance of harm to any living creature in thought or deed." Yogananda asked if one could kill a cobra to protect a child. Gandhi maintained he would still hold to his vow of ahimsa, but added, "I must confess that I could not serenely carry on this conversation were I faced by a cobra." Truth and honesty (satya). Tell no lies. Cheating on your income taxes falls into this category. Nonstealing (asteya). Do not steal material objects (a car) or intangibles such as the center of attention or your child's chance to learn responsibility or independence by doing something on his own. Nonlust (brahmacharya). Don't worry; this is not a call to celibacy. Many yogis of old were married and had families of their own. The person who practices brahmacharya avoids meaningless sexual encounters and, as the well-known teacher B.K.S. Iyengar puts it, "sees divinity in all." Nonpossessiveness (aparigraha). Free yourself from greed, hoarding, and collecting. Do you really need more shoes, another car, or to hog the conversation every time you see your friends? Make your life as simple as possible. Niyama Niyama is inner discipline and responsibility, how we treat ourselves. These are sometimes called observances, the do's, or the thou shalts. There are five niyamas: Purity (shauca). Purity is achieved through the practice of the five yamas, which help clear away the negative physical and mental states of being. Keep yourself, your clothing, and your surroundings clean. Eat fresh and healthy food. The next time you joke about treating your body like a temple, think of this niyama. Contentment (santosha). Cultivate contentment and tranquility by finding happiness with what you have and who you are. Seek happiness in the moment, take responsibility for where you are, and choose to grow from there. Austerity (tapas). Show discipline in body, speech, and mind. The purpose of developing self-discipline is not to become ascetic, but to control and direct the mind and body for higher spiritual aims or purposes. Study of the sacred text (svadhyaya). Study sacred texts, which are whatever books are relevant to you and inspire and teach you. Education changes a person's outlook on life. As Iyengar says, a person starts "to realize that all creation is meant for bhakti (adoration) rather than for bhoga (enjoyment), that all creation is divine, that there is divinity within himself and that the energy which moves him is the same that moves the entire universe." Living with an awareness of the Divine (ishvara-pranidhana). Be devoted to God, Buddha, or whatever you consider divine. Asana "The posture of yoga is steady and easy," Patanjali says. Patanjali compares this to resting like the cosmic serpent on the waters of infinity. Although Westerners often consider the practice of asana or postures as an exercise regimen or a way to stay fit, Patanjali and other ancient yogis used asana to prepare the body for meditation. To sit for a lengthy time in contemplation required a supple and cooperative body. If you are free of physical distractions — such as your foot going to sleep — and can control the body, you can also control the mind. Patanjali said, "Posture is mastered by freeing the body and mind from tension and restlessness and meditating on the infinite." Pranayama Prana is the life force or energy that exists everywhere and flows through each of us through the breath. Pranayama is the control of breath. The basic movements of pranayama are inhalation, retention of breath, and exhalation. "The yogi's life is not measured by the number of days but by the number of his breaths," says Iyengar. "Therefore, he follows the proper rhythmic patterns of slow, deep breathing." The practice of pranayama purifies and removes distractions from the mind making it easier to concentrate and meditate. Pratyahara Pratyahara is withdrawal of the senses. Pratyahara occurs during meditation, breathing exercises, or the practice of yoga postures — any time when you are directing your attention inward. Concentration, in the yoga room or the boardroom, is a battle with distracting senses. When you master pratyahara, you are able to focus because you no longer feel the itch on your big toe or hear the mosquito buzzing by your ear or smell the popcorn popping in the microwave. Dharana Concentration or dharana involves teaching the mind to focus on one point or image. "Concentration is binding thought in one place," says Patanjali. The goal is to still the mind — gently pushing away superfluous thoughts — by fixing your mind on some object such as a candle flame, a flower, or a mantra. In dharana, concentration is effortless. You know the mind is concentrating when there is no sense of time passing. Dhyana Uninterrupted meditation without an object is called dhyana. Concentration (dharana) leads to the state of meditation. The goal of meditation is not unconsciousness or nothingness. It is heightened awareness and oneness with the universe. How do you tell the difference between concentration and meditation? If there is awareness of distraction, you are only concentrating and not meditating. The calm achieved in meditation spills over into all aspects of your life — during a hectic day at work, shopping for groceries, coordinating the Halloween party at your child's school. Samadhi The ultimate goal of the eightfold path to yoga is samadhi or absolute bliss. This is pure contemplation, superconsciousness, in which you and the universe are one. Those who have achieved samadhi are enlightened. Paramahansa Yoganananda called it the state of God-Union. The eight limbs work together: The first five steps — yama, niyama asana, pranayama, and pratyahara — are the preliminaries of yoga and build the foundation for spiritual life. They are concerned with the body and the brain. The last three, which would not be possible without the previous steps, are concerned with reconditioning the mind. They help the yogi to attain enlightenment or the full realization of oneness with Spirit. Enlightenment lasts forever, while a flat tummy can disappear with a week of binging. So then I am thinking about the goal and the proeccess that I aply my self to. Its more thatn mere ritual its being apart of it concentrated on it being absorbed. Getting off the mental platform and not contemplating the objects of the senses. I am thinking of the process of Sadhana Bhakti, devotional serivce in practice. When one becomes realized by this process they are known as a Sadhana Sidha. this is explained in Nectar of devotion "In the neophyte stage one should always engage in hearing kṛṣṇa-kathā. This is called śravaṇa-daśā, the stage of hearing. By constantly hearing the transcendental holy name of Kṛṣṇa and hearing of His transcendental form, qualities and pastimes, one can attain to the stage of acceptance called varaṇa-daśā. When one attains this stage, he becomes attached to the hearing of kṛṣṇa-kathā. When one is able to chant in ecstasy, he attains the stage of smaraṇāvasthā, the stage of remembering. Recollection, absorption, meditation, constant remembrance and trance are the five items of progressive kṛṣṇa-smaraṇa. At first, remembrance of Kṛṣṇa may be interrupted at intervals, but later remembrance proceeds uninterrupted. When remembrance is uninterrupted, it becomes concentrated and is called meditation. When meditation expands and becomes constant, it is called anusmṛti. By uninterrupted and unceasing anusmṛti one enters the stage of samādhi, or spiritual trance. After smaraṇa-daśā or samādhi has fully developed, the soul comes to understand his original constitutional position. At that time he can perfectly and clearly understand his eternal relationship with Kṛṣṇa. That is called sampatti-daśā, the perfection of life. "By regularly rendering devotional service, one gradually becomes attached to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. When that attachment is intensified, it becomes love of Godhead. PURPORT The Bhakti-rasamrita-sindhu (1.2.2) gives the following information about sadhana-bhakti: kriti-sadhya bhavet sadhya-bhava sa sadhanabhidha nitya-siddhasya bhavasya prakatyam hridi sadhyata The process of devotional service -- beginning with chanting and hearing -- is called sadhana-bhakti. This includes the regulative principles that are intended to awaken one to devotional service. Devotional service is always dormant in everyone's heart, and by the offenseless chanting of the holy names of the Lord, one's original dormant Krishna consciousness is awakened. This awakening to Krishna consciousness is the beginning of sadhana-bhakti. This can be divided into many different parts, including faith, association with devotees, initiation by the spiritual master, engagement in devotional service under the instructions of a spiritual master, steadiness in devotional service and the awakening of a taste for devotional service. In this way, one can become attached to Krishna and His service, and when this attachment is intensified, it results in ecstatic love for Krishna Today I setelled with a verse I like, 10.10 To those who are constantly devoted and worship Me with love, I give the understanding by which they can come to Me. Now after I have been thinking about the "IS-NESS" just where it is when your centered, focused on the surpreme from within just witness of the interactiuons of action and inaction. I see how keeping a journal can come into this and the actual verse I feel like on a daily basis. 18.61 The Supreme Lord is situated in everyone's heart, O Arjuna, and is directing the wanderings of all living entities, who are seated as on a machine, made of the material energy. 15.15 I am seated in everyone's heart, and from Me come remembrance, knowledge and forgetfulness. By all the Vedas, I am to be known. Indeed, I am the compiler of Vedanta, and I am the knower of the Vedas. 3.27 The bewildered spirit soul, under the influence of the three modes of material nature, thinks himself to be the doer of activities, which are in actuality carried out by nature. The spirit soul bewildered by the influence of false ego thinks himself the doer of activities that are in actuality carried out by the three modes of material nature. both of these seems correct according to the word by word sanskrit English translation SYNONYMS prakåteù—of material nature; kriyamäëäni—all being done; guëaiù—by the modes; karmäëi—activities; sarvaçaù—all kinds of; ahaìkära-vimüòha—bewildered by false ego; ätmä—the spirit soul; kartä—doer; aham—I; iti—thus; manyate—thinks. Ahankara, Satva, Rajas and Tamas have their functions as well as the interactions and the source of origination of each element. The total material energy is agitated by the three modes of nature. Ahankara or false ego is the subtlest of the material elements, has its origin, from Ahankara comes intellence, then mind, ether, air, fire, water, earth. each of has its sense perceptual objects as each has its own quality as well as inherits the previous accumulated qualities of the former elements in progressive sequence. What Prabhupada is saying in the purports that due to Illusion the jiva forgets that nature including ones body acquired is controlled by God and should be engaged in devotional service instead falsely identifies with matter which is under the different influences of Goodness, passion and Ignorance, thereby engaging in satisfying its own material senses instead of the rightful position of satisfying the transcendental senses of Krsna. The jiva desires, demigods carry out the bodily functions according to ones karma to have movements to carry out the desire. The Supreme Lord is situated in everyone's heart, O Arjuna, and is directing the wanderings of all living entities, who are seated as on a machine, made of the material energy. BG 18.61 One should engage in devotional service to be the jiva's actual position SB 3.28.18: The glory of the Lord is always worth singing, for His glories enhance the glories of His devotees. One should therefore meditate upon the Supreme Personality of Godhead and upon His devotees. One should meditate on the eternal form of the Lord until the mind becomes fixed. we heard this verse this morning and last night this is what I was talking about practice constantly bring back to toipics of krsna his form in the heart is instructions the hare krsna mantra his pastimes etc, Prabhupada reminds us of Krsna's form, his dancing etc SB 3.28.18 Stay Under Krishna's Protection Nairobi, October 27, 1975 His game is not to hard to see through, he thinks he's this great christian that never did anything wrong ever its "EVERYBODY" else thats got it coming and belive me he wants you to trust him. Then its couse your this terible horible person that deserves it. I figure this should realy burn his but, the ol man was listing to them, how bad I am, how he shouldnt have me in his house and all that. But he had those drug dealers in his house and hes going allong with them and stuff and he finds out that he paid for it but hardly gets nothing if any at all. So then this steroid shit who pumps 500 lbs and goes around talking about everybody else exept his self so you would let him in to rip you off. He puts the ol man in the hospital against his will with a court issued power of atturney, kicks everybody out of the house, wont let anyone stay there and its still under our estate, hasnt gone into forclosure yet and complete strangers are ocupying it, hes walked away from it complety and a drug dealer even recently got shot and killed in the house, its was on the news. Where am I in this whole thing, I dont need the house, I have my nesseties being taken care of for Me and I certainly dont need him, they only have one set of instructions and that is to take it away from you everything and antything and they want it all even being your peace of mind, your hapiness, your security, they want to replce all these things with horible feelings of loss and not being good enough and all of that. So then it boils down to the fact that they think I am the one who is is this horible terible person when actually they are the horible terible people. Then I think that they are these horible terible people who think that I am this horible terible person, oh well to each their own I guess. I was gonna say what goes around comes around but to each their own is more approiate. Actually the feelings are mutual, I feel the same way, and yeah thats what I think, that your this horible terible person who thinks that I am this horible terible person who thinks that your this horible terible person. It was allways what I had that was nice like my front teeth, or what I would need for my basic survival, well being and security or what it is that I like or what I just got esspecailly what was the best or real cool. I was sitting in the midst of these people that had these things going on with them like what it is they could get to or take away or what it is I dont really need anyways and how they could go about getting to it. Visualize your self - inner being a a pure spiritual eternal being of sat-cit-ananda, full of unlimited love, total compassion, and complete consciousness So I was telling the devotees here that after meditation I was chanting deeply being conscious of it and visualizing the form of Krsna I am memorizing and staying with the mantra just the experience of it. What to do to how to get there? Totally relaxing the restless scanning mind, redirection our attention to the experience rather than defining labeling and thinking about how we feel about the experience and the experience its self. focusing more on experiencing, shifting perspective to the spiritual level beyond body mind and external identification, as an eternal being full of consciousness, as is the actual situation with all life forms. they also are not their bodies. Thats the only leval to be on is my own situation behind my body and subtle body. To understand the actual situation how everyone else is situated. We do this by the practice of Mantra means to train the mind, focus on the art of loving devotion over the basic mode of survival, procreation and power. A whole different set of objectives. Keeping the name, form, activities, consciously aware of the absolute nature of bhakti, that the service or seva is Krsna, tasting foods offered Prasada is Krsna, the Maha Mantra is Krsna, on the absolute platform it is one is spiritual quality of sat cit ananda differential in quantity as the jiva our self is not equal to the completely totality rather is a part of it, as an instrument like the hand of God as a part of a machine, the armatures the screws are the parts of the whole machine in the same way we are parts of God. Ive really been working on this for a while. Basicly being attentive and bringing back my attention to the mantra like Krsna tells Arjuna to do in Bhagavad Gita Yeah I love the Berkly temple, I ve been there three times for Ratha Yatra in Golden gate park and stayed overnight at the temple the night before the festival. Its got its own feeling and mood. I went there in 76 when I first joined, then flew there from Denver in 78 and again in 91 when I got laid off and I just took off and stayed in the parking lot at the LA temple and dikd a painting project for the new gates they used for the Ratya Yatra at Venice beach and after the festival I got on the truck trailer that Taru drives festival of India its the portable Rathy Yatra pandalls and stuff along with Ricksaraja bajana band and stayed in Berkly for another week. Here I am going about when I got into all this in the first place. I got a ride from a guy and his buddy Dave and Jim Cook. We ended up going over to Daves house, its his van as well. Now as I am going about thinking of my spritual name Rocanadeva dass pronouced Roch on dave, Iam thinking that deva refers to the demigods the Devas. Here's this guy Dave turns out to be a real good freind of mine forever, He turns me on to the Be Here Now and I had profound experiences meditating. I'd go over to his house he had this cabin in the canyon, I just live a bit over on the other side of the same hill, I could come down from the top of my street and be in his back yard on the side of his hill, when I came over he was waiting and he would have a message, a lesson to consider and place into effect that really made sense. The same time I raised a bull by the name of Freddy in the back yard, and our pastor at church was Warren Angel. The Angels were very freindly and personable they used to come by to see our the congragation was doing from time to time. Real freindly visits, came by this one time to see how I was doing when I scraped a giant gash in my knee from skidding a good distance down the hill when in was on the back of our go cart that didnt have an engine we would ride it down the hill. Then I am going like Be Here Now, that was like 75, I should be even real excited, here I am chanting in full lotus, in my Ashram, my little room at the temple doing the whole gig and I really feel great. Proper diet, rise early in the morning for service class study of the Srimad Bhagavatam and shadana, this is what is happening now right now. Theres nothing left to dig if I dont dig now. But that was really pretty cool. It was like somthing right out of a Carlos Castaneda novel, The Teachings of Don Juan that were very popular at the time. The whole idea was not being attached, the experience, our past or plans for the future, things out side of ourselfs, certain things that dont really matter anyways. The magic was deffinatly there, and this whole thing was that even these things also pass, as there may be some pleaseralbe experience. in my case it was quite a few and they just keep getting deeper and better. The source of it all, being, having quieted the mind and become absorbed in meditation. What a load of my chest, real open to a different set of inner personal nominclature. The whole thing of breaking the social mold, what are my freinds, my family, everybody gonna think if I shave my had and get a big giant spike blue mohawk and run in this notorius punk band. Well how they gonna dig me now that I shaved my head and wear Hare Krsna cloths and live in the temple and go off to India travel to all these holy places. Oh he's merged in trascendence, allways chanting Hare Krsna, Well good and you should to. I had this same conversation with someone recently as well I joined in LA 1976 just about 5 weeks before Prabhupada came to LA for 10 days. I recived a burfi from him at the end of guru puja when there were some left form when he gave them to the children. I attended hsi Srimad Bhagavatam classes and Kirtan annanda came form the the farm to show Srila Prabhupada the new film about the farm community, I was in Danavirs Bhakta Program. Now for the last 2 years I am the pujari at Rupanuga Vedic Collage in KIansas City MO that Danavir Goswami opened. I experienced some things I didn't expect during meditation sessions and it went on for a while form like around Feb until June 1975 when I was 16. A grid matrix of energy came into play vibrant, a net work of it all. Another time I was surrounded in an ocean of pure eternal love. I was always keeping my breath and staying centered watching mind and ego concepts, just accepting being here now, Then I got emancipated due to the violence in the home and I was in an open Boys Home and went to continuation school. The counselors who ran the boys home were into meditation and self realization and got along real good. Then I joined the movement 76 when I was 17, and Initiated just after my 18th birthday 77. I was doing real good all along. I just downloaded the Be here now tapes yesterday, and I like the meditation on the album Love Serve Remember that I just downloaded from I believe its zbs foundation. I also downloaded the mp3 files of the original box set Ojas to Bindus record that was included. I wasnt finished with The Only Dance there is when I was still reading it in 76 so I put that and The Mediators Guide and the Living the Bhagavad Gita on my kindle, so I memorize a verse real quick every morning just before I take my shower before I do morning artoi here.

New article 12/20/2011 Atlantic Richfeild Comany, its obviously a monopoly on the corner if they abreviate their name one more time it should be anti trust case in court for ever and ever The Whiskey looks good. Cars are the way I remember them. I dont know what they are now, some sort of self contained comfort zone for couch potato gas guzzler what evers. This is what Ive been thinking lately and its a good opportunity. Everyone knows that society is in the wrong direction. I keep thinking about if I could mention a song by Cream that we are going wrong. Now that there is discontent, Karmic reactions are taking place, that the economic political environment is failing. Unfortunately society does not have a positive engagement, an alternative to correct the situation. If they were to understand that meat eating is heavily karmic reactive, as well as the issues regarding illecet sex and the way that society has adopted many contraceptive measures of all sorts. That if they adopted the positive engagement if Krsna Consciousness would be of tremendous benefit. It seems we have a window now that can be utilized. We really should do a Hari nama program and a questions and answers booth at these occupy gatherings. I am quite sure we would have a very positive reception. I was just listening to a Prabhupada lecture and he said that when a living entity comes in contact with Krsna Consciousness they are reviving, re establishing their relationship with Krsna. This is the actual way human beings are supposed to live that is our purpose as some how or other we have come to accept a human body. Actually all these body's are due to our misfortune do to our inauspicious activity's. The current standard of external material civilization is an artificial standard of living completely. The technological advancement is only for the external comforts of the bodily standard of eating sleeping mating and defending. The actual standard of living is lost and can be re introduced within society. Actually Krsna is the Supreme owner and controller and everything is meant for his service, instead of our own service. The actual test of ones mastery of how to develop their eternal love of Godhead. Just give that the jump start. Everyone is working very hard for the Cruel Master and that system is failing. Srimad Bhagavatam states that one who associates with one to much attached to women and sex the path to hell is wide open. This is the situation. They have all become the cruel servant of the cruel master. In a time of need of alternatives the real standard of society needs to be re introduced. Offer your vegetarian food stuffs to Krsna, chant Hare Krsna with your family farming communities can be established. etc. So the pc got stolen, (dad should have just said something instead of being quite you could have taken it to school so you could do the hands on lab work) and they make you move out and libve on campus and get a cheap ass job to get by with no help form them. they got the money from the insurance for the stolen pc and didn't give you a dime, made a house payment or paid the bills or went to the bar or Jerry got the insurance money, didn't the school get you the pc or did Jerry get it. Ive been trying to figure this out for the longest time but I do know one thing that he tells me to its not his problem you get laid off he only pays 5 dollars when I need a couple of hundred to pay the rent when I work for him, cant stay there when you get laid off have to go tot eh homeless shelter. What a bunch of jerks this whole crowd. Oh well screw em. Tom is this horribly dirty sick person sworn to uncleanliness, his job is that he cleans the kitchen and handles and stores the food in the containers we have left that are ever disappearing and put them in the fridge, Hes been spreading his infections as a couple of emails I sent a few days ago a couple of questions what time is Terminex coming on wed and infected persons would reinfect the area need to make sure other persons who are infected and have visible obvious signs and bites need to fumigate and put on medicine and stay clean and wash their cloths and have much cleaner habits or this whole thing is just going to make the whole thing look bad. and he needs to fumigate his car as well. The office up here would have to be off limits to such persons they can send a fax an use another phone else where, etc. Why dont we just move the office with the phone into the classroom downstairs with the pc and the printer fax machine and move the oter new pc for the books into the book room office and lock it up. no reason for anyone to need to use it. Tom said he is feeling sick and was supposed to go to the hospital today. Maharaja is going to spend some serious money on the Terminex company coming here to do the extermination. certain individuals are going to reinfect the area and the whole thing will be wasted then Maharaja will want to know what it is that I am doing. Hes doing it to keep me here but I am in favor of moving out completely. they can put me into another room, but I want to move out completely I ve don't every thing I can do and I am still very sick went to the hospital again yesterday and I got a new prescription. The office is right next to my room and the walls are paper thin. they make noise over here and then after it stops the noise starts next door when the drug deal goes bad and they start fighting and yelling the they guy starts shooting his gun. Tom has been caught dozen s of times washing off the plastic plates and spoons that were allready used and putting them back on the shelf. He got 3 jobs since he's been here and got fired from them all and he yells at us and gives us orders around here. Were telling him that he is the dish washer, he just needs to do those things realted to his job and yes we can see very clearly that he is mopping or sweeping the floor. Actually he's telling us that the jobs he got while hes here and the present job he has now that he's not getting paid. He's working for free to prove himself. RIGHT!!! I am quite sure he is spreading his desaises. He has bug bites on this legs and his angles are turning black and blue and he says he ignores it. he isn't doing anything or next to nothing about it. Know its not like whats he doing locking himself in the office right next to my room and we don't even know hes in there its what is he doing when he locks him self in there. I am the one who is getting these infections. I don't think they get it around here I am talking to blank walls to those who make the decisions around here. He drove me to the bank and he pulled right up to this house that had a bunch of stuff piled up in the front. They told him that the lady died and was in the house for a month before they found her. He said that he just wanted the stuff its perfectly good stuff just going to waste. They said it was infected with bugs. He said " Bed Bugs". he just got the back packs and shook them out and wiped the bugs off of the typewriter and sewing machine and loaded it up in the car for a over half an hour then took me to the bank. I think those bugs had some searsoily bad dead lady stuff all over them that they had been crawling on and tracking it all over the place. I think that guy has got to get to the hospital. They just don't get it and I think he is doing a lot of this stuff intentionally he is a walking talking biological hazard. He was on the phone down by the kitchen at 12:30 pm and he tells us to turn off the Prabhupada tapes and to give him some respect here. Then at 10:30 pm he's in the office up here yelling a screaming and banging the phone on the desk like it was some gay lover that gave "IT" to him or something. well ya know the European country's are having a tough time too, and I guess the US prety much knocked out the middle east so I really dont know who or what country is going to come and save all of the millions of poor ol Americans in the zapp-er in FEMA camps. The lay offs usually start after Thanks giving and the majority of the final blow in on Christmas week end and the higher ups will see it in Januray feburary by mid march its all finished. It will take years to zap them all though. So we were just saying that there are all of these millions of coffins at these FEMA camps, that there are these 30 million Americans or so How many people live in the US according to the us 2010 census ... More on this page The United States Census is a decennial (or lasting for ten years) census performed by the United States Census Bureau. The population is enumerated every 10 years and the results are then used to allocate Congressional seats, electoral votes, and ... Search within Cached page How many people live in the US according to the us 2010 census? ChaCha Answer: 307,006,550 - Jul 2010 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Pop... that there are to many to put in coffins and what for I think the zapper liquifies everybody and it gets wash out. When I got laid off in 1981 it was right after the boss comes by and gives everybody a turkey then the final check, everybody was laid off. Then when we took off for Christmas vacation we got our separation checks and everybody was laid off. Really shot the whole thing down when family and friends are jubilant but your laid off. The check points will be towing away a lot of vehicles and a lot of buss will be pulling in and out. must be a lot of drunk drivers you would think, but they have tanks and rough terrain vehicles as well. Old King Cole was a very Merry Soul, Sounded like Bugs Bunny and thought it was funny. A Duck Soup for the Holidays, An Artist Draws life to create minds haze Hey Diddle diddle, Policeman with the fiddle, The Performer acts an ancient Disneyriddle. He loves his mother, Takes care of his daughter, And Marries his Wife. God so loved the world, He gave his only son, False fingers accuses, The Galaxy says he's the one. Young Sherlock Holmes, tracing down a sciencetific trail, Lively unsuspecting souls minds violently become frail. Truth Serums reveal the onenes within, It's all checked out, No scerets therein. For the Jeckal plays the poker, A wonderfull design of playing the cards joker. The parade was wonderfull, Dopeys glowing star, Jimminy Crickett takes a bow and tells you who you are. Faces's, 6 & 8 legs, Hourglass's Wolf Heads and Fiddles, My Spider solved the Riddle. Indian Birthright, Eaglefeathers and charms, The whole World's prone to draw and defend it's Arms Nuclear, Biological and Chemical they raid, Never understand the reactions they made. One insult leads to anohter, Its all funny untill called home by Mother. Honnor thy Father and thy Mother Sin is it to kill one another. God Killed his Son Abraham foresaw, To Carie it out was a test of faith required for Fumar, Fire, Hell, Brimstone, and lace, The Little church is Gods, Angels Warnings faith Become one, and be all That you can be, Stick, Stones and Bamboo Prisons War Escape Seek peace and solitude, we are humans not apes. The Eyebrows of Maya Veils illusion before our eyes, Conquering great heros, Satan likes to tell tall nasty lies. Humble by natures virtue, repentfull songs Never knows what you dont know are your wrongs A buck and a doe, a bitch and a stray, Someones insulted, took it the worng way, God forgive Me 4 I have sinned, 2learn the right way is the way to win. Do you Know you, or Me, and Eye, Projections of Godhead cunning and sly. We made our own World, Dug, Drilled, Named and Milled, Sewn, Stiched, Sealed and Thrilled Eye Eye Captain is his revenge, A really bad bug bites, digs & heaves out their guts into the binge. So what we were saying is that the population of the US would be great numbers and they said there are hundread of FEMA camps. They are supposed to be for National Emergency. They said the cofins can fit 5 people, I was beginning to think that the coffins were for the detainment of the duration, longer than our natueral lives. Historys been totally re-written. In the past the anceint civilations that sudenly dissapear is that at the end, The Mayans the incas the egeptioans. when the polictiacal economic system crashes, they exterminate the citizens. They said the FEMA camps are for the disenters, rebels and the like. Then they use biological weopons on the public. German President Köhler Resigns President Horst Köhler, whose office is largely ceremonial, resigned a week after comments he made during a trip to Afghanistan. Berlusconi to resign as markets squeeze Italy Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has agreed to resign following the adoption of key economic reforms promised to the European Union, the Italian president's office said in a statement today. Genocide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Genocide is defined as "the deliberate and systematic destruction, in whole or in part, of an ethnic, racial, religious, or national group" raise individual leading to raising collective global community consciousness as quality of awareness and perception. The environment will respond more positively. The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated Living Entities The Divine And Demoniac Natures The Three Modes Of Material Nature Anyone who rises early in the morning and, with a purified mind fixed upon the Mahāpuruṣa, quietly chants this description of His characteristics will realize Him as the Supreme Absolute Truth residing within the heart. it really seems like there is some serious things taking place, the environment is practically cracking apart at the seams, political unrest, economic environment, the natural catastrophes, society at whole does not now why these things are taking place. Nor is society aware of what is wrong with society. Actually we are doing destructive things and has no real information as these things are taken as philosophy and folklore as they are actually very scientific as thus is a science. We do reap what has been sown and the environment can change according to our perception of real knowledge and insight clear consciousness. I am just trying to do my part as what I know. Thats pretty much the current global situation, generally as a symptom of this current age. Most people think that they are generally good people or to be a good person. There are many factors that constitute violence, unfortunately society has no positive engagement. Ones real knowledge is actually stolen away and is not aware of the actual situation. Crazy, It really makes the authority's look bad due to the treatment and handeling of the corwds and then the issue with the mnedia and its handlieng, its really violence and mistreatment. it really makes a statement in itself. They must have something to hide.\ Seems expensive, The bank didnt have the acounts open to process a solution while the homes went into forclosure. I handled such accounts, or the negtiators got reasinged over and over and started the process over again each time while time ran out. The investment accounts depreciated. I know one student who had to quit college because of it. His college fund no longer had the value required. The loss of jobs and homelesness and now they want to cause injury and death. For the effect the situation is confused and it apears to have an ugly scary modern malitia feel to it by those who only take orders and keep eyes forward. everyone is actually rounded up in the chicken coupe. by violence, secrecy, deception, cover up, diversion, silence. Pop pop fizz fizz oh what a relief it is I mentioned today about how in Natzi and comunist countrys a scout would come and knock on your door and hand you a little box with ashes with a finger with your spouses finger fully intact with their wedding ring. Everybody should go downtown and take as many camera's as you can carry. To make it even better go down with stenciled tee shirts and wind breakers stenciled "Press" "Swat" "LAPD" well bam a lam tuti fruti wooooooooOOOOooooOOO AH!!! id say I feel good but thats James Brown. Thats pretty funny. The Anarchist Cookbook - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Anarchist Cookbook, first published in 1971, is a book that contains instructions for the manufacture of explosives, rudimentary telecommunications I dont that was my question. some time ago I referred one of dads neighbors to Russell who wouldnt do anything about it not even call the bank and have my name addeed to dissucss the details of the home loan. they do have a note attached that Russell called to abandon the house. they said eventually it would go into forclosure. What happend was dads neiborhor sent me an email that a lady moved in and claimed she bought the house. couldn't confirm it. Dads neibhor was interested in buying the house cause theres a lot of noise over there and she had a son that rides his dirt bike up and down the street all day long. Russell wouldn't do anything about it. I think that he should be responsible for all the going ons over there since he took over, got the power of attouney and then said I abandoned all responsibility. It should be his responsibility as the owner of the property and now some one else got killed too. He should face criminal charges. The whole area is not safe cause of the crap that goes on over there. You know...... Ah, ... Generally dead people just don't drop dead one way or another in a dead guys house after the exact full year anniversary of his death. Lets just say for your sake that you don't have anything to take to your grave and lets just see year after year if any progress is made. I find this whole thing very strange. Obviously neglect one way or another has lead to a death by shooting. strange coincidence. Usually when there is a crime committed like this they go after the owners who didn't do anything about the situation in the first place. Actually it really seems to tell me something that there is something going on. I always thought that every one can just take a hike, everyone is every body else cept for my self. I even think I should take a hike. Ive allways been under the impresstion that they just cut mje out of the picture ans sold the house saying it was no longer in any conditona and ill reapair to sell it. Then this REIT investment account pops up, wondering where that came from and that Gini was telling me that there was a good chance she was going to pass away, that I declined at the time to go up there it was too late in the evening she wanted me to come by to pick up my inheritnace. Just so much as to what really went on, what they say went on, and what we all think went on, the actual fact reamains as to unfold as reaction to every action takes place. The actual results are incured as contary to all of the here say about the whole thing. SWo dont worry about what anybody did or did not do, it the reactions that will get to the actual facts and I think that this thing about that guy geting shoot and killed in the house on the very day one year later that the ol man passed away in no coincence as all things take place for a purpose, and I really think that this is only just the beginning. Then through out the years I got sombody going " Your family is really screwed up man, got you in the corner and beat you down" Someone going like " Your mother's an emotional disaster, got a lot of problems, she's really screwin with everybodys head". Pretty much just go, The feelings are Mutual, Adios Amigos, I am just as sick and tired of you as you are probably of Me.

People do that crazy stuff like right after you get paid and you pay them rent and you don't get paid again for a while, and they are like making you leave all of the sudden. Its like it was crazy while you there but tolerating it until you cant get out, and like they talk you into all this stuff all the time. my ol lady was always saying crap when she said I could go then its a whole bunch of shit like what I was supposed to have really done instead according to her version all of the sudden, she's a real cunt. my step brother is a little older than the rest of us. I was in the second grade, he was in the 5th grade. At those ages there is a big difference on size and strength. The folks wasn't doing anything about it when he belted me in the nose when I wasn't looking so bad I saw lights, and all the other shit as crap he pulls. A bit strange for some real jerks that are constantly yelling a screaming about any tiny little thing and they don't do anything about this shit. Even if its even hardly even being only 5 min late or something. We just recently found out he died a few years ago. Its really like nobody can really deal with this fuck head, just give him his own room and stuff and he still does all this crap that you wouldn't normally think. We were filling up his ice chest with cokes and bears and his wife started yelling and screaming at him. I am looking at the both of them like what. He knows that if we fill up the ice chest its to heavy to carry and we are going down the rocks a ways down by the river bed for the day in the canyon. It might be a chore to get it down now, she knows that its even worse after were tired after the whole day and its getting cold and dark like all the other times. Basically he doesn't think. He calls me up and says come over a smoke a joint, he's got like more than a ounce and hes got it right here at the coffee table. Hes got a nice place and I wonder how hes doing it, well he's got his wife and their getting it together until she walks in and starts yelling that there is no money to pay the rent if he paid it today and their turning off the utility's in a couple of days. if you were to say that any of the operators and the order of presidence took presidence as well any order of any operators present, as any values you chose are no different than any other value still the is the liberty to chose any action one would like one to wish. To much money and not enough or more like whats it worth to you, if you came into something got to loose it if your gonna need to go on benefits or you cant take it in the first place as it would affect your eligibility. Or if the Stage coach is traveling at its best like 20 miles per hour which its doesnt most of the trip to Saint Louis from a runaway San Fransico Trolly car, and a train going at 100 mph and a greyhound, a volks wagon and a hitch hiker, what would be the order of the average if anybody really gave a shit in the first place? I wonder if he got any of those law suit settlements if he got into any of those accidents on the freeway. Driving with him was crazy, we would be going along and he says his breaks don't work that well they are going out and if it was raining he couldn't see without his glasses and he sits right up with his face in the windshield on the freeway. If he saw someone driving, I guess it had to be a new car or something cause he figured they had accident insurance so he changes lanes right in front of them and then hits the breaks to slow down all of the sudden so that they would rear end him so that he could have a claim. Oh yeah, I could hear them putting on their horn and it looked like they were cussing their mouths off and they pull into the next lane to pass and shout obscenity's and give him some really nasty looks as they go by. Did I mention that when it was raining he used the windshield wipers sparingly cause he needed new wipers and he had a rag or paper towel to clear the fog from inside the windshield while he was driving in the rain. He was always saying that he would drive me to work, I had a buss pass and I would just say I am taking the buss. One time I got out of the truck and took the buss. He pulled into the gas station then said give me some money for the gas, I told him all I had was my buss pass. My boss at work had 20 dollars bonus for us on Mondays or Tuesdays and paid cash for overtime or extra work orders if they can fit in and shipped out as well. What he did he grabbed his gas can and started pan handling for gas. I had these second cosins in Pheniox AZ, the older girls were twins, used to go out with each others boyfreinds. The manager at work had a twin the other was always there too, as he was also a manager though you never saw them together and they were all Craig, they kept it quite only the company knew cept you would see them in 2 differnet places, like when I saw him at the garden gate checking the locks and talking on the walkie talkie, then he was just right there at the cash registers as soon as I walked into the building. The other twins there said they are a pacagaged deal. They are indentical even the crooked eye teeth twisted to the side. My mother totally freaked out, you could tell that she screamed practically bloody murder. The cat burglar stole her money from of her purse on the ironing board. She said he was extremely ugly. The investigator took some plaster samples of the foot prints in the flower garden, she was certain they were not my dads. They asked me if I heard or saw anything. I told them that I covered up my face when my mother screamed and there was a small bounce on the side of my bed. He went out the window. The detective was certain that he opened the slide window first, then went in through the side door in the kitchen as the ironing board was right there where the tv was where the dinning room and the living room are just as the hallway is right in line. The ol man said that an alien was stealing money to fix his space craft and he had a bunch of kids helping him and they had a secret meeting place that was dug out in the ground that collapsed on them all the day he left. He didn't think that space men have to open any window first before they leap. I went to the market and we needed directions and we asked the police at the market. They had grey camouflage on and their vehicles were these grey camouflage RTV's that had the work POLICE on the front. They were right there just to the side in front of the market. Those who wanted to take control..l Du Pont, Monsanto wanted to produce synthetics, like nylon dacron etc, Canabis was a major competitor. I also know that cannabis was well known for its medicinal use as well as the affective use in cancer study's. Its still big business to keep people sick bleeding them and their family's of their wealth before they die. The medical industry is responsible for sapping countless fortunes, patients and their family risking everything even their homes for the agonizing horrible suffering during brutal therapy treatments and drugs only accounting for an agonizing terribly painful death after years of suffering. This is the stone age the dark age, you would think that there were laws that protects its citizens against such unfair treatment. yeah and when you go get what you want or need nobody starts taking pieces off of it like they own it or something and smoke it and blow in your face and give you some later maybe, after all its all on the planet earth how much more you got anyways I am quite sure they might get some more its it real this time. Or you just got to put it all in the pipe take your hit and get on with it then. We climbed on top of the water tower. it was at Dexter Park in Kagel Cyn. Nobody really every used to care and there was a lot of privacy. Most of everybody was at the Hideaway, it always had a crowd and a music scene with a cigaret machine was like only 60 or 80 cents. There was always this fresh air, the smell of sage and pine with everybody's chimney fire going. I was going up into the Big Tujunga Canyon in 74 75, I went to Verdugo Hills High school and a lot my friends went there especially the ones I hung out with the most. Wew used to go often and take a good hike into the areas that had natural running creeks and swimming holes and stuff. Durring the summer I was in the CETA Program work during summer program and I was at the elementary school right there. One afternoon when I got off work I just walked right onto the street and my friends were in a jeep, they turned the corner there I was and they pulled over said a gig was going on at Freeloader falls. Had ot all the skinny dippers, the band with gasoline driven electric generators the bikers, the hippie's, the flower children, The cops even showed up early evening to usher everybody back out now. Lots of times up in the canyon, was just went to a nice quite place just more than a few of us,or it was a total keger party on ice. The last time I saw Jim Clark from Madison he told me that Tom Porter was killed riding his motorcycle off of the Monkey canyon bridge I was in Junior high school, my folks had me drive the car around the block and wait in line to fill the car up every other day according to the number even or odd on our license plate in the morning before school. All these people believed that Reagan was a great guy and the best historical president ever. They must have been those who profited by it. Not giving the statistics of the loses, They present the millions of millionaires that were created in that era. It seems now more and more are accepting how much into the dark ages Reagan had actually place us in. The president is arranging more power unto the presidency. My freind told me its because of a world wide depression expected and power outages due to solar flares the earth has moved into that will turn off the planet earth until battery operated devices can restore power to all systems. The goverments expect great rioting. Forgion troops are training in the US currently. Martial law will be declared. The presidnet will declare dictatorship Then who actually really know what will take place at that point. The society has been taken off of the farms and placed in the city's dependent on transportation bringing goods to market. There isn't enough farms, or food. Society will need to be dealt with accordingly and this may include public executions and the camps. I think that the experiments will occur again to see what happens and how to deal with enemy attack by certain weapons. Some information includes getting a back pack, store food, what to do if some one breaks in and steals the food, a bug out location to get to, put a bicycle in your vehicle for when your vehicle konks out, battery and radio and flash light, first aid kit etc. What was the laws and controversy of the right to bear arms. Modern camp familys will be watching past episodes of Starlight 13 and Hogans Heroes like it really couldnt be as bad as that as in the past americans loved The Andy Griffith Show, Back in Mayberry. Forced to watch family comedy sitcoms going my son go his dig dong cut off to day and bleed to death in his own grave he dug all by his self, ai am so proud of him, god gonna miss tht kid and my wife just gave birth to her third inverto fertilization monkey (canned laughter) well thats nothing my wife had a cow!!!(louder canned laughter) Everybody's been on the side lines too long Rocky battles it out to the max for you, for all those lazy self indulgent smarties who are really absorbed couch potatoes havnt got a single choice they ever make in their own lives. Ya all go that's life, thats the way it is, my best freind got gassed this morning who knows, I just might not even see the sun set today. Hell might just end up in tissue harvesting, at least I'll get watch my favorite soaps for I go, that is if I still got a eye to watch it with and an inner ear to hear. I would think that one would not want to be just toatly shameless as to have something they wouldn't want some one to find if you got skin searched or your luggage is x-rayed like some personal items or even if your weapon is broken down and the parts like firing pin, barrel, ammo clip. Its illegal to transport fire arms or certain fire arms such as automatic firearms so these types are broken down to transport so that one can go to another country or go to the shooting range out in the country. As it wasnt so much as ads sponsered by the tobaco, alcolhola and firearms as ads sponsered by private partys in support of oposition to the right to bear arms or not. Sociwety as devolved so much that one cannot have really beena man if he hasnt been ot the hole have to be on paroll. It was advertised to turn in your guns as if your house is raided wich they do, its violation of paroll and probation. It was a plan to get illegal guns of the streets. SOCIAL ENGINERING : Social engineering (security) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia HTTP:// Social engineering is the art of manipulating people into performing actions or divulging confidential information, rather than by breaking in or using technical ... Social engineering techniques ... - Notable social engineers - United States law THEN THEN GUYS GO "FUCK YOU" if your a guy like me and posts this stuff. They think their hot. Social Engineering - Security Through Education Social Engineering - Exploiting Human Vulnerabilities What really is social engineering? We define it as the act of manipulating a person to accomplish goals that may or may not be in the “target’s” best interest. This may include obtaining information, gaining access, or getting the target to take certain action. Really strange, a local gang on Blyth, Delano, Tobias, Columbus, Langdon and Orion post flyers all around the Van Nuys Police station is which is just a block away and down Van Nuys Blvd a bit over Sepulveda blvd, that they will kill shoot and kill a poilce officer on New years 1985. This is the oldest Hispanic gang in the US. Imprisoned and jailed lost their rights due to probation and paroll for the very same thing that is legal in their country and that durring the 60's and the 70's was not enforced and has been decriminalizd. Who got duped on the dupe? A triple cross, catch 23. Dont matter where ya been or what ya did kid, it takes a 5 dollar bill, you only got 10. I am thinking about that my brother took my father to the convalescent hospital. Antibiotics are dangerous because the lower ones imunity system. His death on his certificate reads immune to antibiotics as the cause of death. Seems to me that people take their dogs and cats to the animal hospital to be put to sleep when they become to old, cataracts, senile, growing and attacking. My brother thinks that he deserves something that he never got because my dad id a dead beat dad and didn't do his part as a father and get all of his sons business. So he took it amongst himself at a time when my father took out home loan for repairs and remolding. He claims that my fathers young girl Friend took my father to the bank to take out all of these home loans. The did build the downstairs into an apartment and installed a shower and a bathroom, as well as tore out the old kitchen cabinets and sink and installed a new water heater. My brother took the money. Even had the girl arrested, she was not held on any charges or crimes. Friday September 30th 2001 I had a dream, we actually shouldn't take our dreams so seriously most of the time. I would have to take the side that I should have complete faith in Mother Ganges, That I spread my fathers ashes there in India that the benefit is totally purified of all Karma and no more birth in the material world, freed from Samsara for eternity. I had this dream were were at an Indian restaurant, there were many aentree's we just stay there for days and weeks. Then the owners took us out on the road for 6 months enjoying very many wonderful things. Then we returned to the restaurant for a very long time. Until they ran out of the entree's, changed the signs that no longer offered they great services and became a very plain establishment. I went into my fathers booth that now it time to go, as he put down that last of the entree's and they cleared his table. All the while they were very glad to have customers like us, as they extracted payment from his money as we went along serving us the finest things that were the best that we would like very much. At the end when it was time to go now, We had been away form home for over 10 years, what were we going to tell his wife, My step mother Ginny and the family were we had been. Then I didn't want to go with him that he was to drive his truck off of a cliff, that death awaited that I was not to go along. I mention this because in the Heavenly planets one day is six months and the enjoyment there is far superior than that of the Earthly planet available to the human beings. Until their KARMA RUNS OUT THEN THEY HAVE TO LEAVE. I had dreams before this one I recdorded as quicly as I could to keep the details and the mood intact Sun March 2nd 2008 I had this most beautifull dream last night, I call it AN ASIAN UNIVERSITY TRADDITON AS PERFORMED EVERY YEAR BY THE FINEST STUDENTS SELECTED, This play is actually in contest with the previous years performance, I as having had the good fortune to have studied for one year in Asisa's most finest Prestine University, I was allways very shy among the woman who seemed to talk and laugh somtimes glancing my way, I just thought it would be proper not to pursue, but to remain in my studies and associate among the male fraturnity, until upon graduation I, as after the celebrations as walking among the beautiful campus with flowers and bridges over lakes and streams came upon a beautiful creature of both woman and beast who had awoken from being very tired upon her journey across the ocean. A very far distance carrying fire in her lap as she would be sunken in the waves she would emerge encircled by the protecting fire which would again rest in her lap. She said that she desired courtship and intimate relations with me which I refused immediately as it would not be proper. She assured me that if I fulfilled her desire I would be blessed by being married to the Princess such an offered could not be refused as she was the most beautiful in all the land. she gave to me a mixture of dough sweets and yogurt in which we bathed and encircled the dough mixture with the sweets and hand feed each other in extreme delight which cause and intense euphoria until finally the sugar and enzymes causes involuntary sexual release, as we landed upon shore the performance by the students as expert was graded as a tie to the previous years performers in which the local girls laughing as the year passes was actually the princess and her associate maids friends in which marriage was proposed by the queen on behalf or her beautiful daughter all was happy The Illustrated Tibetian Book of the Dead --- The Barl Thordol and Other Essays by Roger Lee Cornw The Illustrated Tibetan Book of the Dead --- The Barl Thordol and Other Essays I went up to Topanga a few times, had a great trip one time went up there with a freind of mine hich hiked up the canyon some krsna girls reading Sroi Isopansad out loud gave us a ride, after we got back and after school we went over to another freinds out in Van Nuys where I was living at the time and were joking and talking and I am triping and this guy drive by just like Col Sanders, as I was informed that it is he that they do live on the block over there. Danny Thomas lived over by Cold Water / Wheitshit as well as Billy Barty over there by the church on Vanowen across form where Madison Jr High school. I wanted to know if anyone has a copy of Kim Fowley's Canyon people with the news broadcast of his canyon people movement in the canyon. Ive been looking all over for it for my collection Saw Black Flag there went to D Downs quite a few times. When I was a kid in late 60's early 70's we used to go to 4 h fairs there. we had a ranch on Roscoe and Lindly now they are these condominium apartments there for the whole block at Woodly. The go cart place is the Home Depot parking lot This is the only thing I could find, I lived in Sylmar off of Foothils and Strathern, there were some air fields around lots of them there were these sonic booms testing aircraft breaking the sound barrier. There were also air raid sirens every so often. Great kid, I appreciate that. Here's a dollar go play Frisbee on the freeway, Get out of here already, you know we love ya while your not burning your bridges at both ends. have you ever seen another state of mind. I saw it at the new art when it came out in 83 Used to see SD everywhere. they had these gigs at industrial buildings and small lclubs and stuff saw then at the Whiskey alot Another state of mind part 1 Another State of Mind is a documentary film made in the summer of 1982 chronicling the adventure (and misadventure) of two punk bands Social Distortion and Youth Brigade I practically knew everybody in the movie, I used to do the liguid run with the they guy who was showing how the slam works, was his name Dan. He was in the marines reserves, I thought that was a real trip cause I was in the Navy reserves i the Sea Bees construction battalion. This was a LA punk Photographer Alison Braun photography Los Angeles 1989-1992, featuring subjects like Mike Ness, Jello Biafra and Henry Rollins in the portfolio section. I used t see Youth Brigade around all the time. They had this organization called BYO Biased Youth Organization. BYO was always on the flyers like Bring Your Own. I was hanging out mostly with Stephen and Tommy they had a shop called Bright Lite Neon. Their sister Amy was hanging out with Alison Braun.They were seniors and graduating from North Hollywood High. Red Scare used to play I was always running into Bobby the singer in the band. Tommy was the drummer in Hero's of noise they were opening for the gigs for SD. legal weapon. Red Scar.e Minor threat. they used to play like at HJ's, the Whisky, the shop and some industrial spaces in North Hollywood. Yeah we used to go to a lot of gigs, New Olympic, Godzillas SunValley, Whisky Roxy, Starwood Nightclub, Starlight Roller rink, Northridge roller rink I think it was, Devonshire downs, The Country Club, there were some studios in North Hollywood they had gigs, Cathay de Grande, The anti club, club lingerie we went out to alpine village in oc, somes gigs in Ventura, OLD Floritine Gardens when they had gigs in 81 with like 12 bands 45 grave, Bad Religon, 999, Dissability I belive this guy we knew Tracy was a gutairist in that band, etc, The ZeroAnd The Starlight in Hollywood. They usually had the Circle Jerks and The Vandals. Bobby was always with this girl they would slam each other and pin each other down on the ground for a while. So whats with this crap that all of the sudden no ones trusted, cant go no where for lunch. They say they have machines. almost 3 dollars and more for a burrito that I can get 3 for 99 cents and the micro wave is so high that its too hot if you catch it in time and the filling boils out. More snack crap that I don't eat, I am a vegetarian and what have they got. Whats it to them anyways where you go and what you do on your time, your held captive practicaly against your will and it cost to much money just to get the gas to get there anyways, what about the baby formula, I guess we will have to wait on that one that's extras. Denny's was right across the street, a burrito place down at the end of the block, a donut shop and an oriental place right across the street, you not allowed to go acrss the street cause it has a liqueur store. They sell more than just liqueur you idiots. its true a couple of places that i worked for and I have very strong resentments against them and have been enforced for no reason. this goes back to 1992, 1990, 1989, 2006 did you read this thing about the police incident report? "Journey to the center of Consciousness" "Journey to the center of Consciousness" The From Shadana to Samadhi page Oh yeah I am in Kansas city MO. No I don't work for them any more, my previous article went into more detail. Its already like running for office or something to get hired and the interview and resume thing, then all these company's on a daily basis don't know whats going on they lay everybody off then they need to hire more people its constantly up and down and they are trying to get rid of people with out having to offer the unemployment benefits or try to get their employes to quit. currently I am laid off since Jan 10 2010 and everybody is like on unemployment benefits extending to 99 weeks and Omama is making law an additional year. I am writing all the crazy stuff for the magazine and all this stuff is true. not only that, something I still haven't gotten on yet is that the neiborhoods we lived in and grew up and the schools we went to all are dangerous now. the houses all have the security bars and its all run down and dirty and the cops pull you over and want to know what your doing there. Our kids take a buss up to the hills at Verdugo Hills High school cause the rest of the kids in the neighborhood threatens our kids. They leave their beer bottles all laying around. The post office wouldn't deliver the mail which includes everybody's bills and checks and stuff until the apartment owners installed new mail boxes cause they keep breaking into them and the locks were missing and the doors were hanging of their hinges. They keep breaking the front security door and the mechanism in the front. Thats when I got a post office box cause I was taking in home education in PC's and programing and stuff and was getting my grades and equipment and software with manuals. Its not the clothes you wear or are accustomed to wearing such clothing, rather it how they put it on and if ya asked me it looks pretty stupid. They say, my caps pulled down, SO, My Penelltin is open button at the top and ironed creases, SO, My pants are ready for boosten, SO looks pretty stupid. Besides what do ya want me to do about it that your an asshole in society and the rest of society is pretty fucked up to so join the club. I don't care about your banana rama bandana low over your tea timers, and why don't you get your next car battery at a retail or wholesale outlet. Get your own tires and stereos. When these people move in they bring their cops and bugs with them. Some real raids with air patrol and everything. Ya don't see this shit on the news, they don't discuss the real issues, or whats really going on in our communities, and they are the ones who are saying give us our streets back that just because your poor doesn't mean you have to live in filth and violence. How about if you got stolen and got left laying around somewhere striped down and gutted out. These roads are far and wide and go for miles. Some one puts in a theft report for you. How about Occupy everywhere, occupy gang land, Occupy the police station, occupy and stand by your neighborhood and your schools. Modern society has sabotaged its self that although it is a false standard of external material comforts it is based on all the wrong behavior. Society refused to accept the history's of the Ramayana 2 million yrs and the Maha Barata 3000 bc and instead excavate territories and speculate and try to piece together certain data only according to their own limited perspective. These history's of Ramayana and Maha Barata give detailed descriptions of the personality's that lived and the society in which they lived in. Society should take in to consideration very seriously Karma and its interactions. One should live in such a way that one does not incur karma and become subjected to nature. The only choice one has in this condition is the actions and the mentality in which they have created their next body at every and each instance of moment. The Srimad Bhagavatam says that everything is so much useless hard labor if it does not awaken the knowledge and devotional service to the Supreme who is situated within the heart of the living entity. Prabhupada said in his lectures that this is the way to be immortal other wise one has no control over their destiny. in the middle 70's if some one was wondering around and drinking and didn't have any place to go they were removed fast. Now they are all over the place. I moved back to the same block on Woodman at Vanowen in 97 until 2009. Were I used to live the big pine tree had to be taken out cause the drunken homless guys kept hanging out there and urinating on the tree and it got a fungus. Yeah they have taken down the flood colored lights, filled the swimming pools with cement, they don't take care of the beautiful landscape or lawns. Its like heavy A guy was driving his mini truck on the freeway with a load of penquins in the back. A cop ses this guy and pulls him over and asks him "where ya taken these penquins?" The guy says " to the zoo" The cop told him he had beter be takien these penquins to the zoo cause next time he sees him again with all these penquins he's gonna run em all in. So the next day the same cop sees the guy again in the mini truck and the penquins were puttin on sun tan lotion and playing surf music and dancing and had boogie boards and ummerllas. The cop pulled him back over and says " hey! I though you were taken these penquins to the zoo?" The guy told him that he did and today hes taken them to the beach! I lived in Kagel Cyn on West Trail. Used to up to gravity hill and go by there all the time. its farther up past all the houses in front of the cemetery's. there are 2 cemetery's. another way to access it is by Lopez Cyn which is Kagel cyn rd at a certain point access on Van Nuys blvd and Foothill. Kagel cyn also has Dexter Park and higher up on east trail is the famous hair pin curve for those who like to just take a drive. Also on Kagel cyn is the Hideaway which has country rock blues on the weekends and an open mic jam on Sunday afternoons they close early in the eves. Gravity hill is an optical illusion that it is actually a hill that appears to be a ditch so that gravity operates and it appears your car is rolling up hill in neutral when you take off the brakes. yeah we went up to Van Nuys blvd, that's where everybody was hanging out. in I think 81 they started putting up road barriers and the stores and restaurants had to close early. The employees that worked there lost hours because of it. They started ticketing cruisers and dimming the street lights more. Everybody was thinking that they wanted to cruise Foothil at Sunland blvd and higher up. The local police dept issued out warnings that anybody that show up to cruise will be arrested. Lots of people showed up and the cops had a hugh check point station set up and roped all the people together and pulled over and towed cars. It was even on the news. Yeah it was pretty cool, They have a real cool scene here. lots of musicians are from Kansas city like Bo Diddly. There are a lot of musicians here and a blues and jazz museum with a live club they perform at right where the art museum is . Blue Room - American Jazz Museum American Jazz Museum Tickets, Rhythm & Ribs Tickets, Blue Room Tickets ... who crafted "Kansas City jazz," a sound known all over the world, the Blue Room ... at the American Jazz Museum in the Blue Room, please send us a short artist The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art | Kansas City, Missouri The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art in Kansas City, MO is a world-class encyclopedic museum. Admission is always free I was going to the Whisky and the Roxy all the time. Its changed big time, they tried to expand it and they really pack everyone in there and they have the front to a garage like door that they load the equipment right from the street instead of in the back. We were going to the Key club used to be Gazaris. My friends bands currently play at the Viper Room on Sunset. I had a back stage wrist band for Bad Manners a couple of years ago at the Key Club, they were staying at Tequila Mockingbirds house when they were in town. Russia wants to band the Bhagavad Gita. If they want society to act immorally then ban the Bhagavad Gita, which wont go away they will just print and distribute it illegally just like they did with the bible during Communism. The gita is instructing the highest moral principals. Prabupada is teaching us the 4 principles. If they want society to be drunkards, lacking in any good quality's, the problems associated with extra martial relationships and gambling as well as the quality of mercy in animal slaughter and consumption. They should very seriously re think it over. I think in the long run the Gita will be free to read and distribute. should do a complete mark up of the Eagles album Hotel California like Frank Zappa switch all the people in different dress like punks and drag and falmes and bully mussle men and long cig filter holding Tebula Bunkhead and Milton Berle in a bra and stuff Howard Stern in bondage File:Zappamoney2.jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This is the Original gatefold sleeve, now the current cover of the album. yeah and like Evil Kaneval and the Hells Angels 69 with Elvis pressly and James Dean Maralyn Monroe and JFK LB aint go nothing on me oh yeah and the midgiet muchkin hanging himself in the corner up stairs in the window Topless bearded ladys in boxers with contortionists and swamis and yogis got to have the circus ring leader with the handle bar mustash and the vice squid the real scary cops directing traffic like swat or something and the cartel castro an atom bomb rocket and Einstein teaching the the abc's to the disabled stoners heros of war Yeah everybody was always sticking up for the president, and they said they didn't believe it when informed that all of this is negative in a big way. Like for instance Regan lifted the ceiling on rent control and its calculated on percentages which keep snow balling higher and higher. the rent is totally out of control, its way to much and hardly affordable. The state pays those who qualify for benefits and that doesn't mean you and me. They still even hardly believe the thing with the camps and stuff and this has been going on for over 30 years with an effective plan to get the Americans on the camps all the transportation has been provided and is in place. I think just like before since like 2006 that everybody should boycott all goods and services. especially think this because the way I was treated at a popular home improvement retailer. we all think Home Depot is a great company. Its not those guys are the biggest dicks just read this and the way I was treated. They should seroulsy consider the consciences of their actions, they think its all right but they don't admit to it and think they have the right. I think that gas should be boycot and I think that the police station and the militarily bases and the drug streets and gangland and your local schools should also be occupied. I downloaded the album and put it on with the head phones, laid down and meditated on it. Its stereo scopic as it creates scenes of self discovery, The Portal. looks like a new movie feature for the theaters. A Cosmic Rock Opera. The Shaman shakes his stones and sprinkles his relaxing herbs of inner concentration as his prayers penetrate the cosmic center of self, of karmic success, of nature, of positive and negative energys as they all play the part of the whole. As from springs forth the timeless experience encompassing the entire past present and far reaching future that space the total self realized bhodi satvas. shadikas, saints, maryters of all creeds are focused and absorbed within the inner circle of the center of the very self of source of existence. One discovers their place. Breaking the bonds of external absorption of commercialism as having had relied on such external data to survive one recognized the actual situation and becomes of being of eternal self reliant.

Monsanto’s FDA Goes After the Country’s Only Safe Milk By Yumi Dood Dairy is central to both the food supply and to sustainable agriculture. The FDA (run by Monsanto) is taking it apart. Rather than being harmful, raw milk is the only safe milk Stock market alert: Gold gapped up almost $40 as soon as the Hong Kong markets opened this morning. Look out below! If you are in anything but precious metals, get out now! A king is decorated with fine jewelries, bangles and many other, here, here, here. You have seen. Nowadays nobody has seen also how many different types of ornaments there is. They do not know it. Simply plastic plate or a paper plate, and he thinks something. That's all. They do not know what is golden plate, what is silver plate, what is jewelry. All forgotten. All forgotten. And still, they are proud of advancement of material civilization. What you have got? Plastic and paper plates only. That's all. No more ornament, no jewel, no house, no garment, no life -- everything is gone. And still, they are proud: "We are advancing in this material civilization." Money. "We have got money." What is that money? Paper, that's all. (laughter) And everyone is cheated. "Take hundred dollars." What is this? A paper. That's all. So it is the society now at the present moment, the cheater and the cheated. http://www.prabhupadavani.​org/main/Bhagavatam/​ml SB-text-248 the whole situation is crazy I really cant believe that all these people are so thick headed even if its profitable the end result is failure. māyayāpahṛta-jñānā even on the material standard insane poor manegment, this is not leadership it seems that all this stuff with earthquakes all over the place started when they started doing this under ground testing of nuclear weopons. Nuclear weapons testing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Cached Four major types of nuclear testing: 1. atmospheric, 2. underground, 3. exoatmospheric, and 4. underwater. Nuclear weapons tests have historically been broken There is an sub Atlantic continental plate that is only just about a mile off the coast that goes from south America up along side CA, OR WA Vancouver Canada and goes up to Alaska. A Tsunami is expected with a major earth quake when the the sub Atlantic continental plate finally shifts, it been building presure for years now and it has been closly monitored in recent years and the banks have made tsunami insurance mandatory for beach property.​5/ Bhagavad-gita As It Is Chapter 7 Verse 15 Bhagavad-gita As It Is Chapter 7 Verse 15 Basically what I think the point is is that due to so many disruptions which there are many in the material world of all sorts, and not to dwell on the material energy to much, as that we are not fools, we know the issues and current affairs and these are good examples of a Godless socity its simply failure and the result is that the population is being prepared to be cats and dogs in their next life as a result of a society kept in ignorance, they dont know what to eat or not or what to or not to do the whole society is polluted by adverse karmic reactions So, a.. whats has any body got say about stuff like this, like it dosn't exist? Nonconsensual Medical Experiments on Human Beings review of some famous experiments, I propose a code to give better protection to subjects my observations I draw the following conclusions from these experiments. Physicians are often curious about details of how some disease or disorder progresses (e.g., syphilis, retrolental fibroplasia). They are not satisfied to know the cause and cure of the disease – they want to know the ghastly progression when the victims are untreated. Some physicians will resort to fraud or deception in order to obtain "consent"; other physicians look for helpless people in institutions (e.g., children, insane adults, prisoners, mentally retarded, chronically ill) to use as experimental material. The conclusion from this view is that some physicians see their patients as property under their control, not as independent lives. Do physicians choose incompetent people (e.g., insane, mentally retarded) because it is convenient to perform experiments on subjects who do not object or because these people are somehow less worthy (i.e., ok to harm dog or retarded human, but not normal human)? I can find no answer to this question in the medical literature – apparently, it is too unpleasant a question for physicians to consider. These physicians are absolutely convinced that what they are doing is justified in the name of scientific progress. They resent any implication that what they are doing is unethical. Now blow out the candles and clear ground zero, Issue a public statment for the news. yeah 9/11 is like what 10 or 11 yrs old now? Is it an anniversary cake? then in that case they can go to Bin Ladin Oh I love you to.o honey. Yeah it is kind a strange. But we used to have those safe and sane box sets and go over to somebody house and have a pool party and bbq then shoot off the fire works and stuff. Now its like what do yo0u want to do? I dunno, Karaoke? crazy, I really dont think that they are all this thick headed, even for a profit acting like this I think they are doing all this stuff to scare people, dosnt matter if your scared or not its still going on just wait til your kid is born with out his eyes or somthing. SO WHAT IS IT ... praise alaha and fire in the hole! and then they still get the 40 vestable virgins so its Vestal Virgins? I kinda allways wondered what kind oif 40 virgins that was​ki/Vestal_Virgin Vestal Virgin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Pontifex Maximus · Rex Sacrorum ·Flamen Dialis · Flamen Martialis ·Flamen Quirinalis ·Rex Nemorensis · Curio maximus How about 40 vegtabele virgins all laid up in a row parylaized, in wheel chairs all expressing their desires but cant comunicate very well thus are extreamly frustrated. totoally going off Kid Lemonade Stands CLOSED by POLICE....Iowa wants kids to pay $400 business licenses to sell lemonade. Who is writing and passing these laws....NAZI's or Roman Centurians??? Like I keep saying I cant believe they are like this thick headed insane proposals, idotic economy and reasoning etc etc not leadership crazy backwards upside down dictatorship kiddie revolution we used to go to the pool like 25 cents or so for the whole day and once we got dropped off at the pool in Long beach and soon as I got in the pool everybody was getting out and leaving and they said the period was over and its like 25 cents like every period durring the day The ol lady's gonna have to answer a whole lot of crazy insane questions to a bunch of others who just dont or wont undertand esspesscialy when it hurts the most and that she is accused of being at fault as she is the source of her own missery as well as the source of missery for everyone else too but thats besides the point. They were playing Batman and Robin in their bedroom and the 3 yr old jumped out the window of a 2 story apartment building, split his head open in critical conditon. Saw a kid at the hospital in the strecher coming out of the ambelence into emergency, got beat with a baseball bat. A complete bloody mess. In 65 Langdon was a safe street to walk on or to go to school, in 68 as well. used to play inh the feild next door across the street from the school. He came up the stairs screaming bloody murder, was playing football down the street and got kicked in the balls that he had surgery on allready. He was challenged to a fight after school, he took him and brooke his teeth on the curb and he had braces and his dad kicked his ass for it cause he lost a fight and got fucked up as well. no real need for braces then, is there? The anoucement from the boys vp of Madison Jr High school urged everyone to be safe and to be carefull as we have the experience now that one of our clasemates was killed when the chain on his bike broke right in front of a big truck. I really like what Gurinder Khera says about Cinama. "We might as well ask "What is life?", for film, like life, is made of moments; moments in time, held aloft for our perusal, imprinted on our soul, and then brought back to us from time to time as a memory -- by an event, a vision, a sound, an emotion. The separation becomes trivial -- cinema is life, and life cinema: around us, beside us, inside us. The cinema, then, is not to be consumed with haste; films are not to be digested simply as they unfold, like some plastic-wraped fast-food. Created by light and celluloid, they live only in our minds and in our hearts, savoured both during and after the fact. Projected onto the screen and into our consciousness, where they are replayed over and over -- continually re-discovered artefacts which are constantly changing us. What, then, can we say is truly real? A memory? An event? A celluloid image? The answer lies in the cinema. All is real. Nothing is impossible." kinda just breaths life into th ewhole thing. convalescent patients telling of dreams of strange beings going to punish them and of the convalescent patients telling of strange beings coming into their room, they just give them another shot or a pill to calm them down and put them to sleep. Just another form of denying the whole thing the real situation we are in is covered up, as we percive a concept of another world, one created on our own based on comforts as an artifical standard of socity. Yep, thats where they all want to see em. In the westerns the only time their building anything is because theres going to be a hangin. They come from around. Towns as far as known in the teritory. Mean while the Sherif's got em behind bars, the towns people come by to spit on em. The floor board gives way, they said their last words, there they are danglen on the end of that there rope, Yeserie thats right, just where they want to see em, to make sure that their realy dead allright. They wont be botheren no more, thats right no more bothern no more, knew em all my life allways been no good, allways up to no good. She wanted beans, gave me some money, sending me to the store. I need to know what kind of beans, she says "BEANS!" BEANS BEANS" "JUST BEANS" . So I get some basic pinto beans, just a can of beans, shes all upset and stuff she said to get some beans and I bring home a can of pinto beans, what wrong with you. Finally find out shew wanted Green Beans, that's like more of a vegetable. So later on, after some time they told me that she was seen buying crack cocaine again. I can just visulize that there she is, all messed up thinks shes hot, they all crowd around shes tasting it first, give a folded up bill under the cuff, start walking away with her hands in her pockets. Then what I hear it is that it was the cops that saw her. Then that tells me she's violated probation and if she was driving then that old used car she got probally got towed, Oh well, who needs that. not so good once stuff gets shut down that's usually it, then they say anyone who shows up will be arrested, they did that on van nuys blvd on wed nights and on foothill, they had detainment camps close by. People used to say "A dollar! A whole dollar?" my line was that we will jump off the Santa Monica pier, they would say, " you crazy or sumthin?". What we did is got em all together and then we went over the fence I think over from off where the slide is and jump off the peir where it wasnt so deep, my feet would touch the bottom maybe 12 or 15 feet or so. all the people we gathered stood on the peir where they could see us and then they said never seen nothin like that before and they all threw in their dollar and we just swam around to grab them. Had to bob and stay behind the peirs covered with shell fish if the patrol jeep drove up and were looking for us and then go back in when they left Wait n find out what happens when they find out she was a beatnik. they said new wave cause they didnt want to say punk cause they kick you out of the party and dont give you coke anymore. he's scheduled for heart surgery, his heart beats at 20 per cent ejection rate. She said I am not serving your friend any more hes dosnt look right. He's got a ton of meds he takes (as if it was supposed to smothe things out a bit and it didnt) its a whole box and he has another bag full of meds, he says its way to much and he cant remember if he took them all, somtimes he forgets to take any. He was pised, so he called a cab to have them meet us across the street and thats just were we went where they would serve him. I cant belive how they just let themselfs go and what they have turned into is insane. They do what their told, nobody's saving the day around here, Kenedy set the example. Jesus save your soul, YOUR GONNA NEED IT. they really like that wiiping boy , HE died FOR YOUR SINS. you will do what we tell you, there is no nother choice in the matter other than losing your life and having the most bizzare scandals and cover ups to keep the global interest confused. Like Jesus really saves anybodys soul, got some big surprises coming when you finnaly wake up front this dream, didnt have much of a choice in any matters and now you totaly blew it again. Over and over again then nature makes the choice for you. A Sold Out Rat. The last time I went to court was when I put in for extentions for a ticket I got when I was stoped the second time just off of Van Nuys Blvd on Kiswick I really needed to get ther on time which they allready closed I was just only on the other side of the block on the same street Loaves & Fishes Ii, 14640 Keswick Street, Van Nuys, CA 91405 ... › ... › Volunteer & Charitable Organizations - Cached Reviews and ratings for Loaves & Fishes Ii, 14640 Keswick Street, Van Nuys, CA 91405. (818) 997-0943. I needed a bag of grocerys and they closed allready, while I was detained twice that afternoon. I explained to the night court judge that this stuff has been going on for a year and this ticket was issued exactly to the day Aug 23rd when the cops first came out to my work at Home depot in North Hollywood and it sure seems strange that the Van Nuys home depot is only just on the other side of the tracks there on Van Nuys blvd at the plant. The night court judge asked me if I could just pay $10.00 court fee and he will just drop everything. The symptom of the disease is diss-satisfaction and frustration of our attempts. The real frailty is the forgetfulness of our real spiritual nature. Perfect spiritual; beings covered by matter involved in external illusory attempts based on the notion of being a product of matter impregnates the human mentality error. The rectification is the development of the perfect spiritual mentality devoid of the false notion of enjoyment exclusively through sensual and mental stimuli. Simply put: the medicine to cure ourselfs of the disease is the spirtual development potential inherent in us as pure spiritual jiva atma as part and parcel of the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna. Been there, some or most of these people are absolutey nuts real geeks selfish especially when the economy gets impacted negatively they turn into some real ballistic jerks best when in the interview for your new job just put seeking advancement and talk of your successes what your did for them that was positive. What they look for and then they think that how long will it be that you start talking about them them that way. Ive been writing about my terrible jobs now for a while in lost anarchy rogers rave its crazy stuff check this one out The state of CA GR office job assistance called fast trak had me take home depot off my resume and past history completely The guy your talking about is a complete losser and I cant see why they are keeping this guy. It reflects onh what kind of people are running this place or even the owners as well What a great bunch of pals, my new supervisor said he knew where I was he saw it on the news, but he said he needed to hear from me within 24 hours and it wasnt until one of the guys called out and had someone dial the number for a 3 way call sometime after the weekend. My supervisor said he called my friend I was with, they know him and his sister as well, she owns the other television infomercial company in La Quinta. He said they had to let me go, they musta, at least fiquired that I was going to have some fines to pay and the fees for the DUI school etc. Thats when I went to work for the gas station and conveince store in Palm Desert. Blew everybodys mind that I ride my bike to and from work across the desert down hwy 111 then hop back on again and ride to Indio for the awareness class and I paid my fees. They all said that you have to pay your own fees if you dont they cant let you attend then the judge wants to know why you wernt there and thats a violation of probation and thats jail time. what a great bunch of pals, arnt they? oh yeah, at least the AA meeting was close to work, did he overnight shift, handled the register, or cleaned the facility's which included an mini car wash, vacuum cleaner, the pumps and hose down the pads. The had the best ice cream chocolate cookie sandwich's ever. Thats the way it is, it you that got yourself in it, the instructor certainly isnt responsible for your mistakes or your just plain ol hard luck. Right, we're taking refunds but the new forms arnt ready yet. I stocked my desk specifly with refund forms and you have confesgated them without my knowledge because you are creating new forms. If I leave out just one question the refund cannot be processed, you know as well as I do thats its very difficult to reach these people if we have to call them back. makes a lot of sense. If you know someone, or have been affected by someone, who needs a smack upside the head, post here. People who need a smack upside the head affect the lives of many. There is still no known cure for someone who deserves a smack upside the head, except a smack upside the head, but we can raise awareness. He really was extremely annoying, he kept giving me hundred dollar bills to run up and get more drinks at the pool. He just kept on and on, never shut up, even when he got in the pool and was puttin down his drink then he came up out of the water and was complaining that he couldn't get out. He even shown us the bottom of his foot that he burnt today cause he left the other sandel in the cutter at the apt when we got in the taxi. I got the sandel when I got home and put it in his room, he thought that he left it in the taxi. Just geting into the motel caused a blister on his foot. I went to reach my hand out to help him up out of the pool then he does this big spring backward off of the side over to the ladder and he gets out. There were some complaints and we were asked to go to our rooms and he was so loaded that he was just hanging out there for a while first. He grabed his bag full of money and counted out all the hundred dollar bills then took 3 thousand and said this is fun money as he told me to call the cab. He was accustomed to ocupying the Sportsmen's Lodge on Ventura cyn blvd Studio City hotels and holiday Cottages California - Cached Sportsmen's Lodge Hotel Address: 12833 Ventura Blvd, Studio City, tel:(818) ... Smog Inn Address: 5950 Laurel Canyon Blvd, Valley Village, tel:(818) 508-9849 he got a roonm for the week end and he kept sending me to the store for more drinks and food, he just kept odering more movies for us to watch and told me to keep mixing the drinks. Let Me get this straight, Whos the store manager here, I am, Ok then Laura is just a maneger then right? No shes the store manager. Who told you to move anything around just where you just want to put stuff or where you think it should go. I dont know what your talking about, I put stuff where it goes with the rest of the stuff. What about the closet mirroredy doors then? Laura set me up with it. Just how did Laura SET YOU UP? She took me over there and started organizing the first few, she said they go acording to the model and then the sizes from smallest to the widest all in each of its own bin by model. You didnt answer my question how did Laura set you up. what do mean she started it. Oh now SHE STARTED IT AND NOT YOU AND SHE SET YOU UP. NOW IVE HEARD EVERYTHING. You mean like a legal afair and arrest set up? I find that very childish, she took me over there and set me up with the work as specificaly instructed me to do. Whos the store maneger?" I am. and then Laura is also a store manager. No I am THE store manager and so is Laura, shes not here today. Let me get this straight then, items are placed and stocked one way for one store manager when they are here, then items go some where else another way when another store manager is here another day? The asshole turns off the digital tv with the volume all the way up, and I turn on the tv after everybody goes to bed until I can get back to sleep and the thing wakes everybody and up and she shouts turn it down. What a jerk. Yeah its inconsiderate I agree its Very inconsiderate indeed. My assignment ended on 9/11/07 when I was working for the Recycler Classifieds I had recently received bonus's nothing they said held up that I do not keep up with the rest of the room, I covered when everybody just all goes to lunch at the same time. That turned a lot of heads and was one of the questions I was asked in the Unempploymnent phone interview and When I was on fast track program they have the job resource program when I applied for GR. Thats why I went to lunch before the rest of the room does cause then when they come back form lunch they start taking their breaks and I havnt even had lunch yet. same thing with the first morning break if I didnt go they all did then it was luncy allready. Lisa had this real bad attitude like they dont understand why I go to early it doesnt make sense, or that I take to many breaks. The do allow for a extra quick cigarete break just as long as it doent create a problem if your not at your seat working or not making sales just allways walking around joking with your freinds on their extra smoke break, but they say I take to many breaks. The actual fact was that I created the policy that I ask first before I go anywhere and I was there for 11 months, I created the ask before I go in my second week with them. Actually this shit goes on and on I noticed this crap when I first started. She called my agency and said she could smell alcohol cause I had pizza and beer with the guys trhe night before cause I got a job and a new place to stay, and all thohugh I soak in the tub for a while because of my back injury and I have a whole bag of stuff like deodorant and finger nail brush she called my agency and said there is an odor that I dont take a shower. It seemed to me that they wanted to just have a temp and be able to get rid of them and not have to pay or allow the unemployment benefits. I told a customer who has 2 homes in Kagel Cyn where my dad has his house. She ran an ad to rent the house one ad at a time, she was getting the ad to run for 2 weeks then she asked me if she rents the place out could she change her ad for the other house. I explained the policy is that the customer can not change her ad she could stop her ad and place a new ad but she cannot switch them out. I even offered to run the ad for one week then and then renew the ad if she wished. she called back and talked to Lisa and said they I told her she could change her ad. Lisa got all over me I explained to her that I explained the policy and that she cannot change her ad. I even offered to run the ad for one week and she could renew or start a new ad. Lisa is smart enough at least to know that the customers call all the time to get something for free. That was the customers fault she said run it for 2 weeks she rented it out in one week, now she calls up and lies to get something for free. They do it all the time. Lisa is the one who made the decision to allow the customer to switch out the ad for the new rental. Shes just a cunt, this happened just before I left and the day I left I couldn't log into my ad to edit it cause she was already in it all day long just before the end of the day I was able to get into it and she not only edited the ad she changed it around a bit, I wanted to ask her why she is allready in my ad, but I was very sick and tired of messing around with her especially when shes the one that says that she is not going to agrue with me. She started every thing, even why I needed to blow my nose cause I had a sinus surgery when I was 15. Whats wrong with this cunt!!! She accepted this job because it paid less wages but it was made up for in the bonus structure that was discontinued. She had this real bad attitude, she would say horribly sign here for your bonus gift card. huff, ok sit down now. The LA Times owned the Caravan real estate publication as well as owning the Recycler Classifieds thats how we have the packages that include the la times. She got rid of the tsr's to clear the floor so that she could get her bonus's for sales. I did auto ads, Sue and another girl did the pet ads and real estate they usually get a power ad or a photo ad. So with all that cleared she could get the sales as well as the regular customers that renew and place ads regularly. She finally got fired for something, I am not exactly sure what, that wasn't disclosed. Before I left I called my regular customer and she already was called and placed her ad with another tsr. This is recorded in my spreadsheet called "Sales Funnel" it was very useful, we emailed it to our supervisor every week. They said she gave it to them to call. She said they were ready to renew. The time is loged in on my telephone so that calls can come in and it tracks the time I am loged in and we log out for breaks. So when I ask if I can go to break I log out. Then when I come back and she wants to tell me somthing or go over to her desk or somthing I just log back in real quick so that the time is loged in correctly cause shes calling my agency and their telling me that she says I take to many breaks and the breaks are longer than anyboldy eles. I was wondering why some of them have their lunch at there desk. I have things to do and I am a vegatarian and I got to get somthing. Somtimes jump on my bike and go to 7/11 a few blocks away or on the corner there is a mexican place I get a giant burito, or if I needed somthing there is a liquor store there as well pick up some smokes or sobes or somthing. Same thing in the morning she wants me to come over there, So I log in first, so what? If this stuff was really that bad like they said then how come they keep some one that horrible for 11 months, and the day my assignment ended 9/11/07 was a Tues our day for our final weekly deadline, hump day. Bitch was all bent cause the new president elliminated the supervisors bonus as well as restructured the bonus for the TSR's to a raffel for tickets based on your sales for a weekly sales contest. I came back from break and shes gos off like "The state of CA allows for one 1/2 hr lunch and 2 10 min breaks"! Like what fucks that all about she calls my agency everyday and one of the things she tells them is that I take more breaks than anybody else and the longest breaks. The fact is I am right there in my seat cause she dosnt let me go any where and she has a smoke break every 5 min or so her self. They give us one full hour for lunch and 2 15 min breaks and she ended my assignment on 9/11/2007 which turned a lot of heads around, Ya know the day they dropped the bombs. I got my unemployment cause I had just been awarded bonus in the sums of 75 20 and 10 dollar gift cards for Ralphs and Target. I got food stamps and assistance on locating a new job which I ended up at Davis Marketing Rearch in Callabasas and thats a whole other story. Bill Davis is a real jerk, his managers really kiss his ass and do the crapy shit he tells them to do. There were no problems when I worked for Chris as my maneger, when he left the company, then it was the rein and terror of Lisa Statzell, she was after everyone, she was all upset cause she got laid off when the Caravan closed down and the Recycler was restructering so bad like no more free ads over the phone its a 5 dollar conveince fee for an ad that will run 3 weeks unless you go online and place the free ad your self free for one week. It was allways popular because of the free ads, and now they arnt free anymore, that was a hassel with the customers and the 15 week cap they put on unlimated renewals for autos. Some pissed off customers. Chris Huges wasnt taking their side he would have this total drag out fight with the facilitys manager Bill Sarno then come right out still auguring with him and toss me a cigarette and told me to take a break. I waited for a call center that was put on hold, but if I wanted to get back to work right away they had Davis Marketing Research. I was there a while first on a day time business study then was recomended for the year long finacial study on the stock market industry which the cleint Market Metrics would be in training in Sept. It pays a day time bonus which I did not get I was told to call my angency and she's going like she dosnt know what I am talking about and that I agreed to a wage when I was hired. Then my hours were cut more and more every week down to just a few hours on some days. Bill Davis got this real big hair up his ass on people taking extra cigarette breaks and He sees me when I get there before start time to clock in then on my breaks then after work and I might go to the libary up across the way. Hes a real DICK, he needs to be fired. A bunch of traitors calling the agency on a daily basis. Everyuthing was going fine and I get this phone call from my agency saying all this stuff that is incorrect then the supervisors at Davis were going off about the same thing, I sit right in front of him he should know if I go anywhere, in QA they say my stats are great, she didnt know that they jumping on my ass for no reason she knows now. The agency felt that their employee is being harrased and took me off the assignment. Never did get to that call center on hold. I had turned Davis Marketing Research Center oportunites down multiple times before cause its crapy hours at low pay. I applied for some great call center positions, stafing agencys only have one agenda, that is to fill their clients needs. I was taliking about Rogers Rave and Rogers Totaly loaded pistol and they said Roger has a gun, I replied I wish, so they called my agency who came out right away cause they said I wish I had a gun or that they think I do have a gun. I told her thats crazy, they didnt say anything about any guns, but they told me to take the rest of the day off though and to call my agency. Oh yeah I come in at Davis on a rainy day and the air conditioners and the fan is blowing and it cold in the room, and during the summer they say that they cant turn off the heat they have no control its for the other room and the air conditioner is out and the fan blows hot stale air there are no windows that can be opened. Everybody in there always has got a cold. At work they have you sign these papers that you will not divulge proprietary company information which includes how they do things there and if you happen to "invent" anything there it belongs to the company. I really dont see how being a real jerk can be proprietary information. Was this the issue with Douglas Bruce how a bout that guy that his attorney tells the court for a subpena, he says hes to busy to go to court or somthing, what was that business? every one was saying yeah right just one of us try that crap and see how far it flys I went through the craziest stuff police harrasment incedents was crazy didnt expect it just whzam they they are and its not going away Ron Wood was playing darts on English blues night at the English American Sportsmens Arms pub in Van Nuys on Roscoe over by the airport in loste 83, I moved just after 84. Times gone by quickly, I first saw Rollins for black flag at Devinshire downs in I believe it was 81 I was 22, thought it would allways be that way. I got picked up by the Hollywood police when my brother in law ran form the cops when they were pulling him over, we went around from Highland to Franklin around the block a few times right off of Hollywood blvd then he pulled into the parkeing lot at the gas station on Franklin and Highland and got and ran. The police cocked a shoot gun and ordered us out of the car and face down on the ground. there was my self and 3 punk rockers hardcore one female and 2 males. At the station after a while they found a gun in my brother in law's trunk and the punkers has 12 pairs of noon chucks. I finnaly was realsed and they told me that as a proper gentlemen that it was my responsabiulity to take the girl home. She was under age and a runaway and lives a hotel hell, It turns out, and the cab driver was freakinhg that he just picked us up at the police station that we just got arrested and hes concerned that now were all going to get arrested again. That he agreed to drive down that street and drop her off as fast as she can get out and they hes only taking me to the buss stop and thats it. Ive been to the zero, I know Carlos Guitarlos, I was a guest of the Mentors that I met that day at a thrift shop. Rosemary was having an opening party. They we all up there Billy Zoom, Derf Scratch, Tequila Mockingbird, the bouncer was the guy from the whisky instead of a boston windbreaker was was all leathered out. He keep sliding out these trash cans full of Ice and beers, he says ok guys here it is. Al Duce was walking around doing like this thing with his stomach hanging out from underneath a tee shirt thats a bit to small and grunting and bumping into people. Yeah talking horses, poor rich people in a mansion with a banker who trys to keep their money in his bank, a couple of households of monsters, witches and zombies, of who's wife is a witch and his mother in-law is always casting evil spells on him. and whats up with hi o silver and bullet? This is the generation that lassie joined the forest rangers and June Lockart got lost in space. Poor little timmy, I bet he didnt stay on the farm eaither. Running the risk if they take it to court and sue the state if you try to deport any illegals They are not really enforcing the law, but they sure are there to get ya oh anything they can find. For starters its a very inauspisiuos situation, growing up we pushed each other around, the school and the teachers just played games with us, only taught what we needed to know. The boss is going off, that there or thousands of applicants standing in line for your job right now, no matter what you do, you just not cuttin it around here. Get laid off again seeking work, cant make the house payment and the bills, the ol lady gets the divorse, Go to jail do not pass go if cant pay the ailimoney or child support. Get back to work, the state garnishes your wages, again laid off cause its special handeling that employers dont continue with, its time and money, not in their interest. Its somthing that they feel that they would just not care to for. Besides, its not their responsability. I really cant see how the judge can award allimony and child support thats over and above ones current income level. They allready get the house and a car and stuff. The ol, lady droped me off and went to work, I dont know what she did cause the house went into forclosure anyway, its not like she was trying to save it, just living for the moment. What a suprise I thought that when she married this guy and they bought the house it was ours, so then what the fuck is foreclosur and all of this stuff. at least didnt have that asshole on my back anymore, just another situation some where else. Its like what did you expect, nothing actually really went right, just seemed like it for a while if there were little agatations still going about the major situations. At age 13 just before the holidays I was getting up at 4:30 to go to work before school as the janitor for a couple of office buildings and a Shakeys pizza parlor, returning in the evening after school to bust the tables and do the janitor work on the other office building, getting home ussulay by 10:30 or 11, somthimes later if we had more work or shampooed the carpets or strip and wax the hallway floor. Did everything sqeeged the glass inside and out. these are the buildings on Laurel Cyn just off of Chandler. The real rip off is that I dont still do it. at 15 the ol lady drobed the bomb shell when I graduated junior high school that I am going to my fathers in the cyn and she brooke up with Jack. Dumb fuck who in the hell paid the rent, the bills, the food, the new freezer that filled up every week, the new station wagon. She had nothing left, again a very pitifull conditon, still playing the games. I dont get the part about not being allowed to have breakfast, Jack took me to a breakfast shop caffe in the morning or I got those cinimin rolls that they made at school and a milk or somthning. What was it all for, when Ed became the maneger at Shakeys he didnt hire me because he said he had to much trouble with my brother who for starters cant really do anything takes an act of congress, he cant comb his hair, or wear clothes that fit right, or calls in every day and expects his check and his biggest concern now was that he's running around with those hoodlums trouble maker criminal guys my sister was going out with. The best thing my freind could say when he wasnt a run away, who was very opininated would try to get me to just understand how much of a bitch this whole thing is and just what the fuck the ol lady is doing to everybody is the biggest bullshit, even his mom was pleading with me to get that bitch to quit her shit. They have passed away, their house was torn down years ago, They were a large family having had teenagers allready by 1967 as I was running around with them in 72 as another generation of teenagers again, his dad built a room in the back that was hooked up to the electricity no body ever really went back there exept his dad to tell him somthing and he allways said hello to me. That room was basicly like the bong room, allways had this high grade bud that was killer around 73 74 75 76 77. There was never any problems left alone most of the time it was peacfull mostly on the surface, now adays it seems that the vice and swat are climbing the walls to catch everyone when it was an everyday ocurence and no real big deal just a way of life of most typical american familys at the time. now a days you get pulled over and arrested just for driving down certain streets known for drug traficing. One should be very carefull as to where one drives not only can you get pulled over by the police but some one may be trying to get away without paying eaither that they just stole a car to burn up. Burning rubber, trying to go foward or backwards as they bring out shopping carts, beds and sofas to ingnite. In the morning when I go to work there I see the turned over burnt up car and the burned up furniture, street cleard by then exept the debries of the night before, when I come home you would never think anything happend as they hold up buds in the night street light lit curbs. Practicly no freedom of speach to express these things. His father was very wealthy, designed the lighting systems on the runways in the air travel industry. Had his large family, big house, doughboy in the back along with a garden and a rather large dog in the low fenced yard. Used to load us up in the car to take us to the Ice Capada Challet at the Laurel cyn mall, which had been damaged in the earthquake in 95, or drive us to the movies on the weekends or load the surfboard up on the roof and drop us off at the beach where we jumbed of the peir for dollars and bears so we could go buy a couple of quarts and they had to have cigaretss, or if we found joints or dollar hits of window pane. The only real problem would be Nixon and the watergate scandel. The higer prices for utilitys, food, and gas. They played a comedy record of the watergate scandel on the radio where actors impersonated Nixon and Kissenger etc. Ford was liveable, Durring the Carter adminastration America was still very materialisic, The world was held Hostage as an high jacked airliner killed one passenger a day until Regan was elected president and ended the hostage crises, America quickly became much less materialisc, mostly laid off business closing down or leaving the country, it still hasnt impoved a lot of those buildings now are forgion mom and pop stores or still vacant. They were aresting these so called "DEADBEAT DADS" since 82. Seemingly occuring again as the economy has never improved just gets worse and worse. I see the going out of business signs going up again on the whole block up and down the blvd. KENNEDY WAS AN EXAMPLE, CITEZENS DIED OF URANIUM POSIONING LACED IN THEIR CARPETS. Doctors just gave out perscriptions for sleeping pills, stimulants, quailiudes and darvons for pain, valium housewifes remedys as the common occurence of the typiclal american family. This is a science, certain terms have a negative incantation for an English equivalent there are 2 classes though Deva and Asura anyone against the absolute nature of the Surpreme realized in 3 phases of understanding as Brahman, Paramatma and Bhagavan is the source of material and spiritual energy's and entities, is the source of consciousness as well. Words like karma are used interchangeably as sin, or dharma as religion when dharma is actually the function of a thing or an entity. Eaither one is for the understanding of the oregin as the complete totality and center of the atom all pervading knowledge thought in numerable universes or one does not accept such a concept at all and never looked internally and is absolutey against it. 6 minutes ago · Like by a science it is a purification by remaining in the satva guna as diet and life stlye. I am practicing brahminical culture at the present we see the leaders of society as being demoniac, over here in Kansas city the family planing building in right next door to a Kentucky fried chicken restaurant. one place kills your unborn, the other place is full of karmic reactions as well as our education is all speculation especially how we were trained to do all these things learned about the food groups, darwins theory etc and we sit in front of a tv hours and hours, this is just for starters this is a misdirected civilization man is the arcitect of his own deswtiny if one wants liberation complerly or wants elevation to the higer planets or wants to be animals in the next life then we have that choice by our own making as what we do and the mentality that is created along with it. I know, its this stuff about us and them I am ok but you are not. Actually Prabhupada said that we have to acept that they are demons back in 1966. Kirtanananda said they couldn't really be demons. Prabhupada said at that time that to be able to have any real spritual realization we would have to understand and accept they are demons. Actually when you do see things as they really are its not such a pretty picture. A lot of us agree that "Family Planning" is a very strange humane name to give to abortion clinics. well yeah we are on this machine made of the external material energy that is described by its elements in sankya philosophy, Consciousness is the eternal being as self, is is not developed at any stage of development of the external body. The self continues to exist when the body stops functioning as well as the identification as so and so and such American Indian, German, male , female animal, human etc the designations of the out ward dress, the self does not continue any of the designations as here after, rather in time accepts another body to identify with. This has been going on since time immemorial as there is no way to trace out when exactly or who the self was when it came into mater. This is real serious stuff, our society has us accepting something completely different. No real knowledge of the real self. Its an artificial standard of life, the market is based on all the wrong things and society as a whole is suffering because of its karmic reactions,Nature corresponds to our inner nature and the effects by our actions. These things society has no knowledge of. That is not real civilization nor a progressive society that keeps its citizens trapped in illusion and ignorance suffering still more in this life as well as our future transmigrations. its really just a simple logical explanation for physics, its just natural physics. We are Personalist's, that ultimately beyond matter is Brahman the effulgence from the Supreme it is one, then Paramatma- Visnu four armed form of the partial expansions of the supreme in each atom, then Bhagavan the one totality person the actual center and source of even our self as well as all matter and spirit. read the Srimad Bhagavatam explains its well did you see my India pix? each part of India has cerain followers I went to Navadwip or Gaura Mandal Bengal then Vrindavana. They are personalist's here. For the yogis that need no forms or labels they dont need deitys, somtimes they do worship the deity with the philosphy that any of the Gods get you to the same place. Society is still in gross ignorence of the real facts instead of the thing about the world being round the earth is the center of the universe, they have another missconception about the actual position of the universe or what is to be done and not to be done such as 'seeing through lenses" as witch craft or haressy. Prabhupada said in his tapes that I listen to that a society that keeps its citizens in ignorance is a cat and dog society and thats the destination of these jivas because they dont have real knowledge at the present and this isnt all the time the standard is only improved upon eating sleeping mateing and defending the animal propensity's and its getting harder and harder to maintain a basic living when the animals are getting these things very easily The vedas out date all of these Mystery schools by far. the last 2 thousand years christian era was dark ages etc. The 4 regulative principles, Krsna is to be known by all of the vedas, the last 5 hundread yrs Caitanya era has been during the renisance periods and so forth the whole world was influence by the love of godhead at the time and is still continuing as long as the purity remains intact, we actually get on the spritual platform transcending mind and body. no self interested desires and motivations etc, really apliy ones "self" to the process of redirecting our attention from matter to the transcendetal devotional service. practice keeping fixed concentrating for long periods of time and that expands and becomes steady and one enters samadhi as well as understands the love of godhead fruits and the mission of position of Lord Caitanya is Krsna and what is Radha Krsna ever heard of these Knights Templar Kingdom of Jerusalem The Cult of Isis and Early Christianity - Hohonu - Cached Early Christianity is defined as about the first five hundred years of its existence. ... Horus, who avenged the murder of his father and become the first Pharaoh of Egypt. ... and seeks justice for the poor and shelter for the weak” (Wikipedia: Isis). .... With the rise of Constantine to Emperor, the early Christian Church Constantine the Great, Rome's 1st Christian emperor ... - Cached Jump to Murderer: Murderer. Roman emperor Constantine — the first Christian emperor. After being converted to Christianity, Constantine put to death these are the freat guys in recent history not to mention the Spanish Inquisition - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Cached The Tribunal of the Holy Office of the Inquisition (Spanish: Tribunal del Santo Oficio de la Inquisición), commonly known as the Spanish Inquisition I really hope that Jesus Saves them causae they are going to need it. this is the kali yuga manifestation of mordern demon religion they all go for the lip service manifest their real vuage terms they dont know they just acept one has to die and they will find ou when they get there. this ones a good one I was listening to this one this morning Pradyumna: Translation: "Spiritually there are no differences between these five tattvas, for on the transcendental platform everything is absolute. Yet there are also varieties in the spiritual world, and in order to taste these spiritual varieties one should distinguish between them." [Cc. Adi 7.5] Prabhupada: Panca-tattva. The Absolute Truth is divided into five subject matter of relishing transcendental mellow. Advaya-jnana, without any difference. Vadanti tat tattva-vidas tattvam yaj jnanam advayam: [SB 1.2.11] Asolute Truth is one, but still, there are varieties, transcendental varieties. Just like Brahman, impersonal Brahman; and Paramatma, localized aspect of the Supreme Lord, Paramatma; and Bhagavan, the Supreme Personality of Godhead -- they are one. There is no difference. Brahman is not different from Bhagavan, and Bhagavan is not different from Brahman. Bhagavan is addressed by Arjuna as Parabrahman. Brahman realization, gradually... First realization: impersonal Brahman; then localized Brahman; then personal Brahman. The personal Brahman is called Parabrahman, the Supreme Brahman. Impersonal Brahman is the beginning of realization of the Absolute Truth. That is not final. Therefore those who are satisfied with impersonal Brahman, their knowledge is not perfect. Ye 'nye 'ravindaksa vimukta-maninas tvayy asta-bhavad avisuddha-buddhayah [SB 10.2.32]. The realization of the Absolute Truth is the platform of visuddha-sattva. So unless one comes to the platform of personal realization of the Lord, one is supposed to be avisuddha-buddhi: intelligence is not yet perfectly pure. I was dreaming its absolute with catagories that i had the milk and suger in the pot and I just added the vacume cleaner and the sand and the air and the job and the funiturde and the apartment, just put everything in the pot and just mixed it all up cause its all Krsna. lucid nation Re: Joining Amp‏ 12:32 PM Reply ▼ AMP: Artists' Meeting Place Add to contacts To Roger Cornwall Jr From: AMP: Artists' Meeting Place ( Sent: Tue 8/30/11 12:32 PM To: Roger Cornwall Jr ( Dear Roger, thank you for writing. Just send each piece of the below information, and I’ll create an account for you: * Username * E-mail address * How did you learn about AMP? * First Name * Last Name * City * State * Country * Post/Zip Code * the best arts resource or organization in your part of the world. * Your Website * Tell us about yourself: at the least, your art, what you need from AMP, and what you have to offer AMP. More detail is better! Fuller descriptions are very much appreciated, as they give other AMP members a much better idea of who you are. best, Terri Terri Anderson Executive Director AMP: Artists' Meeting Place and Resource Collective Los Angeles, CA, USA People do that crazy stuff like right after you get paid and you pay them rent and you don't get paid again for a while, and they are like making you leave all of the sudden. Its like it was crazy while you there but tolerating it until you cant get out, and like they talk you into all this stuff all the time. my ol lady was always saying crap when she said I could go then its a whole bunch of shit like what I was supposed to have really done instead according to her version all of the sudden, she's a real cunt. my step brother is a little older than the rest of us. I was in the second grade, he was in the 5th grade. At those ages there is a big difference on size and strength. The folks wasn't doing anything about it when he belted me in the nose when I wasn't looking so bad I saw lights, and all the other shit as crap he pulls. A bit strange for some real jerks that are constantly yelling a screaming about any tiny little thing and they don't do anything about this shit. Even if its even hardly even being only 5 min late or something. We just recently found out he died a few years ago. Its really like nobody can really deal with this fuck head, just give him his own room and stuff and he still does all this crap that you wouldn't normally think. We were filling up his ice chest with cokes and bears and his wife started yelling and screaming at him. I am looking at the both of them like what. He knows that if we fill up the ice chest its to heavy to carry and we are going down the rocks a ways down by the river bed for the day in the canyon. It might be a chore to get it down now, she knows that its even worse after were tired after the whole day and its getting cold and dark like all the other times. Basically he doesn't think. He calls me up and says come over a smoke a joint, he's got like more than a ounce and hes got it right here at the coffee table. Hes got a nice place and I wonder how hes doing it, well he's got his wife and their getting it together until she walks in and starts yelling that there is no money to pay the rent if he paid it today and their turning off the utility's in a couple of days. if you were to say that any of the operators and the order of presidence took presidence as well any order of any operators present, as any values you chose are no different than any other value still the is the liberty to chose any action one would like one to wish. To much money and not enough or more like whats it worth to you, if you came into something got to loose it if your gonna need to go on benefits or you cant take it in the first place as it would affect your eligibility. Or if the Stage coach is traveling at its best like 20 miles per hour which its doesnt most of the trip to Saint Louis from a runaway San Fransico Trolly car, and a train going at 100 mph and a greyhound, a volks wagon and a hitch hiker, what would be the order of the average if anybody really gave a shit in the first place? I wonder if he got any of those law suit settlements if he got into any of those accidents on the freeway. Driving with him was crazy, we would be going along and he says his breaks don't work that well they are going out and if it was raining he couldn't see without his glasses and he sits right up with his face in the windshield on the freeway. If he saw someone driving, I guess it had to be a new car or something cause he figured they had accident insurance so he changes lanes right in front of them and then hits the breaks to slow down all of the sudden so that they would rear end him so that he could have a claim. Oh yeah, I could hear them putting on their horn and it looked like they were cussing their mouths off and they pull into the next lane to pass and shout obscenity's and give him some really nasty looks as they go by. Did I mention that when it was raining he used the windshield wipers sparingly cause he needed new wipers and he had a rag or paper towel to clear the fog from inside the windshield while he was driving in the rain. He was always saying that he would drive me to work, I had a buss pass and I would just say I am taking the buss. One time I got out of the truck and took the buss. He pulled into the gas station then said give me some money for the gas, I told him all I had was my buss pass. My boss at work had 20 dollars bonus for us on Mondays or Tuesdays and paid cash for overtime or extra work orders if they can fit in and shipped out as well. What he did he grabbed his gas can and started pan handling for gas. I had these second cosins in Pheniox AZ, the older girls were twins, used to go out with each others boyfreinds. The manager at work had a twin the other was always there too, as he was also a manager though you never saw them together and they were all Craig, they kept it quite only the company knew cept you would see them in 2 differnet places, like when I saw him at the garden gate checking the locks and talking on the walkie talkie, then he was just right there at the cash registers as soon as I walked into the building. The other twins there said they are a pacagaged deal. They are indentical even the crooked eye teeth twisted to the side. My mother totally freaked out, you could tell that she screamed practically bloody murder. The cat burglar stole her money from of her purse on the ironing board. She said he was extremely ugly. The investigator took some plaster samples of the foot prints in the flower garden, she was certain they were not my dads. They asked me if I heard or saw anything. I told them that I covered up my face when my mother screamed and there was a small bounce on the side of my bed. He went out the window. The detective was certain that he opened the slide window first, then went in through the side door in the kitchen as the ironing board was right there where the tv was where the dinning room and the living room are just as the hallway is right in line. The ol man said that an alien was stealing money to fix his space craft and he had a bunch of kids helping him and they had a secret meeting place that was dug out in the ground that collapsed on them all the day he left. He didn't think that space men have to open any window first before they leap. I went to the market and we needed directions and we asked the police at the market. They had grey camouflage on and their vehicles were these grey camouflage RTV's that had the work POLICE on the front. They were right there just to the side in front of the market. Those who wanted to take control..l Du Pont, Monsanto wanted to produce synthetics, like nylon dacron etc, Canabis was a major competitor. I also know that cannabis was well known for its medicinal use as well as the affective use in cancer study's. Its still big business to keep people sick bleeding them and their family's of their wealth before they die. The medical industry is responsible for sapping countless fortunes, patients and their family risking everything even their homes for the agonizing horrible suffering during brutal therapy treatments and drugs only accounting for an agonizing terribly painful death after years of suffering. This is the stone age the dark age, you would think that there were laws that protects its citizens against such unfair treatment. yeah and when you go get what you want or need nobody starts taking pieces off of it like they own it or something and smoke it and blow in your face and give you some later maybe, after all its all on the planet earth how much more you got anyways I am quite sure they might get some more its it real this time. Or you just got to put it all in the pipe take your hit and get on with it then. We climbed on top of the water tower. it was at Dexter Park in Kagel Cyn. Nobody really every used to care and there was a lot of privacy. Most of everybody was at the Hideaway, it always had a crowd and a music scene with a cigaret machine was like only 60 or 80 cents. There was always this fresh air, the smell of sage and pine with everybody's chimney fire going. I was going up into the Big Tujunga Canyon in 74 75, I went to Verdugo Hills High school and a lot my friends went there especially the ones I hung out with the most. Wew used to go often and take a good hike into the areas that had natural running creeks and swimming holes and stuff. Durring the summer I was in the CETA Program work during summer program and I was at the elementary school right there. One afternoon when I got off work I just walked right onto the street and my friends were in a jeep, they turned the corner there I was and they pulled over said a gig was going on at Freeloader falls. Had ot all the skinny dippers, the band with gasoline driven electric generators the bikers, the hippie's, the flower children, The cops even showed up early evening to usher everybody back out now. Lots of times up in the canyon, was just went to a nice quite place just more than a few of us,or it was a total keger party on ice. The last time I saw Jim Clark from Madison he told me that Tom Porter was killed riding his motorcycle off of the Monkey canyon bridge I was in Junior high school, my folks had me drive the car around the block and wait in line to fill the car up every other day according to the number even or odd on our license plate in the morning before school. All these people believed that Reagan was a great guy and the best historical president ever. They must have been those who profited by it. Not giving the statistics of the loses, They present the millions of millionaires that were created in that era. It seems now more and more are accepting how much into the dark ages Reagan had actually place us in. The president is arranging more power unto the presidency. My freind told me its because of a world wide depression expected and power outages due to solar flares the earth has moved into that will turn off the planet earth until battery operated devices can restore power to all systems. The goverments expect great rioting. Forgion troops are training in the US currently. Martial law will be declared. The presidnet will declare dictatorship Then who actually really know what will take place at that point. The society has been taken off of the farms and placed in the city's dependent on transportation bringing goods to market. There isn't enough farms, or food. Society will need to be dealt with accordingly and this may include public executions and the camps. I think that the experiments will occur again to see what happens and how to deal with enemy attack by certain weapons. Some information includes getting a back pack, store food, what to do if some one breaks in and steals the food, a bug out location to get to, put a bicycle in your vehicle for when your vehicle konks out, battery and radio and flash light, first aid kit etc. What was the laws and controversy of the right to bear arms. Modern camp familys will be watching past episodes of Starlight 13 and Hogans Heroes like it really couldnt be as bad as that as in the past americans loved The Andy Griffith Show, Back in Mayberry. Forced to watch family comedy sitcoms going my son go his dig dong cut off to day and bleed to death in his own grave he dug all by his self, ai am so proud of him, god gonna miss tht kid and my wife just gave birth to her third inverto fertilization monkey (canned laughter) well thats nothing my wife had a cow!!!(louder canned laughter) Everybody's been on the side lines too long Rocky battles it out to the max for you, for all those lazy self indulgent smarties who are really absorbed couch potatoes havnt got a single choice they ever make in their own lives. Ya all go that's life, thats the way it is, my best freind got gassed this morning who knows, I just might not even see the sun set today. Hell might just end up in tissue harvesting, at least I'll get watch my favorite soaps for I go, that is if I still got a eye to watch it with and an inner ear to hear. I would think that one would not want to be just toatly shameless as to have something they wouldn't want some one to find if you got skin searched or your luggage is x-rayed like some personal items or even if your weapon is broken down and the parts like firing pin, barrel, ammo clip. Its illegal to transport fire arms or certain fire arms such as automatic firearms so these types are broken down to transport so that one can go to another country or go to the shooting range out in the country. As it wasnt so much as ads sponsered by the tobaco, alcolhola and firearms as ads sponsered by private partys in support of oposition to the right to bear arms or not. Sociwety as devolved so much that one cannot have really beena man if he hasnt been ot the hole have to be on paroll. It was advertised to turn in your guns as if your house is raided wich they do, its violation of paroll and probation. It was a plan to get illegal guns of the streets. SOCIAL ENGINERING : Social engineering (security) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia HTTP:// Social engineering is the art of manipulating people into performing actions or divulging confidential information, rather than by breaking in or using technical ... Social engineering techniques ... - Notable social engineers - United States law THEN THEN GUYS GO "FUCK YOU" if your a guy like me and posts this stuff. They think their hot. Social Engineering - Security Through Education Social Engineering - Exploiting Human Vulnerabilities What really is social engineering? We define it as the act of manipulating a person to accomplish goals that may or may not be in the “target’s” best interest. This may include obtaining information, gaining access, or getting the target to take certain action. Really strange, a local gang on Blyth, Delano, Tobias, Columbus, Langdon and Orion post flyers all around the Van Nuys Police station is which is just a block away and down Van Nuys Blvd a bit over Sepulveda blvd, that they will kill shoot and kill a poilce officer on New years 1985. This is the oldest Hispanic gang in the US. Imprisoned and jailed lost their rights due to probation and paroll for the very same thing that is legal in their country and that durring the 60's and the 70's was not enforced and has been decriminalizd. Who got duped on the dupe? A triple cross, catch 23. Dont matter where ya been or what ya did kid, it takes a 5 dollar bill, you only got 10. I am thinking about that my brother took my father to the convalescent hospital. Antibiotics are dangerous because the lower ones imunity system. His death on his certificate reads immune to antibiotics as the cause of death. Seems to me that people take their dogs and cats to the animal hospital to be put to sleep when they become to old, cataracts, senile, growing and attacking. My brother thinks that he deserves something that he never got because my dad id a dead beat dad and didn't do his part as a father and get all of his sons business. So he took it amongst himself at a time when my father took out home loan for repairs and remolding. He claims that my fathers young girl Friend took my father to the bank to take out all of these home loans. The did build the downstairs into an apartment and installed a shower and a bathroom, as well as tore out the old kitchen cabinets and sink and installed a new water heater. My brother took the money. Even had the girl arrested, she was not held on any charges or crimes. Friday September 30th 2001 I had a dream, we actually shouldn't take our dreams so seriously most of the time. I would have to take the side that I should have complete faith in Mother Ganges, That I spread my fathers ashes there in India that the benefit is totally purified of all Karma and no more birth in the material world, freed from Samsara for eternity. I had this dream were were at an Indian restaurant, there were many aentree's we just stay there for days and weeks. Then the owners took us out on the road for 6 months enjoying very many wonderful things. Then we returned to the restaurant for a very long time. Until they ran out of the entree's, changed the signs that no longer offered they great services and became a very plain establishment. I went into my fathers booth that now it time to go, as he put down that last of the entree's and they cleared his table. All the while they were very glad to have customers like us, as they extracted payment from his money as we went along serving us the finest things that were the best that we would like very much. At the end when it was time to go now, We had been away form home for over 10 years, what were we going to tell his wife, My step mother Ginny and the family were we had been. Then I didn't want to go with him that he was to drive his truck off of a cliff, that death awaited that I was not to go along. I mention this because in the Heavenly planets one day is six months and the enjoyment there is far superior than that of the Earthly planet available to the human beings. Until their KARMA RUNS OUT THEN THEY HAVE TO LEAVE. I had dreams before this one I recdorded as quicly as I could to keep the details and the mood intact Sun March 2nd 2008 I had this most beautifull dream last night, I call it AN ASIAN UNIVERSITY TRADDITON AS PERFORMED EVERY YEAR BY THE FINEST STUDENTS SELECTED, This play is actually in contest with the previous years performance, I as having had the good fortune to have studied for one year in Asisa's most finest Prestine University, I was allways very shy among the woman who seemed to talk and laugh somtimes glancing my way, I just thought it would be proper not to pursue, but to remain in my studies and associate among the male fraturnity, until upon graduation I, as after the celebrations as walking among the beautiful campus with flowers and bridges over lakes and streams came upon a beautiful creature of both woman and beast who had awoken from being very tired upon her journey across the ocean. A very far distance carrying fire in her lap as she would be sunken in the waves she would emerge encircled by the protecting fire which would again rest in her lap. She said that she desired courtship and intimate relations with me which I refused immediately as it would not be proper. She assured me that if I fulfilled her desire I would be blessed by being married to the Princess such an offered could not be refused as she was the most beautiful in all the land. she gave to me a mixture of dough sweets and yogurt in which we bathed and encircled the dough mixture with the sweets and hand feed each other in extreme delight which cause and intense euphoria until finally the sugar and enzymes causes involuntary sexual release, as we landed upon shore the performance by the students as expert was graded as a tie to the previous years performers in which the local girls laughing as the year passes was actually the princess and her associate maids friends in which marriage was proposed by the queen on behalf or her beautiful daughter all was happy The Illustrated Tibetian Book of the Dead --- The Barl Thordol and Other Essays by Roger Lee Cornw The Illustrated Tibetan Book of the Dead --- The Barl Thordol and Other Essays I went up to Topanga a few times, had a great trip one time went up there with a freind of mine hich hiked up the canyon some krsna girls reading Sroi Isopansad out loud gave us a ride, after we got back and after school we went over to another freinds out in Van Nuys where I was living at the time and were joking and talking and I am triping and this guy drive by just like Col Sanders, as I was informed that it is he that they do live on the block over there. I went up to Topanga a few times, had a great trip one time went up there with a freind of mine hich hiked up the canyon some krsna girls reading Sroi Isopansad out loud gave us a ride, after we got back and after school we went over to another freinds out in Van Nuys where I was living at the time and were joking and talking and I am triping and this guy drive by just like Col Sanders, as I was informed that it is he that they do live on the block over there. Danny Thomas lived over by Cold Water / Wheitshit as well as Billy Barty over there by the church on Vanowen across form where Madison Jr High school. I wanted to know if anyone has a copy of Kim Fowley's Canyon people with the news broadcast of his canyon people movement in the canyon. Ive been looking all over for it for my collection Saw Black Flag there went to D Downs quite a few times. When I was a kid in late 60's early 70's we used to go to 4 h fairs there. we had a ranch on Roscoe and Lindly now they are these condominium apartments there for the whole block at Woodly. The go cart place is the Home Depot parking lot This is the only thing I could find, I lived in Sylmar off of Foothils and Strathern, there were some air fields around lots of them there were these sonic booms testing aircraft breaking the sound barrier. There were also air raid sirens every so often. Great kid, I appreciate that. Here's a dollar go play Frisbee on the freeway, Get out of here already, you know we love ya while your not burning your bridges at both ends. have you ever seen another state of mind. I saw it at the new art when it came out in 83 Used to see SD everywhere. they had these gigs at industrial buildings and small lclubs and stuff saw then at the Whiskey alot Another state of mind part 1 Another State of Mind is a documentary film made in the summer of 1982 chronicling the adventure (and misadventure) of two punk bands Social Distortion and Youth Brigade I practically knew everybody in the movie, I used to do the liguid run with the they guy who was showing how the slam works, was his name Dan. He was in the marines reserves, I thought that was a real trip cause I was in the Navy reserves i the Sea Bees construction battalion. This was a LA punk Photographer Alison Braun photography Los Angeles 1989-1992, featuring subjects like Mike Ness, Jello Biafra and Henry Rollins in the portfolio section. I used t see Youth Brigade around all the time. They had this organization called BYO Biased Youth Organization. BYO was always on the flyers like Bring Your Own. I was hanging out mostly with Stephen and Tommy they had a shop called Bright Lite Neon. Their sister Amy was hanging out with Alison Braun.They were seniors and graduating from North Hollywood High. Red Scare used to play I was always running into Bobby the singer in the band. Tommy was the drummer in Hero's of noise they were opening for the gigs for SD. legal weapon. Red Scar.e Minor threat. they used to play like at HJ's, the Whisky, the shop and some industrial spaces in North Hollywood. Yeah we used to go to a lot of gigs, New Olympic, Godzillas SunValley, Whisky Roxy, Starwood Nightclub, Starlight Roller rink, Northridge roller rink I think it was, Devonshire downs, The Country Club, there were some studios in North Hollywood they had gigs, Cathay de Grande, The anti club, club lingerie we went out to alpine village in oc, somes gigs in Ventura, OLD Floritine Gardens when they had gigs in 81 with like 12 bands 45 grave, Bad Religon, 999, Dissability I belive this guy we knew Tracy was a gutairist in that band, etc, The ZeroAnd The Starlight in Hollywood. They usually had the Circle Jerks and The Vandals. Bobby was always with this girl they would slam each other and pin each other down on the ground for a while. So whats with this crap that all of the sudden no ones trusted, cant go no where for lunch. They say they have machines. almost 3 dollars and more for a burrito that I can get 3 for 99 cents and the micro wave is so high that its too hot if you catch it in time and the filling boils out. More snack crap that I don't eat, I am a vegetarian and what have they got. Whats it to them anyways where you go and what you do on your time, your held captive practicaly against your will and it cost to much money just to get the gas to get there anyways, what about the baby formula, I guess we will have to wait on that one that's extras. Denny's was right across the street, a burrito place down at the end of the block, a donut shop and an oriental place right across the street, you not allowed to go acrss the street cause it has a liqueur store. They sell more than just liqueur you idiots. its true a couple of places that i worked for and I have very strong resentments against them and have been enforced for no reason. this goes back to 1992, 1990, 1989, 2006 did you read this thing about the police incident report? "Journey to the center of Consciousness" "Journey to the center of Consciousness" The From Shadana to Samadhi page Oh yeah I am in Kansas city MO. No I don't work for them any more, my previous article went into more detail. Its already like running for office or something to get hired and the interview and resume thing, then all these company's on a daily basis don't know whats going on they lay everybody off then they need to hire more people its constantly up and down and they are trying to get rid of people with out having to offer the unemployment benefits or try to get their employes to quit. currently I am laid off since Jan 10 2010 and everybody is like on unemployment benefits extending to 99 weeks and Omama is making law an additional year. I am writing all the crazy stuff for the magazine and all this stuff is true. not only that, something I still haven't gotten on yet is that the neiborhoods we lived in and grew up and the schools we went to all are dangerous now. the houses all have the security bars and its all run down and dirty and the cops pull you over and want to know what your doing there. Our kids take a buss up to the hills at Verdugo Hills High school cause the rest of the kids in the neighborhood threatens our kids. They leave their beer bottles all laying around. The post office wouldn't deliver the mail which includes everybody's bills and checks and stuff until the apartment owners installed new mail boxes cause they keep breaking into them and the locks were missing and the doors were hanging of their hinges. They keep breaking the front security door and the mechanism in the front. Thats when I got a post office box cause I was taking in home education in PC's and programing and stuff and was getting my grades and equipment and software with manuals. Its not the clothes you wear or are accustomed to wearing such clothing, rather it how they put it on and if ya asked me it looks pretty stupid. They say, my caps pulled down, SO, My Penelltin is open button at the top and ironed creases, SO, My pants are ready for boosten, SO looks pretty stupid. Besides what do ya want me to do about it that your an asshole in society and the rest of society is pretty fucked up to so join the club. I don't care about your banana rama bandana low over your tea timers, and why don't you get your next car battery at a retail or wholesale outlet. Get your own tires and stereos. When these people move in they bring their cops and bugs with them. Some real raids with air patrol and everything. Ya don't see this shit on the news, they don't discuss the real issues, or whats really going on in our communities, and they are the ones who are saying give us our streets back that just because your poor doesn't mean you have to live in filth and violence. How about if you got stolen and got left laying around somewhere striped down and gutted out. These roads are far and wide and go for miles. Some one puts in a theft report for you. How about Occupy everywhere, occupy gang land, Occupy the police station, occupy and stand by your neighborhood and your schools. Modern society has sabotaged its self that although it is a false standard of external material comforts it is based on all the wrong behavior. Society refused to accept the history's of the Ramayana 2 million yrs and the Maha Barata 3000 bc and instead excavate territories and speculate and try to piece together certain data only according to their own limited perspective. These history's of Ramayana and Maha Barata give detailed descriptions of the personality's that lived and the society in which they lived in. Society should take in to consideration very seriously Karma and its interactions. One should live in such a way that one does not incur karma and become subjected to nature. The only choice one has in this condition is the actions and the mentality in which they have created their next body at every and each instance of moment. The Srimad Bhagavatam says that everything is so much useless hard labor if it does not awaken the knowledge and devotional service to the Supreme who is situated within the heart of the living entity. Prabhupada said in his lectures that this is the way to be immortal other wise one has no control over their destiny. in the middle 70's if some one was wondering around and drinking and didn't have any place to go they were removed fast. Now they are all over the place. I moved back to the same block on Woodman at Vanowen in 97 until 2009. Were I used to live the big pine tree had to be taken out cause the drunken homless guys kept hanging out there and urinating on the tree and it got a fungus. Yeah they have taken down the flood colored lights, filled the swimming pools with cement, they don't take care of the beautiful landscape or lawns. Its like heavy A guy was driving his mini truck on the freeway with a load of penquins in the back. A cop ses this guy and pulls him over and asks him "where ya taken these penquins?" The guy says " to the zoo" The cop told him he had beter be takien these penquins to the zoo cause next time he sees him again with all these penquins he's gonna run em all in. So the next day the same cop sees the guy again in the mini truck and the penquins were puttin on sun tan lotion and playing surf music and dancing and had boogie boards and ummerllas. The cop pulled him back over and says " hey! I though you were taken these penquins to the zoo?" The guy told him that he did and today hes taken them to the beach! I lived in Kagel Cyn on West Trail. Used to up to gravity hill and go by there all the time. its farther up past all the houses in front of the cemetery's. there are 2 cemetery's. another way to access it is by Lopez Cyn which is Kagel cyn rd at a certain point access on Van Nuys blvd and Foothill. Kagel cyn also has Dexter Park and higher up on east trail is the famous hair pin curve for those who like to just take a drive. Also on Kagel cyn is the Hideaway which has country rock blues on the weekends and an open mic jam on Sunday afternoons they close early in the eves. Gravity hill is an optical illusion that it is actually a hill that appears to be a ditch so that gravity operates and it appears your car is rolling up hill in neutral when you take off the brakes. yeah we went up to Van Nuys blvd, that's where everybody was hanging out. in I think 81 they started putting up road barriers and the stores and restaurants had to close early. The employees that worked there lost hours because of it. They started ticketing cruisers and dimming the street lights more. Everybody was thinking that they wanted to cruise Foothil at Sunland blvd and higher up. The local police dept issued out warnings that anybody that show up to cruise will be arrested. Lots of people showed up and the cops had a hugh check point station set up and roped all the people together and pulled over and towed cars. It was even on the news. Yeah it was pretty cool, They have a real cool scene here. lots of musicians are from Kansas city like Bo Diddly. There are a lot of musicians here and a blues and jazz museum with a live club they perform at right where the art museum is . Blue Room - American Jazz Museum American Jazz Museum Tickets, Rhythm & Ribs Tickets, Blue Room Tickets ... who crafted "Kansas City jazz," a sound known all over the world, the Blue Room ... at the American Jazz Museum in the Blue Room, please send us a short artist The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art | Kansas City, Missouri The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art in Kansas City, MO is a world-class encyclopedic museum. Admission is always free I was going to the Whisky and the Roxy all the time. Its changed big time, they tried to expand it and they really pack everyone in there and they have the front to a garage like door that they load the equipment right from the street instead of in the back. We were going to the Key club used to be Gazaris. My friends bands currently play at the Viper Room on Sunset. I had a back stage wrist band for Bad Manners a couple of years ago at the Key Club, they were staying at Tequila Mockingbirds house when they were in town. Russia wants to band the Bhagavad Gita. If they want society to act immorally then ban the Bhagavad Gita, which wont go away they will just print and distribute it illegally just like they did with the bible during Communism. The gita is instructing the highest moral principals. Prabupada is teaching us the 4 principles. If they want society to be drunkards, lacking in any good quality's, the problems associated with extra martial relationships and gambling as well as the quality of mercy in animal slaughter and consumption. They should very seriously re think it over. I think in the long run the Gita will be free to read and distribute. should do a complete mark up of the Eagles album Hotel California like Frank Zappa switch all the people in different dress like punks and drag and falmes and bully mussle men and long cig filter holding Tebula Bunkhead and Milton Berle in a bra and stuff Howard Stern in bondage File:Zappamoney2.jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This is the Original gatefold sleeve, now the current cover of the album. yeah and like Evil Kaneval and the Hells Angels 69 with Elvis pressly and James Dean Maralyn Monroe and JFK LB aint go nothing on me oh yeah and the midgiet muchkin hanging himself in the corner up stairs in the window Topless bearded ladys in boxers with contortionists and swamis and yogis got to have the circus ring leader with the handle bar mustash and the vice squid the real scary cops directing traffic like swat or something and the cartel castro an atom bomb rocket and Einstein teaching the the abc's to the disabled stoners heros of war Yeah everybody was always sticking up for the president, and they said they didn't believe it when informed that all of this is negative in a big way. Like for instance Regan lifted the ceiling on rent control and its calculated on percentages which keep snow balling higher and higher. the rent is totally out of control, its way to much and hardly affordable. The state pays those who qualify for benefits and that doesn't mean you and me. They still even hardly believe the thing with the camps and stuff and this has been going on for over 30 years with an effective plan to get the Americans on the camps all the transportation has been provided and is in place. I think just like before since like 2006 that everybody should boycott all goods and services. especially think this because the way I was treated at a popular home improvement retailer. we all think Home Depot is a great company. Its not those guys are the biggest dicks just read this and the way I was treated. They should seroulsy consider the consciences of their actions, they think its all right but they don't admit to it and think they have the right. I think that gas should be boycot and I think that the police station and the militarily bases and the drug streets and gangland and your local schools should also be occupied. ctually go to to see it. click in the middle of the screen that says: read it , it goes in full screen scroll up and down. actully go to to see it roger's rave as seen in lost anarchy magazine

Now I am really trippin not only had I not only recovered this article once but twice, my laptop crashed and I got another one, had to really back track quite a bit, then I find it in facebook notes gonna have to sychrinz all this. had to go back weeks didnt want to loos the story its was great.

I cant believe that this part got lost too... Dont expect that now they say that this guy is finnaly caught and dead that there wont be an ememy number 1 or that terrism will end cause it wont, just get the proper perspective on the whole situation, they were hired in the first place and have been acting on orders, real people really got killed in the country were these orders for such acts of terrisim were made as well as other countries as well. Roger Cornwall Jr. This war machine was orrignally created to get Russia out of Afganistan then one week after the Russian retreat communisim in Russia fell about an hour ago · LikeUnlikeRoger Cornwall Jr.

Kadafi got his half his face shot off and killed his baby girl 59 minutes ago · LikeUnlikeTherese Davis Roger! there was a viral ink to this!!!! 'unfriend' dude! 45 minutes ago · LikeUnlikePeter Klok Actually Osama has been dead for years. 44 minutes ago · LikeUnlikeJohn Wallrapp FYI....WARNING: there is a video circulating around Facebook, of a BBC video,of the killing of Bin Laden, supposedly made by US troops. It is aVirus!!!!! Spread the news because it's circulating fast!!!! PLEASE REPOST and please do not open it I am tired of people sending me crap with viruses. Thanks guys for the heads up on the video virus yeah and thanks for the links to the virus as well. Roger Cornwall Jr. You know I was just thinking about this that like the U.S. spells us, like its us the humans on this planet that need to be saved form our selfs and we dont have a solution on our own stand alone platform of anything known by matter or research or speculative imangination 10 Most Bizarre Fragrances Via Outlook Via Website Vulva Fragrance Funeral Home Scent Paint Perfume in a Spray Burger King Body Spray Stilton Cheese Perfume Lobster Scent Secretions Magnifique - Blood, Semen, and Spit

you wanna know what happened like you all ready got enough of me allready, What about the coffee and jelly donut scent Man I was doing this writing and then closed WordPad apearntly without saving, So I saved my story about the Karma of the victims and their Killers as in a previous life the Killer created the Karma to be killed by their victim in much as the same way. So I just rememberd that I wrote another scent of Girl Pukes Peach Brandy and Root Beer Schnaps on Hollywood Blvd with a touch of lipstick, powder and leather. Oh yeah and I wrote like a reaction would be OMG!!! you can notice that too. I can breath in the fresh air and tell the cops wont be out tonight if thats what you mean. The interactions of Karma are very intricate, One person in one lifetime kills some one maybe even quite brutaly strangles a prositute in a hotel room some where or like in the black Dehlia famous murder case the victim an asprieing starlet has her limbs sawed off while she is still alive even, theymust have tried to go for the door just to be overpowered and overpowered at that in that they did lose their lives. Then the murder has to be killed by their victim some time in a future life, after many many life times one abtains a very rare and valuble human form of life. Then they meet some day or night and make arrangments to go out together, since the murders have never been caught how cant it be ruled out that it could have been a woman as well as a man. The know they have meet before some where some how how strange like everything is so familar how it all comes into place, you must be my soul mate. Yes we have met before many many times over countless lifetimes. Were very old freinds indeed. She is having lots of fun with her freinds as she is introduced to many of her freinds acquitases, as she allways seems to keep running into and noticing one paticular person, so strange it is I know this person from some where, but where? Running through so many memories, the shops on the corner where I live in the first grade, the mail carier, I know I remember. As she has more drinks and takes up the invitations to a few dances, she is still confronted with the presence of this person ever still. I feel so odd, but I know I know you from some where but I cant just place it. Yes I have the same perceptions as well. Actuall she just saved alot of time as our perpetrator has been fiquiring how to follow them around and find out were she lives where she goes, and now she has fallen right in the lap of their desitiny. She knows this is the purpose of here life and they leave together being so infaturated and amazed how it is that the emotions and the mind can create such a euphoria. They desire each others company in a much more seculued quite romantic atmosphere, Seeking expressing they learn more and more about each other, inquisitive all the more. They palyed each other like experts, aranged by Cupid himself, as nothing could have manifested better, as all is as it allways was., the shodows, the reflections the colors and the lights, the smel of twead, wool, cotton and the fine elegance of the swift uninhibated nature of silk. Orchestrated as the enjoyment of the Gods them selfs. By Morning the investigators, the staff form the paper as well as the TV Crews, bending down to step under the yellow tape now bloking off a good part of the neighborhood tied to trees and the side veiw mirrors of the parked cars on the side of the road. Photographers snaping off shots of anything that moves hopeing to get an important persanlity in the investative crime sceene Looks like the deli section at the meat market Sarge, this guy really musta knew what he was doing, really knew his stuff. Allright clear everyone out of here dont touch anything just leave it where it is, lets go take a look. you, with the camera you come to I get a good portfollio in this case. There probably asking some real interesting questions downtown by know, its allready spread accros the country now its the legal experts, Criminalts to recapture the events of the night before.

This was a great movie and had great music. I saw this Movie these guys were really blowing it big time the Dandy Warhols memebers broke up and formed other bands like The Brian Jonestown Massacre A documentary about two rocks bands, spanning a number of years. Brian Jonestown Massacre and the Dandy Warhols. What makes it special is the examination of the complex contrasting personalities and the ironies of success and failure. Dig!

I thought I was influenced by european punk but the LA Punk sceene actually was the sceene and new yark, chicago, it was world wide, same thing cultural explosion in the 60's the youth hit the streets world wide a phenemena hardly understood. I used to hang out over by there and I got raided one night I was trippin and they confiscated my unopened beer in my coat pocket in the bag with the receipt and they probaly went orund the corner and drank it themselves and that liqueur store's been closed down a long time over by the slops which is no longer there the side walk by a parking lot used to drink in there, used to hang out with the crew upstairs over the liquor store there were some apts wich are now travelers what ever you call them were the people from Europe go to get a dormitory, yeah the hellicoptoer came and this whole row of like these guys I was seeing walking around all night like marines or something like single file just kept coming went right around the corner down the ally to 7 seas, I was really trippin had some more at home.

I put the police harassment report in this article it went on for over a year even got a ticket on my way to court for a ticket, yeah it was 1981 - 1984 the sloipes was going on in92-93 when I was laid off form Acoustic Control Corp before the company went bellies up and Steve marks went ot Prizon for stealing his companys money and tax evasion we were like laid off practically every other week bAcoustic Control Corporation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Acoustic Control Corporation was a manufacturer of instrument amplifiers, founded by Steve Marks (with the help of his father) and based in Van Nuys, ... These were guitar and bass amplifiers and stage monitors, mixers and stereo speakers. Acoustic Controll Corp was well known in the industry for the first solid state amplifiers and tube amps loaded with solid state effects, they officialy wenbt into business by outfitting the Doors, Paul Kanter of the Airplane was the iorst to use Acustic and the word got around

Thank you for your help and advice I did buy and down load Sound Forge Audio Studio this mornign and have been exploring it loaded some clips and remasterd a peice. The box says the laptop is Toshiba l65=S51550 / Pentium running Windows 7 , I didnt get a cassete player yet for the inline recording I need one that has a head phone output the one I was using is a pretty big one down stairs who is there among us who would not bur rather not poke themselves in the eye to make a real good poin,t points can be sharp.

Well it seems to me I keep telling tro do the same thing for everygthing Take it all out on Highway 61 The solution allways stayed the same through out the ages I believe this thing started about a vison yet to come as a test of faith actually this paper cup was used for hot drinks the reason for the handle most donut shops had these very common its on the left shoulder with the handle on the right, as I am facing the photo the handle is on my left and the cup is situated on my right, basic psychology that we all perceive the same thing from our own perspectives. I used to live in Mojave in 1969 its now built up and developed same thing with Lancaster although Lancaster was were we had to go to do shopping cause Mojave only had one market a Safeway and then 2 privately owned "To Go" stands now it has the whole conglomeration. When I was in the fifth grade.

I belive this is the concert I saw when I saw the Greatfull Dead in berkly Greek theater that was somthing the volswagan van we went in had to be pushed started everytime we stoped any where then when we go to the dormatorys at the campus the drive shaft fell out it went clang clank clk ak cling then like metal rolling to the curb one last clank and he said thats it were here not going back though your on your own have all weekend cause they play on Sunday. It was just before I started working at Acoustic Control Corp, In fact I was living with Maggie, meet her at a hospital she was so nice but she was very I'll mentally changed big time put on her make up like a witch when she was drinkin like thise cheap gallon bottle of wine, When Bruce came to pick me up to go to San Fransisco she was at the door going Roger it s the salvation army, I am callin the salvation army to get your stuff so I put my cutom made baby blue fender strat in Bruce's trunk. Yeah and it was a realy trip too, like more times in one weekend and still get off people were walking around with it hangin around their necks and just would like give me a tab I had Pharoh and others. Even on Sunday when we got in, agian and a lot of weed. I love San Fransisco I want to go again. Callin my step brother was a trip cause what ever it was I couldn't cause I was in San Fransisco, he goes where? what are ya doin, howed ya get there oh I'll see ya when ya get back like the time I went back to Denver and Maggie tore in half which we taped back a real cool poster of Visnu

Grateful Dead Live at Greek Theatre, U. Of California on 1982-05-23 : Free Download & Streaming : In Shakedown Street-> Promised Land, They Love Each Other, Mama Tried-> Mexicali Blues, Loser-> Little Red Rooster, Ramble On Rose, Let It Grow Scarlet Begonias->...

all the desecption, here in MO State there was just hundreads of Tornados, world wide natual dissturbance and wars and the people of the earth just dont get it , they dont understand why they are suffering in so many ways due to karma and the indentification with the body and attachment to the bodily realtionships.

Because the artificial standard of living is a grossley misslead socity world wide and the karmic reactions are taking place manifesting in disaster because this world wide socity is a complete disaster, we have to rectify our mentality as eternal pure spritual beings as the underlining basis to all motivation.

Actually the activity's of society are miss placed, for instance the majority of society does not see the karmic harmful effects of maintaining the slaughter houses and eating meat and distributing it through so many markets and restaurants as well as the maintenance of casinos and brothels etc the vice's of society is bringing the society down and there is disaster no one understands why, if society changed then nature would also react accordingly the use of intoxicants and well as the cheating of the innocent public loss of homes loss of jobs the market crisis's etc. ideas about proper diet and health, External world religions offer no salvation never did. Ever have thOH YEAH THE REAL KICKER on this whole thing, the external educational system gave us false at feeling before that something just wasn't right with all of this that we have gone far off the path and are in a wrong direction, just didn't have any positive alternative or the information as to how we are intended to be as humans as nature has its natural real arrangments. The humans on this planet are consumer slaves, destined to hell by its very enslavement. yeah enough I am currently living in a yoga ashram in Kansas city, I am focusing on this on a daily basis, not that I am having trouble but I am faced with these issues, I know things that most arnt aware of, Ive had expericnce's practrilocly all of my life and it runns in the family and my father had passed away recently, got to get others to understand the idenitfication of this life will not continue into heavon or hell itw will again be another indetifcation relitive to the body obtained and new name and form etc. these are temporty and limited out real intereswt is in that which is steady and permenant not a transitory limited universe, and dont worry I save this stuff I write in comments and put them on my page and my Roger's rave on lost anarchy magazine. what I say I also retain and post on my own wall as well a real big part of the situation is summed up in this staetment I didnt post here is: The humans on this planet are consumer slaves, destined to hell by its very enslavement. Most people dont really belive this look up- this article Escape from the zombie food court | albertideation May 18, 2011 ... Escape from the Zombie Food Court. Joe Bageant recently spoke at Berea College in Berea, Kentucky, Eastern Kentucky University at Lexington, ...

I dont really mean to offend any one that's not actually my place or concern but this may sum things up a little more on an idividual basis collectivly we have been lied to about everything every day of our lifes, Socitys leaders seek out those who pose no threats, I found that out the hard way so I speak up cause they really ticked Me off with the way I was misstreated. see Harassment Incident report I git a ticket on my way to court for a ticket once durring all that crazy stuff

Yeah even if its a cheap filet going by the name and price of something elese seemingly highly desirable as this article suggests, I remember losts of things cubaina missle crisses, Kennady assination Nixon Impeachment Veit Nam, Air Polution, you name it riots This whole thing isnt exacly the real truth about things, so amny deceptions and cover ups, esspecailly what I am pointing out is that this is a missdirected socity the citizens have a very dark future as they are lead to belive that the development of conscouiness takes placde at certaian point of the development of the body ahd that the enity did not prevoulsy exist. One can know for certain as the self sees and expericnces thbe self and its source the cnter of all existance, this information is being withheld. I just hope that there isnt another market crises the last time I was doing a market research study on the market the anual study that runs year round them wam I waited or over 6 months for the phase one to strart again and be in training with the cleint and wham no 40 hrs they treated me like crap, calling my angency all the time with complaints wasnt like that before they told me to go get a drink or take a break I was producing that why I was recomneded, they put new break traking software on the pc's and readjusted the production that now it takes calling 60 an hour cause it only takes a min to dail a number but the production changes when you talk to someone and get the completed interview whcih ussaly was a scheduled call back cause theses people are busy under normal conditions but now there was a crises and these people had to answer questions to their customers and replace the holding with other providers etc my angeny just plain of took me off of it and then called me back when I was at Bank of America, for now I think they can all just take a hike. The way it was explained to me at this makes sense that we have a set of choices we make our selections then again based on that we again have another set of choices Yeah when I was hanging out at the Cathay De Grand Top Jimmy and the Rythem Pigs were like kinda runing the place along with some others Tequila Mockinbird was behind the bar upstairs and Gill T was running the bar down stairs where the stage was. I was hanging out with Phil and Dave Alvin of the blasters and the piano player in the balsters Bill Bateman the Blasters Drumer Billy Zoom and John Doe of X and then running around woth the Montors Al Duce, I was rodeoing for a couple of bands Scram at the anit club pend for Chris Craft andx a band called Parts and Labor opened for the blasters at 'Club Lingerie.

I was hanging out and going to Social Distortion Gigs and Legal Weopon Hj's was one place as well as the new Olypic and some rented industrial space's in North Hollywood with a fridge as well as other bands and punk rockers and the photographers I met Ed Colver a few times and Alicin was very local saw here all the time she was freijnds with my friends saw her everywhere Alison Braun photography Los Angeles 1989-1992, featuring subjects like Mike Ness, Jello Biafra and Henry Rollins in the portfolio section.

used to run into the circle jerks a lot of gigs one time they told me about their new album Golden Shower of hits, and I just repsonded with this remark about a camode for rentIve seen as flower pots in the front yard some where near the corner covered in ivy and other creapers and foliage. No no it was like some sort of canabilisim or some other realm or possibiltiy or the recycled regurtitaterd over and over again in differnt forms digeting each ogther in so many ways Everythinng is going great right now working out a few things I just some video and audio enginering software and some equipment and some stuff for the guitar Well right now its not going to be for a while again, I was considering comeing back just before I went to India then go back to LA but everybody took off and now agian I am needed here so that Maharaja can operate the temple here, I am the only Pujari preist to di the alter work and worship so baby Tequila was thinking maybee nov but I probally think at least another year Yeah so I got some time to practice my chops I got my instructional books and I get videos and backing traks, and we are in the proccess of getting my a bicycle to get around town over here hope your doing the right thing with your life, Are u [You] yes I am What have you truly gotten out of this travel that has helped to make you better/ [You] I woudl deffianly say the brahminical Initiation to chant the gayatri mantra, and My father passed away so dealing with the subjucts of the passong away and death and all of that, some one close and all the st;uff with it deep reflections on being in the now working on my concentration more and more I put some of my dads ashes in the ganges while I was in India Very Beautiful , Roger... This is much better way to communicate.... What happened to his house/ Know you have been re-discoverying yourself, sounds like your doing well...Happy to hear your still playing your "Axe' Lv. your phone # again and a time, I'll call you 4:17am ...time for bed\ talk soon, call you [You] 6:18am Something very strange with al of the loans that were taklen out on the pad, the house has more payments due than its actual value and its all torn apart he was doing some remodeling but tore everything out and never got the chance to put anything back in and my sister offered to bring iut up to code so it could be rented out or possibly sold and my brother told here it would be tresspassing so its just hanging out going into foreclosure its currently in probate WHY WOULD YOU LISTEN TO YOUR BROTHER, Wrong decision... you still could see $$$ Will call you.... [You] ok yeah i dont want to loose the place thnx You could make it happen, your "Brother" is not to be trusted [You] its in the canyon KAgel canyon like little tujunga and big tujunga canyons and dexter park and gravity hill A Sweet and Glorious place to live your life in the future, Chant and make it happen] [You] I have the information with bank of america on the house and I can disscuss with them they told me to get an attourney DO IT~~~~ NOW, My Brother... In the Memory of your Father & your Sanity [You] 6:24am yes great and all of my freeinds and the water falls and all of my friends and the hiking spots and the sceeneryu and the view and all of my freinds Take me their pls The Magic of Dad The Magic of You ~~ We both have grown Milestones in our own ways... Beautiful!!! Blessings...

15 hours each way on the plane then I stayed in India for a month Mayapur then back to kalkuta to Dehli to go to Vrindavana, in Dehili and Kalkuta its another 4 to 6 hr drive to Mayapur and Vrindavana. yes it was quite a trip. Cool Jam, great selection, I just recived I again ordered Wolf Marshal Signature series Blues Master Classics I really want to get these numbers down, I was doing well with it before I left, I got laid off again from Bank of America this time they transfered my dept to Plano TX the jacked me around while in training I was within the extensive process of converting to full time employee then wham they said something about my background but my agency was trying to say I didnt get when I actual assisted the full time employees currently on the phone, if anything my dad losing by taking out to many loans on his house financed through BOA, I just got a musical and mic interface with cubase 5 and I will again working on these chops and a cassette to pc recorder and I still have recorded amateur tracks from since 1979 to digitize, it was cool stuff. needs to be fixed up as well and I have another digital studio for that as well. Sony Sound Forge loaded with features effects and filters.

Donny olsen and mike myer was in my film making class and we did this one film about puns to for sitting on a fence donny had a little wire garden divider looks like a fence and he sits in it and takes out a rolled up paper looked like a joint ande lit it up and then we all got an f on report card day because as the teach was doing our report cards mike Myers lit the trash can on fire and filmed it for our schools out video by alice cooper it had the smoke going all the way down the Halls and everything

oh this is nice thnks who ever ya are ... Good day, I am Si-Wan Park, I have a business of $15,557,210.00 USD for you contact me for details. 10 minutes ago · Like · Roger Cornwall Jr. this time no expalinations or anything just short one line best of the one liners So Orange Sunshine comes in a bag now and don't tell me since its over the counter each hit contains the USDA recommended dosage for The complete trip of you life be sure to tell your folks and dont forget to try Purple haze and clear window pane , red devil, hexagramatron and the wizards apprentice now available in travel packs for your convenience. oh yeah and new improved pink passion and red pyamid AS a Special added bonus the first 20 callers get absolutely free enough methamphetamine, heroin and all the rigs to kill a horse. just mention the "no flashback" offer when you order. thank you

yeah its a daily occurrence and today's global destruction was brought to you by some corperate fraud organization that markjets and advertized to you and you use theri products everyday of your life and has been lieing to you about everything you eat, bath, or slap on you r body and know a word from our sponsors. There is this saying that goes bad news is good news, this saying refers more to getting exposure, this is something that was positive to rebound from practicably with no mention but where is everybody else these days soon after that was when we all got laid off that year at the end of 81 and the beginning of 82, that was another thing that gave me so much more free time to go to gigs and play music, I was bumed cause I lost my job and my friends and contacts and the daily life I had everything was changed so much so I was hanging out more and just got involved more, I think that's like natural evolution of events then when I did go back to work at a new job it was at Acoustic Control corp that made guitar and bass amplifiers and stage monitors and I was there for the last 2 years before they went out of business. You know what Happend? I told my boss that I had to go to the doctors and I went up to Van Nuys blvd and bought 6 tickets for the Rolling Stones the sale waqs just announced on the radio and I came back to work and sold the rest of the tickets to the guys at work so my boss wasnt mad and we all went to the Rolling Stones Yeah the Rolling Stones tour that year was great I saw George Thoregood and the destroyers, and the J Giels band. Keith Richards came out form under the rising curtain they had already started with the opening of Under My Thumb. George Thoregood was shaking his mop hair while jamming down then he was playing and thinking eveybody to come see a hick band like his today and he was saying about the rolling stones playing and he broke into satifaction riff on the guitar then ent back into his rockabily jam and J geils was doing his thing rolling on the stage and the Harp player jammin down yeah chanted, no negative influences, coincidence yeah this is my most recent Rogrs Rave for Lost Anarchy magazine its just all the crazy stuff and the thing is this stuff is true its what I say about it and ll the stuff and all the stupid dicks and stuff Yeah you know I was at Godzilla's the Adolescents were playing the one of the cars broke down so Tony Cadena was there and Dez Cadena from Black Flag and the guitar player for the Circle Jerks was just hangin around the stage and the owner told them to just play something anything just make some noise so it was this impromptu jam kinda really pretty cool

You got him doing a film star stuff, there was this lady at Lumber city her son AJosh was the stand in for the kid on childs play with the chukie doll running around. I met Kenny wheatherwax during one summer at this place we used to go when my mother worked at Vally Sports Club in the vally, My mom to told me to tell him that my Uncle was Bob Coprnwall he was the wardrober for the adams family Candy (1968) Yeah Candy is totally naive everybody holds here as highly desirable her father is like on the spritual journey against his will to become liberated by this thing about having a thing about his own daughter which he denies himslef of yet he has to break convention and become Oh yeah good ol' Fender's ballroom in Long Beach. Didn't that place burn down when the meth lab in the basement caught fire? That should like be the sequel to the Starwood capper with all the plastic trash bags full of ludes and a murder involving a porn star used to see the Vandels alot from old Floritine gardens to The Starlight saw FEAR alot too the Roxy, New Olympic Godzilla's same gig on New Years eve with Black Flag at the New Olympic then right after Godzilla's

Yeah Alison Braun the photographer was runing around with Tommy and his sister amy and the whole gang there were Ranger he had this low rider car that allwasy got towed away at gigs he started the fff and thy were all high school students at north Hollywood high and social d went there and they had all these gigs. I saw the misfists open for PIL in I belive it was 82 or 83 at the Palladium

Some of those hands and feet just might talk back and talking heads besides what are ya doing so close to alligators and crocodiles anyways I know they get in your house sometimes or find one in your back yard same thing with quick sand and in LA they are called sabor toothed cat, its not a tiger Yeah a gila monstor sidewinder rattle snake trancula scorpion all common sense stuff the coyotes the bob cats and mountain lion

Yeah I know its tough and some owners are fighting the new laws allowing it and even provideing ash trays that can be picked real quick if theres a raid which happens and they get a fine

Yeah I am fine I called them and they told me that the beneficiary has to sign and take it to he bank and get the medailian signature, when I did that in the first place as they told me how to fill these forms out then I was told that that was an error that the executor signs its and they kept confirming exactly just that every time I called concerning this matter and it was like twisting someonges arem and pulling their teeth to get them to do it and if he called he probably got the same instructions now they are saying that the beneficiary signs with the medialian signature another thing they need is if you got direct deposit like I did they need a blank check or in my cash a letter from my bank on the banks letter head confirming the back routing and banking number. I had so many papers that they are taking the papers that are correct and assimilating that as the submitted paperwork including what I was told to do then it was error.

oh well I will just be glad when this whole thing is over, this whole thing beginning in 2006 when Gini got here implant and the cops showed up at work like that and all of the inceidents following including when I just took time off to continue looking for a better job and processing and reciving my 3 thosuand dollars from my Home Depot emplyee stock opptions and all of the sudden mom is calling and sayin (and what business id it of hers anyways) that I need to check into rehab I just had it everybody is accustomed to listening to every body else it was just to issolate and create the conditions to go about doing just exactly what has occured. Usuayl the whole family would be brought in when there is a major life change like that no body ever said anything, there were no signs that the guy was going senile or anything like that and I am very sure that since it but have seemed quite sure that he wasnt getting out of there he just decided that he would die then if he dosnt have his space and fresh air and the view and everything and his freedom of movement.

Besides with all of that stuff with the cops and thy never found anything all that stuff is bogus and really tells me exactly what the situation is and who it is that is responsable. And I told him and he didn't believe me that I know who did it and that he is going to have a real guilty conscious. Its crazy how an award employee drops status so quickly because of crap like this

My Brother Russell was a cop, My mom got Russell into the Navy cause he was going to go to prizon with my brother in Law Jim for violent crimes like knifing fags in Hollywood and strong arming drug dealers and stuff like that it also involves intentional over doses givin to a few people stealing vehicles, raiding the brewery on woodman off of sherman way. The when he got out of the Navy he bacame a cop, he fliped a cop car over and had surgery on his shoulder and back ijnjuerys and they retired him form the force, now he has his PI Licensee and he's a real dick.

My Mom is this crazy raging lunitic that never stops, she also goes about creating the situation to make it look like somthing, the final situation they tried to create awarded me as emancipated Minor, and I was relessed from their custody and went to an open boys home which was much more conducive to my peace and my own pursiuts that I do like the art and music and meditation thnx we all need a Gohansen and a daily routine of Gongyo, daimoku not very many actually understand or have any positive engagment that we have and are lied to about everything every day of our life even up to the point of what they slap on us and inject into our viens on our death beds right were it all started when we got splaped and everything else that was put on our bodys feed to us, what we learned, saw heard, every thing, just dont know the actual direction we are suposed to be but a lot know were going in the wrong direction one way or another and every body is absolutly right and a matter of personal opinion and stuff.

yeah yw, I used to go to New Wave Theater at the old Florentine Gardens, paid a dollar, signed a consent form to be video taped or photographed to be used for television motion pictures and publications, I am glad they are getting these online, they have film viewings of New Wave theater rare alternate takes and stuff, and get the people that were involved with New Wave theater to attend.

I was really tempted to say " by your entry upon these premises" "and having your ugly likeness used in filthy motion pictures " "and at the bottom it says thank you and you can tell them to fuck off" "Thank you" "Thaank yoouu" " and only god know what thank you"

Jerusalem rabbis 'condemn dog to death by stoning' 'Death sentence' for Israeli dog A Jewish rabbinical court condemns to death by stoning a dog it suspects to be the reincarnation of a lawyer who insulted judges 20 years ago, reports say. crazy, well I guess that takes care of that until the lawer guy reincarnates as somthing or somebody else then.

UPDATE: The BBC has updated the story to say that basically nothing of the sort happened ("Jerusalem court denies dog condemned to stoning" - I was kinda wondering on what legal basis anyone can make such claims then punish a life form, in the legal jurisdiction once such a case would win then on these basis's for future judgments could define someone as criminal in a previouse life time. yeah I got the update, its a good thing too cause just a ruling could be very dangerous

I heard about this nano technology used and developed for a number of reasons mostly spy operations, also a nano technolgy that the robotic flying insects can spin carbon from the dust in the air to build, develop and program more nanoites. So I guess the proposal then is to manufacture carbon by electromagnetism to build more nanites, An important detail I just remembered, and they are computerized and programed at that level as well. Woman walks through market holding severed head of man who tried to rape her Crowds in a busy market fled in terror as a woman walked among them holding aloft the severed head of a man who had attacked her. I n america its still murder, I guess anyone just has to be raped first then a crime has been committed but nobody can cut anybodys head off.

most other country's don't allow their money to go out of the country and is enforced in various ways.

Yeah I am fine I called them and they told me that the beneficiary has to sign and take it to he bank and get the medailian signature, when I did that in the first place as they told me how to fill these forms out then I was told that that was an error that the executor signs its and they kept confirming exactly just that every time I called concerning this matter and it was like twisting someones arm and pulling their teeth to get them to do it and if he called he probably got the same instructions now they are saying that the beneficiary signs with the medialian signature another thing they need is if you got direct deposit like I did they need a blank check or in my cash a letter from my bank on the banks letter head confirming the back routing and banking number. I had so many papers that they are taking the papers that are correct and assimilating that as the submitted paperwork including what I was told to do then it was error.

oh well I will just be glad when this whole thing is over, this whole thing beginning in 2006 when Gini got here implant and the cops showed up at work like that and all of the inceidents following including when I just took time off to continue looking for a better job and processing and reciving my 3 thosuand dollars from my Home Depot emplyee stock opptions and all of the sudden mom is calling and sauyin (and what business id it of hers anyways) that i need to check into rehab I just had it everybody is accustomed to listening to every body else it was just to issolate and create the conditions to go about doing just exactly what has occured. Usual the whole family would be brought in when there is a major life change like that no body ever said anything, there were no signs that the guy was going senile or anything like that and I am very sure that since it but have seemed quite sure that he wasnt getting out of there he just decided that he would die then if he dosnt have his space and fresh air and the view and everything and his freedom of movement.

Besides with all of that stuff with the cops and thy never found anything all that stuff is bogus and really tells me exactly what the situation is and who it is that is responsable. And I tld him and he didn't believe me that I know who did it and that he is going to have a real guilty conscious. It crazy how an award employee drops status so quickly because of crap like this The spiritual body may be of different proportions to the conscious spark, the jiva, but I can't tell you for sure

it is, Krsna is not embodied he is non differnet from his spritual sat cit andanda body. the jiva is always embodied either with a material body full of ignorance and missery and tempory transmigration in complete forgitfullness of our real nature indetifiying with and reacting to bodys only, having the concept of comming into existance in this lifetime each life time in the material world, or the jiva has a sat cit andanda spritual body where the jiva does not return to the misable material world again, performs the jivas natural function of devotional service bhakti under the supervision of Radha (dharma) as opposed to being under the supervision of the deluding potency in which the knowlege of the jiva is covered and one becomes mad to enjoy its own senses in association with the material effected mind and lustfull intellence. the jiva is always the size of one ten thousanth the upper part of the hair as the Krsna is the surpeme source of all Visnu Tatva's expanstions, as well as all energys and all Jiva's as the complete totality never divided as he remains as the complete surpeme person the 11th canto of Srimad Bhagavatam explains of this as well as the Caitanya Caritamrita goes into great detail as opposed to the mayavada positon as mäyayäpahåra-jïänäh

So with all of this going on the ol lady just thinks that she has somthing to say like she allways does but dosnt matter much nor make any sense, that the one thing she is allways over looking is the object as it appears according to ones self and diverse back grounds as well as motives for everything anyone does in the first place, that allways pisses her off but its true other wise of course being in check she just goes off and confesses everything like a break down or somthing.

According to this artcile Joan of Arc is not written in Srimad Bhagavatam Srila Prabhupada is saying that she is bhagavat in realation so that Srimad Bhagavatam can be expanded like that Rupanuga Vedic Srila Prabhupada said that the world religions are bona fide religions, in my experience I dont like or respect these people, the point is they are not following purely and are largly misslead, meat eating, intoxication, pre mairital and extra material sex, put it all of in Christ and act anyway they like just try to be a good p-erson and share what you have with others its meat and sinfull activity they are sharing. I know they make up the tongues they chant, they lay the hands on others in these prayer goups for a new mind and to rid the individual from satan and ghosts. After studiyng Srila P_rabhupada's books then reading the bible has a whole new light on things the actual real esoteric teachings of the christ and to forth I am bnot in favor of adding to or editing srila Prabhupada's books especiialy when one can change the whole context very easily when in the presence of highly spritual transcendental subject matter not expressed by any dull matter could possibley acheive. Maharaja was saying a number of times that non devotees think thats its to be a good person, hes adds how can one be a good person when every thing they do is sinfull. Karma Bhandana Srila Prabhupada explains the actions of the Karmis, the yogis and the jnanis all Karma Bandana even achevment of Brahman, only Devotional Service can free the jiva from Karma, we all know what pure devtional service is uninterupted, with out personal motive, etc and actual succsess is assured everything in this realm is temporay the jiva is transmigrating, the spritual world is eternal.

used to just like pick up and go like to denver or Canada, or San Fransisco for the Greatfull Dead or like just stay at everybody elses house overnight for a while until there were no more gigs then I d finnally go home.

Yeah I just remembered again this place I worked at this place called American Woodsman and it was owned by this guy his last name is Blye and this place was a disaster. Just one of the incedents is that this Armenian worker got his finger tips sliced off when he was uning the mounted router that the lumber which was only about 4 to six inches long split open and the blade was exposed and his fingers were right over the bit. Stuff like this was allways happining over there, the 2 guys designing the tooling were a couple of nuts. This guy was hitch hiking, he's got 3 eyes and no arms and this english gentelman drives up and says "Aye Aye Aye, you look 'armless 'op in!

I just had to mention Capt Blye, Aye Aye Aye Hi Roger, how goes? Someone named "Rita" is living in your dad's house - just checking with you if they are authorized - there have been squatters in there before. you would want to call my brother Russell hes at Cornwall Securitys at this point I would belive anything Russell wouldnt let my sister lyn fix the house hes said it would be tresspassing then he said he called bofa to tell them he is no longer paying the taxes on the property and that bofa would eventually have the house go into foreclosure. this whole thing is really strange I was just going to write about it as to why I really wanted Braminical initation as to not be in the partilclyar modes of nature these people are in and not to have to keep comming back life time after life time with these idiots

hes a real dick and i dont trust him we think he was a real big part of theis whole thing that he had been trying to have my dad commited for quite a while and this thing about him taking out all these home loans and just giving hundreads of thousands of dollars to his girl freind just dosnt sound right esspecialy when my dad was telling me he is being held against his will Please try closing and re-opening your browser window.

How are they living there anyways any electricity, as far as I know the hot water heater that was a brand new one was tore out and that the kitchen was being remodeled and was tore out and never replaced, the house is not up to code and can not be sold or rented out and that the loans taken out on the house is far above the actual value of the property, the whole thing is a complete disaster. I wish I could save it but everybody else says its done and irreparable and that the bank is taking a real big loss on this thing I have a real good mind to come back but just as allways its like why did I waste my time with these jerks Roger, your dad seemed to almost suddenly lose his memory around the same time some woman (as far as I know) took advantage of him by taking out credit cards as his wife. That's what I heard and I don't know the accuracy of it. However, if the house has not been sold to "Rita", then there is a chance this same person is squatting there again. The lights are on all night in the place. I'll be happy to call the Sheriff if somethings wrong. They might be looking for her anyway.

call russell he would know for sure if the lights are on then somthings going on cause I thought the whole thing would be turned off shut down that they would tare the house down eventually, how did they get the utilitys on? Russell said he wanted to sell the property and then if its not up to code then he wanted to rent it out I have no Idea whats going in cause there were to many conflicting statments from my real mom cathy, russell my dad and my sister the whole thing is very strange and I dont trust russell at all he went into the navy when he should have went to prison then he became a cop himself and I think he still acts criminal absouluty un ethicla and he will stop at nothing I was staying at a christan ladys house when I started my job when i came back to the vally and they told her that I was on drugs and I told her that I am well aware of what the say about me and she wanted me out that she would come home and find her house empty so I am not on good terms with them at all in fact he acted like a real big baby and he wouldnt sign the papers so that we could get our 13 thouand dollars just dont get to involved with these people I consider them dangourus.

This place gets crazy for a while, real fire works like fire crackers and bottle rockets are legal here they are sold out of the citys all year round in quantity at the gas stations and the guys nexyt door last year had a cannon or more and were shooting full on fireworks in their front yard from the window, this goes on for days and weeks until they all don't have any more fireworks.

Hey Roger, I just tried calling Cornwall Security - their office is closed for the weekend. It'd be great to contact him...the person living in the house has a teenage son and they ride a non-street licensed small motorcycle up and down the street everyday like it's a playground. thats crazy you would think is they are there illegally they woulnt be making a sceene, call the sherifs if you want. I sent Russell an email and it went to my sister and my step brother danny, I dint get a reply yet. I wouldn't be a bad Idea to find out how she got there and stuff. They probablly want to know who I am in contact with.

its like what ever i just like law less neess with out the cops and their crap every body shpould just do what they want and I am out to prove to the world that I do do what I want did you see my photos from India? it was real difficult to get my passport I was reqauested doc 3 times, most people said they just submitted their forms with photo id and birth cert they wanted doc 10 yrs or older list of every school and residence I ever lived my tax doc, etc etc went on for ever and here my mail stope co,ming and what I found out is they wont deliver my mail here unlless my name is on the mail box and I am, the onl;y one and mail comes here for a lot of people there was this thing with the cops for ever and ever they even through out a ticket I got on my way to court for a ticket

The home loan is with Bank of America, when I went to the bank I had the agent open the record, as of April 2011 the property was in Probate and had not gone into foreclosure yet. the agent advised me to gat an attorney. he said the power of attorney ends when the person becomes diseased. I would really hate to loose this place, the whole thing is totaly messed up, my brother russell also said at the time the credit card thing but now the story is that she took my dad to the bank and he signed the papers but then he didnt remember signing any papers or geting home loans, and that Brenda had a cage down stairs that she was going to lock my dad in. I cant wait until this whole thing boils over, I think this is pretty strange that when this whole thing started the police kept comming around and it caused a big problem at Home Depot in North Hollywood where I worked. the whole thing has been causeing a lot of problems and on top of that I still don't have a job and actually I was at PATH before I came out here to MO, I think they have been causing a lot of problems that affects my job and a place to live. My brother Russell said the cops did pick Brenda up but that they cant do anything cause my dad signed the papers. If she had in fact impersonated his wife and went around cashing checks and using credit cards then it seems to me that would be criminal . he says that they know what she did and that she has a history of elderly abuse and ripping senoir citizens off but they cant do aything

The Americans are allowing themselves to be trampled upon, they dont see it or its not that bad or at least the president is doing something or that 100 percent employment is communism and we dont live like that dont get sick and if you do die fast. This nation held a revolution and of course revolution against any nation woulod be a criminal affair now isnt it, the first president would have been executed if caught or if they lost the war, other country dont allow their money to go out of the country, many of our jobs were lost in many industries due to out sourcing over seas, or just plainly companies left the state or the county eniterly to operate else where The Obama Deception Ive heard of it I ' ll have to make time later this eve reminds me when the other guy was running he said he has special forces for that. "Special Forces" are like an elite group that exterminate and imprison its citizens. oh yeah it was John Kerry

I'll cal the bank tomorrow as far as these records go it dosnt say anything about going into foreclosure. Does she have a key and did they get some kind of stove or are they using the bbq out side, the sess pool out side I know needed some work is it draining in the back and is there running water? as far as I know this place is supposed to be a dissaster like the racoons and the squirls were to have sup[posed to have chewed the place up and wreaked the wireing and the floors. Tequila told me That I should come and check out the situation, my brother is abanding it for some reason I know he was getting my dads money that he gets he said it was for the hospital and stuff I figued the bills on the house and the taxes so now hes not getting those funds and he is walking away from this whole thing. My sister said she was willing then to help with the cost to make the repairs, then my step brother danny said that there were so many home loans takein out that more is owed then the value of the house cause I was thinking that if the payments were around or less that what rent is these days and My mom told me the house payments on this place were only one hundread dollars a month, the ol man got it on his GI bill and I was figuiurng that my brothere and my sister all have homes and I ve just been living some how going along paying rent when I had a job then like just limbo some where its been tough but I really considder these people my enimees they certainly havnt helped any they only just keep making it impossible then say shit about me like I deserve it or somthing and like they never did anything but I am the one who got in trouble when my brogther reall mnessed up like the burgley and he gave the stuff to his girl freind and like I was sup-polsed to have stollen cigarets to when he got cought shop lifiting and my boss Jay benton told me best to stay away from these people that he belives and his ecperience with them is that they are crazy. Even the cops never found anything and they searched every where for over a year. oh well like they say "thats life" "may not like it but thats tough" I guess they will just get it in the end everntually, by abo9uyt that time no one would know for sure any ways, try calling my sister and see if she is still willing to fix the place with the needed repairs she wanted to do it before by Russell told her he would have her arrested as trespassing.

I looked up the definition of probate there has to be some reason they are just walking away from it, my brother just took him to the hospital, cleared his house out and didn't even let anybody know we all just found out when we called and just got this info and stuff. I was working at Bank of America call center in Glendale country wide home loans short sale dept. My mom said they got an apartment for him cause he was broke and had no money but that he didn't stay there he stayed at my moms house cause he kept getting lost trying to go home.

Yeah ok just get the facts on it, seems like somethings going on like shes there, she talking to neighbors, the lights are on shes in the house. so yeah I' get the straight info on the deal its current situation sold, foreclosed, probate. I am also interested in who sold the house actually like my brother and them are saying they are walking away from it and eventually it will go into foreclosure and Probate is talking about dividing the estate according to a will.

I have experience that my mom took me to the doctor at one place and she said "hes on drugs" bassicly it turns out that she dosnt understand me. The doctor said that there is somthing wrong but its not drugs. The doctor asked me what I like to do and I told him that I meditate, play guitar and do art work. She took me to a hospital and they asked me if I want to go home and I told them that I did not wish to return there with them. she said they were going to make it look real good as soon as the cops say that they will come out. they said that I pulled the book case which is the entertainmnet center wich was still standing intact they said I was violent and screeming that I was going to kill some one. they stoped me from going out the door and I talked to here srink on the phone he said she is having problems and just do what she says to do and he is getting her to drive me to the hospital in which I checked my self in and the hospital contacted the youth autoritres who got me an emancipated minor statis and relocated me in an open boys home which I liked very much. My Mom on the other had told my sister that I was insturinalized cause I have a real bad drug problem.

Hate to "like" but that is honestly awesome. Heh...such mixed feelings living in these times, you know? ok guys dont try this at home Atomic Bomb blast effects (watch second part - it's awesome) Atom bomb test from around 1955 - the second part of the film shows buildings in the so called 'Survival Town' being destroyed by the blast wave.

"Hate to "like" but that is honestly awesome. Heh...such mixed feelings living in these times, you know?" crazy, then they probaly did ike these tests and tracked cancer patients oujt of those brave military men in the fox hole at the blast that they were pobaly breifed that its most likely ok just avoid the fall out and we just need to check for radiation no big deal you'l be home for dinner. "Well...ok...if you say so." LOL I like how its like real dramitic like "Living in the shadow of the nuclear age"

Roger Cornwall Jr. Then they gave em a looypop and told em they were a good boy I remember like everybody had a tortoise in the back yard, and they were wild in the desert along with the jack rabbits they really fly when a whole herd takes of they jump high when they all run.

Sure is awfully strange that the state of CA would close down some fire stations and lay off firemen that all of the sudden firemen are needed in those districts cause fires of epic proportions suddenly break out haven't really had fires like these before once in a great while a big state of emergency but not every other week. Then they need to "catch the firebug". actually whats more strange is coming up with this stuff and being only able to say what I can cause lots of people lost and will lose their homes. Actually it was here where it started. my Mom, my sister my brother and I, were walking after they got off the merry go round, I didnt see because I was taliking and they were behind me and they got back on the merry go round and I didn't see were they went so I thought I would wait until they catch up or something until I found them again.

I was telling this story about how I got lost in the house of mirrors at POP, I thought it would be just a second and I would be out. My mom was looking for me they didnt know where I went so I was trying to get out, it was real illusions like glass wasnt there it was over there smoky yellow but that was another deception and they were announcing my name over the loud speakers to come to security\

like how long ya wanna live anyway? for ever if your single and much less when your wife finds out The family that built the new building we were in was owned by the Mendez famiuly and the 2 sons killed their parents, some tsr's said they heard foot steps in the building and some other sounds.

I talked to Tamera, I thought she left the company but she was there, I guess Ghosts the scare them dont scare them, you know about who owned the new building those guys that killed their parents the entertainment live company on the 5th floor, the mendez family.

oh yeah you know what else happened? right next door to the ISA new building at Entertainment Live a driver of the brinks truck that pulled in formt of the swat team in the ak 47 bank of america shoot out was arrested because he staged a robbery at the next door building when he was picking up a large amount of cash. One of the guys had some of the money and stuff in his trunk of his car when he got pulled over so the cops went to his house and there was the driver right there.

right between the rock and the hard place, just tell em all your all set, then the cops want to know why your here.


THEN YOU ARE ALL THE FIRST TO COMPLAIN WHERE I AM AND WHAT I DO!!! he dosnt share with anybody ever he walks around with his whole bag of weed hanging in one hand and he smokes pipe load after pipe load and no one ever dare to ask or speak to him And I am sick of this and I am not going to take this crap, I say what happend and you say why did I lie!!! LIAR LIAR I AM THE ONE THAT ALLWAYS GOT IN TROUBLE FOR YOUR CRAP THE OL LADY AND YOU ARE TOTALY INSANE AND OF COURSE I DEFIANLY DONT WANT YOU THE EXICUTOR YOU HAVE ALLRADY PROVED YOUR SELF COMPLETLY IMCOMPANTANT IN ALL MATERS OF AFFAIRS. JUST LOOK WHAT I HAD TO DO, AS YOU WENT AROUND TALIKING ABOUT EVERYBODY ELSE EXCEPT YOUR SELF.


I lost my job at Home depot right around when your mom got here implant. I was investigated by the police at work for over a year till it just got so bad they had to let me go. And this was right when I was awarded Home depot employee of the month. right down the street from dad house oN Lankershim in North hollywood in fact he used to go there. AND I AM FAR FROM DONE WITH YOU WITH YOU

Yeah I coined the phrase "The Cruel servant of the Cruel Master" I was working for a market research facility and their main daytime client is Market Metrics. I conducted a research study on the stock market among financial advisers brokers and bankers, I called one morning just after the market crises and one of them said that she felt like killing herself when I asked here how she is doing today. "What kind of a Cruel servant of the Cruel Master has to kill them self's, are they that deep?" Don't really believe your in hell, on a real bad trip you cant get out of. After this miserable messed up life is over then its the lower worlds in the real hellish existences for a long time, that's the result of not properly utilizing the human form of life when you achieved it again which is very rare and not awarded often. Often defending the tiny fantasy illusion of what it is that makes them secure in this temporary realm of existence misguided by speculation leading the blind into a well at the bottom of a ditch. They sound very childish in their mannerism of these false concepts of life which are manufactured and drilled into your head more like an indocunation.

I don't have to care much about anyone's acceptance or what they say, cause for one big thing is I don't have to sit in front of your television anymore or have to listen to your crap about no Buddha or no Krsna, or how you think that this guy made it all up and you think its a cult or whatever else you say or have heard. Besides really don't like that. Makes a lot of good sense just to spread around discontent and ill feelings twords everyone all of the time. The ol lady sure wasn't the kind of Holy Roller like they were, she didn't play Billy Graham Selected Sermons on Reel to Reel like they did, they said she has a lot of problems. I guess she wanted to be right but she goes out with other guys and drinks and the guy she introduced me to at the Coral Country Western Rock Dance Club and Bar told me if I ever needed any pot to just call and they wanted to know if I wanted to smoke a joint. Due to previous conditioning were are constantly puting expectations on ourselfs or our experience or the proceess or projected out onto others. Previuolsy we were always justifieng everything making everything right. Well what do you expect? He's a private dick, A Real Dick Allright. The link above is the forms needed to have each separate accounts, I tried to get this information ij the first place he was just sending me very simple replies like it might be sooner than that I fill you in. Obviously he's a meat head very thick, liken the time he called up and said come get your pictures I got the pictures from Mom come to get them or I am throwing them away, and I said well when you come down to see Dad why don't you drop them off over here and he said he wont. What did he call be for then? The only thing he said when I got back from India is how those photo's made him sick to his stomach, didnt say anything like when you were in India for a month on the 15th I sent you an important email with the documents attached that you will need to transfer your portion over into your name. It just sat there until I get an email stating he is still getting our checks, hes not proccessing them anymore, its our money and to take care if it allready. Oh sorry I was in India conducting a cult ritual.   I dont have time for this crap the stipulation wqs they got photo's and people go to india all the time with the ashes, I should sue for for religious harasment Subject: RE: Hey how and where are you? Date: Sun, 3 Apr 2011 15:53:37 -0700 These photos just sicken me! Were their ashes really used in this cult ceremony? As they were both Christians, weather practicing or not, This cult ceremony is offensive and a blasphemy!!!!!!!!!! I did what I could to keep Dad from being abused in Life, Only to find his own children abusing him in death, That’s just plain SICK!!!!!!!!!   So then I got my check when I got back and thn I find out a month and half later that there was an email issued along with it that the very first check is actually a hassell to do it this way cause he says he's loosing money when he takes out of it the processing and exictionor fees. Ive been planing this India trip for a year since I came to Kansas city last year in Feb, he asked for everybodys mailing address to where he can send us our checks and its actually some real big hassle and he makes an important change when I am in India, nobody strarted making plans and important desitions when he went to Hawaii.   I just got off the phone with the investment folks, as I am continuing to receive checks from them In Dads name, which these funds belong to the three of you. I need for you to follow through with the paperwork I sent to you Regarding splitting dads account and creating your own accounts as I have. The problem with the checks coming to me is I have to Deposit these checks and continue to Distribute the funds to you every quarter minus executer and banking fees. So you see, this process is costing you guys money.   My sister had the game "Mystery Date"... Milton Bradley all the big girls like my mom and the neibhors came to play the game with her, that was nice, it was a girls thing. Oh well, the dud was funny, all thos other guys looked real corny, my sisters was serius about it though, thats nice, I had operation by MB I think all the "girls" let my sister win too. I think whe was so happy aznd sad at the same time. She got the game for christmas and is the only girl in our family. Hey what would ya all do if you got one fouth of an ivestment real estate account and your brother cashed out and liquedatd and I have the option to liqudat or reininvest all or a portion of it and my quarter is about 13,000 dollars? I just thought I'd just run that past ya all since where kinda kinda kinda on the subject mystery date like not really the proper fourm but what the heck Just start up the draft, eliminate the benifits and disscontinue the Finnish High School in the Military Program Military GED. Makes sense.   I tlaked to the banker today while I was in the bank getting infomation and the golden signature and he looked up the accont on the house. Power of attorney ends with the passong away of the person and he said we would need a lawyer to get the Execitor of estate and need a leter of teatimony he gave mne a 800 number 1 800 432 1000 I am really dealing with a buncyh of nuts!!!!   so I thouhgt I would run this past you guys since Russell is walking away with no explainations I dont see why we dont keep the house and rent it out they said the squells wreaked it the guy accrss the stree\t is Andree Champoaine and he was at the Cathay de grand in the 80's qand we knwo him snd dan built his studio and I needed a place I lost my job at boa when this all came down and i was in line for the dormatori at PATH russell never even thought of contacing anybody to look after the house or if any body living situation was or anything just took it all over, cause If I do larg art work which is need for the gallerys we go to to sell my art there as well or thousnands of dollars and I am not kidding I have the contacts I am an established artist in good circles or at lest sell the house instead of leting it just go into forecloseure;     ok I printed out your number I will call, did you get your paper work processed? he should have told me that he sent me inportant information while I was in India I had a felling he was going to do somthing which required my attention while I was in a forgin country, I wrote that no one made any desisitions while he was in Hawii and not only that he requested specifically our address to send us our checks and with the dissperents of the very first checks its acutally a hassele cause hes loosing money on it. What ever he a dick, hes says its not him and hes the first to talk abvout everybody else cause hes rewarded by being in the Navy and being a cop and private investigater when he should have gone to prison with Jim. BOGUS     You know, for the time it takes for you to write, you could have just called. I would call you, but as I know from the past you won't answer your phone. Please if you can't be supportive of my choices, leave me alone. Everytime I go through this I cry because I miss Dad and all of you so much. This is wrong. I am tired of being supportive of you to find you can not do one simple thing for me like just call. I wish you all the best, please just leave me alone. With love, Lyn I'll call in the nest few days I am really behind I was really sick due to the medication for the boils and they gave me acid refulux medication for that and I have really fallen behind. The boils gone but I have a lot to do. concentrate on your elction and ebates I really have to concentrate Could you please give up your devotionals for a moment. I am not working right now. I am running for Federal Office and election day is Monday. may 2nd. Tomorrow it will be midnight when I get in. The biggest debate which will make or break me is tomorrow night! ok I'll call soon right now I need to catch up on my personal devtionals and I have to get up early to do the morning service wich starts at 4:320 am, I'll call tomorow after you get home from work seems you respond in the evening anyone ever tell I actuall have every one clocked? its true   Just call me. I have already told you I refuse anymore e-mail discussions on this. Love always, your sister Lyn besides whats whats she talking about I type 50 words a min wpm by touch and I am pc specialsist and a customer service reprsenitive. It dosnt seem like they do things the way I did and I didnt have a car and Ihad an apt and only made 4.25 an hour and stuck to a budget had to if it went of course just a little the whole program fell apart rent bills boga tranportation cloths medical dental recreation gigs the whole works repairs any extras....I got extra money form donating plasma twice a week and got gorccerys got my mony orders for the bills when I cashed my check, I walked to work and carryied my stuf from my storgae locker or put it on the bike rack on my moutain bike... I went to the 99 cent stores diferent ones had different stuff on fri I got groccerys at luckys and on sat morning I got the other stuff on sale are ralphs just on the oposite corner where I lived off of Supelveda blvd you know where all the drug dealers live and the prostitutes are cops or have aids?


  When I walked down Kagel cyn road , then left South on Eldridge I used to see our old house on Kamloops from the road, Kamloops is a culdisac and my freinds used to say whats happening Roger on that street, Alden he was at Verdugo Hills High School I knew him at Fenton he was in my class.  

Dear Roger and Lyn, I will not hinder or help with anything you or Lyn choose to do with the house. I will not help or hinder any actions that Russ might take. I renounce any claim on the house. I do this mostly because I refuse to become embroiled in any estate disputes, but partly because I don't think that the house is worth the litigation fees. Russ did try to sell the house. He contacted FOUR realtors to list the house when it became clear Dad couldn't live alone. Three wouldn't even come to the house. The fourth looked and said he couldn't sell it. Dad had ripped out the kitchen without replacing it. Dad's reverse mortgage and real estate market collapse meant that the bank is owed several hundred thousands more than the house was worth. Russ next tried to rent the house, but was told by rental agents that the house needed to be brought up to modern building code. This appeared to need tens of thousands of dollars worth of repairs. Because the real estate market had left the house without equity, no money was available for repairs. Finally, if the house was of any real value, the bank would have taken it by now. Why would a mega sociopathic corporation like Bank of America pass up easy money? Because there isn't any. Even if there were I have zero interest in any sort of family squabble or another opportunity to be accused of conspiring with some siblings against others. If you've read this far and think I'm a tool of Russ', you ought to know he isn't talking to me anymore. He said that I conspired with you against him and our parents memory in giving you some ashes for your ceremony on the Ganges. I have no regrets about my decision. If you have any other questions about the house, ask Russ or BofA. This is my only message on this subject. - Danny Sent from my iPhone   CC Ādi 5.54: The water of the Kāraṇa Ocean, which is the original cause, is the...refore spiritual. The sacred Ganges, which is but a drop of it, purifies the fallen souls. Many Hindus believe life is incomplete without taking a bath in the Ganges at least once in their lives. Many Hindu families keep a vial of water from the Ganges in their house. This is done because it is auspicious to have water of the Holy Ganges in the house, and also so that if someone is dying, that person will be able to drink its water. Many Hindus believe that the water from the Ganges can cleanse a person's soul of all past sins, and that it can also cure the ill.[33] Also, people scatter ashes of loved ones here. George Harrison of The Beatles had his ashes scattered in the river by his family in a private ceremony soon after his death, as per Hindu tradition. Didnt get in just some tirtha's soaked my feet and ankles, the actual way to bath in holy sacred waters is to ovver the water to the tirtha then sprinkle some water on the head, I went to many holy waters especialy on govanadana hill there are many holy tirtha's there and there is hardly any rain in the area and there is always water in these places. I filled the viles with the ganges water from the very same spot that I offerd the ashes. This is actually the normal thing that people in India do this was very approiated that ai didnt have the whole bodies but just a portion of the ashses are approiate. Actaully the process of bhakti yoga devtional service that I do is the actual real refematorie process and the vedic rights artn nessecaary because we are usning the Visnu Mantras Krsna govinda hacve no imperfections neither are any other cosiderations needed such as auspious day for intiation into the mantra etc bcause this process is perfectly pure.

Don't worry you actually made a very good and actually wise desision some people just dont understand they can't due to their impious lives and this current missdirected civialation. If they only could know and understand what the actual situation is .. they woulnd act this way and how the ganges frees the individual for the repated cycle of bireth and death thats the issue and how most of everybody here has been here a very long time million upon millions of creations of he cosmos and going to contine until they can understand and acept this message and really purifie themselfs of matieral desire and past karma. Well I guess everyone so long then... Waky would have ben coffee a few years ago but I quit coffee when Peter got his DUI and it also contributes to other issues like the knot on the back of my head they are fatty deposits and I have a refural to have them removed, this morning it was the morning program and japa then my duites in the kitchen for the morning offering then prasada. it was hot oat meal with brown sugar and cinimin, cantolope, green melon honey due, apples, pears oranges, banana's, peanuts raisens, right now having herbal blood purification tea had my vitimins and herbs and my meds and Iam set.  

It's like whats up with this guy, he's got this real big hair up his ass, first he's running around with some real big asholes, then they go to prison and he gets in the Navy and becomes a jerk, then he gets out and becomes a cop and a real big jerk, then he has an accident flips the police car over has surgery gets retired and becomes a private investagator and becomes an even biger jerk than that.   She goes to court to get a divorse and she gets up and points to her husband she is divorsing and declares boldly "He's a hit man for the Mafia!". The judge says "Look lady, you want a divorse or not".   I filled out and sent Aplication for Transfer for Non- Custdoial Accounts. I spoke with them today they said they are sending it back to me for corrections. I went to the bank and got the Medillion Signature and sent it over night, I hope the forms can be sucsessfull filed cause dealing with you is the Hassel. Must be very expensive fees bank account costs $10.00 per month, plus I am entitled to fees as executer my first check was $290.00 how much do you make anyways? we never disscused any fees paid to you. Besides every time or any time I disscuse anything with you espessialy money all of the sudden your brain dead like you only paid rent for one week and stay there for ever and I told you that you have to pay every week not that on pay day your broke and you ask me for money and I just paid all of the rent and your suposed to pay me half. You just dont get it, and its very elementary shows just what kind of games your allways playing. Hes sitting there frying a steak, has a six pack of Lowenbrou and a lid rolled up on my bed. I walk in and he says he got paid today and hes broke and he needs some money. I informed him again just like every week that he is supposed to pay me half of the rent how much is his pot, and beer and his steak and what did he do with the rest of his check before he even got home? oh yeah and a pack of Marlboro reds box. I made 2.00 an hour, he made $2.50 and hour. Whats he thinking going to need buss fare to get to work and money for food until he gets paid next week.   Gee $13,000 when do you ever get $13,000 and then you got somebody turning it all around right after they themselfs liquidated and makes sure the other 3 dont get it if he cant have it, it just stays in the account to continue to depreciate in value and the named persons cant touch it with out proper authoraztion. I would say I havnt lost anything. How could I if I never realy had anything really. at least he is sending back the checks instead of absorbing them as Exicecitor fees.What does he care, He got his money, then tried to go about taking whatever else of it he could First he gets power of attorney and keeps a guy in the hospital until he passes away not even hardly a year later then he gets his share of the survivors benifits and what ever else he got and says "ok guys your on your own".   The ol man was allways saying that he likes to hold him there against his will but that there isnt anything he can do about it cause he took power of attourny over him. So first we lose the ol man and the house and then dealing with this idiot I just might lose these funds as well and just having hanging out depreaciating in value unclaimed, as this Idiot he took care of everything and got his funds and says "ok guys your on your own". like he's doing us a favor by sending us blank forms to fill out when the exicutor needs to sign and have his bank sing medialn signature as well. He's not following through the proper process and when confronted with it he says "he quits". Actually shows his mentality and his actual intentions in the matter actually. This is when this whole thing started when I found out he never even called anyone to say he's in the hospital or anything and hes going about clearing out the house to sell it. The only thing I am sorry for is that your a Son of a Bitch and just get us our God damnd money allready.   Lyn knows, she was married to my Brother In Law Jim. She's the one that told Me to go home that she needed to talk to them my Brother and Jim. They were laughing about how the blood was spurting over this guys head in intervals when they cut his throught when they were rolling fags in Hollywood.     You have it a little mixed up, The form I sent you is the one you need, not a correction form. Yes, maintaining a bank account costs $10.00 per month, plus I am entitled to fees as executer For the time it takes me to handle this. as I see it you asked us for our information to send out checks as long as you get them it is your responability to send them out that is the way you set it up and now you disscovered that it cost you or use money no one sent out important changes when you were on vacation and the type of response shouled have been I sent you out important information on the 15th of march check your email. besides all of this had been done with the very first disspersments of checks its your responsabilty to send them out. I was in India from the beginning of March to the first of April, I had been planing this trip for a year As far as my Understanding is didnt you go to Hawaii?   What kind of acidine budgeting an planing is this, first of all $290.00 was the dispersment after the cost of a monthly bank acount and the deduction of an Executor fee. So even if you take $290.00 minus $10.00 for the bank account then the percentage of the Executor fee. How are executor fees and administrative fees determined - 3 answersI am the Executor of my recently deceased father's estate. ... Executor's fees are usually strictly controlled by statute and are usually around 3% (more for ... When it comes to being on a destroyer in the Navy an d going on the raid on Libia, then being a fucked up cop, then a real dick of a private investagartor this idiot still thinks that everyone else must be really stupid or somthing cause all of the sudden he get real smart when he has to. He's allways to busy making everyone else look bad . allways had a wipping boy, h3e got away with everything cause some one else got punnished for his misstakes and fucked up crap, now he'w got Jesus to do all his suffering for him. He never learned and at this rate never will.   What a dick!!! As of this date, I resign as Trustee. I will NOT tolerate this kind of nonsense. Your ramblings make no sense to me at all. See attached resignation letter. Danny is next in line, all documents will be forwarded To him for execution of these matters. Roger; please DO NOT ever contact me again! I have done all I could to help you, sent all the documents you Needed, and this is the CRAP I get back from you! Noooooo thank you mister! Danny; all the docs will be fedexed to you on Monday. Lyn & Danny; Thank you both for your support, it has been a tough road as you know, But, I have truly reached my breaking point on all of this. Thank you for your support. All I am asking you is for information what are you doing with the payments that are for any of us until this is put inro our names and your complianing about $10.oo per month for a bank acount and exicutor fees that acording to this artlcle are also not very much and you just dont get or can even act ehticly or wise in any matters I have ever delt with you. acording to the actual corredction I may need updated information and I am still not on the record of this account to disscuse the details of this accont and your take it all personelly, wheres then money you got did you send it back or did you keep it? this is ewhat I am disscussing and you think that is redicullus.   Executor's fees are usually strictly controlled by statute and are usually around 3% (more for smaller estates and less for larger ones). Some states allow you to petition the court for extra fees for extenuating circumstances. Are you sure you want to do this? The executor's fee IS INCOME to you and you will have to pay tax on it -- probably over 30% if you have another job (both Federal & PA income taxes added together). This is a lot more than the approximately 5% PA inheritance tax. Some executors will get more money taking the fee but this seems unlikely if you are the "major" beneficiary. Your question about the total value of the estate is probably also strictly governed by statute (with perhaps some case law covering the unclear issues). If the trust is a living trust, then the purpose of it was to avoid being in the probate estate (and in PA, probably to avoid the 5% tax -- which frequently does not work, by the way). If the trust is created by the will, then it is definitely part of the estate.

Get a lawyer to help you with this. You need a couple of hours of advice (probably less than $1000) which could save you tax headaches for years to come. If you think that is too much money, many accountants are quite experienced with these issues and, typically, they charge about half as much as lawyers -- but they won't give you legal advice. My comments above are just a general discussion and are not intented as legal advice. besides he's just a theif, didnt ansewer any of the questions and thinks he can just go.   The corrections that need to be done on my form are in section B the execitor of the estate gets the medallion Signature on each of our forms from his bank and the execitor of the estate signs it himself that he is transfering the shares in our names as mention on the account. there are 4,950 shares, each of us will recive 25% of the shares. the amount of the shares remains fixed allthough there would be montly disspersments being paid out. The name and address of the acount is this information is on the statment Russell had it all wrong as that is quite evident of the events today and the disscution I just had with Inland American

Russell had no actuall right to just say ok Iam keeping what ever they send me then as exicutor fees for the time I have to spend on it, and he didnt even follow through with what is requiered to proccess this paper work.  

I just got off the phone with the inland American folks, as I am continuing to receive checks from them In Dads name, which these funds belong to the three of you. I need for you to follow through with the paperwork I sent to you Regarding splitting dads account and creating your own accounts as I have. The problem with the checks coming to me is I have to Deposit these checks and continue to Distribute the funds to you every quarter minus executer and banking fees. So you see, this process is costing you guys money. Call inland American 1- 800-826-8228 Some of the forms you may need Are on their website. I can’t do anything more for you in this matter, Please take care of it.   I can’t do anything more for you in this matter, Please take care of it.

I like this part, hasnt done anything actually reqired such as getting the medialian signiture as the trustee of the account the Execitor. Some Execitor, liquidates his quarter and keeps the montly disspersments that dosent belong to him. He said he is taking 5% execitor fee of what ever the amount of the monthly payout would be and hes complaining about a $10 per month charge to have a bank account. I went to my bank and the medialian signiture was provided free of charge for their customers. And he says what ever comes in now he will just put the whole amount as an execitor fee and is making it absolutly imposible to allow is to have our accounts in our name because he has not compliled with the actual process. He just gave us the forms and said take care of it. then he thinks he can just quite, His name is the execitor on the acount. If he is going to transfer the exitor to someone else then he has to follow through with Inland American personaly.

Then he says never contact me again when there is still unfinished business to take care of which he neglects.   oh thats allright, Russell is just playing dumb he does that all time, all of sudenn hes real smart I'll get an attorny ISKCON has a very strong legal dept. Also I write for a magazine and Ive been following this since it first happend. Why do you think I lost my Job at bank of america? House bad finnacial shape, they forgive the house payements for their employees and like the ones with a clean nose.

I lost my job at Home depot right around when your mom got here implant. I was investigated by the police at work for over a year till it just got so bad they had to let me go. And this was right when I was awarded Home depot employee of the month. right down the street from dad house on Lankershim in North hollywood in fact he used to go there.

want to read my new article? and you can find the rest of them on my web site Roger's Rave these things have been published for over a year and a half and I just waiting for the police to step in any time now. got the advoce of our finnacial consultant, Suresh could you please advise, this whole thing is crazy these people are nuts its a dissfunctional family, I was an emancipated minor because of these conditons, it was dissruptfull and harmfull to my safety and well being which showed, broken teeth, marks on my face and eyes in the school pictures, etc he dosnt share with anybody ever he walks around with his whole bag of weed hanging in one hand and he smokes pipe load after pipe load and no one ever dare to ask or speak to him And I am sick of this and I am not going to take this crap, I say what happend and you say why did I lie!!! LIAR LIAR IAM THE ONE THAT ALLWAYS GOT IN TROUBLE FOR YOUR CRAP THE OL LADY AND YOU INSANE AND OF COURSE I DEFIANLY DONT WANT YOU THE EXICUTOR YOU HAQVE ALLRADY PROVED YOUR SELF COMPLETLY IMCOMPANTANT IN ALL MATERS OF AFFAIRS. JUST LOOL WJHAT I HAD TO DO, AS YOU WENT AROUND TALIKNING ABOUT EVERYBODY ELSE EXCEPT YOUR SELF.  


Roger Cornwall Jr. beer and his steak and what did he do with the rest of his check before he even got home? Roger's Total RAVE Site The Lost Anarchy Articles The Only Real CULT STATUS PULP Magazine Ho The Lost Anarchy Articles The Only Real CULT STATUS PULP Magazine Home of Roger's Rave, Roger Dodger's Totally loaded Pistol, Roger Dodger's Thesis and Roger Dodger's Total Train Wreak 15 hours ago · · · Share

Tony Martin Blank and John Stich like this. Roger Cornwall Jr. Hes sitting there frying a steak, has a six pack of Lowenbrou and a lid rolled up on my bed. I walk in and he says he got paid today and hes broke and he needs some money. I informed him again just like every week that he is supposed to pay me half of the rent how much is his pot, and beer and his steak and what did he do with the rest of his check before he even got home? 19 hours ago · Roger Cornwall Jr. What ever he a dick, hes says its not him and hes the first to talk abvout everybody else cause hes rewarded by being in the Nay and being a cop and private investigater when he should have gone to prizin with Jim. BOGUS 19 hours ago · Roger Cornwall Jr. oh yeah and a pack of Marlboro reds box 19 hours ago · Roger Cornwall Jr. Whats he thingking going to need buss fare to get to work and money for food until he gets paid next week. 18 hours ago · Roger Cornwall Jr. Gee $13,000 when do you ever get $13,000 and then you got sombody turning it all around right after they themselfs liquidated and makes sure the other 3 dont get it if he cant have it, it just stays in the account to continue to depreciate in value and the name persons cant touch it with out proper authoraztion. 13 hours ago · Roger Cornwall Jr. I would say I havnt lost anything. How could I if I never realy had anything really. 13 hours ago · Roger Cornwall Jr. at least he is sending back the checks instead of absorbing them as Exicecitor fees. 13 hours ago · Roger Cornwall Jr. What does he care, He got his money, then tried to go about taking whatever else of it he could 13 hours ago · Roger Cornwall Jr. First he gets power of attorney and keeps a guy in the hospital until he passes away not even hardly a year later then he gets his share of the survivors benifits and what ever else he got and says "ok guys your on your own". 13 hours ago · Roger Cornwall Jr. The ol man was allways saying that he likes to hold him there against his will but that there isnt anything he can do about it cause he took power of attourny over him. So first we lose the ol man and the house and then dealing with this id...iot I just might lose these funds as well and just having hanging out depreaciating in value unclaimed, as this Idiot he took care of everything and got his funds and says "ok guys your on your own". like he's doing us a favor by sending us blank forms to fill out when the exicutor needs to sign and have his bank sing medialn signature as well. He's not following through the proper process and when confronted with it he says "he quits". Actually shows his mentality and his actual intentions in the matter actually.See More 13 hours ago · · 1 personLoading... Roger Cornwall Jr. This is when this whole thing started when I found out he never even called anyone to say he's in the hospital or anything and hes going about clearing out the house to sell it. The only thing I am sorry for is that your a Son of a Bitch and just get us our God damnd money allready. 12 hours ago · · 1 personLoading... Roger Cornwall Jr. Lyn knows, she was married to my Brother In Law Jim. She's the one that told Me to go home that she needed to talk to them my Brother and Jim. They were lpoaughing about how the blood was spurting over this guys head in intervals when they cut his throught when they were rolling fags in Hollywood. 11 hours ago ·

Roger Cornwall Jr. got the advoce of our finnacial consultant, Suresh could you please advise, this whole thing is crazy these people are nuts its a dissfunctional family, I was an emancipated minor because of these conditons, it was dissruptfull and harmfull to my safety and well being which showed, broken teeth, marks on my face and eyes in the school pictures, etc

This is when this whole thing started when I found out he never even called anyone to say he's in the hospital or anything and hes going about clearing out the house to sell it What would you expect from a a guy that joins the Navy to escape being caught ...for violent crimes then becomes a Police officer himself, I always liked Clockworth Orange. This guy has his won father committed to go about clearing out and selling his fathers house. It must be that his father divorced his mother way back 1965. Its probably and no wonder and what would you expect That they don't share with his brother and is no ones friend. His shit head crazy mother being the raging bitch she is always had this thing about letting this shit head get away with everything and ground and discipline his other brother for it all even the burglarizing the neighbors house and giving jewelry to his girl friend, the police just went over there to get the stuff back. What gets Me is that they think they are these great Christians and are far from the real church lady's she bitches to and defiantly not any Mother Teresa's or Mahatma Gandhi's I cant go home they wont let me out of here, I know his selling my house but there's nothing I can do about it I am locked up. He brought Me here for a sprained ankle. He tricked Me into this, He's been planning this for a long time and I didn't know about it. He came by and said lets go hang out for a while and I twisted my angle, He's a crafty one he is your brother he is. I myself personally have this other motive is that there is the River Of Stix where its really an ocean size as well as deep river that flows people that all have a big stick just being beaten and beating everyone as competition to get out as the river flows it appears that there is a way out, just another false hope leads right back again. You know they all arguing and bickering about what happened and who did what when they were alive. He doesn't even come by to see me, haven't talked to hasn't called or came by since he brought Me here, I am being committed for being crazy when I came here for a sprained ankle. Hes getting power of attorney and going about selling my house. Well he's out of money know and whats mine. Well 365 thousand sounds right it was appraised for 400 but its all been coming down for a while. I bet My mother put him up to this, I thought something wazup when I called up to the house and phone was disconnected and my mothers number was disconnected so I called my brother, Boy I thought I could really put it down! Musta been watching episodes of Dallas or somthin where they kill the boss to take over the business. I always ask 2 questions Who called the police and how does a cannibal tribe decide who's next on the menu. That's what they are even saying about the International Society For Krsna Consciousness Praubhupada was giving these lectures about the mentality of killing Guru to be Guru, Its ancient. I think It was the government and the providers of products and consumables that are on the stock market that you don't needSee More

only contact my FinnanciAL CONSULTANT if you can foward the properly perpared documents , Only , do not contact Me for any reasons what so ever.

In other words if you cant follow the correct process and procedure then dont contact any further we are not interested in your money or your acociation and all the games and trips that just go along with it.

This was a real big deal to be playing selfish games about not only did I lose the human that imprgneted the Human I was born from but we lost the land of the birth of the body of the house and neiborhood I kept returning to throuhg out my life fenton Stonehurs Verdugo etc and now you get funds and make it imposible for others to recive their share and it sits and depreaciats and no one gets it This is poorly handled, imature the exact reasons I got emanicpated, your grown adults acting like the brats around a pinyata, Other wise I am not interested in you or dads money or anything from you or the family which of course is complety split up and has been that way for years. My only hope is that you can just hear about Me in the habituraies and even then thats none of your buisenss eaother.

Suresh could you please advise, this whole thing is crazy these people are nuts its a dissfunctional family, I was an emancipated minor because of these conditons, it was dissruptfull and harmfull to my safty and well being which showed, broken teeth, marks on my face and eyes in the school pictures, etc . Dear Roger Lee and Lyn,

Despite Russ' note, I have not yet agreed to take his place as Trustee of Dad's estate. I've asked for a copy of the trust documents and see what this actually involves. So please don't send me any paperwork unless you here from me that I've agreed to take Russ' place. I've told Russ that if he sends me a copy of the trust documents, I'll make a decision on what to do with in a week. ALSO, as soon as I get a copy, I will make sure that both of you get a copy. I am very sorry it has all come to this. Love, Danny Yeah like yeah that's a good idea, some useful facts are always good, curiosity, what else is on the do list internet research, interested in learning, newsgroups that are devoted to this subject, thats why there are so many associations, many individuals interested in a subject that discus the subject at length and detail Enthusiasts and relate success and failures to learn my, lots of thing accidentals are like great to discover like new sounds and sights

strange macabre scientific medical experiments orchestrated by the industrial revolution of mechanical madness, oh well that's progress. Happy Birthday, We had a party last year!!!! Your probably thinking I know you too well "And what a party it was" earler at universal city that big thing with cotton candy, then The Lodge ,, Who whooo who exuse Me!!! Rock on dude!!!

I really think its a deeper subject, taking away our freedoms and privacy's, the good things in life like a high school locker, but if you have a backpack your are homeless, WTF!!! My agent and my self again talked to the passport admin, I was requested at least 10 documents 10 years or older, my birth certificate proved that I am a citizen but now they need to prove my identity. WTF!!! The longer I wait the more expensive the ticket to India, then its 2 -3 weeks for he Visa from another government agency. Ive been telling everybody around here "What do you have to do to escape from this country. Seems like something is really going on. Didnt used to be like this like the gates to this prison are just about to be slammed shut. Like the real issues in America arnt discussed everything is just swept under the rug. I really like the Drawings of Drawings By Alex Portillo. Be nice to draw the universal form with all the host of demigods in this style and Lord Siva with his bull nandi and Lord Siva with Sati on his lap respecfully with al the host of sages and ghost's and goblins in his forest hermitage in the Heavenly planet, or 4 arm Visnu standing upon the lotus of ones heart. Nice way to space, perspective giving 3d form (the shape of the room) the fan each telling its own story, detail keeping each element simple, tattoo Pallor style art, Think Composition. yeah not so much as to what color, but how many pairs they have to tie together cause shes just a fat ass that she taking up 3 seats on the bus. I used to work with this guy at The Recycler a Classifieds advertising co customer service call center, I personally got to see a clasicc Rickenbacker he was selling in it's case. Hid name is Greg Feo Did you know that I am the only one here who the post office wont deliver my mail unless my name is on the box requesting the delivery of mail? finally got my passport today, I original submitted it in September, I was requested at least documents that are 10 years old, and cards with my signature,all my check cashing cards, library cards, AA club cards, credit and bank cards, as well as every address I lived at, every school I attended and My full employment history. Twice They requested documents.The second time they wanted documents which includes military discharge papers, Baptismal Records, , tax documents, employment records, Student loan deferral, SS annual statement All this stuff started when Ginni got her morphine implant with the police when I was nominated Employee of the month and was saving my money to get an apartment which never happened, what it was finally I got my own motel room about $200.00 a week when they finally let me go after a year and half of this. I was tied up again financially when my crown on my front teeth came off and i ended up getting a bridge which was time consuming and very expensive you front teeth are considered cosmetic and whatever happens to them they are not covered So yes, Now its the Visa Process, I wrote on facebook all this stuff and I said " what do you have to do to escape from this country" but I am now going yo ad the word ROTTEN to country PIG STY, HORE HOUSE, DRUG TANK, got any good names for America that I could use? How about "the place with no pot to piss, but used to have one some times till ya get laid of and your house goes into foreclosure" I keep saying all this stuff especially the one that I don't have a police record, no hits, warrants, wants, not on probation or parole, never been expunged, WTF. I keep asking "Whats going on?" [You] did you see Tequila Mocingbirds LA scoop for Feb 2008? she said Happy Birthday Johnny Rotten, Roger Cornwall, and Henry Rollins from us to all of you birthday babes! yeha check pout the her page I do for her [Henry Rollins Spoken Word] 9:10pm yes i saw that awesome [You] 9:10pm cool I had a book that I was studing "Celtic Art" it showed how to construct the designs and paterns using squares and rectangles construct tantent lines then the curves bend at each cross of the tangents as the spril to the center overlaping these tagents to flow out wards in other directions and to form other designs within the pattern Well thats good, at least what seems consistent is the advice that if someone dosnt like the way the world is around them then perhaps there are some changes that need to be made and one of them would be that one needs to change themselves, no to conform to the undesirable environment, but rather we all have some defects, be it acceptance, or the unhappy feelings, circluar thought prcess that tell us negative things about our selfs over and over. Perhaps a cange of sceenery is in order but remember where ever anybody goes their mind goes along with them, might be new and fresh again sooner or later the old habits spring up. I am really working on transcendental spiritual consciousness, it encompass these things rather re direct my attention of the self from matter to spirit. Laxmikantha said that I will probably be searched thoroughly at the airport so that I should be very patient. Are there any good lawyers that can determine why I am being treated like this? Wow! That's crazy what they're putting you through just to get a passport. Seems like the government may have their eye on you, but really who cares. You're just serving the Lord and performing your duty. Whatever inconvenience may arise due to this nonsense can just be written off as purification and an opportunity for tolerance. Seems that you will get to go if the process goes somewhat smooth from here. Not sure about the mailbox needing your name situation. You're right. I never experienced that with any other name. How would they even know you're affiliated with that box? Strange. I think what he's saying here is that Iam just minding my own busines, its not so much that I dont have a crimianl record and this is going on, rather there is some reaction taking place some karma, karmic activity leading to purification, got to get really smashed like have to rectify my material mentality. I dont think "THEY" like the noton even of 'SELF REALISATION" or even the endever of it's pursuit, but htats just to bad I thik tht could be my rights being violated in that basis. What ai wantd to know if this is karmic, then Maybe its also karmic that I get a very large award by suein gthe goverment of all of this inconvence. No one even called Me when dad wht to shorlinne I called up to the house and the number was dissconnected, so I call my mom and her number was also dissconnected and so I Russell told Me that he went to shorline 3 months before that. Well anyways Me and dad visited Cousin aunt Margie a few times, she had Me make dinnier one time and they went to the store and I cooked on this Beni Hana cooking grill for us.I Havnt heard anything about since she said she has a lot of money for dad when she passes away and had some forms for him to sign. I had no way of being able to reach her but what does it matter anyways I don't have anything to do with any of you people. Besides I am not in the family, I was treat like some one who just gets yelled at because I am allergic to dish washing soap and heavey cleaning chemical and detergents and just gets kicked around and get yelled at for not appreciatin g anything I have casuse I dont use itg or play woht it any more but they took away the batterys hwo can I except to play with it like a ltttls run over dad was saying that over and overand my truck was in the drive wat over and over like a child was treated like a baby take away my batterys. Russelll played with my truck when I was at school but if my truck is in the drive way it get s run over, the point is Dad and Russel picked me up at the baby siters then dad said that my truck was in the driveway again, I wanst home to get my truck out, Russell was playing with it in the driveway and left it there, so it got ran over. Maharaja said that the reason I got bullied and pushed around so much is that in a past life I had hurt all of you people so now they got their chance by karma to hurt me action and reaction goes around and around being inplicatd in such action and reation that reaction is also reactive meaning that you all have to take biths again and some one pushes you around till you get again to push them around again, see,n that why I kept seeing the river of stix with all or you people in the hell with me, cause we are in the hell!!!!!o its proper perspective. Now, last, in our last meeting, we were discussing this verse, that karma-jam, every action, every activities that we are engaged in, it has got a reaction. Any activity, it has got reaction. And that reaction is another bondage for me. Now I am engaged in one action, and I am producing another reaction. Now, at the present moment, I am bounded by one kind of activities, and I am producing another kind of activities. Just like in the cinematographic spool, there are hundreds and thousands of pictures. One picture passed, another picture present, and another picture is ahead. The whole picture, when put into the machine, it represents some activity. So we are bound up by nature's law in such a way... Why nature's law? Even in your state laws, we are bound up by so many laws. Actually, there is no death for the soul. Just like you are... At night, you go to sleep. So that is a sort of death. And again you get up in the morning. So death is something like that. Death is sleeping for seven months. That's all. Without any consciousness. For three, three months without any consciousness. Or, say, seven months. Death means forgetfulness. Just like at sleep, we forget everything, what I am, where I am sleeping, who I am, what is my identity, identification, everything forgotten. Then again, as soon as I rise up in the morning, I remember, "Oh, I am such and such officer. I am such and such father, such and such husband, and I have got to do such and such things." Everything remembered. But during your sleep, you forget everything. Similarly, death means from the time of your leaving this body and entering into the womb of another mother, and so long another body is not developed, you remain unconscious. And as soon as another body's developed within the womb of the mother and the time is up to come out, then again you remember.

"Every, your any work which you are performing, that is creating some reaction for future enjoyment or suffering. But if you act intelligently, in collaboration with the supreme consciousness, then you'll be free from this bondage of birth, death, old age and diseases and, in your next life... This is a training period. This life will be a training period, and as soon as you are fully trained up, then the next result will be that after giving up this body you come to My kingdom." Maharaja also said that the dreamland illusion is just like so much smoke in the air is about to all vanish and the mental concoctions having been created from the last time I died will also soon be forgoten.

My knoweledge about anything was always a fluke. It was me checking in on Dad that always led me to where he was. At first he was with Russell and then went to Shoreline. When I visited last year I wanted to take him for lunch and to see Avitar. But Russell would not allow me to do that. He insisted that Dad not go anywhere with me, so I brought food in and visited with Dad at Shoreline. I am still not happy about that, yet Russell believed he was doing what was best for Dad. Somehow Russell believes I am an awful person who would hurt Dad. I don't know how he believes that but it is what he believes. When Dad went to the hospital this last time, I wasn't called. I only knew because I called Shorline. Dad had gone from 10:00 in the morning til 7:00 p.m. with no food. As he had not been assigned a room, they didn't get him a food tray. This is just one of the reasons family members need to accompany their loved ones at the hospital. Funny that Russell has told you about Dad having an investment and you having an inheritance. He has always told me there was nothing. Hmm-makes you wonder. Have to just let it go.

Yes, I was just a baby. The Owens girl you can't name is Carol. Susie was actually 3 when I was one. She was born the same year as Russell. These loving people have stayed my friends my entire life. Roger, I am not like Cathy. I am a loving, giving person and people stay in my life. These very people all had a falling out with Cathy and stayed away from her since about 1988. In fact they all moved to Oregon. The girls are all married now. Annie married Leroy Thompson. I am sure you remember that. They are now parents and grandparents. Barbara has many children and grandchildren and lives in San Francisco. Carol is now Carol Craig and is a mother and grandmother living in Oregon. Susan is now Susan Mannheim and lives in Oregon with her husband. Susan visited me here at my home in Canada in 2008. It was so good to see her again. She is a vegan vegitarian but it all worked out fine. Sandy lives in Washington State. She is married with two adult children and her last name is Foster. I saw her last January. It was a fluke that when I had booked my trip to see Dad, her sister Cindy still living in California died of brain cancer. I attended the memorial service in California with Sandy. It wasn't very far from Cousin Margis place who I also spent a couple of days with and took her to see Dad. She really misses Dad. So that's the quick version of where my frinds are. What is most important is that we are all still friends and close even though we don't see each other in person for years at a time. I do have friends here in Canada, but I treasure Susan, Cindy and Sandy.

I am going about getting a Passport and everybody else just gives them the Identification with a birth certificate and bingo their on the plane. I had to submit at least 10 documents, preferably 10 years old or more, talking about baptism certificateGot to pray for Dad he was in a real bad situation for a real long time the whole sceneria is insane the house we lived in when they got divorsed in 1965 was paid for and Mom abandoned it and the bank took it back over as abandoned. Real good sense to have to be dumped on everybodys door step cause like Help Me cause we aint got no place to go, real stupid and if no one notices there is a houseing crises going on as well as the insane economy situation. I worked for bank of america on the Country wide homes aquired by BOA I know the situation from the inside out when we had the crisses I was doing a market research study for market metrics when we had the crash and bail out I know, so great time to just give away the house or get money on it and give it to drug dealing girlfreind having worked and paid on it since 1973 gini was paying the taxes on it every year as required by home owners who have paid off their house, apparently we have been dealing with some one who is crazy their all crazy. I know when Ginni got the implant the investigation started and the cops went through my pockets and all my stuff for over a whole year. Any ways I got better things to do and I realy just dont care about anything, I just do my sadhana to the best of my conscous abiity and attention and thats all the maters. , employment records, military discharge papers, student loan deferral, Social Security yearly Statement, My school records weren't ready in time, Its like what is going on, whats wrong with you people I don't have a criminal record, maybe that's just the problem? Was getting stoped by the Police for over a year just when Jenny was going to have here morphine implant just when I was nominatd for Home depot employee of the month fiannly lost that job to cause of it. I was in the investigative procss of converting full time at Bank of America when my assignement ended. The supervislr at BOA Call Center told Me it was my back ground check, My agency opened their eyes real wide and said its because I dont get it, cause I ws in re training cause my dept short sales was transfered to Plano TX Gini would say just a dandy time, oh great Hey Rog, Yea its pretty clear the divorce screwed your head up pretty good. Dad left a will and Trust that has you, me, Lyn and Danny, with me as executor. Dad and Jerry disowned each other when Gini died, and Rick died in 2008 ( I just found out about Rick) So for the last few days been kinda sad, didnt handle it that well when they got divorsed eaither but at least I got beat up on the week ends and durring the summer but I saw him somtimes he bought me somtheing that some one else would break before I even got a chance to get it home. The thing that bothers Me the most is what actuall makes me sad is that the last time I called him at the Hospital nov 9 they took a real long time to go get him to bring him tho the phone a mean an real long time so I thought I would just call back, didn't happen. that the first thing I thought when I saw he online memorial. Gonna have to kick it. So actually I ve allways been upset and they would say I never see my father either. What ever. When she drove out in tfaffic in the rain and got the car totaled It would have been ok if I got killed, but I would havenever heardthe end of it if my sister got killed. Should MySpace just die already? | The Social - CNET News When I go on I cant get what I need cause it always freezes up I d like to take some things down but I cant its too slow and my virus and firewall freaked out a couple of times when it detected an intrusion then Java was asking permission to run, then it was loading somthing so I just hard booted I had no control over my system at that point. My music page plays good though but they used to have these players now its this list. This guy tells us that we are consumers,and slave's, he has to "fix it" when something goes wrong to get us back into the cycle by psychology. Escape from the Zombie Food Court Joe Bageant recently spoke at Berea College in Berea, Kentucky, Eastern Kentucky University at Lexington, and the Adler School of Professional Psychology in Chicago, where he was invited to speak on American consciousness and what he dubbed "The American Hologram," in his book, Deer Hunting With Jesus. Here is a text version of the talks, assembled from his remarks at all three schools. John Taylor Gatto is a former New York State and New York City Teacher of the Year and the author, most recently, of The Underground History of American Education. He was a participant in the Harper's Magazine forum "School on a Hill," which appeared in the September 2003 issue. John Taylor Gatto[1] (born December 15, 1935[2]) is an American retired school teacher of 29 years and 8 months experience in the classroom and author of several books on education. He is an activist critical of compulsory schooling, of the perceived divide between the teen years and adulthood, and of what h e characterizes as the hegemonic nature of discourse on education and the education professions. b This guy tells ya that the teachers that go along with it so they don't get fired and every body knows its immoral, there playing with your head, training you to be a worker, to consume and work hard for next to nothing in the factory's and service centers. certain individuals are weeded out if they are considered the type to be "dangerous" to this system which really wants people to just go around spitting gout the correct answers but have no common sense or decency. Yeah that's one big thing missing is the cover art and the inside inserts that came along with them, they were marketing tactics, that something extra came along with the album and it had the "hits" like an album "looking at you" or somthing like that had a mirror on the cover, and the Stones had a 3d cover Like Satanic Majesty Request, it was big business in concept design. I went to the used record shop and they were closed down so I went to The Wherehouse and all they had were cd's I asked where's the records? no more records, shame I just a bought a new diamond needle, should have bought a cd player. We had health care many times actualy then some one else comes into office they think we don't need health care. Some one thought that business should have incentives to operate in the US, some one else came into office and didnt think so, so for examploe Canada is not the "home of the Firebird" I remember this thing about buying american from american insustry made and manufactored in the US. The us was buying a lot of asian cars so as a trade they sold american candy and soft drinks in the Asian atomotive plants, Give business aqn incentive to operate then you would have employment again, we facing an ever decreasing compettive market many companys have left the US for a very good reason that is no incentives rather it was high tax and operating costs that drove our businness out and laid off america. Besides wernt all these issues Obamas campain promises when he first ran for office in the first place? How is it he is still saying thats what we need, shouldnt we have it by now? So at the time of death this subtle body carries the small spirit soul to another gross body. The process is just like air carrying a fragrance. Nobody can see where this rose fragrance is coming from, but we know that it is being carried by the air. You cannot see how, but it is being done. Well, it's probably not very much like air carrying a fragrance, unless we're to assume that the small spirit soul is comprised of disparate and disorganized particles chaotically transported by turbulence in the air, and only received into gross bodies through smell receptors in the nostril. I like you statement, I think your really thinking..... No, its not exactly that although Krsna used this as an example to understand How transmigration is working. the self or the consciousness was not specifically created or developed this... lifetime as the first life time. this is one life out of millions of life times. This present day society have everybody so wrapped up in external consciousness. Its a dangerous system as the result is chaos practically no meaning or purpose of life, its lost they do not know what is the purpose of the human form. The Human condi9ton is very much degraded, its a chance with accumulated intelligence to become freed of he entanglement of mater and focus on spirit as its not possible to do in the animal lower species. The danger is that by karma and desire one enters again into hell and the lower species, they get their desire such as to fly as an example so they get wings but they have to sacrifice their intelligence. We started chapter 13 the other day we read 11 verses to complete all the verses of the bhagavad gita it also deals with the intrinsic nature what was read tonight was 24 to 35 and was totally thinking about this as I was going through the verses and the purports. Crazy, You know when we had this big earthquake in Northridge I was ln the bottom floor at work when It happened I was working for a 24 hour call center in Canoga Park I know the force and velocity of this earthquake and it was not only a 3. something, it was more violent than that, but it was taken as an over all average as to all the areas where the earthquake was felt like in Palm Springs so that's how they averaged it out to be a much lesser Richter scale than it actually was it made freeways collapse and apt bldgs fall apart and split with whole walls sliding of and the frame of the roof exposed and brick walls all out in the middle of the street like a war zone. The reason for all of this is that the government would be responsible for the damage, so they made it so that each individual home owner had to pay back fema loans and draw on the insurance and that kept the government out of it to be financially responsible for the damage. He got kicked off the force then retired officaly when he fliped over a cop car in a chase and his wife is a disspatcher and they only want you when you working not when your laid up and have no more money, actually he got his PI licnece the beifits included school so he's a real privite dick. Hes a dick allright. All this stuff just gets complicated like on purpose like the enveloped voice activated menus on the phones and I trying to purchase airlines tickets to India and the bank had to be contacted to authorized payment and i still have to call the bank again to authorized the payment for the flight in India when I get there. It like the citizens of the earth are being greatly harassed. You should just pick u[ the phone and call or just buy what you want or you need not like the complete questioner as to why you would buy tickets for India, they don't ask you why just because of how much at the mall or the grocery store you just make your plans and buy what you need and take it with you but its like all this cramp that goes with it and the pass port process went on since Sept and finally just got it and then an Indian visa, it was more documents and more documents being requested like whats the problem already like enough is enough. Shiny shiny shiny FBI shoes. I bet ther'e a bunch of dicks too. What they do is if you use a credit or debit card Id may or is required and 2 forms of ID for cahsing a check or starting a bank account then go to another state for a short while long enough for an ID or drivers licence a passport is an acceptable form of ID if you can get one, then if you use a one hundred dallor bill or a twenty or for that matter any ohter bill its gets put up to the sun or under a blck light and pen goes across it aqnd they check the water mark like copme on I am just trying to get somthing and whats the problem am I a crimainal or somhtin what do you think I look like, 97 percent of all actual crimes are by whit male cocastions thats why everybody elese fills up our jails and prizons and they are over crowdedand the real bad guys get off like withy notheing cause its a busniness organside crime and drugs thanks alllready. Who called the cops, I supose the man in the moon at Home Depot did. More like The Wariors did it, right up to the point of getting snuffed for good, It was The Wariors.. Right. More like Can You dig this? Yeah that's all crazy stuff like all this fever and all the people ready yelling rioting killing bombing , rigging little kids up to blow up soldiers. Like in 1978 this truck drov up in a parade all thes diplomats and kings and people like that Yesir arofat was there but this truck lifted up its canopy real quick and guned everybody down in one big giant mass assignation of all thes guys form all thes country areas around the middle east. The prince of Iran was in Life magazine he rides in a helicoipter smokes some ganja get budwiser flown in just like an american kid dn then lime wham they went into exile and the whole place and were ever there live middle east people they were lick picketing every where. Action and reaction, # The Law of Action-Reaction (Revisited) The law of action-reaction (Newton's third law) explains the nature of the forces between the two interacting objects. According to the law, the force ... - Cached - Similar # Reaction (physics) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Every action is accompanied by a reaction of equal magnitude but opposite ... Action and reaction are often confused with the issue of equilibrium. ... Discussion - Examples of correct ... - Examples of common ... - See also According to Karma it usually pertains to the conscious living beings that a reaction to an action was caused bya previous action as its reaction is an action which is reactive to a reaction etc etc etc Its very complex and intricate. # Karma - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Karma in Indian religions is the concept of "action" or "deed", understood as that which causes the entire cycle of cause and effect (i.e., the cycle called ... Karma in Buddhism - Types of Karma (Jainism) - Karma in Hinduism - Category - Cached # Basic Buddhism: The Theory of Karma Karma is the law of moral causation. The theory of Karma is a fundamental doctrine in Buddhism. This belief was prevalent in India before the advent of the ... - Cached - Similar # Karma In Buddhist teaching, the law of karma, says only this: `for every event that occurs, there will follow another event whose existence was caused by the ... - Cached - Similar # Karma | Define Karma at Hinduism, Buddhism. action, seen as bringing upon oneself inevitable results, good or bad, either in this life or in a reincarnation: in hinduism one of the ... You know I made this comment that those bizare medical experiments in death camps were heavliy documented that has lead to many of the modern medicine technuges and disscoverys and I thought that how horrible well I hope they all died and tortured for some good reason then but I dont have insuence and who does. fo some reason some ones karma is to dish it out and then some one must have dished it out cause now they are this "victim" in the future they get the opportunity to dish it out. We got to get off the merry go round .... not all things are as what they may "seem" to be. This has to do with our conceptions of life, may be factual partly factual or completely manufactured by our own minds or the manufactured artificial standard of modern society as it may seem to exist. The specific quality of education science and religion have something to do with it

Some called it" Hippy Haven" Kagel canyon is in Caifornia, right by sylmar sunland Sunland Tujunga little tujunga Lopez canyon just of of Foothill blvd by where Van Nuys blvd ends at Lopez and Osborne at Hansom Damn, You would know Kagel canyon, it was the place thats all canyon folk buy thats anywhere around shadow hills even up Topanga cyn and that clear across the Valley. I was watchin the guy at my dad's house watch FBI agents in the back yard or on the property and in the trees. and fries are french and cheese must be swis like watches, silk comes from a worm.

You mean like psychological edifice's, character and types are like certain traits or as Carl Jung put it organs of the mind. I thought of this as I recall a program that gave much reference to King Oedipus as term derives that as a psychological developments during the birth, learning and aging process.

Sounds like today's society, defend you own miserable little fantasy dreamland of whatever it is you actually made up that is so much diverse than the person next to you and their fantasy dreamland they made up. I guess we're uniquely individual and different as each is their staring role.

So by this analysis one could very easily determine just what kind of people are at the top. All the dogs choose a bigger dog amongst them self's to lead and because they are blind they are only lead into a ditch

Well there's lots of places on Laurel Cyn, I lived at Chandler so there is the new orange line station and I go to Carter Sexton Art Suplies and Kulaks Woodshed to listen and to play guitar. Then there is the Laurel Cyn underpass I guess they call it where we go through the real Laurel Cyn to Sunset bvld when we went to the Whisky or the Roxy in 1981 - 1984 Everybody knows all the turns and they just drive no time for anything else. "Journey to the center of Consciousness" The From Shadana to Samadhi page

Chanting the Hare Krsna Maha Mantra should be sub titled "Journey to the center of Consciousness" It is true that at the base source that fills the atom and is the source of the sub atomic particle that comprise the atom is non-material transcendental spiritual energy which if full consciousness. Focus the attention of the consciousness being which is in another strata of existence on the mantra and our service envision Krsna or Visnu within the heart as well as within the unlimited atoms that surround us and make up the millions of universes around us. What we think and feel as well as the condition of our consciousness as it becomes covered or clouded or colored by the 3 modes of nature as well as the external being becomes influenced by the General o f Maya: Lust, anger and greed. Then there individual seems to be trapped for sure to an external awareness as it is only attachment to the bodily situations as false identification with the body as self which is not the case the self is an eternal spiritual being transmigrating since time immemorial through 8 million 4 hundred thousand life forms. It seems external view that this is the only life (false identification with body) as consciousness is not a product of mater occurring and developed at a certain stage of development.

Read and listen to The Nectar of devotion regarding the transcendental process and the information of attachment and identification to the bodily situation as the actual Dharma, occupation or function of the self. Prabhupada explains that we have a body due to past karma, advised us not to accept another body by devotional service. The self has been transmigrating since time immemorial, pure devotional service in pure devotional mood attracts krsna. Scientists cannot perceive the spiritual that's why the atom appears to external view just empty space, its spiritual energy neither can the self which is spiritual be conceived by instruments or experiments like supply conditions and observe the effects as the spiritual cannot be perceived only by the spiritual self or consciousness can perceive it. individual consciousness is not part of the equation as it is not a proven fact remains a phenomena that just might be perceived differently which it is according to the individual influence of the modes of nature and ones conceptions of life Read also 6th chapter of Bhagavad Gita From whatever and where ever he mind wanders due to its flickering and unsteady nature withdrawal it and bring it under control of the self, as a lamp in an windless place does not waver the transcendentalist who remains always stead in his meditation on the transcendent self as well as the Srimad Bhagavatam as well as the chapter The forest of material enjoyment where one only is frustrated at every turn in the external world of matter. As we are Brahman as situated in Brahman as stated and worded in the Vedanta it seems like paradox's and an impersonal conception as it is variegated diversity within oneness. Yoga System Series Bg 6.2-5 "Yoga System--The Yoga Ladder" Los Angeles, Febuary 14, 1969 Bg 6.6-12 "Yoga System--Conquering the Mind" Los Angeles, Febuary 14, 1969 Bg 6.3-15 "Yoga System -- We..." Los Angeles, Febuary 16, 1969 Bg 6.16-24 "Yoga System--Keep This..." Los Angeles, Febuary 17, 1969 Bg 6.20-25 "Yoga System--Precaution Is Better..." New Vrndavana, June 23, 1976 Bg 6.21-27 "Yoga System--Searching After Real..." New York, September 9, 1966 Bg 6.25-29 "Yoga System--Be Self-Centered" Los Angeles, Febuary 18, 1969 Bg 6.30-34 "Yoga System--UNIVERSAL LOVE" Los Angeles, Febuary 19, 1969 Bg 6.32-40 "Yoga System--Vairagya Is Such..." New York, September 14, 1966 Bg 6.40-44 "Yoga System--There Is No Loss In..." http...:// I was personally present in these classes in 1976 when I first joined ISKCON Srila Prabhupada came to Los Angeles on his world tour. I attend Guru Puja when his feet were bathed, as well as greeted Prabhupada at LAX upon his arrival. These clases delivered by Srila Prabhupada are on the subjuct matter of Ajamila who was saved by the Visnudutas by the transcendental strength of chanting the Holy name of the Lord. tulayama lavenapi na svargam napunar-bhavam bhagavat-sangi-sangasya martyanam kim utasisah Even a moment's association with a pure devotee cannot be compared to being transferred to heavenly planets or even merging into the Brahman effulgence in complete liberation. For living entities who are destined to give up the body and die, association with pure devotees is the highest benediction. SB 4.30.34 Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 6.1.37 by His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda Los Angeles, June 3, 1976 I concentrate my mind, apply my conscious attention as pure spiritual being situated in Brahman chanting Hare Krsna as the person Surpeme ParaBrahman situated within and without, is the source of my self, each of us is a jiva atma essentially a pure spiritual being aham bramastmi not the body or a product of matter. Visnu or Krsna situated within the heart guiding the direction of all living beings. Its really prety much as to what ever it is as to the situations and circumstance, its just Krsna's mercy actually. Mater is present because the source of all energys exist's Thats Krsna the background and foundation everything rests on him as pearls are strung on a thread. Swept under the rug, yet the condition exists, denies that anything is still wrong. Many citys in the US also will not accept or denies that they have a gang problem, granted they exist and are everywhere, yet denies the statistics, must be fair and not discriminate so have to go after everyone. yes don't kill the sharks, it disrupts the balance. Then even then killed only for a specific part, just like the Ivory trade. Formally society waited for the animal to die naturally then the leather, skin, or Ivory etc can be used. A company or a corporation would conduct a market research survey if they thought they wanted to make improvements. Since the disaster and its only recognized as a disaster since the media calls it one anyways just to spectacularize the eve news. Since the disaster there most likely are some surveys being conducted about topics of recent concern and how issues should be treated and if the media is fair in its handling of the situation. A corporation would have accidents if they would make a profit rather than just accept would would have been earned acting ethically, even though there are deaths and injury's resulting is class action law suits and environmental issues and fines a profit would still be made. I don't see these things a accidental. To tell you the actual truth we are all the cruel servants of a very cruel master. The blind are leading the blind even against our best judgment and will only to lead everyone just over a cliff. Yeah like "Crude Aid" Great Idea keep it focused like "Live Aid" "Mod Aid" and all of that. Over see it your selfs to make sure all the intended proceeds go to those in need that have been affected rather than all the organizers pay checks and bonus money, Yeah then the album of the event have a video the televised broadcast to raise funds to help those in need affected by the spill. You should get BP for ruining your Pow Wow I belive it could be Harassment on Spiritual Religious beliefs. That's whats wrong with society its all a bunch of messed up uselessly born for nothing brats with nothing to do and they think they are the president or the chief of police or a doctor or a scientist even the ones that at least are honest about it and only panhandle for their next quart or burglarize for the their next hit, No you don't get to keep it, it gets smoked one way or another. Their all crazy mad men, some are more dangerous than others, and yes they cant help it, they were born that way. Ego is the quality of identification. Pure spiritual eternal being "aham bramasmi" "I am not this body" is the beginning. Actually our attention is directed to the various experience of the sense objects sound, sight, touch, smell, taste externally. The mind and intelligence interacting with the material mode of passion creates the false identification with mater as a body interacting with other bodies. What a rush it was to discover we have a mind, beyond that the discriminating factor arriving at a transcendental conclusion that actually I do not have anything to do with my material body's never did. I obtained each body pretty much the same way - egg, seed - womb all those I came in contact with all have different various destinations - various planets in various species of life from where we came from all different past history's now forgotten. Yeah in april of 1969 California as supposed to crumble into the ocean, alot of people sold their homes and relocated out of state. For today's Daily Perspective, I'll take a look into the 1969 fears that an earthquake would cause California to separate from the rest of America. There was smog in 1969 at that time the theory was in the future man would live underground by the year 2000 due to pollution of the surface. in 1969 I could look up at the Valley sky and see the little and big dipper and all the stars and shooting stars the night sky was still very clear. Only by the West Trail House in Kagel Cyn I sat in the porch in 2006 and very clearly saw were the obscurity ends at the base of the valley from Los Angeles forestry district and I watched a lot of activity at the Roger Jesup Airport, and I do mean alot of activity, must a been a lot of police helicopters hoovering around I saw a lot of stuff flying around. Yeah that's a big part of it I saw recently, beach front property for sale in Arizona. We know that according to the astrologacal charts and the movements there is some activity and a shift from the minor age of Kali within the major age of Kali will shift to the minor age of satya in the major age of Kali. That's why there is so much empahsis on meta physics and spritutality. We know that the world of not going to end and not sure as to the exact effects and its even good advice that in the material world there are always some type of upheaval taking place in one form or another constantly and that the actual purpose is to just concentrate in our inner being. my inner meditation on Visnu and sadhana, and get my mind and attention off of stuff like the past, and whatever the future and focus. Oh that's all right Ed, Their all on the Crazy Train, Highly emotional dysfunctional broken up family unit. I was expecting it, didn't know how long actually I think its again some of their stuff in it to. Couldndt reall find out what was really going on everybody had a differnt story and he cops came just when my step mother Jenny was scheduled for her morphine implant that she had a rection to and died, My step brothers got a real big monetary inhertance from her, then it really seem like these guys were scoping out his house and assets, I was staying there and my mother said I needed a rest and that I should check into rehabilitation and I just got sick and tired off all the crap, Besides the ol man was saying that I should go to the homeless shelter the very same day I bought him $100.00 worth of grocery's and a $100 towards the rent. Ive been writing about all this for a year now in Lost Anarchy, This stuff is true and I really waiting for the admissions of truth of guilt, Really strange treatment when all the employers I work for require a drug screening and home depot even got another drug test cause I lost my voice when I got a severe cold,n these people are talking and complaining about stuff they don't even know. They have allways gone about making a problem even when I got up in the morning at 4:00 to got to work before school in Jr High school and go to work in the eve until around 9 10 or 11 for $2.00 which went up to $2.00 each time and was still in the dog house for made up stuff and stuff to make it lookl like it to here church lady freinds that only bitch and complain. The actual real conclusion is in the Bhagavad Gita which I sent him a copy of recently chapter 2 the eternality of the self I just do my service, concentrate on my sadhana, really envision krsna and the Maha Mantra, need to be attentive and become absorbed just to not comit the offense of being inattentive. I know that there are debates and controversiy and many of Srila Prabhupada's letters etc are being examined requarding he actual instructions of the Spritual Master. We sing the song every morning that without following the instructions of the Spritual Master one cannot make any spiritual consciousness. I have Hari nama from Srila Prabhupada and Diska on Janmastami 9/1/2010 Danavir Maharaja, He was my Bhakta leader in Los Angeles 1976 , I joined just 5 weeks before Srila Prabhpada came to LA. I am doing the deity worship here at RVC and am doing great just like before on Concentrated Sadhana. This is a very powerful process God Consciousness or Self realization is not a myth unattainable by humans or by society in the age of Kali, it is the natural condition, its just that the whole world has been highjacked by demons. So we know the process and we know how to do it just apply the conscious self to the process as clearance of the impure mirror of the mind, withdraw our attention to anything other than Krsna. That is he order of the Spiritual Master, it is our duty to become self realized. Got to pray for Dad he was in a real bad situation for a real long time the whole sceneria is insane the house we lived in when they got divorsed in 1965 was paid for and Mom abandoned it and the bank took it back over as abandoned. Real good sense to have to be dumped on everybodys door step cause like Help Me cause we aint got no place to go, real stupid and if no one notices there is a houseing crises going on as well as the insane economy situation. I worked for bank of america on the Country wide homes aquired by BOA I know the situation from the inside out when we had the crisses I was doing a market research study for market metrics when we had the crash and bail out I know, so great time to just give away the house or get money on it and give it to drug dealing girlfreind having worked and paid on it since 1973 gini was paying the taxes on it every year as required by home owners who have paid off their house, apparently we have been dealing with some one who is crazy their all crazy. I know when Ginni got the implant the investigation started and the cops went through my pockets and all my stuff for over a whole year. Any ways I got better things to do and I realy just dont care about anything, I just do my sadhana to the best of my conscous abiity and attention and thats all the maters. Well its about time all this has been going on for just a little over a year now. totally gave away his house partyed it off and was hospitalized for only a year. Just found out and no one called I did a search cause my sisters freind email...ed Me and they never contact Me. This is the stuff Ive been writing about, too crazy to make it up I obvously have not been dealing with the brighest people in the world, this is all the stuff that just dosnt make sense or these people are really stupid, He got the money for the reverse mortage and gave it away, now there's nothing left ...of it, just give away your house or what you got for it, RIGHT........ Hey Rog, thanks for leaving an email. We all tried to find you. Your phone # was disconected. Mom couldn't find any info for you. Lyn said you were back with the Harris. Dad came down with Pnewmonia that was resistant to meds. After a few weeks he couldn't breath and stopped eating. So he passed away on Dec 10th. He did a reverse mortagage and gave whatever he for to his "girlfriend" the meth heads he had living there stole everything else. Dad did have an investment that pays out $275.00 each month. We are entering probate, once cleared, you will receive one fourth of the payouts every quarter of the year. Please provide an address for your share to go to. That is all Dad left us. At least its something. There is no value in the house and will be forclosed soon. Dads Social security and Medicare payed for his hospital. I hope this answers your questions. I am the executor of the trust, let me know if you have any questions. yeah like in 2004 or so I get a call he says Mom gave him all the photo's and to come to Ventura County to get them if I want them or he's throwing them away. He said hes got his and that he wouldn't bring them to the Valley just when He came to visit my dad like he did practically on a regular basis. Why throw them away keep them idiot.why would someone arrange to keep something and get rid of a lot of other stuff every time we moved and retain the photo's just to have them separated and thrown away and he comes to the Valley anyways and that's a cant or a wont or a do not or a we don't do that or whatever, it is but he calls up and says "come and get them or I am throwing them away". So this is another thing I needed to get to it was like coming to my senses after the initial shock, is That My Dad was my best friend he taught Me jokes and made me laugh and smile, He said he didn't want for Me to have to struggle so much but that's life and he always said he wanted Me to be happy and he said that he certainly wasn't going to hold me by the hand all of my life but he was on the other end of the phone to call and talk about old times or get together or go to work on the painting construction sites, So that was cool he'd come by maybe Id make breakfast or we would go out to a coffee shop or for donuts I am a vegetarian so I get veggie stuff and oats and yogurt, So Hes gone, On I hope to a better place. Its probably better that way, that's the way it is we all will have to come to this point sooner or later one way or another this was just his time.So Yeah I knew that I would miss him. On a philosophical point of view the self is not the body rather an eternal spiritual being meant for self diss- cover - y . one has obligations to his natural parents as from whom one has obtained their body, to the vedas and to the spiritual master. to repay is to read the vedas, and to become enlightened and to save the father from the Hell known as Putra, So in this way one can be a good son and fulfill his obligations. Yeah thanks there are alot of good times all his friends say that he's a good guy and cite when they helped each other in various ways, He was very much attached to taking care of My step mother when she was ill and injured chronic pain, I ...think it kept him out of trouble cause he kept everything else away from the house, He had good intentions, every one has some faults and Bhagavad Gita states that that everyone has some faults. In mentoring one selects a mentor and does what the mentor did to achieve their goal and disregard the bad quality's of character. Yeah I was thinking about a guy who after he passes away his survivors fight amongst themselves for his estate and property and totally disrespect the man, its like Whats That? Srila Prabhupada pointed out that God is not realized by the physical eyes rather by the "eyes of Shastra" (Holy Vedic Scripture) the descriptions or given that because the manifestation of universes exists that god is the background and foundation as he is the fountain head of al existence. Or that the Maha Mantra is a spiritual sound recorded in the vedas its names of god composed in a specific way is non different from the actual God and is name is one so this is also Darshan, so we practice to be attention in the presence of the Godhead, that means to concentrate the mind on one point and that is God Visnu or Krsna he is situated within the heart or the being of the individual as well as all of the atoms scattered though out the entire cosmos. Yeah I remember all the people I knew we all just graduated and the girls like dissapeared and everybvody like stope hitch hiking. You like never see hitch hikers anymore like they used to be around all the place just go any where just stick out your thumb,Man those days like you had to watch you let in your car or who picks you up some of em ngot real creapy I told My Dad about when I met Mathew Nelson at Kulacks Woodshed and that one thing I mentioned is that I notice this ver "nice" niceness about the air of this person. My Dad "Oh the Nelson's are very nice people like its bread into them I used to work on the show Ricky was allways singing a song. I used to hang out with a famous Jiterbug instructor he was on I love Lucy and we used to be in the Nelsons dancing party scenes What are the details, I did some math I just wanted to know what is the actual equation its monthly, matures 4 times a year so thats (Y times 12months divided by 4 quartley) = ((Y) divided by ? how many persons) = ? So for the last few days been kinda sad, didnt handle it that well when they got divorsed eaither but at least I got beat up on the week ends and durring the summer but I saw him somtimes he bought me somtheing that some one else would break before I even got a chance to get it home. The thing that bothers Me the most is what actuall makes me sad is that the last time I called him at the Hospital nov 9 they took a real long time to go get him to bring him tho the phone a mean an real long time so I thought I would just call back, didn't happen. that the first thing I thought when I saw he online memorial. Gonna have to kick it. So actually I ve allways been upset and they would say I never see my father either. What ever. Oh yeah Don Linder is a co worker and was my freind when I was working for Lumber city and we worked to gether at Sundowner industries, can you contact him to let him know that I am not the one who passed away, cause he didnt make his e-mail availble to send a message. He meet dad a couple of time when I was living there that didnt work out eaither Rick was just to mush off the wall they were eating my grocerys and I had I to go to he bar with thme just couse they are ging and I didnt have the money and he wanted gas and i by a pass pass. well anyways. It's like whats wrong with you people, Told my Sunday school teacher that i was on drugs so she didnt want Me in her house while shes not there when she went back east and I just started my job and was waiting for my GR to go through and get my first check I was broke and no place to go. In the morning before work started at 2pm to 9pm I went to One Stop, a place in burbank thats helps people and I finnaly got in at the boys club dormatori. When I had to leave I got real sick with a real bad cold cause it was el ninio and I didnt even have my coat cause it was still at Moms house. Never did nothing but goes about that everybody else did but not Me. I have drug tests for every employer I worked for as a condition of employmentand no crimanial record no probation and no parole no hits or wants and no warents. Was getting stoped by the Police for over a year just when Jenny was going to have here morphine implant just when I was nominatd for Home depot employee of the month fiannly lost that job to cause of it. Whay do you think I keep asking the same 2 questions, who called the cops, and in a socity of canibals what is the process that determins who next on the menu? It was the YMCA dormitory in Burbank on Luise. actually I had my own room each floor had the restrooms with the showers I saw the doctor at One Stop when she was there and she gave me an antibiotic for that cold - bronchitis I had another room it got tore down, with a voucher for a few weeks from catholic charity's in Burbank and then I got paid every 2 weeks so from that I was able to get a room for 1 week at a hotel then I got in at YMCA cause they were filled up. I am going about getting a Passport and everybody else just gives them the Identification with a birth certificate and bingo their on the plane. I had to submit at least 10 documents, preferably 10 years old or more, talking about baptism certificate, employment records, military discharge papers, student loan deferral, Social Security yearly Statement, My school records weren't ready in time, Its like what is going on, whats wrong with you people I don't have a criminal record, maybe that's just the problem? He let the wrong people into his life this time it caused him to lose his house and got him dead. About Richard, I don’t know any of those folks. Dad talked about Richard. He told me his family paid him to stay away. Dad talked about doing painting jobs with him, but Richard had a bad drug problem and spent all his money on drugs. In 2006, Dad had some room-mates Jennifer, and some other folks. The house was always clean, things seemed fine. Dad got home one evening to find his buddy Richard strangling one of the girls. Dad said he kicked his but, and called the police. Richard was arrested. When it came up for trial a year later, dad had developed the dementia and could not testify. As a result, Richard was allowed to plea to a lesser offense. Dad Then hooked up with this meth head Brenda. According to dad, they were so in love. We later found that Brenda was driving Dad to various banks and having him sign out loans. Dad didn’t remember taking out any loans. He would just sign anything that was put in front of him. She moved a bunch of her meth head friends in, and they stole everything. I got a call from the detective in the Richard case who told me what was going on, and I need to get Dad out of there. I filed a police report for elder abuse, but because Dad was the one who signed all the papers and gave away the money, they couldn’t prove anything. So That’s why Dad was in the Hospital, there was no one he could stay with to take care of him and he had no money at that point. Victim envy Subtle or Gross Envy of God or Krsna, being th direct victim or being affected by some one who was victimized and Identified with that as associated with self resentment, resentful, angry, rebellious, for and about all the miss treatment got to give up the bodily conception that miss treatment happened to me... as self cause it only relates to the bodily platform awarded by Karma or a lesson Krsna wants to teach, I think AI heard maharaja speak on this before The original envy of Krsna or god as the reason to have come to the material world in the first place as Gods Competitor, even being angry and resent full over miss treatment Its all on the bodily platform influence emotions due to the thought process of the mind which is usually circular goes round and round never making any factual conclusions mostly nice mental concoctions no real resolve. [9:16:43 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: Jai hari [9:16:35 PM] Arya Siddhanta: Haribol! [9:16:43 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: Jai hari [9:16:46 PM] Arya Siddhanta: 1 sec [9:16:47 PM] *** Call to Arya Siddhanta, no answer. *** [9:17:09 PM] Arya Siddhanta: can we text [9:17:21 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: Cause I know Bajana Kria is in Nectar of devotion [9:17:31 PM] Arya Siddhanta: yes [9:17:34 PM] Arya Siddhanta: first is sraddha - faith [9:17:46 PM] Arya Siddhanta: second is sadhu sanga - association [9:18:01 PM] Arya Siddhanta: third is bhajana kriya - taking shelter of spiritual master [9:18:10 PM] Arya Siddhanta: now you're firmly situated on third level [9:18:14 PM] Arya Siddhanta: next level is tough [9:18:27 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: taking intiation from the sprituyal master [9:18:30 PM] Arya Siddhanta: yes [9:18:44 PM] Arya Siddhanta: but we know SP is your guru from long back [9:18:57 PM] Arya Siddhanta: Danavir Maharaja just firmly re-established you after a short break [9:19:28 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: well danavir is my bhakta leader and disksa guru SP harinama guru main initator [9:20:11 PM] Arya Siddhanta: yes... so now you're firmly establshed in Bhajana kriya. but level four is anartha nivrtti = removing the unwanted things in the heart [9:20:35 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: atatchment [9:20:35 PM] Arya Siddhanta: very challenging for all of us... I'm on that stage for a long time now [9:20:43 PM] Arya Siddhanta: yes [9:20:48 PM] Arya Siddhanta: it's the end of attachments [9:21:03 PM] Arya Siddhanta: we must always remember that Krsna never gives us a test we cannot pass [9:21:04 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: like giving up being Krsnas competitor [9:21:14 PM] Arya Siddhanta: ultimately yes [9:21:22 PM] Arya Siddhanta: that envy drives all other attachments [9:21:47 PM] Arya Siddhanta: usually we work out a lot of smaller realizations before we get free from trying to be Krsna. [9:21:57 PM] Arya Siddhanta: we generally need a good smashing [9:22:19 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: cause I know that Krsna is the greatest cheater but Prabuhpada says that krsna is our real son and father freind cause he wont die and go away [9:22:51 PM] Arya Siddhanta: one sec... maharaja is contacting me.. I promise I'll be right back [9:23:17 PM] Arya Siddhanta: ok [9:23:18 PM] Arya Siddhanta: back [9:24:15 PM] Arya Siddhanta: you with me? [9:24:21 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: jai [9:24:43 PM] Arya Siddhanta: ok... so we're going to go through hell until we finish up this attachment [9:24:54 PM] Arya Siddhanta: you know that's true [9:25:02 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: gladly march through hell [9:25:17 PM] Arya Siddhanta: we must... but the tast is not insurmountable [9:25:37 PM] Arya Siddhanta: I can tell you that I know the lesson you're receiving right now. It involves taking responsibility [9:25:46 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: ok [9:25:59 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: responsibility for what? [9:26:20 PM] Arya Siddhanta: well first of all... only for what you are actually responsible for and nothing more. [9:26:35 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: ok [9:26:46 PM] Arya Siddhanta: Do have regret? [9:27:21 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: regret what like somthing I that I would feel guilty or somthing I didnt do? [9:27:40 PM] Arya Siddhanta: like about not talking to your dad that last time before he left the world [9:30:21 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: well kinda but I was on holod for a real long time and he didnt get sick yet and I thought id just call back and I didnt call him that often cause I have service to do and chant my rounds and go on harinam just call when I had a chnce to there was 2 hours difference, its just that like when I was little I was very glad to see my dad and I just didnt talk to him that time but the last time I talked to him he said send a bhagavad gita which did and I wanted to have enough time for him to recive it [9:31:45 PM] Arya Siddhanta: yes... so should you have regret about your relationship with your father at any point? [9:31:57 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: Which I do need to chant my ronds still have 4 1/2 round left and gayatri I try to take rest before 10:30 [9:32:31 PM] Arya Siddhanta: yes.. that's important, but sometimes this sort of discussion is more important. Sometimes taking a break when you need one is important too. [9:33:19 PM] Arya Siddhanta: I think you might need one... maybe not a complete vacation, but at least some time to work out a few things your dealing with. [9:33:58 PM] Arya Siddhanta: Krsna wants us to acurately deal with our challenges. [9:35:11 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: Yes and its alos like that something bad happend to him like a victim [9:35:57 PM] Arya Siddhanta: the benefit you gave him cannot be measured. [9:36:05 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: So you think that I should like just not work so hard or you think I should visit california? or get a motel room for a few days? [9:36:34 PM] Arya Siddhanta: I think that you should stay there if you can and just do the bare minimum for the temple. [9:36:35 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: Yes he had bad habits thats why he was in that situation [9:36:54 PM] Arya Siddhanta: if you can't stay there, then come down here for a few days. [9:37:39 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: so what should I do like more hearing and chanting or get more etra rest, If I went anywhere someould would need to cover my duties [9:38:00 PM] Arya Siddhanta: We live on a lake in the woodsy area... it's quite nice. If you really think you might fall apart do it over here. [9:38:24 PM] Arya Siddhanta: Then we can properly deal with it and rehabilitate you so you can get back up and running in your service ASAP [9:38:52 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: Ok I will keep that in mind and your open invitation is very nice sounds like a great place like the [9:38:56 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: Tapo vana [9:39:02 PM] Arya Siddhanta: if you can stay there and continue on with the bare minimum that's best. Yes extra hearing and chanting is the solution. [9:39:43 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: I wnated to see about my emotions by the end of the week by then I would started getting concerned that I might need proffesional help [9:39:53 PM] Arya Siddhanta: communicating with one of your Godbrothers might benefit you greatly. [9:40:04 PM] Arya Siddhanta: I wouldn't go to the professionals... the devotees are the professionals [9:40:12 PM] Arya Siddhanta: the other guys are not going to help you. [9:40:46 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: yes a nice god brother would be in oreder who do you sugest? Mahanta in LA is a very nice devotee and I meet him and he joined [9:41:21 PM] Arya Siddhanta: He would be good, but I think tapapunjah prabhu in New Vrindaban would be a good choice. He's very good with this stuff [9:41:36 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: how do I reach him? [9:41:51 PM] Arya Siddhanta: I'll put you in touch with him tomorrow if you like. I'll have him call you. [9:42:05 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: yes very nice thank you [9:42:52 PM] Arya Siddhanta: now the other thing to remember is that the mind is in charge of thinking, feeling and willing... the emotions are felt in the mind... so you are acurate about being concerned about your being on the mental platform [9:43:10 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: yes and? [9:43:37 PM] Arya Siddhanta: certainly we dont want that mind to win the battle... the solution is to stop listening to it's suggestions and dial in on chanting. [9:44:00 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: yes other wise i dont absorb my self [9:44:04 PM] Arya Siddhanta: it's developing emotions based on what the senses are perceiving. [9:44:33 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: yes emotions follwow the thouhgt process [9:44:59 PM] Arya Siddhanta: so that means the senses are actually in charge when you allow the mind to overwhelm you with emotion. Some things have come into your mental awareness and other things have gone out and you are developing an emotion based on that. [9:45:59 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: Cause at first I mentioned that I was expecting this and we all have to leave our body [9:46:09 PM] Arya Siddhanta: Maharaja has a book called "brightside" have you read it? [9:47:19 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: I know that I have mentioned it but I didnt think it was going to be this soon he cought phnemonia and was restant to the meds and stoped eating and coulndt breath my uncle passed away form the sme thing the same way I figured it was jut their time thier karma [9:47:34 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: no how can I get a Bright side [9:48:03 PM] Arya Siddhanta: yes... you figured correct... brightside is in the book area upstairs there. Go get a copy and find a chapter that you relate to and read it. [9:48:22 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: ok brb [9:49:56 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: allright I grabed one [9:50:19 PM] Arya Siddhanta: the section on depression is quite good. But maybe another one resonates with you better. [9:50:50 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: no deprestion is ok its not an unfamilar term [9:51:05 PM] Arya Siddhanta: I don't think it's depression you suffer from so much. I think you're overwhelmed a bit. [9:51:20 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: oh [9:51:40 PM] Arya Siddhanta: but depression may be accompanying the overwhelming effect [9:52:51 PM] Arya Siddhanta: I always found you to be in good spirits... even when times were tough you're good at hanging in there. When I was a brahmacari at RVC I had a lot of depression. It's a great sacrifice to take that life of virtual solitude.... but the deity service and that personal relationship with Krsna is the saving grace. [9:53:50 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: yeah liek that s just what I was thinking like the polic stuff for a shole year and that was when my step mither just got her morphine implant and died and I was just nominated Home depot empolyee of the month and that whole thing went sour and I was finnal fired after a year and a half and the thing with all the documents for the passport and the bakground thing at BOA and they got all kinds of loans and bad checks eith my faters signatur and my step mohter checking acount ive been thinkinng its all to much [9:54:42 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: Oh the deities are very mercifull, thay are kind to accept our service and thats the realation ship [9:55:02 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: I thinik it can be very personal [9:55:11 PM] Arya Siddhanta: yeah... it's time to simplify everything... when the basics become overendeavors that's Krsna's way of saying scale back. [9:55:45 PM] Arya Siddhanta: many times I had to just go back to "I only chant 16 rounds and follow four regs, that's it" [9:56:57 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: not to much is actuall expected of Me I just worsip the deities and do breakfast and lunch and put the lords to rest and attend bhagavad gita class after arti [9:57:17 PM] Arya Siddhanta: right! [9:57:27 PM] Arya Siddhanta: and if that's all you have to think about aren't you very blissful? [9:57:35 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: very [9:57:43 PM] Arya Siddhanta: so Krsna is saying just think about that. [9:58:50 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: I alswo read many times not to long ago to remember well and thats what I ve been thinking about is that is someone isnt happy in devotion service or is angry then the process isnt being done right [9:59:56 PM] Arya Siddhanta: you're nature is sat cit ananda... if you are straying from bliss it's because you're overendeavoring for something mundane. Of course going to the dhama is not mundane and we all want you to go, but Krsna may have an even more blissful plan for you. [10:00:14 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: cqanI just pray to to just give up the envy the origin of all my problems once and for all [10:00:49 PM] Arya Siddhanta: you can, but that's potentially sentimental unless accompanied by a lot of humble action. [10:01:55 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: yes, I thought that I maintain the deity page just take the 4 photos and post them then no one would think that I had any issue [10:02:11 PM] Arya Siddhanta: for example if you were to ask Maharaja... how can I serve you better? He would probably reply to just continue on as you're doing and be happy in devotional service. [10:02:54 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: yes I heard that many times, and then somtimes there would be an unless [10:03:19 PM] Arya Siddhanta: what was the unless? [10:03:49 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: HE WOULD SAY SOMTHING like unless you dont want to be happy, ir soimthingthats the main thing is being happy in devotional service [10:04:46 PM] Arya Siddhanta: yes... like right now I'm struggling with sadhana bhakti, but I'm extremely happy because I'm staying connected and trying to improve. [10:05:08 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: thats the main thing [10:05:14 PM] Arya Siddhanta: right! [10:05:41 PM] Arya Siddhanta: If I need some help I just ask for it. [10:05:58 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: so I see here things like dont ake it persoannlly and write it down probvlem list assesments happy list prioritizing tasks [10:06:32 PM] Arya Siddhanta: And I don't let the depression that "I'm not doing what I know I could be doing" stop me from continuing on [10:06:43 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: realistic plans how about somthig like responsabiltiy [10:06:58 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: i see [10:07:38 PM] Arya Siddhanta: and also responsibility about how you appreciate every misery you are given and use every boon for Krsna's service. [10:08:10 PM] Arya Siddhanta: the misery is Krsna's warm embrace. [10:08:35 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: oh i see [10:08:43 PM] Arya Siddhanta: what other motivation is there to leave? [10:08:49 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: that give the pain a purpose [10:09:07 PM] Arya Siddhanta: yes... not just purpose, but joyful mercy [10:09:12 PM] Arya Siddhanta: Krsna loves you that much. [10:09:26 PM] Arya Siddhanta: others aren't getting that like he's giving it to you. [10:09:46 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: leavin isnt an issue right now but material desires lead to that another motive [10:10:29 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: be;ive Me i dont want a material desire [10:10:37 PM] Arya Siddhanta: Krsna says He loves you the most if he makes you downtrodden to the point of everyone who we thought loved us rejecting us. [10:10:57 PM] Arya Siddhanta: I mean leaving the material world... misery is the motivation to leave this material mess. [10:11:06 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: yes that ocured [10:11:38 PM] Arya Siddhanta: you know that verse where Krsna says he loves someone the most when everything is taken away and even relatives reject you? [10:11:43 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: o yes the want to get out of the material world yes I wnat that very bad thats why somtime I cry [10:12:05 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: no I dont know thatverse [10:12:23 PM] Arya Siddhanta: When that crying becomes internal and the external is fixed you will be well situated. [10:13:44 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: yes I know that the issue abut my fatehr is material and I know that is like getting out of the material world then its spritual [10:14:30 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: or to be upset that some one stoll somthign or hurt me another way [10:15:00 PM] Arya Siddhanta: I'm not so much talking just about your father... I mostly interested in helping you realize that Krsna loves you the most. Maharaja is gauranteeing that. He's so pleased with you. You are the key that allows Maharaja to travel and preach. You go and Maharaja is stuck. [10:15:30 PM] Arya Siddhanta: You wanted to serve the servant... You're nearly perfecting it [10:16:05 PM] Arya Siddhanta: When you become that perfect servant you will also spread this message to your full capacity as Maharaja does. [10:17:25 PM] Arya Siddhanta: The only reason I came to RVC was to establish you there in one sense.... becasue I could not leave until I had freed Maharaja up. [10:17:51 PM] Arya Siddhanta: Now you have a good team coming in... Yugala Kishor is very nice. [10:18:19 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: yes hes very nice [10:20:12 PM] Arya Siddhanta: Would you like to finish your rounds and gayatri now? [10:20:56 PM] Arya Siddhanta: Remember you always have a friend over here.... Just call me... Or come over anytime you like. [10:21:14 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: ok [10:21:18 PM] Arya Siddhanta: We're living on a heavenly planet over here :) [10:21:30 PM] Arya Siddhanta: You're position is better [10:21:33 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: yes I have to do that. yes its very nice [10:21:52 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: My fTERS [10:22:08 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: My faters house was in he canyon [10:22:31 PM] Arya Siddhanta: a bit secluded from the world then? [10:22:41 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: I was like really attached to the mode of goodness didt like crowds and stuff [10:23:07 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: kinda its beed developed a lot more and the new 118 goes throught there [10:23:34 PM] Arya Siddhanta: yeah... temporary situation for them modes eh? [10:23:42 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: yes [10:24:27 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: Sunland Tujuanga Sylmar, the park in the canyon dexter park is now got the gangs and the cops are like purin gup the canoyon to go there [10:24:36 PM] Arya Siddhanta: It's very important for you to know that we love you very much. We remember you daily and greatly appreciate your freeing us all up to go out and preach. We have a new bhaktin living with us by your mercy. [10:25:21 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: nice, I am glad new devotee s are joining that what ai really hope for here too [10:25:50 PM] Arya Siddhanta: yes... We pray that your desire is fulfilled. [10:26:05 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: ja,i hare krsna [10:26:24 PM] Arya Siddhanta: I know that Maharaja is hopeful for a few new men coming right about now... You may be seeing some action there shortly. [10:26:47 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: that would be very enlivening [10:27:06 PM] Arya Siddhanta: How about that Sergio? [10:27:13 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: very nice worker [10:27:46 PM] Arya Siddhanta: yes... He's a complete package. In time he'll be very instrumental. [10:28:15 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: he just needed to brush up on english more he can speak he jut has to be with us and he will be a jaber box, I know a little spanish [10:28:49 PM] Arya Siddhanta: Are you feeling a little more comforted now? [10:29:04 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: yes mush more relaxed [10:29:11 PM] Arya Siddhanta: Let's stay in touch more then. [10:29:27 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: yes is there a way to save the transcrpt? [10:30:47 PM] Arya Siddhanta: It always save it... when you click on my name at the left then you will see this area displaying "show old messages" just click that and you'll be able to go back up to 7 days. Otherwise cut and paste into word. [10:31:12 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: ok Arya Siddhanta [10:32:41 PM] Arya Siddhanta: Ok... so shall I have tapapunja call you tomorrow then? [10:32:59 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: yes I loolk forward to it that would be very nice assciation [10:33:09 PM] Arya Siddhanta: will do. [10:33:17 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: jai [10:34:23 PM] Arya Siddhanta: We'll be in touch tomorrow. Finish you're rounds if you can and gayatri... if not just rest up nicely and worry about it tomorrow... and DON'T OVEREXTEND YOURSELF RIGHT NOW. Just do the bare minimum to help the temple and do some extra hearing, chanting and associating. [10:35:05 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: ok, ill let themknow actuall it shouldbe transparent eonugh [10:35:05 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: ok, ill let themknow actuall it shouldbe transparent eonugh [10:35:50 PM] Arya Siddhanta: Ok. whatever you think is best. So we'll talk tomorrow then? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rogers Rave 2011 ah like yeah that's a good idea, some useful facts are always good, curiosity, what else is on the do list internet research, interested in learning, newsgroups that are devoted to this subject, thats why there are so many associations, many individuals interested in a subject that discus the subject at length and detail Enthusiasts and relate success and failures to learn my, lots of thing accidentals are like great to discover like new sounds and sights strange macabre scientific medical experiments orchestrated by the industrial revolution of mechanical madness, oh well that's progress. Happy Birthday, We had a party last year!!!! Your probably thinking I know you too well "And what a party it was" earler at universal city that big thing with cotton candy, then The Lodge ,, Who whooo who exuse Me!!! Rock on dude!!! I really think its a deeper subject, taking away our freedoms and privacy's, the good things in life like a high school locker, but if you have a backpack your are homeless, WTF!!! My agent and my self again talked to the passport admin, I was requested at least 10 documents 10 years or older, my birth certificate proved that I am a citizen but now they need to prove my identity. WTF!!! The longer I wait the more expensive the ticket to India, then its 2 -3 weeks for he Visa from another government agency. Ive been telling everybody around here "What do you have to do to escape from this country. Seems like something is really going on. Didnt used to be like this like the gates to this prison are just about to be slammed shut. Like the real issues in America arnt discussed everything is just swept under the rug. I really like the Drawings of Drawings By Alex Portillo. Be nice to draw the universal form with all the host of demigods in this style and Lord Siva with his bull nandi and Lord Siva with Sati on his lap respecfully with al the host of sages and ghost's and goblins in his forest hermitage in the Heavenly planet, or 4 arm Visnu standing upon the lotus of ones heart. Nice way to space, perspective giving 3d form (the shape of the room) the fan each telling its own story, detail keeping each element simple, tattoo Pallor style art, Think Composition. yeah not so much as to what color, but how many pairs they have to tie together cause shes just a fat ass that she taking up 3 seats on the bus. I used to work with this guy at The Recycler a Classifieds advertising co customer service call center, I personally got to see a clasicc Rickenbacker he was selling in it's case. Hid name is Greg Feo Did you know that I am the only one here who the post office wont deliver my mail unless my name is on the box requesting the delivery of mail? finally got my passport today, I original submitted it in September, I was requested at least documents that are 10 years old, and cards with my signature,all my check cashing cards, library cards, AA club cards, credit and bank cards, as well as every address I lived at, every school I attended and My full employment history. Twice They requested documents.The second time they wanted documents which includes military discharge papers, Baptismal Records, , tax documents, employment records, Student loan deferral, SS annual statement All this stuff started when Ginni got her morphine implant with the police when I was nominated Employee of the month and was saving my money to get an apartment which never happened, what it was finally I got my own motel room about $200.00 a week when they finally let me go after a year and half of this. I was tied up again financially when my crown on my front teeth came off and i ended up getting a bridge which was time consuming and very expensive you front teeth are considered cosmetic and whatever happens to them they are not covered So yes, Now its the Visa Process, I wrote on facebook all this stuff and I said " what do you have to do to escape from this country" but I am now going yo ad the word ROTTEN to country PIG STY, HORE HOUSE, DRUG TANK, got any good names for America that I could use? How about "the place with no pot to piss, but used to have one some times till ya get laid of and your house goes into foreclosure" I keep saying all this stuff especially the one that I don't have a police record, no hits, warrants, wants, not on probation or parole, never been expunged, WTF. I keep asking "Whats going on?" [You] did you see Tequila Mocingbirds LA scoop for Feb 2008? she said Happy Birthday Johnny Rotten, Roger Cornwall, and Henry Rollins from us to all of you birthday babes! yeha check pout the her page I do for her [Henry Rollins Spoken Word] 9:10pm yes i saw that awesome [You] 9:10pm cool I had a book that I was studing "Celtic Art" it showed how to construct the designs and paterns using squares and rectangles construct tantent lines then the curves bend at each cross of the tangents as the spril to the center overlaping these tagents to flow out wards in other directions and to form other designs within the pattern Well thats good, at least what seems consistent is the advice that if someone dosnt like the way the world is around them then perhaps there are some changes that need to be made and one of them would be that one needs to change themselves, no to conform to the undesirable environment, but rather we all have some defects, be it acceptance, or the unhappy feelings, circluar thought prcess that tell us negative things about our selfs over and over. Perhaps a cange of sceenery is in order but remember where ever anybody goes their mind goes along with them, might be new and fresh again sooner or later the old habits spring up. I am really working on transcendental spiritual consciousness, it encompass these things rather re direct my attention of the self from matter to spirit. Laxmikantha said that I will probably be searched thoroughly at the airport so that I should be very patient. Are there any good lawyers that can determine why I am being treated like this? Wow! That's crazy what they're putting you through just to get a passport. Seems like the government may have their eye on you, but really who cares. You're just serving the Lord and performing your duty. Whatever inconvenience may arise due to this nonsense can just be written off as purification and an opportunity for tolerance. Seems that you will get to go if the process goes somewhat smooth from here. Not sure about the mailbox needing your name situation. You're right. I never experienced that with any other name. How would they even know you're affiliated with that box? Strange. I think what he's saying here is that Iam just minding my own busines, its not so much that I dont have a crimianl record and this is going on, rather there is some reaction taking place some karma, karmic activity leading to purification, got to get really smashed like have to rectify my material mentality. I dont think "THEY" like the noton even of 'SELF REALISATION" or even the endever of it's pursuit, but htats just to bad I thik tht could be my rights being violated in that basis. What ai wantd to know if this is karmic, then Maybe its also karmic that I get a very large award by suein gthe goverment of all of this inconvence. No one even called Me when dad wht to shorlinne I called up to the house and the number was dissconnected, so I call my mom and her number was also dissconnected and so I Russell told Me that he went to shorline 3 months before that. Well anyways Me and dad visited Cousin aunt Margie a few times, she had Me make dinnier one time and they went to the store and I cooked on this Beni Hana cooking grill for us.I Havnt heard anything about since she said she has a lot of money for dad when she passes away and had some forms for him to sign. I had no way of being able to reach her but what does it matter anyways I don't have anything to do with any of you people. Besides I am not in the family, I was treat like some one who just gets yelled at because I am allergic to dish washing soap and heavey cleaning chemical and detergents and just gets kicked around and get yelled at for not appreciatin g anything I have casuse I dont use itg or play woht it any more but they took away the batterys hwo can I except to play with it like a ltttls run over dad was saying that over and overand my truck was in the drive wat over and over like a child was treated like a baby take away my batterys. Russelll played with my truck when I was at school but if my truck is in the drive way it get s run over, the point is Dad and Russel picked me up at the baby siters then dad said that my truck was in the driveway again, I wanst home to get my truck out, Russell was playing with it in the driveway and left it there, so it got ran over. Maharaja said that the reason I got bullied and pushed around so much is that in a past life I had hurt all of you people so now they got their chance by karma to hurt me action and reaction goes around and around being inplicatd in such action and reation that reaction is also reactive meaning that you all have to take biths again and some one pushes you around till you get again to push them around again, see,n that why I kept seeing the river of stix with all or you people in the hell with me, cause we are in the hell!!!!!o its proper perspective. Now, last, in our last meeting, we were discussing this verse, that karma-jam, every action, every activities that we are engaged in, it has got a reaction. Any activity, it has got reaction. And that reaction is another bondage for me. Now I am engaged in one action, and I am producing another reaction. Now, at the present moment, I am bounded by one kind of activities, and I am producing another kind of activities. Just like in the cinematographic spool, there are hundreds and thousands of pictures. One picture passed, another picture present, and another picture is ahead. The whole picture, when put into the machine, it represents some activity. So we are bound up by nature's law in such a way... Why nature's law? Even in your state laws, we are bound up by so many laws. Actually, there is no death for the soul. Just like you are... At night, you go to sleep. So that is a sort of death. And again you get up in the morning. So death is something like that. Death is sleeping for seven months. That's all. Without any consciousness. For three, three months without any consciousness. Or, say, seven months. Death means forgetfulness. Just like at sleep, we forget everything, what I am, where I am sleeping, who I am, what is my identity, identification, everything forgotten. Then again, as soon as I rise up in the morning, I remember, "Oh, I am such and such officer. I am such and such father, such and such husband, and I have got to do such and such things." Everything remembered. But during your sleep, you forget everything. Similarly, death means from the time of your leaving this body and entering into the womb of another mother, and so long another body is not developed, you remain unconscious. And as soon as another body's developed within the womb of the mother and the time is up to come out, then again you remember. "Every, your any work which you are performing, that is creating some reaction for future enjoyment or suffering. But if you act intelligently, in collaboration with the supreme consciousness, then you'll be free from this bondage of birth, death, old age and diseases and, in your next life... This is a training period. This life will be a training period, and as soon as you are fully trained up, then the next result will be that after giving up this body you come to My kingdom." Maharaja also said that the dreamland illusion is just like so much smoke in the air is about to all vanish and the mental concoctions having been created from the last time I died will also soon be forgoten. My knoweledge about anything was always a fluke. It was me checking in on Dad that always led me to where he was. At first he was with Russell and then went to Shoreline. When I visited last year I wanted to take him for lunch and to see Avitar. But Russell would not allow me to do that. He insisted that Dad not go anywhere with me, so I brought food in and visited with Dad at Shoreline. I am still not happy about that, yet Russell believed he was doing what was best for Dad. Somehow Russell believes I am an awful person who would hurt Dad. I don't know how he believes that but it is what he believes. When Dad went to the hospital this last time, I wasn't called. I only knew because I called Shorline. Dad had gone from 10:00 in the morning til 7:00 p.m. with no food. As he had not been assigned a room, they didn't get him a food tray. This is just one of the reasons family members need to accompany their loved ones at the hospital. Funny that Russell has told you about Dad having an investment and you having an inheritance. He has always told me there was nothing. Hmm-makes you wonder. Have to just let it go. Yes, I was just a baby. The Owens girl you can't name is Carol. Susie was actually 3 when I was one. She was born the same year as Russell. These loving people have stayed my friends my entire life. Roger, I am not like Cathy. I am a loving, giving person and people stay in my life. These very people all had a falling out with Cathy and stayed away from her since about 1988. In fact they all moved to Oregon. The girls are all married now. Annie married Leroy Thompson. I am sure you remember that. They are now parents and grandparents. Barbara has many children and grandchildren and lives in San Francisco. Carol is now Carol Craig and is a mother and grandmother living in Oregon. Susan is now Susan Mannheim and lives in Oregon with her husband. Susan visited me here at my home in Canada in 2008. It was so good to see her again. She is a vegan vegitarian but it all worked out fine. Sandy lives in Washington State. She is married with two adult children and her last name is Foster. I saw her last January. It was a fluke that when I had booked my trip to see Dad, her sister Cindy still living in California died of brain cancer. I attended the memorial service in California with Sandy. It wasn't very far from Cousin Margis place who I also spent a couple of days with and took her to see Dad. She really misses Dad. So that's the quick version of where my frinds are. What is most important is that we are all still friends and close even though we don't see each other in person for years at a time. I do have friends here in Canada, but I treasure Susan, Cindy and Sandy. I am going about getting a Passport and everybody else just gives them the Identification with a birth certificate and bingo their on the plane. I had to submit at least 10 documents, preferably 10 years old or more, talking about baptism certificateGot to pray for Dad he was in a real bad situation for a real long time the whole sceneria is insane the house we lived in when they got divorsed in 1965 was paid for and Mom abandoned it and the bank took it back over as abandoned. Real good sense to have to be dumped on everybodys door step cause like Help Me cause we aint got no place to go, real stupid and if no one notices there is a houseing crises going on as well as the insane economy situation. I worked for bank of america on the Country wide homes aquired by BOA I know the situation from the inside out when we had the crisses I was doing a market research study for market metrics when we had the crash and bail out I know, so great time to just give away the house or get money on it and give it to drug dealing girlfreind having worked and paid on it since 1973 gini was paying the taxes on it every year as required by home owners who have paid off their house, apparently we have been dealing with some one who is crazy their all crazy. I know when Ginni got the implant the investigation started and the cops went through my pockets and all my stuff for over a whole year. Any ways I got better things to do and I realy just dont care about anything, I just do my sadhana to the best of my conscous abiity and attention and thats all the maters. , employment records, military discharge papers, student loan deferral, Social Security yearly Statement, My school records weren't ready in time, Its like what is going on, whats wrong with you people I don't have a criminal record, maybe that's just the problem? Was getting stoped by the Police for over a year just when Jenny was going to have here morphine implant just when I was nominatd for Home depot employee of the month fiannly lost that job to cause of it.

I was in the investigative procss of converting full time at Bank of America when my assignement ended. The supervislr at BOA Call Center told Me it was my back ground check, My agency opened their eyes real wide and said its because I dont get it, cause I ws in re training cause my dept short sales was transfered to Plano TX

Gini would say just a dandy time, oh great Hey Rog, Yea its pretty clear the divorce screwed your head up pretty good. Dad left a will and Trust that has you, me, Lyn and Danny, with me as executor. Dad and Jerry disowned each other when Gini died, and Rick died in 2008 ( I just found out about Rick)

So for the last few days been kinda sad, didnt handle it that well when they got divorsed eaither but at least I got beat up on the week ends and durring the summer but I saw him somtimes he bought me somtheing that some one else would break before I even got a chance to get it home. The thing that bothers Me the most is what actuall makes me sad is that the last time I called him at the Hospital nov 9 they took a real long time to go get him to bring him tho the phone a mean an real long time so I thought I would just call back, didn't happen. that the first thing I thought when I saw he online memorial. Gonna have to kick it. So actually I ve allways been upset and they would say I never see my father either. What ever.

When she drove out in tfaffic in the rain and got the car totaled It would have been ok if I got killed, but I would havenever heardthe end of it if my sister got killed.

Should MySpace just die already? | The Social - CNET News When I go on I cant get what I need cause it always freezes up I d like to take some things down but I cant its too slow and my virus and firewall freaked out a couple of times when it detected an intrusion then Java was asking permission to run, then it was loading somthing so I just hard booted I had no control over my system at that point. My music page plays good though but they used to have these players now its this list.

This guy tells us that we are consumers,and slave's, he has to "fix it" when something goes wrong to get us back into the cycle by psychology. Escape from the Zombie Food Court Joe Bageant recently spoke at Berea College in Berea, Kentucky, Eastern Kentucky University at Lexington, and the Adler School of Professional Psychology in Chicago, where he was invited to speak on American consciousness and what he dubbed "The American Hologram," in his book, Deer Hunting With Jesus. Here is a text version of the talks, assembled from his remarks at all three schools.

John Taylor Gatto is a former New York State and New York City Teacher of the Year and the author, most recently, of The Underground History of American Education. He was a participant in the Harper's Magazine forum "School on a Hill," which appeared in the September 2003 issue. John Taylor Gatto[1] (born December 15, 1935[2]) is an American retired school teacher of 29 years and 8 months experience in the classroom and author of several books on education. He is an activist critical of compulsory schooling, of the perceived divide between the teen years and adulthood, and of what h e characterizes as the hegemonic nature of discourse on education and the education professions. b This guy tells ya that the teachers that go along with it so they don't get fired and every body knows its immoral, there playing with your head, training you to be a worker, to consume and work hard for next to nothing in the factory's and service centers. certain individuals are weeded out if they are considered the type to be "dangerous" to this system which really wants people to just go around spitting gout the correct answers but have no common sense or decency. Yeah that's one big thing missing is the cover art and the inside inserts that came along with them, they were marketing tactics, that something extra came along with the album and it had the "hits" like an album "looking at you" or somthing like that had a mirror on the cover, and the Stones had a 3d cover Like Satanic Majesty Request, it was big business in concept design. I went to the used record shop and they were closed down so I went to The Wherehouse and all they had were cd's I asked where's the records? no more records, shame I just a bought a new diamond needle, should have bought a cd player. We had health care many times actualy then some one else comes into office they think we don't need health care. Some one thought that business should have incentives to operate in the US, some one else came into office and didnt think so, so for examploe Canada is not the "home of the Firebird" I remember this thing about buying american from american insustry made and manufactored in the US. The us was buying a lot of asian cars so as a trade they sold american candy and soft drinks in the Asian atomotive plants, Give business aqn incentive to operate then you would have employment again, we facing an ever decreasing compettive market many companys have left the US for a very good reason that is no incentives rather it was high tax and operating costs that drove our businness out and laid off america.

Besides wernt all these issues Obamas campain promises when he first ran for office in the first place? How is it he is still saying thats what we need, shouldnt we have it by now?

So at the time of death this subtle body carries the small spirit soul to another gross body. The process is just like air carrying a fragrance. Nobody can see where this rose fragrance is coming from, but we know that it is being carried by the air. You cannot see how, but it is being done.

Well, it's probably not very much like air carrying a fragrance, unless we're to assume that the small spirit soul is comprised of disparate and disorganized particles chaotically transported by turbulence in the air, and only received into gross bodies through smell receptors in the nostril.

I like you statement, I think your really thinking..... No, its not exactly that although Krsna used this as an example to understand How transmigration is working. the self or the consciousness was not specifically created or developed this... lifetime as the first life time. this is one life out of millions of life times. This present day society have everybody so wrapped up in external consciousness. Its a dangerous system as the result is chaos practically no meaning or purpose of life, its lost they do not know what is the purpose of the human form. The Human condi9ton is very much degraded, its a chance with accumulated intelligence to become freed of he entanglement of mater and focus on spirit as its not possible to do in the animal lower species. The danger is that by karma and desire one enters again into hell and the lower species, they get their desire such as to fly as an example so they get wings but they have to sacrifice their intelligence. We started chapter 13 the other day we read 11 verses to complete all the verses of the bhagavad gita it also deals with the intrinsic nature what was read tonight was 24 to 35 and was totally thinking about this as I was going through the verses and the purports. Crazy, You know when we had this big earthquake in Northridge I was ln the bottom floor at work when It happened I was working for a 24 hour call center in Canoga Park I know the force and velocity of this earthquake and it was not only a 3. something, it was more violent than that, but it was taken as an over all average as to all the areas where the earthquake was felt like in Palm Springs so that's how they averaged it out to be a much lesser Richter scale than it actually was it made freeways collapse and apt bldgs fall apart and split with whole walls sliding of and the frame of the roof exposed and brick walls all out in the middle of the street like a war zone. The reason for all of this is that the government would be responsible for the damage, so they made it so that each individual home owner had to pay back fema loans and draw on the insurance and that kept the government out of it to be financially responsible for the damage.

He got kicked off the force then retired officaly when he fliped over a cop car in a chase and his wife is a disspatcher and they only want you when you working not when your laid up and have no more money, actually he got his PI licnece the beifits included school so he's a real privite dick. Hes a dick allright.

All this stuff just gets complicated like on purpose like the enveloped voice activated menus on the phones and I trying to purchase airlines tickets to India and the bank had to be contacted to authorized payment and i still have to call the bank again to authorized the payment for the flight in India when I get there. It like the citizens of the earth are being greatly harassed. You should just pick u[ the phone and call or just buy what you want or you need not like the complete questioner as to why you would buy tickets for India, they don't ask you why just because of how much at the mall or the grocery store you just make your plans and buy what you need and take it with you but its like all this cramp that goes with it and the pass port process went on since Sept and finally just got it and then an Indian visa, it was more documents and more documents being requested like whats the problem already like enough is enough.

Shiny shiny shiny FBI shoes. I bet ther'e a bunch of dicks too. What they do is if you use a credit or debit card Id may or is required and 2 forms of ID for cahsing a check or starting a bank account then go to another state for a short while long enough for an ID or drivers licence a passport is an acceptable form of ID if you can get one, then if you use a one hundred dallor bill or a twenty or for that matter any ohter bill its gets put up to the sun or under a blck light and pen goes across it aqnd they check the water mark like copme on I am just trying to get somthing and whats the problem am I a crimainal or somhtin what do you think I look like, 97 percent of all actual crimes are by whit male cocastions thats why everybody elese fills up our jails and prizons and they are over crowdedand the real bad guys get off like withy notheing cause its a busniness organside crime and drugs thanks alllready. Who called the cops, I supose the man in the moon at Home Depot did. More like The Wariors did it, right up to the point of getting snuffed for good, It was The Wariors.. Right. More like Can You dig this? Yeah that's all crazy stuff like all this fever and all the people ready yelling rioting killing bombing , rigging little kids up to blow up soldiers. Like in 1978 this truck drov up in a parade all thes diplomats and kings and people like that Yesir arofat was there but this truck lifted up its canopy real quick and guned everybody down in one big giant mass assignation of all thes guys form all thes country areas around the middle east. The prince of Iran was in Life magazine he rides in a helicoipter smokes some ganja get budwiser flown in just like an american kid dn then lime wham they went into exile and the whole place and were ever there live middle east people they were lick picketing every where. Action and reaction, # The Law of Action-Reaction (Revisited) The law of action-reaction (Newton's third law) explains the nature of the forces between the two interacting objects. According to the law, the force ... - Cached - Similar # Reaction (physics) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Every action is accompanied by a reaction of equal magnitude but opposite ... Action and reaction are often confused with the issue of equilibrium. ... Discussion - Examples of correct ... - Examples of common ... - See also According to Karma it usually pertains to the conscious living beings that a reaction to an action was caused bya previous action as its reaction is an action which is reactive to a reaction etc etc etc Its very complex and intricate. # Karma - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Karma in Indian religions is the concept of "action" or "deed", understood as that which causes the entire cycle of cause and effect (i.e., the cycle called ... Karma in Buddhism - Types of Karma (Jainism) - Karma in Hinduism - Category - Cached # Basic Buddhism: The Theory of Karma Karma is the law of moral causation. The theory of Karma is a fundamental doctrine in Buddhism. This belief was prevalent in India before the advent of the ... - Cached - Similar

Karma In Buddhist teaching, the law of karma, says only this: `for every event that occurs, there will follow another event whose existence was caused by the ... - Cached - Similar

Karma | Define Karma at Hinduism, Buddhism. action, seen as bringing upon oneself inevitable results, good or bad, either in this life or in a reincarnation: in hinduism one of the ...

You know I made this comment that those bizare medical experiments in death camps were heavliy documented that has lead to many of the modern medicine technuges and disscoverys and I thought that how horrible well I hope they all died and tortured for some good reason then but I dont have insuence and who does. fo some reason some ones karma is to dish it out and then some one must have dished it out cause now they are this "victim" in the future they get the opportunity to dish it out. We got to get off the merry go round ....

not all things are as what they may "seem" to be. This has to do with our conceptions of life, may be factual partly factual or completely manufactured by our own minds or the manufactured artificial standard of modern society as it may seem to exist. The specific quality of education science and religion have something to do with it

Some called it" Hippy Haven" Kagel canyon is in Caifornia, right by sylmar sunland Sunland Tujunga little tujunga Lopez canyon just of of Foothill blvd by where Van Nuys blvd ends at Lopez and Osborne at Hansom Damn, You would know Kagel canyon, it was the place thats all canyon folk buy thats anywhere around shadow hills even up Topanga cyn and that clear across the Valley. I was watchin the guy at my dad's house watch FBI agents in the back yard or on the property and in the trees. and fries are french and cheese must be swis like watches, silk comes from a worm.

You mean like psychological edifice's, character and types are like certain traits or as Carl Jung put it organs of the mind. I thought of this as I recall a program that gave much reference to King Oedipus as term derives that as a psychological developments during the birth, learning and aging process.

Sounds like today's society, defend you own miserable little fantasy dreamland of whatever it is you actually made up that is so much diverse than the person next to you and their fantasy dreamland they made up. I guess we're uniquely individual and different as each is their staring role.

So by this analysis one could very easily determine just what kind of people are at the top. All the dogs choose a bigger dog amongst them self's to lead and because they are blind they are only lead into a ditch

Well there's lots of places on Laurel Cyn, I lived at Chandler so there is the new orange line station and I go to Carter Sexton Art Suplies and Kulaks Woodshed to listen and to play guitar. Then there is the Laurel Cyn underpass I guess they call it where we go through the real Laurel Cyn to Sunset bvld when we went to the Whisky or the Roxy in 1981 - 1984 Everybody knows all the turns and they just drive no time for anything else.

One Is FOREVER, I did a search: Srimad Bhagavtam Stupid Servant of the Cruel Master, came up with my site; Roger's Total RAVE Site They aint got one at the library, self medicated inebriated stupid .... The Cruel Servants of the Cruel Master. Great time to be playin whats Hip & Cool! ...... Action, Bibles, Koran, Bhagavad Gita, Srimad Bhagavatam, The Vedanta. ... -

A Matrix; something within or from which something else originates, develops, or takes form would be anything that takes over the body and mind as a network of unnecessary desires as modern society addicts one to its products to continually be consumes in a variety of ways in multiple variety�s and forms thus illusion steals away ones fortune and health. The mind becomes an ocean as rivers of incessant desires enter the sea in this way one is imprisoned.

I looked up Sat-Cit- Ananda this is what I came up with, Eternity Sat: The psychological result of perception and learning and reasoning, A state of eternal existence believed in some religions to characterize the afterlife A seemingly endless time interval (waiting) Knowledge Cit: The psychological result of perception and learning and reasoning Bliss Ananda: A state of extreme happiness Form: (physical chemistry) a distinct state of matter in a system; matter that is identical in chemical composition and physical state and separated from other material by the phase boundary (physical chemistry) a distinct state of matter in a system; matter that is identical in chemical composition and physical state and separated from other material by the phase boundary (biology) a group of organisms within a species that differ in trivial ways from similar groups Not so much as havin have been born into the haunted family, I brought millions of ghosts with Me form millions of hellish past life times. Continue to create new reasons as to have to eternally suffer this haunted fate, just keeps getting more stranger and weird. Collects even more ghosts, Just what ya like huh, you like it, this is really what you wanted, you created it. The situation of the external is that of a machine, biological mechanics composed of matter possible by birth of the combination of my father and mother who creates the body therefore having some resemblance to these strangers having already millions of fathers & mothers previously. Being released from certain hellish fates of the devices of insane spirits who know nothing else distorts to mere legends of story tellers.

Meditation, I am going along absorbed, happy, chanting, meditation on the mantra, the construction of the names, the 16 syllables, visualizing God within, then the mind starts thinking again, going about what about that and this, what happened, those idiots, oh yeah, I wonder what there thinking about Me, they said this, I'll say that, the past is no longer, the future does not exist, only the present, even that doesn�t really matter to a spiritual being, that liberation or bondage has no actual meaning. They are actually still external material concepts. Then like there you are again going, there ya go your tripin again, didnt I tell ya not to trip, I told ya not to trip. Your tripin again hovering on the mental platform. Its possible to calm the restless mind as like the wind by constant practice & detachment. Actually I am quite good at it comes naturally and easily. Its when you get there try your best to just hold it there naturally absorbed not so concerned but honestly.

Meditation means centering the mind, as the mind finds it rest in the Godhead on Visnu or Krsna. One centered fixed attention of one thing the source of existence including ones very self as cognizant spiritual being returning to its source as its destination. I read something & think � totally far out, like realization like how we are not the eyes or ears or the nose, or anything else related directly or indirectly to the bodily construction or its situation. Like the sensual experience is actualized within ones self, Not the mind either, but a pure spiritual being, composed of forever, cognizance and unending extremely elated happiness which is the perceiver. SAT CIT ANANDA, Eternity, Knowledge & Bliss.

I really wanted to explain the mechanics of the cruel world as a conception only as being cruel or separate from God realization in concept only as by desire being fulfilled giving rise to karma reactions which are reactive actions. What kind of servant of the Cruel Master has to kill them selves. Its a concept only that one perceives the objects of the senses within oneself as the action of the mind as it is actualize that actually it is self that is the perceiver, as jiva is not the body or mind nor the identification process.

Actually Bhagavatam is full knowledge of the astrometry, astrology, the sciences, medicine, yoga�s, and philosophies, as an example 24 elements jiva self and oversoul Paramatma as 25th & 26th elements. This is mystic yoga Sankhya Philosophy. San�khya Pronunciation: \s�ŋ-kyə\ Function: noun Etymology: Sanskrit sāmkhya, literally, based on calculation: an orthodox Hindu philosophy teaching salvation through knowledge of the dualism of matter and souls. 5 knowledge acquiring senses, 5 working senses, sense objects, sound, sight, touch, taste, smell, mind intelligence, ego, earth, water, fire, air, ether, directions or space and time or Kala. This study is intended to free oneself from these elements as self is not a product of matter as the first Sutra of Vedanta Atho Brahma Jnasya- Now with human intelligence is the time to inquire what is BRAHMAN. Living actually means lots of questions. Searching for answers constantly creating theory�s that are again revised as soon as another thesis is accepted as common knowledge.

Jiva � self perceives the wakening & dreaming states of consciousness, desires certain conditions and situations bound up by Karma, Desire, the modes of nature- Satva Goodness, Rajas � Passion, Tamas � Ignorance. I am currently full time practicing an aesthetic way of life in an Ashram studying under the Spiritual Master who operates his Temple of Vedic Learning. Full Time Study, Meditation, Tapas, Sadhana Bhakti.

Internalize the process within ones self as an actual application to the inner self, Clears the impure mirror of the mind to perceive clearly real nature in relation with the source of even oneself as a quality of the totality itself as cognizant as its conceptions determine ones reality or illusions. This is the theme over and over again yet remains as mystery within infinity. One becomes the master or remains the under the master of Illusions. Some kind of mechanical arrangement of energy manifested from the eternal source as its cause mistakenly accepted as the totality itself is illusion of the actual fact becomes under nature as action, relation chain of events which arise like so many bubbles in each wave of the ocean swept back out again to sea by each rip tide. Sand Castles return to the sea, eventually.

The disguise of externally absorbed attention spans walking in straight lines conformity nerds of varieties of isms of only to choose from waiting to break all of ones bones finally at the end with birth waiting solemnly ahead as another hell to wake to.

Striping away of identification, false walls give way to background jeweled gold ornamented construction, self illuminating emanating from its godhead source of itself as full realization. Vedas are the winds that carry this truth as awaken selfs take to heart the ships master upon the vessel of accomplishment

Watering the leaves and its branches, polishing its cages, placing it approximately, never reaching the actual real source of nourishment. A Friend is one who has pointed out the correct destination. Is not a ticket to be purchased or flight to be caught, it is a destination non the less. For all are on a path either by controlling factors of time, space, karma, inherited modes of nature mixed with free will of limiting choices.

Source of beauty surrounded by others similar to its Source in recline enjoying each others company greatly in the presence of artistian musicians expert as its source of creation of all knowing cognizance Lord offering as its mater and owner of actual awareness, realization, or knowledge; notice; perception as bees hum about the sweetness of the nectar inherent of aroma of lotuses along side the humming birds of paradise.

As each atom is composed of energetic principle nucleus compounding combinations of molecular corresponding relative reality governed by its manifest � unmanifest states Its Actual Owner � Proprietor all pervading, all knowing seeing One as ears, hands, legs, mouths are everywhere, as the same self reliant self satisfied Godhead as truth is the means to reach its very goal: TRUTH.

As fidgeting philosophers of ages past as present present theories or life regressions as all must be impulse guided to continue ones species building craft design in nature to cross external existence as MIND Ships cannot possible come to these conclusions themselves as a great mystery is reveled as the Sun rises on the eastern horizon to vanish into the Sea only as daily orbit allows. Darkness does not remain in the Light, only as shadows remain to remind one as full knowledge allows very naturally as easy as small children meddling life time after lifetime creating legacy to never enjoy as one must go on.

The global public consciousness needs to seriously re evaluate or more like WAKE UP to some basic facts. For one thing the populace has been lied too every day just about every thing they do and consume. No ones job can really help, your home cant help, Your horrible forced education, Your parents or siblings. Home Depot, Bank of America, Maytag, General Electric, Proctor and Gamble, Johnson and Johnson, Elie Lilly, Ford Motor company, Toyota, PSA, Air West Airlines, Virgin Records, NASA, The President, The Queen, Parliament, Congress can not help anyone and those who are dead already know it.

LONDON � In a meeting at the White House on Tuesday, President Obama and the visiting British prime minister, David Cameron, are expected to discuss the furor over BP�s lobbying for a prisoner-transfer agreement between Britain and Libya that led to the release of the convicted Lockerbie bomber from a Scottish prison.

Roger Cornwall Jr. More like they have to talk about what to do about it now that the news leaked

Back Mass... Get it?.... How often?

No one can say they had not received warnings during their lifetime. Those "Ghost's in the Attic" were nothing but your self.

Doesn't look like they should be sliding by all the time. About time and too late now. Everybody needs a fall guy and scapegoat, they want justice like a vendetta or revenge like blood feed em to the lions or off with their heads. See how controlled the public actually is and there is like nothing anyone can like do about it?

88 days is way to long that like 3 months, They should have had in place a precautionary emergency equipment to be deployed in case of an event such as this one. They were completely unprepared and even didnt even know what to do about it. The robotic thing and the cap should have been in a ware house some where to be deployed immediately. Very poor planing, They didn't think it would happen and if it did we would all be really screwed.

Did BP Fake Its 'Crisis Center' with Photoshop? I don't see why someone or anyone would just want to fill in blank spots for like that's the only reason.

The Rights and all that sound nice like the Constitution which has been amended by the amendments to the constitution which changes things a bit and can still be "Revised" or " Amended" doesn't really matter much unless one can prove ones Rights in the Superior Court. All Men can not be equal, that all men are treated differently, The US had nice ideas, didn't work neither did Communism or Plato's perfect society. The main function and purpose of life is missing instead manufactured a false representation of society making improvements on the basics that have already been solved for millions of years ruining the environment by such disorder as adding to the soil fertilizer from a bunch of lethal stuff left over form the war, and ETC, ETC... Sounds nice, not actually factual in all cases.

The thing that gets Me about the Law is that if its over a certain amount its automatically sales. Was she caught selling it? Was it just a large amount of Personal property. All the sudden someone's a dealer, what does any other bullshit thing incorporate, like what now can define any other crime? So if you read a lot a books like your a publisher, What would put away a person for murder and savage horrible manslaughter that even your own mother who loves any ugly face would reject plastered all over the media without killing anything?

Oh yeah like if you get laid off its like to everyone else regardless of the situation like the company went out of business or closed their local office, it's like the only thing you can do now as your next job is panhandle in front of 7/11 for your next quart of beer.

Oh yeah thanks for sharing, I get the feeling they want people to get off the planet by taking big leaps off of tall bounds. The recent society is crazy just maddening like weapons that melt skin, eye balls explode, weird germs incubating for 30 years before its isolation as an epidemic and you know :JUST STUFF"

Roger Cornwall Jr.Boycott BP: Well, that would be "CONVENIENT" Judge favored by BP has financial ties to oil industry

"Boycott BP" BP brands to boycott include Castrol, Arco, Aral, am/pm, Amoco, Wild Bean Cafe and, Safeway gas.

DCCC | Oil Spill is 'not an environmental disaster'? Sign our petition setting GOP Rep Young straight a bit.

GOP Congressman Don Young says the Gulf oil spill is "not an environmental disaster."Let's set Congressman Don Young straight. Sign the petition below telling Don Young to stop defending Big Oil and denying the impact of the Gulf oil disaster. June 3 at 8:46pm � Comment � LikeUnlike � Share

Roger Cornwall Jr. Boycott the whole artificial manufactured false society! Monday at 5:25pm

BP has plenty of money to pay spill damages.. So then lets just do what we want, be as unethical as possible cause it aint gonna happen and if it does big deal, we have money. wreckless decisions and actions.

Ad a whole bunch of bad stuff to dissolve the bad stuff to absorb and dissipate extra gunk then another issues still would need to be solved by more solvents and band aid plots. A new special forces that will decontaminate tainted foods on the shelf at your neighborhood grocery store.

Coast Guard Tells BP To 'Speed Up' Oil Containment : NPR

Well, lay of the employees or have a strike or something like that, Hum well not as a big problem as everyone is making out its just permanent damage to the sea ocean floor so might as well get used to it, besides were over here and your over there.

BP made a series of money-saving shortcuts and blunders that dramatically increased the danger of a destructive oil spill in a well that an engineer described as a "nightmare" just six days before the blowout, according to documents released Monday.

The blame was imposed on us unfairly as is unjust by the public, We largely tried to help the whole world by attempting to cap this off in the first place but didn't work due to forces and events beyond our control. It was already taking place anyways, We just didn't feel that was anything we needed to divulge , anyways and we tried to stop it. Now just because it was unsuccessful the public accuses that it is our fault, unethical and unjust as a corporation.

im-material, improbabilities and More stupidity equals More air pollution, more heat, More global warming

Congressional investigators have published a series of internal BP memos which they say proves that the British company systematically and negligently put safety at risk on the Deepwater Horizon oil rig in order to increase profits.

Boycott BP The President has asked us to pray. This is something we have been doing since day one. So here is my prayer "I pray the gates of hell that bp hath opened swalloweth whole the men responsible for this evil. Also God clean up the mess that Satan/bp has spewed into thy sea. One more thing have mercy on us and thy creatures, either allow no cancer from the spill, or cure all cancers. And world peace. Amen. I know boycott Bp Peeps it is a tall order but, the President asked and he shall receive.

BP " Thats your problem, not our problem"

Bhagavad Gita - Following such conclusions, the demoniac, who are lost to themselves and who have no intelligence, engage in unbeneficial, horrible works meant to destroy the world.

Commentary by Srila Prabhupada: The demoniac are engaged in activities that will lead the world to destruction. The Lord states here that they are less intelligent. The materialists, who have no concept of God, think that they are advancing. But according to Bhagavad-gita, they are unintelligent and devoid of all sense. They try to enjoy this material world to the utmost limit and therefore always engage in inventing something for sense gratification. Such materialistic inventions are considered to be advancement of human civilization, but the result is that people grow more and more violent and more and more cruel, cruel to animals and cruel to other human beings. They have no idea how to behave toward one another. Animal killing is very prominent amongst demoniac people. Such people are considered the enemies of the world because ultimately they will invent or create something which will bring destruction to all.

Roger Cornwall Jr. A corporation protects identities from being arrested and imprisonment for the decisions of the corporation. Sounds like fine BP what about retribution of its officers. First of all petroleum products include plastic and so many other uses that really are just filling up the land fills and causing so many other problems, I was under the impression ... See More ... that we were going to clean fuels what all this with gas and oil when all along there are so many problems and issues with it, the biggest issue is that AMERICA has become totally dependent on oil which is a manufactured product got everybody slaving one way or another for it to be a slave when they get to the destination, better get the baby formula or pay the rent, better yet live like descent human beings responsible for its environment which should be respected. Yesterday at 1:44pm �

Causelessmercy - Ebook - The Laws of Nature - An Infallible Justice

Man prides himself on being a creature of reason, above the lowly beasts. Yet it seems that when he applies his reason to unlocking the secrets of nature for his benefit, he sinks deeper and deeper into a quagmire of intractable problems. ...The internal combustion engine gets us where we�re going faster, but also results in choking air pollution, the greenhouse effect, and a dangerous dependence on oil. Harnessing the atom gives us cheap energy, but also leads to weapons of mass destruction, Chernobyl, and a rising tide of dangerous radioactive waste. Modern agribusiness produces a dizzying variety and abundance of food at the supermarket, but also results in the death of the family farm, the pollution of ground water, the loss of precious topsoil, and many other problems.

Roger Cornwall Jr. Some things just best left alone... Wouldn't you say? Really expensive bird bath. I thought that oil can burn even in the ocean. Its no longer a salt water ocean its an ocean of crude oil, Lots of mangy death here filled with maggots and fly's, the stench of rotting death world wide. Large half deteriorated whales, seals, dolphin, sharks, rock cod, jelly fish stinging shit bubbling rotting strewn mess washing up on our shores. What did I tell ya about some real mangy sea gulls last week?

Roger Cornwall Jr. Build a prison for BP on the coast line

The best debate ever is one of during many global crises and a few wars or so should the USA have its first woman president or its first African American president.

Boycott BP What beach-combing has become in the teens. You can tell your grand kids back in 2010 we would go to the beach and comb for Bp oil. "That's how I got this tumor in my lungs...those were the good old days. Now hand grand paw his oxygen mask."

I guess don't worry about then huh? That's it, yeah, that's the ticket! Can always try to fix it like blow some dynamite charges down under to collapse the hollows, Hee hee, JERKS

Totally messed up, mistakes like these are very serious, neglect of proper procedures in case of the inevitable that would never happen and if it did we would be washed up for sure doesn't secure self preservation at the individual level. Endangered everyone and crippled the fragile environment. Should be murder involuntary manslaughter, as well as crimes committed against God.

It really started blowing my mind when corporations could and did and will act unethically like switch a customers long distance phone service without the knowledge or consent of the customer and apply fees, Came about by disbanding monopoly's to open the markets to other companies to compete. What would one expect from a global enterprise that threatens government leaders of assassination of non compliance, Who picks up the tab? The corporations slaves need to upgrade again higher prices less services to your grave. Its all about how much of a profit is made after court attorney class action law suits as to the profit of having been responsible. These individual hide behind a corporation as actually such decision makers are murders, disfiguring society in strange birth defects in humans plants and animals, These are the individuals that gave you the false sense of dignity and self respect and is not true. Any one can be murders or mutilated at any time for any reason accident or rifle dosn't matter same thing - ARRANGED for the corporate slaves by breeding upbringing and education.

They all knew it all along they want to give you manufactured drugs at a price unaffordable that fake out your body at the cellular level that have heaver side effects that the actual life threatening ailment in the first place and cut you open and dissect cut out put bags on your side just for starters. All could have been avoided by proper diet and nutrition, vitamins and herbs with an active healthy life style. Most people are dictated to by TV and our poor education system which only made us all slaves to this unhealthy commerce which only revolves in various ways, income in one hand going out of the other. see also The traditional sattvic diet :

It's like all this crazy stuff that nothing can be done until the crime has been committed, or if anybody calls for help the police investigates the person who needs help like everybody is just a criminal and they are going to make that determination. Even with the suspicious character clause the real culprits are committing crimes against everyone else and everybody else is being investigated. what would be the actual term? Harassment?

Formation of Submarine Fan

Sediments accumulate at base of canyon, on oceanic crust Continental Margins Two types: Trailing-edge margins continental and oceanic plates move in same direction at same speed examples � margins around Atlantic Ocean contain: coastal plain (was continental shelf during higher sea level) broad continental shelf continental slope and rise Collision margins continental and oceanic plates move toward each other examples � margins around Pacific Ocean contain: coastal mountain range, volcanoes, earthquakes narrow, steep continental shelf continental slope and submarine trench Trailing-Edge Margin Continental Margins Two types: Trailing-edge margins continental and oceanic plates move in same direction at same speed examples � margins around Atlantic Ocean contain: coastal plain (was continental shelf during higher sea level) broad continental shelf continental slope and rise Collision margins continental and oceanic plates move toward each other examples � margins around Pacific Ocean contain: coastal mountain range, volcanoes, earthquakes narrow, steep continental shelf continental slope and submarine trench Collision Margin Materials filling ocean basins Dissolved chemicals especially from rivers and mid-ocean ridges (volcanic eruptions) some remain dissolved (e.g., producing salt water) some precipitate inorganically (e.g., producing Manganese nodules) some precipitate organically (e.g., producing biogenic oozes) Solid particles, from: winds (aeolian) � dust blown from land, only important in deepest ocean forms �red clay� rivers (fluvial) � most important source 90% mud (silt, clay), 10% sand glaciers (glacial) � greatest impact at high latitudes supplies wide range of sizes (boulders to rock flour) Classification of marine sediments Lithogenic � from disintegration of rock on land aeolian, FLUVIAL, and glacial sources Biogenic � organic precipitation of dissolved components dominated by single-celled plants and animals (create oozes) calcium carbonate (limestone) = calcareous silicon dioxide (opal) = siliceous Authigenic � inorganic precipitation of dissolved components seawater becomes supersaturated with regard to some chemicals Cosmogenic � from outside Earth meteorites, usually very small (tektites) Authigenic Sediments (manganese nodules) and red clay Biogenic Sediments, microscopic in size (single-celled plants and animals) Cosmogenic Sediments tektites (micrometeorites) The earth�s surface, even under the oceans, is made of plates. Plates are like pieces of hard shells, much like the pieces of shell on a hard-boiled egg, as you get ready to peel it. Just as those are somewhat moveable on a cracked egg, the plates on the earth�s surface also move.

Tsunamis are long-period ocean waves usually caused by sea-floor movements during an earthquake. Most are a result of earthquakes within subduction zones

The Pacific Tsunami Warning System is based in Honolulu, Hawaiʻi. It monitors Pacific Ocean seismic activity. A sufficiently large earthquake magnitude

diablo canyon nuclear power plant on Flickr - Photo Sharing! Apr 26, 2005 ... diablo is built three miles off of the hosgri earthquake fault. .... PRO TIP: for those of you sick of seeing this pop up in your flickr .... Other faults (i.e. San Andreas) were not a major concern since they are ...

MUST-SEE NEWS Oil shimmers in the gulf of Mexico (�NASA via Getty Images) Spill may be twice as bad as thought �This is a nightmare that keeps getting worse every week,� environmental activist says of the new estimates.

Scientists now estimate the leaking BP oil well in the Gulf of Mexico was releasing 20,000 to 40,000 barrels -- or 840,000 to 1.7 million gallons -- per day through last week, the head of the U.S. Geological Survey said Thursday.

Real big man, made his way around things by rippin everybody off all the time just cause he was bigger, even the time he took a guy and broke all of his teeth on the curb and he had braces. For his drugs he stole from everybody else and lied about everybody and everything, Now he says it wasn’t him he never did anything, not with our dead brother in law or the other real creeps he hung out with engaging in very heinous violent crimes. Says he never did it cause now he’s a retired police officer with his own PI License. He’s broke you got to admit it, His o’lady wont even let him have his own kids over. Just by Karma he got divorced ex o’lday on drugs in Mississippi. He’s lucky he wasn’t in the situation of being layed off they don’t do that in the Navy, Dead beat dads went to jail after being laid off, divorced, lost the house and the kids college education fund then have to pay alimony and child support. When you get to work again they garnish your wages, incidentally not even taking into account ones living situation the Company just likes to let you go cause its extra handling to garnish wages, besides they really don’t think your gonna be happy if you don’t have any money cause they know they take it all. So then you go to jail again. The o’lady probably told ya she was in the pill, ruined your life. She just wanted the free money and the state support by having kids. She’s got a back up plan that doesn’t include you. Sounds like you having a good day, seen worse actually. All Karma, seems to just come up unseen as it was so nice before ya all voted that president into office started closing everything down. They tell you everything is better now, everything is gonna be allright. That’s what they say at the ol folks home, “Everything is gonna be all right”. That’s just what your supposed to do, be tough, screw all the ol’ladys you can, eventually when IF they take care of ya you don’t have to worry cause at the end the last lies are “Everything is gonna be all right”. What do they know they are all chained up as well as prisoners in this land of death also never really knowing who they really are but they think they can say in erroneous mishaps all to late to turn back.

Despite being a big animal the bull is lead by a ring in his nose just as a fish is caught by the baited tackle or the moth flies head on right into the fire, so also mankind is lead around by their impulse of desire, Became controlled by everyone else as well and thinks they are free and have choices. He should have named his band “Strong Arm N.A.R.K.” That’s just what they do anyways except they weren’t cops yet. Only paid his rent for the first week, then after that wanted his money back when I tried to get him to move. The all showed up and filled by closet with beer kegs just stacked em all up that they just stole from the Schlitz brewery just off of woodman over by the bridge just north of Sherman way then came back and grabed them all after I already went to bed already in the middle of the night.

It’s like I don’t know what I am talkiing about when all this crazy stuff! They stole cars and got the owners arrested for crimes committed involving the vehicles such as crashing vehicles on the freeway owned my minorities then fleeing by a car following close behind and got the owners arrested the charges being driving intoxicated DUI 502 back then and abandon a crashed car at the crime scene. The other was involving the vehicle in robbery’s as they were masked and the owners could only be identified as the robbers. As well as knifing fags in Hollywood. They were laughing how the blood was shooting from the juggler up over his head. These guys got pissed of course what else would they be if after being “Strong Armed” and having all there drugs and money stolen they went over and broke all the windows at the pad and the little blue and white parakeet got out and flew away.

I don’t know what the hell is here problem I would have never got away with anything especially not this and she was using and drinking, they rolled and lit up the first joint at my brothers 16th birthday party.

The bitch came home and demanded “where is He”? I was just right there watching TV, Green Acres was on and she said a bunch of crap like usual and told Me to go to my room then a little later she called for Me and said they have the police on the line and that as soon as they say they will come out they will smash my face and pull the entertainment center down and make it look real good cause I am supposed to be uncontrollable and on drugs. The hospital brought out the county youth authority’s to remove Me from them as emancipated. They think they are so slick, they think they got away with it I have no idea how they think all that cause they lost their automobile in a DUI! I was over there for his birthday in Sylmar and they rolled a few joints for us before they took off and bought all the beer a couple of cases. I guess you can just do what ever you want if you have got your own place and you got rid of the other one. Yeah especially whrn I spent my 8th and 9th grade working from 4:30 am before school doing janitorial work in a business complex and the Shaky’s Pizza on Laurel Cyn and Chandler as well as doing another business complex in the evening after I bust the tables at Shakys after dinner hour.

“Give the dog a bad name and hang it.” She had everyone fooled for a little while now they have gone on to the after life and know the real truth how they have been deceived for so long and she is really in for it big time, bearing false witness manipulating, any judgments based on deceptions are false. Ruined all here relationships drove every one away from her and her misery and she cleans it up by sweeping it under the rug, that’s all its still there just not in sight and she thinks everyone else tripped.

Gulf oil spill – worst environmental disaster in US history, turns the sea into a dead zone

Smoke screen! How come all this toxic stuff all of the sudden like they really are accidents? A diversion is created so that no one sees through the real issues. Seems like a closed invitation like no ones business, more like none of your business its what we say it is, armed trooper patrol like trouble makers just disappear or end up in underground frozen Siberian salt mines.

I don't see any reason as to why any toxins were to be naturally retained within any specific geographical boundary's as the whole ocean covers the entire globe. Does anyone have any idea as to the effects of such substances and their interactions as well as over time? As far as earthquakes go there is a very large sub Atlantic continental plate just less than a mile off our shore lines, its what separates the continents as to why they appear like a jig saw puzzle as they broke away just an event as shifting will change the shore line as well as cause earthquakes and tsunamis.

There should be some containment seal as that pesky slippery black gold Texas tea that doesn’t mix with water, doesn’t continue to "SEEP" as filter through. It might get a little more difficult after that, in 10 years or so there will be acknowledgment that there was a better fix the technology was known rather used barbaric "CRUDE" methods hundreds of years behind as well as all there ideas of the use of technology as every body just cant have it all, now cant they? I hope them guys up there are getin tired of Me.

Some of the petroleum products such as and not limited to include plastic products. This is an artificial society dependent on petroleum, backed up into cities dependent completely on the transportation industry to stock markets. Plastic by products were proven harmful in the late 1800's. I would say even boycott such decision makers who knowingly release harmful agents for profit. Its about time society did something about a situation that seems so difficult due to our total dependence as well as illusive as it seems it is real.

I am a vegetarian and have been so since 1976, but test the live stock in the area. Meat and fish eating is generally attracted by external society anyways, I believe a giant epic proportion epidemic is about to be released that the blame will be giving in the sick animals from various regions due to death and carcasses supposabley, Its actually a planed and planted "epidemic" taking away everyone's rights in a quarantine. I was going to mention this before but I just wanted this thing to continue to manifest to confirm my suspicions before I did. They may say its forgin elements may be present safe even though its never been tested.

Simplicity. Not to encourage artificial necessities of life. Simple life: plain living, high thinking—simplicity.

Our education system sizes us up tears us down as nothing more than indoctrination, might be smart just only spit out what was feed into us or dangerous is self motivated forward thinker works on your own. I remember how my teachers friends and parents wanted to know how in the world I am going to be famous an artist or a rock star even when my own father is in motion pictures and my grandfather was Walt Disney's Camera man and my Uncle in ward robe in television and motion pictures everyone has seen their work. I don't know what they were thinking, I am the one who had the hard time with them they did not co- operate rather did what they were told to do even if they knew it was wrong being afraid of losing their own position. I just didn't take their crap and I was emancipated at age 16 in 1975. They almost went to jail and can you believe they denies all the incidents that lead to this California Court Youth Decision. My counselors were perusing criminal charges and a restraining order and they don't think there is anything wrong with them as they have this religious organization that gives them sympathy and financial aid because her life is so messed up everyone else is criminal and on drugs except her. Totally living in a make believe land and trying not to let it show, They think they have em all fooled. They might for this short temporary time in this plane of existence not gonna fly in the next realms as these folks are already totally suffering as there actions are the symptom of this suffering which of course leads to more insanity in actions and suffering. They don’t think there is anything wrong with them or the government or God forbid if you get laid off, more like fired is more like it you cant tell them anything, They don’t listen, only believe what they want to and its all made up. check this out John Taylor Gatto - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia One professor of education has called his books "scathing" and "one-sided and hyperbolic, ... "A Short Angry History of American Forced Schooling" ...

Its the matter of the principle whether its right or not and the last word actually, I think the last word is the kind of dot at the end.

It’s a polished society decorated with various technology’s has become more primitive than the primitives of the past decorated with various paints, skins, feathers, shells as the real purpose of live is unknown.

The work place dosn’t matter if its fast food and you get your mind totally blown, or the call center, the retail environment, the construction site, the bank, the executive office, the HR dept, the machine shop, factory worker doesn’t matter all just stickin their nose where it doesn’t belong and everyone total stinks, If I stuck my nose up your ass would be the same cunt from all the way around the block cause you’re a complete cunt. They already did you drug test and checked your background, Now they figure everybody has done something and your past is going to catch up with you very soon. It’s a sign that something is wrong if you do your job. Obviously they want people who don’t do there job. Those are the ones getting by, in the club which you are not bunch of bullshits all the time.

She was all bent out of shape that they eliminated the supervisors team leaders bonus completely then tripled the floors dollar amount for the weekly bonus as gift cards offered for Ralph’s, Target, Starbucks etc Then to cap it off she was the one that had to disperse the bonus gift cards and have everybody sign and she was really pissed about it when she handed it to like depressed too. Got laid of on Sept 11th 2007 like the bombs dropped right? Said I didn’t keep up with the rest of the floor, Right? I just got bonus in the form of gift cars of $75, $20, $10 after they kept Me for 11 months, Got my unemployment award.

You have a quota and that is in the system,how many daily,broken in to hours and minutes, not being qualified doesn’t count toward your quota and actually brings down your production rate, even that they were “QUALIFIED LEADS” doesn’t matter looks like your not paying the rent this month as it is terms for dislocation, Termination.

Got sized up and classified as your education as they went around playing with your head totally can’t ever leave anyone alone. Ever wonder about those shit head brats that just all of the sudden out of now where go “ I am telling” and run off and everything just goes fine with out them until they show up with an so called authoritarian figure and say he did it it was him I saw him I heard he did it. They just got there way with ya had ya removed. I always wondered about that and what it was, fuck em! Your life is a miserable waste of time leads to and means nothing just eat sleep keep out the rotten neighbors you don’t care about especially the ones that lowered your value on your property that you cant do nothing about but they can sure fuck with you cause they cant possibly be prejudice only you can. As soon as they don’t need you any more its war or some other catastrophic suicide stupidity on your nickel, more like the one that doesn’t keep you glued to the tv any more constantly running to 7/11 for more.

So then what is it anger, self pity, loneliness? We’re all in this thing together for now but very much alone all along actually, we have developed relationships that totally changed and will continue to change as no one or anything is permanent in an ever changing environment as this petrie dish of a universe dictates.

yes, we are locked up, bound and don't know it, It is a temporary identity in relation with the body only which is a chemical biological mechanical arrangement only is not the "self" or the conscious observer. This one lifetime is only a very small insignificant point in time for the self and is not REALLY important, its a vehicle, the human form is for self realization as the lower species of course can not understand technical esoteric concepts. The issue is we don't know who we really are, Consumer?, Employer? business owner? slave driver, assassin? President? We say My hand not I hand or my eye or my ear not I ear or I leg but that it is a part of what one would appear to be not male or female or of any species or planets or universes. We are encased within a body composed of knowledge acquiring senses, mind and intelligence, We got a really bogus make over in school they showed us films about what is important and how one should be what to eat how to act what is desirable and undesirable.

Not much difference than the past as to how humans behave that a real progressive society is internal, not that progress is in the external level as in mechanics that the human condition is ignored. Corporations, government and science wants to make it out that we have evolved and progressed to ultimate perfection that this is the best society ever in the total history of the world- its only external only and have not solved the ultimate real issues which still seem a mystery to those who behave like the lower species with all the advancement to facilitate unruly behavior.

According to Brahma the Supreme Godhead has set it all into motion as therefore The Supreme Autocrat. As Isopanisad states that because the Supreme Person or God is perfect and complete all emanations from him are equipped as complete wholes as therefore also function all though inert matter has no capability of its own there is a controller. Modern science is not far off track it only can observe phenomena , Self, consciousness, God is not part of the equation as it can not by science be observed as each self has a personal experience. This is written by a scientist working on creation. Ubiquitous Methanol Terminated Nascent RNA Chains at the Dawn of Evolution what it says is that certain acids and other creative building blocks don't self replicate, This guy used to live in the right room next to mine for like 6 months or so recently. Moving about in a bubble blimp actually moved my nature, The self does not do the work actually just as the clouds move very rapidly in the sky on a full moon night gives the appearance that the moon is moving yet is still. If one just becomes self realized, God glorifies his pure devotee by many methods, one should strive very hard very regulated life, concentrate the mind on the mantra and vedic hyms just to become self realized not for ones own benefit but rather for the benefit of the entire universe, compassion.

There is a difference mater acts differently in the presence of transcendence and continues to transform during the purification process and hearing and chanting and serving to our ability in varied degrees you can feel he effects

The thing with NOW is that the past and the future are more or less imaginary in each moment to moment existence and understanding that and being and centering on single mindedness the best way is to chant Hare Krsna it keeps the mind focused on Krsna

Our life style is vegetarian and there are 4 rules and regulations to follow. Of course we don’t expect everyone to be able to immediately follow all the rules right away there are many practices such as rising early in the morning to begin chanting meditation the most important would be chat hare Krsna and be a vegetarian and offer what you eat to Krsna and avoid taking intoxicants and no gambling or illicit sex

it is just like that and it is as it always was we just overlooked it for a while. everyone has to work out their karma but we do let everyone know about Krsna and pray for them and have compassion because everyone within Karma has to remain bound by karma if they don’t become self realized

TRANSLATION One who is not disturbed in mind even amidst the threefold miseries or elated when there is happiness, and who is free from attachment, fear and anger, is called a sage of steady mind. PURPORT The word muni means one who can agitate his mind in various ways for mental speculation without coming to a factual conclusion. It is said that every muni has a different angle of vision, and unless a muni differs from other munis, he cannot be called a muni in the strict sense of the term. Nāsāv ṛṣir yasya mataḿ na bhinnam (Mahābhārata, Vana-parva 313.117). But a sthita-dhīr muni, as mentioned herein by the Lord, is different from an ordinary muni. The sthita-dhīr muni is always in Kṛṣṇa consciousness, for he has exhausted all his business of creative speculation. He is called praśānta-niḥśeṣa-mano-rathāntara (Stotra-ratna 43), or one who has surpassed the stage of mental speculations and has come to the conclusion that Lord Śrī Kṛṣṇa, or Vāsudeva, is everything (vāsudevaḥ sarvam iti sa mahātmā su-durlabhaḥ). He is called a muni fixed in mind. Such a fully Kṛṣṇa conscious person is not at all disturbed by the onslaughts of the threefold miseries, for he accepts all miseries as the mercy of the Lord, thinking himself only worthy of more trouble due to his past misdeeds; and he sees that his miseries, by the grace of the Lord, are minimized to the lowest. Similarly, when he is happy he gives credit to the Lord, thinking himself unworthy of the happiness; he realizes that it is due only to the Lord's grace that he is in such a comfortable condition and able to render better service to the Lord. And, for the service of the Lord, he is always daring and active and is not influenced by attachment or aversion. Attachment means accepting things for one's own sense gratification, and detachment is the absence of such sensual attachment. But one fixed in Kṛṣṇa consciousness has neither attachment nor detachment because his life is dedicated in the service of the Lord. Consequently he is not at all angry even when his attempts are unsuccessful. Success or no success, a Kṛṣṇa conscious person is always steady in his determination.

I remember the Parents for Punks group that were helping the awareness that punks had an alternative to crime and drugs but the media made punks out to be just that criminals on drugs. What happened right after the clubs closed? Drug streets..., Dime stops all over the valley took over. Great Real good going and we were not allowed to do anything about it but we sure got pulled over a lot all of the sudden. They poured' cement in to fill the swimming pools and they don't water the lawns and they have all dried up and nobody talks to anybody and they stay away from anyone following them and the drivers that drive by ask you where's the drugs. They teach the kids at the schools how to have a drug raid drill just like drop roll and cover from flying bullets and helicopters. Real good going they had good kids and a good positive thing going but that wasn't good enough they wanted drugs and criminals in the first place! Living in constant fear as valid and many good reasons the population is harassed internally and externally as we seem to police ourselves and tell everyone else what to do and “the way it is” no one carries currency paper only plastic as to accept payment requires electronic devices as others are envious of those who posses them. Never mind how, as no one understands how they lost their freedom, its more like you lost your freedom! One

Those Snappy Answers to those insanely stupid questions already, already! Holy Zarquon, did I ask for an existentialist elevator?"

If there's anything around here more important than my ego, I want it caught and shot now! I go up or down. Down is very nice! Mine goes round in circles. ‎"What does the wretched thing want, a pension plan?" A Brownie button. I prefer diagonal. Ten out of ten for style Trillian, but minus several million for good thinking." i need a pan galactic gargle blaster............Ahh make that maybe 2 my mini bazooka blaster can really be anything, quite the rocket in my pocket kind more of a whistle Dixie but what they know... Don't panic. Panic? PANIC?! This isn't panicing, this is just culture shock, you wait 'til I've settled down and got my bearings, THEN I'll panic! wonder how Zaphod Beeblebrox would handle it... Is this sort of thing likely to happen every time we use the Improbability Drive!? now, where did i put my bable fish and towel? Never mind the towel, where's the smeggin Holly Hop Drive? (Opps, made an infinitely improbable slip into a Red Dwarf Universe :) Digos kidneys Hey, who's this cat on the phone? Hey, who's THIS CAT on the phone? So long, and thanks for all the fish! That time travel elevator that gets you there before you get on, its so annoying. Does an existentialist elevator go anywhere? If so, why? I had to step aside and let myself get off the elevator before I could get on it. And how do you dispose of all the angst it generates to run? It doesn't want to go up. I think it's afraid. ZAPHOD: Of what? Heights?? An elevator that's afraid of heights?? ELEVATOR: Of the future.... Oh don't worry about that, its the low's below surface that gets rough and what ever you do never hit the exact middle cause there isn't one, it takes a crash course to plop ya out at a random destination that could be any where. It's actually very simple, I just used my demagnified anti gravitational demagnetizer device I got out of a box of Cheerios last week. An existentialist elevator CONSIDERS ITSELF to be where it is

I could very easily call up or email these idiots and tell them that was really unnecessary down right harassment after doing what I supposed to do they say I don't and didn't comply and My stats reflect that and there is no reason for Me to lie I even sit in front of the supervisor who can see all day but don't take my side and say so. This is there stupidity that they think they will cut the budget and that I wont get my UE benefits if I quit and then say that I am Incorrigible? Incorrigible cause your an ASS!!! And I talkin about people that do studies about your money in Mutual Funds and Seperatley managed accounts and 401 k's and IRA's and the people that have your County Wide at BOA and all the rest of the Jerks. We are not supposed to disrupt the living entitys after all are part and parcel of Krsna but because they are in illusion having material desires to enjoy through the senses and mind are struggling hard to keep there head above water. Ignorance is still no excuse for every action there is an reaction which is termed as the UNSEEN. I may just get kicked down from my position once again then have to beg service from them just to survive.

Well then why doesn't he move forward then, he's only just all talk and doing everything else, He just only appealing to the crippled American, Why do you think the whole country just hires new people to handle your affairs and open new centers in new cities every month and no one really has a clue as to what is going on because no one is doing anything about it just transferring it all around like I would say STALLING. kinda like Marx or Leninism.

The bait is always “When I took office, we had a big choice to make. We could do what was easy to get through the next election or we could do what was hard - and right - to help the next generation.

Our extraordinary House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and my Democratic partners in the House chose to lead. They chose to do the real heavy lifting to get our economy back on track and to restore the American dream for every American.” Especially “get our economy back on track” Have you seen any of his “Campaign promises”?

Has he gone after executives of IAG or any of the company corporations that has miss used any of their billion dollar bail out rip off? Bank of America paid back their 45 billion dollars which was what they owed plus interest and an IPO initial public offering, as BOA acquired Merrill Lynch and exclusively manage as acquired County Wide Home Loans which were handled by BOA in the first place. Besides its privately owned, its not “Americas Bank”. Remember his own words “Now is the time to remind ourselves what we can achieve together” He keeps saying it but nothing is being achieved in his administration.

One thinks they have more freedom when actually there is less and less freedom, its difficult to think that one has worked so hard for what they have to try to recover any losses just is out of the question which is forced to occur. That’s right use your credit cards until you become employed again. Get your tune up, pay your rent , you’re your house payment pay the babysitter, continue making your sorry ass over burdened payments for the basic base mode of existence until you become employed again in about a year and half or so. The idea was to make your credit payments when you get that great job. Then what happens some one else doesn’t think you of all people should be the employee of the month? They would have gotten their rotten raise if it wasn’t for you who got started at more than they did 10 years ago. Then the boss doesn’t care about you at all, they are only just filling a requirement like what they say at Bank of America is Tough there are a million people standing in line right now for your job and no one cuts it here at all ever.

The fast food joints offer meat, the dollar specials, The grocery stores are charging more for fresh produce. Were trying to figure out with all that’s going on when anyone has the time or incentive to lead a spiritual life amongst all the crap that’s going on, and that’s just the remedy to keep you from becoming free.

Why would anyone of course quite their meager job for practically nothing when its so hard to secure employment then have to again acquire the things like the apartment or a place to live over and above just a place to crash along with the possessions of a comfortable living arrangement then laid off, they don’t care about your they are only filling a staffing requirement. Your just another big pain in the ass and if they can keep you from collecting your unemployment or your retirement pension then all the better they get a bonus!

Plato cloned the clowns Never realizing that digesting fire only produced its fiery effect upon our environments at every level and aspect of our lives. Defying all logic and its endless possibilities, Play dough cloned clowns in his sand castle factory which wash out in high tide endless and senselessly beginning again and again new situations names and their morphs having already been striped of their masks and their external scientific phenomena having been ranched just to farm a fire is ignited by the carnivorous cannibalism recycling not stolen souls but freeing the light and the shadows to live forever. The firewood ignites the fuel produced by butchers the consumption of methane and fire burns the soul to ignite reality as one knows in the past to be reborn again by dimensional desire as the reward always perceiving much different and always alone in the worlds we create our own self’s and the gods devils angel and demons and manufacture our own morality and Vices.

Roger Dodger's Total Train Wreck

Was your life important enough to have FBI Files kept on you

Was your life important enough to have a movie made about you or have FBI Files kept on you. Proven quilty of Interglatic Terorism or even ripping off the "God Trip" Yeah forget humanity, most likely the test results were forged by FDA. Subject to Public Execution upon capture as public enemy number one or a pirate according to Geneva Code of Convention.

How about a movie about some guys who make a movie but the real movie is real life of these guys they are like punks go to clubs, play in bands and all the other people they know are in bands and are grips and writers and they are all indus...try professionals ya know starts to sound like real old school Hollywood already! You know all those Fred Austrire movies they are all on stage like Broadway dancers and actors and stuff. The stupid think about movies is like at the end everybody like has to meet the end permanently or sumthin to like get rid of them now, ya ever notice that?

like a rock documentary of the century would be like Nekro Deckro tronitary but like not even that just a whole lot of everything like at home or at the studio or the club or the car the market the fast food what ever.

I guess a the tv show are always like "Jack Ass" and at then end the cops break down the door like Riot patrol with water canons smoke bombs rubber bullets tazers and stuff while watching the last episode of Seinfeld where they get locked up and throw away the key.

Anybody can be from any where besides the illegal thing is like crazy cant anybody keep anybody like just taking a hike across he desert or a boat from across the sea and keep from getting eaten by sharks or sink or sumthin. Is this the one that if you cross the street at the same time among many other people if someone is a drug dealer or illegal immigrant you can go to jail along with them like as an accessory or accomplice to aiding a fugitive? Its like 'State Administrative Error Gone Wild" Watch these reckless senators get lose and crazy!

Godzillas was great. One time the Adolescents were booked to play but one of their cars broke down and Tony Cadena was there no equipment and Dez Cadena from Black Flag and the guitarist for The Circle Jerks were hanging out and the owner or manger of Godzillas said to em play something just jam make some noise anything and it was like the best gig!!!

You know who was at my Art School at Waterson College and I was running into their gutiar player for 45 grave on the buss was Dianah Cancer's hubby and she was there from time to time.

A strange thing actually an thats the reson for the "Coffee Break" is to relax for a min and have a smoke and a cup of coffee or tea to concentrate, Then its got to be the bar in the evening. Like I couldn't concentrate without it and then for 4 months when I quit I was like allways sleepy like I had only been dreaming for all those years.

I quite drinking coffee in Jan of 2009 and now I am in Ashram just accepted Brahminical initiation. I started clearing myself out I read about the effects of caffeine and my room mate just got a DUI which ruined everything. As well as being... responsible for sists it also hardens the joints. I am doing yoga and my back pain due to an injury in 95 is getting better I can feel the joints in the body and am using herbal antiinflamortories and MSN besides the Satvic life is better in alot of areas like the perception is clear and the body is more healthy as well as I use detox tea. I can really concentrate my mind better.

Don't think the matrix is real? How bout like deserts and donuts and tea that are the new clothes and new car scent? I quess whats the difference if new car sent was coffee and jelly donut... someone wore my new clothes or already got in my car or my donuts just got here and they have new clothes and a new car must took a shower yeah Irish Springs with Aloe scented stuff!

The US has been paying back Japan for the holocaust. The US rebuilds, has been awarding monetary programs and the like to the survivors like were sorry we bombed your country with the "Mass Weapons of Destruction" I guess only the US can have this stuff or anyone at least who doesn't threaten the security of other nationsThe modern education trains everyone to be laborers not military arts. So the population is prepared to sit down and just be than to be prepared to actually fight. The leaders would lead the fight not that the poor fight the war for the selfish leaders who only want the resources for himself. He wants the women with the drink and song as well as the rest. Material world means jealousy and there is not enough for you. Population control means war and the karmic effect steams from scenes such as mom is in the kitchen cooking up war every night, The meat is the tanks the bizarre criminal medical experiment, cage's torture, the jet fighters various aircraft and the bombs, mines, bobby traps, the m 16's and the m 60's mortars and rockets and chemicals and truth serums where do you think LSD was used first? It was measured in GRAMS instead of MICROGRAMS of course they jumped out the window I wonder how much was in Albert Hoffmans dose? All kinds of experimental drugs can be used on the soldiers thus they cant get a job cause employers think that you going to go postal on them they won't hire a vet.

They wanted to blame it on a baby book written by Dr. Spock actually everyone knew the war was criminal and besides being the consumer class not military class one is supposed to enjoy their senses and risking giving up one life is not a fair deal or not at all apealing for enjoyment.Enjoyment is their drugs alchol and prostiutes, So what do ya get? Court marshal is you get VD or get an iffection in your tattoo or get cought with your drugs allthogh every one uses them. LSD became illegal in 1967 AIDs incubated during that time a "Sexual Revolution" There just weren't that many cases yet to isolate and identify and Innocent public unknowing these are test cases and virus's they want you to perform illegal activity its big business and you know it when they show up to collect all of the sudden.

That was the insane weird thing they showed up Aug 23rd 2005 it kept going on for a year until Aug 23rd 2006. They keep trying. I had my drug test's for every employer i worked for and another test just because I lost my voice when I caught an infection when I had teeth pulled doing my dental work for my new bridge and had my front teeth pulled. This really tells Me somthing, I dont even have a criminal record, no probation or parole - nothing. I think that's real communication! Real Dialog at last rather than "Nice Day" How are You" Fine I hope at least last time I checked no holes all over yet". First time they came out I talked to a helicopter, four squad cars and a couple of dectectives with a wanted poster and the witness.

I know that it the ones who have the influence over political power so that they get the contract by supplying not the best product or service that is is faulty harmful to humans and animals as well as to the environment. In many cases the FDA pushes it through without being tested or not tested adequately and in some cases the test results were forged and the product and drug was harmful enough to cause death therefore willing to compensate the survivors in class action lawsuits.

I think that the values that were impressed upon us are really just to "de claw" the individual cause this world is nuts upside down and then They say "Thats not nice"

Opium production in Afghanistan has been on the rise since the downfall o...f the Taliban

Heroin is "Good for Your Health": Occupation Forces support Afghan Narcotics Trade Multibillion dollar earnings for organized crime and Western financial Institutions

Radio broadcast's, Market Research, Banking, medical, search internet like this is stuff you really don't hear about I guess the US dosn't really have much interest unless they have an interest don't think that the refugees in this world are just waiting for the US to just come and save them or something.

Yeah in a nutshell all of these are COVER UPS. Did you know that parents of autistic children received a letter in America inviting their children to participate in an experimental learning program and a nutritious lunch will be provided. It just so happened that the lunch was laced with radio activity. The experiment was to understand the events of radio active poisoning in the human body the eventually died.

Yeah this is subject matter of really gross brutal treatment and against the will of others obviously as prisoners being tortured as experiments as the reason I thought of the Natzis as well. One thing can be said is that anyone is also a of it if they don't do anything about it as I understand the US also has these things suposably not in use at the current moment. Then another thing has been coming to mind lately as in the 70's were characterized by "Sorry The Computer is down and "Corporate Murders" and foul play like laceing the carpet with plutonium and stuff like that the JBL and the Kennedy mystery going on's and stuff. I used to like to listen to KPFK and National Public Radio for these types of information.

Radio broadcast 1995 parents of autistic children received a letter in America inviting their children to participate in an experimental learning program and a nutritious lunch will be provided. It just so happened that the lunch was laced with radio activ

autistic children poisoned experimental learning program

Not only that but the fact that the Sub Atlantic Continental plate is just less than a mile off the coast and this one goes from the east coast to Sout America up again past Mexico, Oregan, Wasington, past Canada and goes right up to Alaska. It is however mandatory recent years that beach costal propertys have sansumi coverage. Now what prompts that all of the sudden? Think there arnt sansumis in America? Think again Oregan and Washington got hit in 1966!

BG 6.19: As a lamp in a windless place does not waver, so the transcendentalist, whose mind is controlled, remains always steady in his meditation on the transcendent self.

...BG 6.26: From wherever the mind wanders due to its flickering and unsteady nature, one must certainly withdraw it and bring it back under the control of the self.

One must deliver himself with the help of his mind, and not degrade himself. The mind is the friend of the conditioned soul, and his enemy as well.BG 6.6: For him who has conquered the mind, the mind is the best of friends; but for one who has failed to do so, his mind will remain the greatest enemy.BG 6.7: For one who has conquered the mind, the Supersoul is already reached, for he has attained tranquillity. To such a man happiness and distress, heat and cold, honor and dishonor are all the same.BG 6.8: A person is said to be established in self-realization and is called a yogī [or mystic] when he is fully satisfied by virtue of acquired knowledge and realization. Such a person is situated in transcendence and is self-controlled. He sees everything — whether it be pebbles, stones or gold — as the same.See More Bhagavad-gita As It Is Chapter 6

They could just say all living entity's has a soul, we don't know what it is as we know it is the self of the individual not the body rather characterized by consciousness, That all living entity's has a soul except for the body's we want to eat.

They need to make it known what its like and how long it takes to bring it to market and that it is not fresh as the effects can be seen after some time as health problems and the appearance deteriorates and reduces the good quality's of a person.

These persons are sworn to uncleanliness as they don't even clean out there system adequately which accumulates and blocks the intestines and causes obesity. Just look at any of us, we don't appear or act like that. So anyone can see truthfully that it is an abnormal condition.

A hhh... Yep. That's pretty much the real situation, big business men in their suits, beggar pan handling any one all the passersby's like don't have a clue cant reach the destination by research and speculation. Its true one can develop th...eir own style or educate themselves on a subject music and arts they did however have to learn the fundamentals and the basics and some Pro Progressive. may have a notion or a clue of some real truth, keep an open mind it just may not seem as it should or as expected it encompasses all good and evil all duality.

This sums it up Lord Kapila's Instructions on the Movements of the Living Entities The actual situation is mind blowing others don't believe it that each current life time the embodies self does not remember their past life as again return to the cycle over and over again repeating the same cycle through different bodys actually created by ones own desires and actions (Karma) By such ignorance the living entity accepts the material body, which is made of five elements, as himself. With this misunderstanding, he accepts nonpermanent things as his own and increases his ignorance in the darkest region. For the sake of the body, which is a source of constant trouble to him and which follows him because he is bound by ties of ignorance and fruitive activities, he performs various actions which cause him to be subjected to repeated birth and death.If, therefore, the living entity again associates with the path of unrighteousness, influenced by sensually minded people engaged in the pursuit of sexual enjoyment and the gratification of the palate, he again goes to hell as before.

Men Behind The Sun Men Behind The Sun is the true story of the Japanese prison camp, Manchu 731, where people were subjected to tremendous horrors.

"The Plutonium Files" an easy book to find. It used to be on the HREX website that had the declassified files released by the Clinton administration. The US gov fed radioactive food to disabled children under the guise of a science summer camp program without their parents knowledge. It proves the goals of sound science can be very evil.

He's a good boy, climbed into my bed in the middle of the night with highly contagious ring worm, He's a good boy cause he's a walking talking living breathing "Biological Hazard" For years he wouldnt quite clearing his througt in my ear while when your a kid and can not make any of your own decisions but sit on the floor in front of the useless TV set. Nobody ever shuts up or quites hiting me in the back of the head, it really felt like adults were doing really and the little blue and green and the yellow pills I got to take and the ones that My Mom put in my coke at the show cause all the rest of the fucking idiots would not ever leave Me alone and I am the one who's suposed to be on drugs.. REMEMBER? Yeah know I've got your attention. What about all the other ilegal activity I have discussed? Oh yeah like Iam suposed to apoligize cause he's a Idiot, and Iam sorry that your dead cause your an idiot and Iam sorry your an idiot and most of all when ya gonna finnaly kiick the bucket for good! Most of all Iam really sorry you have no brains!!!

Men Behind The Sun is the true story of the Japanese prison camp, Manchu 731, where people were subjected to tremendous horrors. Really chilling stuff ‎"immediately after World War II ended, the USA had guaranteed the heads of the Unit 731 immunity from prosecution in exchange for providing results of their experiments."

Carrying their Deepest Darkets Secrets To The Grave,Never even once considered what My living arrangements were or whats my situation in a housing crises and a shortage of jobs just allready get rid of everything cleared the house out shut off the utilitys let the animals like squarels and racoons just take over and wreak the house beyond livable conditions and just put the guy in an old folks home and never say anything until I called three months later. I had an open invitation at the guy who lives across the street Andre Chapagne, My dad built a studio for him over there and all the other musicians and artists that I know in the canyon and surounding areas of Shadow Hills / Sunland / Tujunga well known as a real cool place and belive Me its COOL!!! 1965 My mother just walked away from our house and it was paid for. I quess you cant go on welfare and medicare and own a house and a car. So who needs em!!! Never worth a fuck in the first place about even the very first thing!!! He didn't even have anything left and he just gave his house away didn't even collect his Reverse Mortgage not even for a year and he paid on it since 1973 on his GI Bill. What a bunch of Dumb Fucks!!! They have been totally blowen it for years and now its just got that bad and its the end the very last stages of eldlery life. Oh well I am going to India in Feb, That'l show em!! If a brāhmaṇa has all twelve of the brahminical qualifications [as they are stated in the book called Sanat-sujāta] but is not a devotee and is averse to the lotus feet of the Lord, he is certainly lower than a devotee who is a dog-eater but who has dedicated everything ... — mind, words, activities, wealth and life — to the Supreme Lord. Such a devotee is better than such a brāhmaṇa because the devotee can purify his whole family, whereas the so-called brāhmaṇa in a position of false prestige cannot purify even himself. Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 7.9.10

Even have led such a life and has ruined everything that esspecially lead to the ruination of their health drinking excessally, drugs, extra martial relationships, totaly blew the money from the house reverse mortgage and now cannot recount or be acountable for his actions. Bought a brand new truck, going to the races every week says he gets $700.00 every time. Their walking around the hospital repeating everything is going to be allright and they go to the casino they make sure he has $200 on the books and they have the play time in the play room. I dont recomend this path cause its risky they dont see or appreciate my activitees and the effects it has on the universe. Gotta have drama, No exitement in life, I guess like there's nothing else to do or just didn't say anything about what they like to do at some one else's expense like no one else's business, like smoke coke or speed or something to hell with everyone and everything else I guess and how to get it the time and the money for it, ussually always seemed to be the symtoms of what the condition really was going on. Oh Well gotta at least try to ound out. Oh yeah thay say I heard what kind of bitch you think I am so there must many different kinds like in a candy shop.

So he gets rid of everybody tells Me the problem is back since Ive been back, he confesed that its his frame of mind his personal problem and not anything on Me that I havent dissrespected him when I told him that I didnt dissrepect him as in a way that he is actually dissrepcting Me that I just paid him one hundred dollars tword the rent and onther 25 dollar for his bill and one hundred dollars grocerys at the store today and now he says "Get Out" All this time the dude he's got living there went to prizon for strangling one of the girls there finnaly after the cops have been there repeatdly looking for him for hit and run from a parked car on the same street and ripping off one of the girls rooms. I thought something was weird with him not so much the brooklyn APhilly accent but the FBI agents he was watching in the trees and the back yard with a flash light, must of been reflectors or somthing out there. Is like fuck the ol man said make a sandwich so I gotr out the stuff he said find somthing so then he just says that I make a mess all the time just cause I got out the stuff like he said. What Ever Dude.

He goes alone to the darkest regions of hell after quitting the present body, and the money he acquired by envying other living entities is the passage money with which he leaves this world.

He secures money by committing violence here and there, and although he employs it in the service of his family, he himself eats only a little portion of the food thus purchased, and he goes to hell for those for whom he earned the money in such an irregular way.

Seeing him unable to support them, his wife and others do not treat him with the same respect as before, even as miserly farmers do not accord the same treatment to their old and worn-out oxen.

The foolish family man does not become averse to family life although he is maintained by those whom he once maintained. Deformed by the influence of old age, he prepares himself to meet ultimate death.

Not only in the present age but from time immemorial, no one has liked an old man who is unable to earn in the family. Even in the modern age, in some communities or states, the old men are given poison so that they will die as soon as possible. In some cannibalistic communities, the old grandfather is sportingly killed, and a feast is held in which his body is eaten. The example is given that a farmer does not like an old bull who has ceased to work. Similarly, when an attached person in family life becomes old and is unable to earn, he is no longer liked by his wife, sons, daughters and other kinsmen, and he is consequently neglected, what to speak of not being given respect. It is judicious, therefore, to give up family attachment before one attains old age and take shelter of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. One should employ himself in the Lord's service so that the Supreme Lord can take charge of him, and he will not be neglected by his so-called kinsmen.

I did a lot of work for the studios and celebritys at the very first company that started Home Improvement many stores under one roof by Neiman Reid. get a call one morning stating that they closed the store and to come in and pick up my check. The night before I completed Burt Backarack's window screen order and he called Me to personally thank Me. They would come in the morning to pick them up. When I got there they were allready there at the counter geting a refund for their screens as they had allready been destroyed to be trashed. That what they think of Burt Backarack or anyone else as a customer and their contuniued supposrt over the years, now that they are going out of business.

I am a vegatarian but I started at this machine shop Newell. They had Me cleaning used fishing reels. The solvent I was assured was safe and I changed he nylon parts.I started sneesing and coulndt stop just before I got laid off again. It was quite fishy. Then the supervisor's last name turns out to be Hyman and doesn't like "Hey man!" Then (I quite smoking) he said that I couldn't go any where for lunch, I was at Denny's directly across the street because he asked Me what I was smoking and I showed him my generic pack, So there is no lunch either. They didn't have machines, one micro wave if I can get in if I bring something then they didn't like the fact that I go to art school at night and when he first saw my protfoilo case and art bin (which resembles a tool box or a fishing tool box) he was trippin hard like I want their fishing stuff. Then he's going through all the supplys well I hope those miserable folks are happy. finally got laid off again, they just played head games, who needs that.

The Sherif comes and buldoses all the tents to confiscate all the property to keep everybody moving, cant vagrat here. Use to be respectable their jobs were lost along with their familys, bank balance, auto loan, Student college fund and health benifts. I just dont think the goverment wants to ever admit that there is a problem like unemployment like its everybodys fault and that there are no gangs crimes eaither but their pulling you and Me over to search over and over agian determind to "find it". I sugest watching They Live with Roddy Piper

The way I saw it in the Los Angeles Valley is that those who come to this country can fight being deported if here illegally and there are committees and organizations that represent such issues and those here legally get money for the rent, food stamp cards and medical, The landlords don't care as long as they can pay the rent and if your working the rent is very difficult to keep up on and they kept raising the rent for upkeep manegment every time I turned around they had another paper with a program that the owner has elected to pas the dues onto the tenets as the rent gets higher even with a 7 per cent annual increase it escalates by using percentages on the total at it multiples they dont care its a business pay or get out and the local law enforscement agencys hual away tents. They would rather have a situation of despair and poverty and all the crap that goes along with it as they continue to multiply senselessly and have high rates for the rent, what does it matter anyways when the State of CA pays it as the State is BROKE!!!

Like got laid off again, the EDD was closed due to state cutbacks, they want you to move. wasnt like that yesterday it was a whole other story. Nepotism: Favoritism shown to relatives or close friends by those in power (as by giving them jobs) Yeah like you think everybody got it together but they really didnt just took advantage of the situation really like the guy who got caught on tape burning his own failing computer store down durring a riot. The president of Acustic Control Corp stole the money and was caught did prison time as well as a few of the executives were found guilty of tax evaison. The whole company shut down permently this time. Just before this for months we had to cash our "Non - Counterfitable" checks. There were lay offs practicly all the time for a while until we had work again. I was very happy in a small machine shop. Going to gigs in the evening like Bad Religion and Black Flag and X, We all went to the Rolling Stones. I bought 6 tickets, I sold them 4 tickets I got for $12.50 each we all went then saw the stones on Cable and had a party of it. The radio and telivion news saying that the largest drop in employment since the deprsion era of the 30's was going to take place. Everybody said that none of us would be working if that were the case. Sure enough, the only person left was Burdie who did the pistons for Bell Helicopter.

The place of action [the body], the performer, the various senses, the many different kinds of endeavor, and ultimately the Supersoul — these are the five factors of action.

BG 18.15: Whatever right or wrong action a man performs by body, mind or speech is caused by these five factors.

BG 18.16: Therefore one who thinks himself the only doer, not considering the five factors, is certainly not very intelligent and cannot see things as they are.

BG 18.17: One who is not motivated by false ego, whose intelligence is not entangled, though he kills men in this world, does not kill. Nor is he bound by his actions.

Dolamin, Thorazine, Valium, Amobarbita, Nembutal -Yellow Jackets, Dexadrine, Methalude, Darvon have great effects. Somthing to go to sleep, somthing to stay relaxed, somthing to get ya up and going and something to take the edge off. I know when she's out cause she finnaly gets up out of bed after about a month or 2 and starts yelling. The only time I see her is when she brings some dishes out of her room and there are allways papaya seeds in a bowl on the sink. She thinks that everyone else is on drugs but both of them are Prescription drug addicts it still the same thing if missused the same way just who one gets it from is the same story as well actually just one is legal. Its all a business and an legal afair. These things become apparent when ones Karma runs out finnally at the end and it all turns into a night mare. Some say its a reflection of ones own mind. When ya got three kids and on Medicare its practically for free!!! Whats she bitchin at Me for at 4:30 in the morning when I am out the door to work and whats she still up for? Everyone allways said your a prisoner in her house. I swear I am never talkin to em ever again, I swear! bitch kept raggin all day over all the shit she wanted done and kept changing her mind and kept raggin about that and the fact that I break out when I wash dishes but shes raggin that I dont wash the dishes while I am washing the dishes. She does that crap every time she buys coke from accrss the way. The allready told Me thats crap that she was there too. The only reason they keep going for it is that they get some to. Then she keeps on about going to the store and the car has one passenger seat in front and the 2 seats in the back, I am stomping my foot down absolutly insisting I am not going. GOD I GOT TO GET AWAY FROM THIS BITCH!!! She pulls out right in front of trafic in the rain and the car is totaled with the rear completly smashed in. I really wantd them to take her in to get tested. I know for a fact she messes around espeically when she really screws up she never says a word. Fun to get high isint it? Actually its what happens when you get high she thinks I am the one FUCKING IT ALL UP! anyone who would have been in the back seat would have been killed. THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN MY TICKET OUT THERE, PURPLE HEART YEAH I AM GOING HOME!!! That would have to make her feel real good like going around killing your kids. She allways thinks that creep is allright most of the trouble is his fault he wont do anything, wont go to school, wont stop fighting, wont do any of his chores and what ever he does makes sure it aint right, real good idea to piss off allready pissed off people espesially when they are just like high all the time!!! Everyone allways said your a prisoner in her house. I swear I am never talkin to em ever again. Esspecially if I ever did anything like those confesions she would have turned Me in. They are allways telling and it was allways untrue, I never tell dont need to, just wanted a quarter for the ice cream man they get one I didnt come in to tell. The bitch just goes "I dont want to hear it" I go can I have.. she goes "I dont want to hear it" like iam interuptiong her I sit there frist to get her asshole attention then she goes off like a real cunt they get one cause they dont tell. Fucker took my Dog Shocker that was extra credit in electric shop from my dwar when I wasnt home and put the battery back in and hooked up the dog shocker probe and shocked my sister so Now Its My Fault, This is the crap, But that fucker told her he knifed fags in Hollywood, held up drug dealers, overdosed his freinds cause of what they know, had a nasty drug addiction involving interveinous drugs and she helps him get in the Navy to escape being caught, cause they did get caught and went to prison. Unfortaunatly pleaded to lesser crimes commited by anohter person and if he (cant now cause he's dead) ever gets caught by his real legal name hes going back to prison for all the orginal charges. Back stabin, back bitting lair, double standards, underhanded dealings, you cant ever rely on this Guy for anything, enless he's geting somthing out of it. Wven then you cnat trust him allways got somthing behind your back. Whatever it is It's Not Him. Who called the cops and in a socity of caniballs what is the process to determin who's next on the menu, must like be like who gets hit over the head form behind first. They said they were still looking for someone who fits the description. I told them that they are going to have a real guilty conscious. He said is that right.

These are some of the kinds of Hells and planets of Hellish life and planets of Demons. Some may be more or less scientifically advanced as these things do manifest on this planet. This is what Bhagavad Gita says regarding the matter. As fa...r as Karmic reactions are concerned the demons administrating the pain will be victims and the victims are here due to their own hellish Karma as inhumane as it may seem to be and cruel and unjust even illegal when the war is over being tried as War Criminals.

BG 16.7: Those who are demoniac do not know what is to be done and what is not to be done. Neither cleanliness nor proper behavior nor truth is found in them.

BG 16.8: They say that this world is unreal, with no foundation, no God in control. They say it is produced of sex desire and has no cause other than lust.

BG 16.9: Following such conclusions, the demoniac, who are lost to themselves and who have no intelligence, engage in unbeneficial, horrible works meant to destroy the world.

BG 16.16: Thus perplexed by various anxieties and bound by a network of illusions, they become too strongly attached to sense enjoyment and fall down into hell.

BG 16.17: Self-complacent and always impudent, deluded by wealth and false prestige, they sometimes proudly perform sacrifices in name only, without following any rules or regulations.

BG 16.18: Bewildered by false ego, strength, pride, lust and anger, the demons become envious of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is situated in their own bodies and in the bodies of others, and blaspheme against the real religion.

BG 16.19: Those who are envious and mischievous, who are the lowest among men, I perpetually cast into the ocean of material existence, into various demoniac species of life. More

Inhumane hellish treatment of human beings is still going on. In Africa as well as in recent modern era as the Surfs and Bolchavics, The prisoners of war were starved to death and tortured as this was going on in the late 90's Then many of the generals tried to excape and were caught and tried for war crimes and crimes against humanity. Cant say these things dont ocur now a days cause they do and its happening some where in the world right this moment. America covers it up like the Acres of Skin went on until 1974 thats where like the missing on the side of milk continers end up, any one can turn up missing.

I remember cars like this were the norm, even our Ramblers, once we drove by the KLU KLUX CLAN were having a march on Van Nuys Blvd like 1966 - 67 they had televison crews I saw it on TV all the cars like big fins white walls a compact car was a VW and its engine was in the rear! big red cone blinker brake lights

No cancellation of these photographs, Liz and the atomic repairman, 3 mile island ready aim whoops, while helicopters whisk us off our daze. Holy Zarquon, did I ask for an existentialist elevator?" If there's anything around here more important than my ego, I want it caught and shot now! I go up or down. Down is very nice! Mine goes round in circles. ‎"What does the wretched thing want, a pension plan?" A Brownie button. I prefer diagonal. Ten out of ten for style Trillian, but minus several million for good thinking." I need a pan galactic gargle blaster............Ahh make that maybe 2 my mini bazooka blaster can really be anything, quite the rocket in my pocket kind more of a whistle Dixie but what they know... Don't panic. Panic? PANIC?! This isn't panicing, this is just culture shock, you wait 'til I've settled down and got my bearings, THEN I'll panic! wonder how Zaphod Beeblebrox would handle it... Is this sort of thing likely to happen every time we use the Improbability Drive!? now, where did i put my bable fish and towel? Never mind the towel, where's the smeggin Holly Hop Drive? (Opps, made an infinitely improbable slip into a Red Dwarf Universe :) Digos kidneys Hey, who's this cat on the phone? Hey, who's THIS CAT on the phone? So long, and thanks for all the fish! That time travel elevator that gets you there before you get on, its so annoying. Does an existentialist elevator go anywhere? If so, why? I had to step aside and let myself get off the elevator before I could get on it. And how do you dispose of all the angst it generates to run?

It doesn't want to go up. I think it's afraid. ZAPHOD: Of what? Heights?? An elevator that's afraid of heights?? ELEVATOR: Of the future.... Oh don't worry about that, its the low's below surface that gets rough and what ever you do never hit the exact middle cause there isn't one, it takes a crash course to plop ya out at a random destination that could be any where. It's actually very simple, I just used my demagnified anti gravitational demagnetizer device I got out of a box of Cheerios last week. An existentialist elevator CONSIDERS ITSELF to be where it is

Maharaja made this comment that " the living enity has to be completly pure to cross the external material coverings, no material desires, no sense gratification, no envy or pride, lust, anger, greed, attachment, personal resentments, exteranal enjoyment, seperate existance, illusion, posseivness false identification with the body, lost intellegence to the mind. One must be completlyt pure sprit as pure self to penatrate the coverings of this material world to enter or return to the eternal transcendental relam." This is what one must keep in mind and bring back the restless mind and all its ideas and plans and memories of the past to strive for the perfection as the goal is the means to attain it in its pure form as to follow this path actually begins when ones senses are purified.

America's already crashed, trashed, trashed, ripped off, severly crippled and denies these facts and have never stabelized only just seem better for a very short while then they all come along and disscontune the programs then they all come along and set up programs of course badly needed and it's presently in place then it couldnt be badly needed anymore obviously. I think Arnnie up there in CA set the CA fires to pocket the funds from the government. What could anyone else do we all Ginnie pigs anyways, Slaves, totally ripped off for our homes and jobs to who knows who that multiples like crazy and they are all poor what are they thinkin the government pays them. I also think that missing persons end up as the test cases for many types of products and services such as medical as well as dermatology and other various sever nightmare horrors to make life easier for you. At least they are big consumers, the largest in the history of American consumerism, it seems those people push us around too then there's the cops right on ya as well.

I met the guy that made the Chucky for Childs Play, He also had an office loft on Hollywood blvd where they rent out studio space. Cal Song had an office there. Every been to Tiny's KO? Also the kid has a double his name is Josh I knew his mother at work at Lumber City she used to tell us that the cChucky was walking just legs with the camera in positon etc.

Obama is Obama and Hitler is Hitler, one name is coined as a tyrant and anyone that acts like that would be a tyrant as well. Iam still waiting for those that miss appropriated funds from the Bail Out to be brought to justice and If I am ever the President NO ONE SURE AS HELL ITSELF IS GONNA "BREIF" ME ON ANYTHING AT ALL. I TELL YOU HOW IT IS AND HOW YOU ARE GONNA ACT.

When I was in Art School I created pieces I otherwise would not have created having assignments in each class completing at least 3 pieces a week, used to apply myself. A great benefit was that I subscribe to Artist magazine, brought a couple of books one on life drawing and perspective and the other Betty Edwards drawing on the right side of the brain, Then as part of an assignment was to obtain a library card and look up through research material for specific assignments where time dated details were important. I had a job at the time I really hated the people I worked with at Lumber City in Van Nuys, I had an incentive to improve my condition and I studied hard and "transcended" a metaphysical approach from the spiritual leval and utilized all of my time in the proper execution of these peices and the media required as the class required such as marker rendering or charcoal, colored pencil, acyrilc painting mechanical ink pen. I was really relived when the company I worked for went out of business finally, my personal dynamics really brought me through a real tough time, besides anger is a lower mode and resolves nothing but more hostility anyways.

I thought that was really weird in 1981 or so Regan -omics took away the aid to support hospitalized mental patients. Hospitals had to just open the doors and everyone had to just leave, to live in the streets with no support as homeless. they cant take care of themselves as well as having a bunch of people talking to themselves and waving their arms around all over the place all of the sudden.

Now, this body, this body made of earth, water, fire, air, sky, this gross body; and behind this, there is another subtle body. That is mind, intelligence and ego. So when we give up this gross body, that subtle body carries me to another gross body. So when this, this body is lifeless, that body, subtle body, is not lifeless. Just like at night, when this gross body is asleep, the subtle body works. Therefore we dream. So subtle body carries to next life. And I have given in the introduction that how one man changes his body. Yam yam vapi smaran bhavam tyajaty ante kalevaram [Bg. 8.6]. Now, the subtle body, I mean to say, mind, intelligence and ego, when these three things, psychic life, is absorbed in a certain kind of thought, the dying man gets a similar body in the next life. The, that we shall come when we make progress in the study of Bhagavad-gita. Just like the air passing over the rose tree carries the flavor of the rose, and the air passing over a filthy place carries the flavor of that filthy place -- the air is pure, but because it is passing over certain conditions, it carries the flavor -- similarly, the mind, intelligence and ego carries the flavor of our present activities to the next life. That is the subtle mystery of transmigration of the soul from one body to another. Now, if this, this life we purify just like rose, then next life we shall get a body which is full of flavor. If, if, if in this life, if we practice devotion of God, then next life is to become the associate of God. That cintamani-prakara-sadmasu... We are transferred to that planet. You see? These are simple things. The whole thing is in my hand. If I want to be degraded, I can prepare myself in this life for such degradation in the next life. And if we want to elevate ourself to the highest perfection of life, as to become one of the associates of God, we can prepare ourself like that.

At the end of our life the persona we have created again is over as millions of times before this life, The self is actually a spiritual eternal being as to fulfill our desires in combination with our available Karma we get a specific chance within a particular body again to enjoy the senses as again previously enjoyed within various species therefor as Srimad Bhagavatam declares this pattern to be chewing the chewed as in our embodiment we don't remember our past lives as God as Paramatma the Super Self is awarding our desires he doesn't interfere.

Sanatana-dharma: Sanatana-dharma is dissimilar to the Western concept of religion, which indicates faith or belief that is potentially subject to change with time and circumstances; sanatana dharma indicates the eternal, unchanging function of the eternal jiva in his eternal relationship with God.

Jivas free will: Because bhakti (devotional service) cannot be forcibly imposed but must, rather, be a voluntary and natural expression of the soul, God endows the jiva with free will. By improper exercise of his minute free will, however, the soul may choose to ignore Gods predominance. So choosing, he is placed in the service of God s own inferior or external energy (maya), which illusions the jiva, causing him to forget his eternal, spiritual identity as Gods servant.

Liberated and Conditioned Jiva: There are consequently two possible statuses for the soul the liberated state (free from the influence of maya) and the conditioned state (illusioned by maya). Thus the jiva is the marginal energy of God, being subject, potentially, to both of God s energies matter and spirit.

When illusioned, the jiva descends to the material world. The world of matter is real, yet unreal. It exists, but its existence is temporal, although appearing substantial and permanent. Although the material energy (prak ti) is eternal, it assumes an infinite variety of temporary shapes and forms, which constitute merely a shadow of the reality of the spiritual world.

Jiva servitor or enjoyer: Entering the material world, the fallen jiva takes birth in a material body, which, under the influence of maya, he thinks to be his self. Thus embodied, the jiva, forgetful of his higher, spiritual identity, indulges his mind and bodily senses in temporary, material phenomena in an aimless pursuit of pleasure.

The material world is a dramatic stage on which the illusioned jiva can act out, under the spell of maya, his artificial role as the puru a (enjoyer or predominator) of prak ti (material nature). In his original identity, the jiva is to serve and be enjoyed by God, but in his illusioned state he wants to act independently of God as the false lord of the material realm. Although he thinks himself independent of God, he is in actuality controlled by God through the agency of God s external energy.

Material nature- three modes: The material nature is divided into three modes, or gunas (literally, ropes ): sattva (goodness), rajas (passion) and tamas (ignorance). Acting individually or in various combinations, these gunas bind the soul to a particular mentality and course of worldly action. Under the law of karma, he enjoys or suffers the results of his actions. According to his actions and mental state, the law of karma awards him a new body after he leaves the present one.

Although the soul is unborn and undying, upon leaving the body he is said to die, and upon entering a new one he is said to take birth. In this manner, entangled within a complicated network of actions and reactions, he transmigrates from body to body, experiencing the bitter and sweet fruits of his actions in an endless succession of rebirths. Thus imprisoned within samsara, the wheel of repeated birth and death, the jiva perpetually suffers the miseries offered by his foreign, material existence.

Soul enters a human form: After a long evolutionary ascent through the different species of plant and animal life, the soul finally enters a human form. By properly using the higher philosophical intelligence afforded by his human body, the bound jiva can analyze his existential position (as soul distinct from matter). With higher understanding of the self, he can extricate himself, by the discipline of yoga, from his bondage to the material world. Bhagavad-gita teaches that to purify the materially contaminated consciousness is the goal of human life.

In pure consciousness, the jiva acts in harmony with the will of God and is therefore happy. When, in the illusion of identifying with the material body, one acts in disharmony with the Supreme Will, one suffers the results of his sinful actions.

Goal of yoga and Role of yoga: The goal of yoga, therefore, is to liberate the jiva from his mistaken identification with the material body and the material world and to reconnect him to God (yoga literally means link ). Yoga involves withdrawing the mind and senses from sense objects and, through unattached action, meditation, philosophical speculation or devotion (depending on which system of yoga one employs), gradually detaching oneself from the mundane world and ultimately realizing the self and his relationship with God. Science loves stuff that grows legs and crawls out of the ocean, the bigger the better. Better yet even are things that regenerate when they lose tails and limbs. yes quite exotic, I suppose these are species never before seen as undiscovered or conjecture that these are now new species come about by all this stuff that's going on? Kinda even like the prehistoric stuff like imprinted in fosils. The hostess with the mostess litterly. extra limbs anyone? Yeah and those are damned rocks in the hell of a freakin cabbage patch when they get hit and over run with those damned reakin big ass birds from who know where that's why were all screwed up! I wondered where it all came from.

it only means something if there is something that codes it, stores it, or as emotions to feel it, Just as it would take the eye to see or an ear that can perceive sound or another trigger that makes such manipulations comprehensible other wise its meaningless as of right now I am not on the other side of the cosmos to perceive from a distance this dust particle broken off piece of the rock what to speak of perceiving and then have a meaningful relationship with it is out of the questions especially when I can hardly understand my exact position now but this is cool l can live with it in other words I have no other choice other wise I really don't care especially if it didn't happen to Me. The syntax of perception and acceptance would rule favor in this instance please consult the book of the Cosmos before making any further progress.

Nobody like needs to go around and cover up things for them self's its like that's what daytime television is all about its like no one would have known really is all of the sudden somebody's got to go about covering everything up with lies and you go to know what you said to who and who going to hear it for who it like ya dint have to do that then any decisions or actions based of falsity's are faulty erroneous based on that which is not fact just goes about spreading discontent all over the place.

I could do it too, guess it takes one to know one: Thank God it wasn't before money, I don't know what anybody would have don't in those days. In th ol days actually not so long ago like 60 or 70 years ago like as I remember clearly I can vividly recall when my mom was a kid long after the stage coach and before stereo and black and white television at least there were delivery trucks some still pulled by oxen, the Ice Man is some one who came and put a block of Ice in the fridge to keep it cold musta been long before electricity and long after the invention of the Kerosene lamp. So in the light of such promising future we have found in your favor 100 million thousand dollars. You may think that this is to good to be true, yes it is true! Your just a greedy as the next person, it doesnt matter where a millionair get his money the fact is he's a millonair globaly respected as this is the result of greed. We need someone to think that its alright actually we are asking you to do something you know is wrong and distrustful. As dishonest as it may seem this is perfectly legitimate that I can send this completely legal e-mail and if you dont believe Me check this web site FBI — Internet Fraud Internet Fraud. Listed below are tips to protect yourself and your family from various forms of Internet fraud. For information on the most common ... I would't provide just detailed information if this was an attempt of fraudulent activity, You may have some worry's, don't fear or care what family and friends would do, but you are gonna be a million air, so just send us the banking routing number don't tell anyone so as to secure this transaction successfully and we will both rejoice when we are united and we will party our ass's off!

PS Its vitally important to ensure that your funds are completely at last deposited that you tell no one of these transactions as they are of the utmost private and must remain concealed, or I fear I would be at risk of losing my life in very horrible and terrible unspeakable tales untold, then no one will be the beneficiary of these funds.

When I was working at the Recycler Classifieds an online customer was telling me of an email he got for his auto parts ad that it was for his daughters wedding gift and was highly desirable.

Oh yeah I didn't want to forget that I really seriously think that it is the United States Government stealing and cheating citizens with these frauds. I also that it is really purely coincidental that at a time that laying off and closing down fire dept in certain locations were being discussed all of the sudden fires broke out every where and put those poor under privileged almost laid off firemen to work to the extent that the State of California declared a State emergency a few times for the federal aid that I think Arnie up there just pocketed, He should be ashamed of himself, all those people on state aid and the state employees them self's work for IOU's to be paid sometime.

Canto 7: The Science of God Chapter 15: Instructions for Civilized Human Beings

SB 7.15.40: The human form of body is meant for understanding the self and the Supreme Self, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, both of whom are transcendentally situated. If both of them can be understood when one is purified by advanced knowledge, for what reason and for whom does a foolish, greedy person maintain the body for sense gratification?

SB 7.15.41: Transcendentalists who are advanced in knowledge compare the body, which is made by the order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, to a chariot. The senses are like the horses; the mind, the master of the senses, is like the reins; the objects of the senses are the destinations; intelligence is the chariot driver; and consciousness, which spreads throughout the body, is the cause of bondage in this material world.

SB 7.15.42: The ten kinds of air acting within the body are compared to the spokes of the chariot's wheels, and the top and bottom of the wheel itself are called religion and irreligion. The living entity in the bodily concept of life is the owner of the chariot. The Vedic mantra praṇava is the bow, the pure living entity himself is the arrow, and the target is the Supreme Being.

SB 7.15.43-44: In the conditioned stage, one's conceptions of life are sometimes polluted by passion and ignorance, which are exhibited by attachment, hostility, greed, lamentation, illusion, fear, madness, false prestige, insults, fault-finding, deception, envy, intolerance, passion, bewilderment, hunger and sleep. All of these are enemies. Sometimes one's conceptions are also polluted by goodness.

SB 7.15.45: As long as one has to accept a material body, with its different parts and paraphernalia, which are not fully under one's control, one must have the lotus feet of his superiors, namely his spiritual master and the spiritual master's predecessors. By their mercy, one can sharpen the sword of knowledge, and with the power of the Supreme Personality of Godhead's mercy one must then conquer the enemies mentioned above. In this way, the devotee should be able to merge into his own transcendental bliss, and then he may give up his body and resume his spiritual identity.

SB 7.15.46: Otherwise, if one does not take shelter of Acyuta and Baladeva, then the senses, acting as the horses, and the intelligence, acting as the driver, both being prone to material contamination, inattentively bring the body, which acts as the chariot, to the path of sense gratification. When one is thus attracted again by the rogues of viṣaya — eating, sleeping and mating — the horses and chariot driver are thrown into the blinding dark well of material existence, and one is again put into a dangerous and extremely fearful situation of repeated birth and death

Those Hollywood Daze, Oh yeah, livin in Hollywood, They were the only places available at the time. I love the tiles in those old buildings, Little White hexagonal broken badly replaces in some spots, Light Blue and Green unusually, very occasional Rose like little 4X4's & 2X2's, That's Real Hollywood. The floors. Lucky to have hot water in a rain storm, I bought my little heater that I love so much for under 20 at the drugstore on the Corner of Hollywood blvd the one with the electronics and nick knacks, shampoo, vitamins, soap, watches, walk-men & battery's for cheap. Life ain't nearly as good with out Rogers Rave. Fuck like all waz gonna do is get another Beer, then meat head comes up and says come with Me, Takes Me to the Door, says good night, then when come back the next night for the real cool gig like Mod music or sumthin says they cant let Me in cause they don't know either. Just SAW FUCKING MEAT HEAD. Didn't even tell Me Why.

Watch your step cause there's Drug Dealers with no Drugs on your door step like about 4:30 am? Wata bust, like what ya doing out here? Like Nuttin? Like no reason like No Good Reason? More like better just to Roll Ya than give up what ya don't have for yer Money. I told those sons of bitches better not be here when I come back. They were gone allright just went out to go get the rent before I had to go work, too early to just fucking move, so was my cell phone that was chargen up, My Zippo Lighter that I just got in a promotion at Super Bowl, My commercially recorded CD's That I just bought at Amoeba, Yeah great, left one of the double cds in my player in My Room, The Damned anthology, didn't even touch the recorded one the bands gave Me. Even checked My FUCKING Dirty Laundry. I least I still have Wait Till The Blackout! Anything, Stab Your Back, Grimly Fiendish, Lovely Money! Thanks fer yer money now go away. Good Bye, Good Bye, Good Bye. It trips Me out when I see these guys coming in and out of Amoeba.

$3.17 got Me Rice, Chow Mien & a Vegetable for dinner on Western. Used to have place that loaded ya up with all your can eat for a dollar of of Highland. Dell Taco's got the Macho Nachos. Pick up an apple fritter on My way to The Red Line. The Guy that opens the door for tips & wipes down the coffee counter at 7/11. A Personal size pizza or a half a pizza that's sold as a slice on Hollywood Blvd. The Cops ask if your on Parole waitin for the light by the Starlight. Get a life don't have anything better to do?

Got My scans right on the corner at Copy Mat, Did the Master Series, Secret Desire I, Finished the Vase, Created the Totally Ballistic Suicide Clowns and the colored pencil 8X11's of the textbook nudes that ended up at the Blue Velvet Nudes. I guess Hollywood only has Drugs & Prostitutes or sumthin. Never seen any. Just cause ya got sumthin real to do in Hollywood! Watz it just another place to Roll Tourist's, I don't think their snifflin little brats saw any of that either. They don't know what the Hell is going on. Their putin a new star on the walk today, another reef for the departed at another star. I remember when they all used to buy those Big ol Hobo Kelly Glasses walkin around, The cops at the Hot dog stand, layin around taken a naps in the parkin lot. I hate hangin out in cars. They hate havin to be writen reports just the same. Those Fuckin whores were plain cloths police officers, down the street from the USO. That's your Thanks Guys. They don't treat ya like that in other Country's. Herein lies the secret of ye bounty, fallen from grace of god the infallible into grace of the greatness of the fallible dragin it all down to bring it up when the curtains fall & the house burns down. We were all introduced formally at one time not in our own. That's when the ship sank. It was all over just as it began. It came & went before a definition or a label was laid upon it.

Should be thankful I can get buss tokens for interviews, meals & shelter when I cant pay the rent no more. I just might be broke but I can afford a mail box to have My unemployment check sent to & all My shit in a storage locker. A place to print My resumes, make phone calls & do internet job searches, They even cut My hair in a state of the art Beauty Shop. Got laid off again supposed to be a reflection on Me. Sittin around at the Cat & Fiddle throwin one liners back & forth against Joe Piscapo, A radio DJ digs the soup can, I get guest list passes for the clubs some of them back stage, doing web pages for LA Scoop, California Song Music Magazine, Mary Jane's Radio Internet Hour with a radio broadcast on Karma Radio. Livin right across the way form a Guy with 12 gold albums lick Guns & Roses, Eagles, Every Beatle cept Ringo Star, Elton John, Chicago. Hangin out at Rock Video shootings, Exhibit My art work in LA's Premier Goth Club. Whats the Hair up the ass of those who wanna complain about. I try to keep a straight face cause My my cheeks hurt from smiling so much. FUCK!!! Waz so bad bout Dat!!! Not being able to look up to you isn't true. As There are no common folk in America as it never existed. What a snow job, profit off your failure! This is all just another front just as well as you know I do. Come On Already!!! That the very same thing that I seek out to protect is what destroys Me. Heir n line is the truth of the secret.

I am blowen smoke, I make a living telling your people off, I speak a lie in a truth & visa versa infinitude adinvin nitum. Its spawning like the salmon swimming up stream. The lie is the truth externally, that's the truth, expressed th best I can & that defines the Man, I could a been born a woman but I am a man. There are many things in life that you just don't like, your gonna have to bite the bullet on this one. Thanx for what you gave Me, I hope you like it! Bunch of pathetic fucks, Just love to hate Me. I m not gonna cater to ya. That would be disappointing. The guy at the countgr down the hall said first ya gotta have a brain. Howa bout a small thing like mechanics like engaging it first.

It came down, down like this this mornin, well good mornin to you to. I kept sneezing took antihistamines and a quart & half in the fridge & 2 paks a smokes. Man it came down big time, ya know whats my misery is your misery by congregated rippled torn apart like just another dent a bump when it hurts like getting a tetnous shot. Everybosy just gotta hit ya in the arm all of the sudden, like great guy! Keep dreaming stuff, like the play ground for angels.

FUCK! I ve had mornins before but olikie dolkie on this one. Just handed to Me Man. FUCK! My own inconsiderate consideration. Orchestrated Insolence as anarchy. Glorified Crime didn't make any stronger I felt bad & I duno what a bad feels like, It broke Me down & ruined My reputation. I make a living telling your people off, Man they did a good job on you. Dishonest conformists! Ya already used up your retirement benefits on the first hit when I hired you. YOUR MINE OF MY KIND!

Good thing we had the Bible, had to keep it down boy. Hot dog!! Hard as rock, kept it down in her presence jacked off more than I could. Cant even imagine. I remember our virgin. I didn't think girls did that. Bad girl, made Me cry, broke My heart!! KICKIN MY ASS ETERNANLY. NOITCE , FOR MAD MEN ONLY: ADMISSION YOUR MIND. My mother wanted to know because she said shes a girl and knows what its like. Many things in life your not gonna like but ya do it. Chinese bound foot rich bitch cotton field slave to the veit kong. Y astick around to see but ya knew it when ya buddy got his cock stuck up a mommas-an, she waws a sergeant, saw er uniform in the closet Sir & that all folks. It was more like LAOS rubber & razor blades take your shoes off sit a spell watch your wallet. Ya all come back now ya hear? Goes in but don't come out. We regret to inform your that your son has had a false alarm, seen em lately the dead come life around here. Berer maria ma daughter Sonl, Nowa bod a us ka knowa the creep around the corner knocked er up. Shel love ya, bereer not hurt er er a kill ya. That the way is always is that way? Always been, Always been that way like the movie house is allways around the corner from the bar always been that way noneton gonna cenge it. Unless your the President like a hole in yer head than that's where the library is. That why they sell ta tickets at the booth. They aint got one at the library, self medicated inebriated stupid fucks at the bar dancin to the juke box whishin they could be the man in the band . Your only as good as your last solo. I remember outa their minds totally loaded drunk druggies fallen puckin fallin of the Hollywood Blvd curbs just off a Highland, all the movie houses were pussycats. Most a the time & usually Devil & Mrs Jones & Deep Thought not even a double feature open all day & night as long as you can take it. I anit got nutton to complain about, iama a recon a spoiled brat, livin like a king in my own special way. I believed in it that his at her, don't know why really other than what they say broke up the Beatles. What a doin in bed living in Russia with Hare Krsna in the other room. That's a death penalty. Shaved head nonconformist commies, I remember when Russia was our enemy and the Berlin wall stood. Castro oil Cuban Missile crises Kennedy kill everybody dead president Kruchev breakin down on the Eve of destruction like Ozzy Osborne Electric Funereal War Pigs stuff to stand up the Russian Public as a real Man. I remember when I almost got my ass blown off and didn't understand why or how, I was only 3 or 4 years old. I have guns put to head by red necks, it would be illegal for Me to say who & what they said & called Me as, pulled the switch blades one of em was a butterfly the guy was hot. Didn't have to do what I would regret, I go by the name of LUCKY. He told Me to sit down gonna cut my thought I ran he got caught his arm caught in my peniton sleeve he even said hold it minute My shirt got torn up. What waz I gonna do, drag em home with Me? This aint no take out. You wanna talk? Ive been places in situations unimaginable reckless life. What a your gotta say? You don't even know. Honey I am Home! Oh whose your friend? Not my friend. That all I could think about was you, I wanted to be together again, I didnt want to end this way., I go by Lucky mostly when I meet you, see I can say somtin nice, See? Equality Like itsa threat to say simply that you look nice today or the pat on the back, Ya sure tuned to trash when jummin up and wigglen shacking those hips teraing My cloths off pullin to hard on my man. Like sombody elses all of the sudden I know when I lost, that was serius, I just hope I didnt knock er up or had epidemic proportions. Its not even about continuing your species anymore, Just adapting to the ever changing environment to survive. Using others still in just another way. Mary Sue, I just wanted to know, the gang over there at the malt shop all get together on Fridays, I just wanted to Know if youd go out with Me. Oh Sure Gomma, that aint My navel, Surprise Surprise Surprise that aint My finger either. Sure id love to be your girl. An over run statement edited out of all the scripts nor question nor answer. Shouldn't be a reason. Shut up ya snifflen little snot, taken greatness for granted, got problems like every body else. AIMA SPIOLED LITTLE BRAT! WORK HARD AT IT, IT WAS JUST A GIVEN.

America has no longer a strong man like Jack Armstrong the All American Hero. Get sand kicked in yer face running off with yer girl take the exorcise course. Beaten hard. Win in the End.

Your thinkin I worked hard lookin at The Kennedy, LBJ pullin social security numbers like as a lottery to send your sons to war, Tricky Dickie, German born White House advisor was great! Peanut farmer Arkansas Saxophone player, International drug dealer & arms smuggler. Its not in a name what do defines the person. It is I that hold your actually, In Contempt, Only a coward files exempt. I step up to the plate, Gods My witness. Kissenger. Meet yur leaders, the kind to hire gunmen, to kill one of a day, to throw em outa a highjacked craft till their demands are met then ya got laid your jobs. Lost yur homes & familys, Big business turnin to drugs.

I made it all up, the night time dreams and the day time long term dreams. I lie in the truth, the truth is the lie. Go figure! Make up, break up, I made it all up. Your not like Me very much. Get a load of this!


I even look like General Custer, Billy the Kid John Dillinger, Clyde Barrow, Charles Mansion. Ya get the chile willies for no real reason. GOOD REASON, I know your heart and reason of intention of heart. This is intentional madness. Its suicide. GENOCIDE. MAKES good sense. Bring em off the farm, collect for a common cause and kill em. CULTURAL EXPLOSTION IS HUMAN EXTERMATION POLICY. That's what I create it made it more fun. This is a cursed land, Oh Lord have mercy hard luck soul.


YOUR MY PERSONAL ANSWER!! I tell your off!! I rip you off to tell you what you are as my own.


YA WANNA PLAY 52 CARD PICK UP? There's 52 cards plus the instruction card, a couple of jokers and the big giant spade death card. Real funny, like some great hands, comes out of a box all wrapped up then stuffed back in the box when their all used up. Time to pay your dues, what ya do is due, robbing Peter to pay Paul

Winning or invalid ticket One Word Cross Word Numbers Match Correct at least 3 words Taxi, Tub, Bury. torn at the top already paid out why didn't it have a receipt stapled to it and how am I getting them from the trash. The lady took it and said she allredy checked it and tosed it in the box behind the counter without a recpt 3 words $4.00 When I scaned it, the machine said turn over. Glad I took it back to that location, let the cupprit take care of it. More than half these tickets are stolen, even the ones torn in half all the way crumbled up and in the bushes & the cutter. I know whose behind Me now I entered these in second chance draw. I just keep walkin into the bigest bullshit situations all over the place. Companys that keep going out of business for reasons of theft by the company presidents, sitten right across from A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada at the airport at the of and even before like, the expriation of the 10 days in Los Angeles, His last visit before Maha Samadi. They were asking Me serious questens, like Prabhupada saw lots of ghosts. If I ever had anything to do with Budhisim. Ya dont come to Krsna Conscoiusnress without some previous experinece in past life times. Musta been full of comapasion. I keep tellin ya I ma dead! getting caught in the Cross fire, Musta been Gen Custer, it was AN AMBUSH!. Them injins came outa holes in the ground, REMBEMER THE GERONIMO! OH HES ANOTHER INJIN, THE ALAMO? He's a serious mystic warrior, lobbied The White House, His armies of Braves fought well, defied natural physics if you could even call some of these battlefields. The Americans considerd Him a Kook! Well I AM STRONG and I am really VERY active allways room for improvemnets like I can study harder. tell bout a time you strated a fire & what did you do to put it out? I allways asked the boss when it was all wrong, like what to say, who to cover for, like I did this and this came up and what do you wanna do bout it. I allways admited to making a mistake, some if it I just got the call and had to take care of it, manegmnet cant just keep runing over to give ya the ansewrs all the time, like your not even doing your work. Common like the bad guy now. Ruined My reputation for your champain partys with the big wheels. See how it just goes around and around wheels. I swear I d get ya, just chasing your oun tail cause no one else exists, This is the strangest world Ive ever been in, Just the Godhead comes here when its a planet known as Barata Varsa. They got it right exrternaly, Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Ether, Mind, Intellience, False ego. Its all backwors form subltle to gross. False Ego is the binding factor as the roots not the Earth as which roots become nurished thus spring forth. Kill everybody President, Unemployment President, Kick everybody out Presidnet. Homeless Presidnet. Just cause their selling homes & automobiles that no one can afford, one recives a loan. Plus fees & taxes & insurence and services, against the Banks investment as collateral. The Cops come around when its time to collect. The boss is the boss no more when its time to collect. Just been havin a real good time, Havnt ya. It should just be a basic automobile, one that you pay for in full with one weeks pay check. Universal parts when its time to get it fixed. basic housing where you kids dont get beat up in the playground affordable every week. They put these assholes in mansions that they cant really afford. The lines at the County Court Houses need to get shorter, These people have conformed and are still fucked, Held Hostage! Low life disected Intelligence, Slavery, Social Slaves. The Cruel Servants of the Cruel Master. Great time to be playin whats Hip & Cool! Bunch of American dumb fucks! The real thing that so wrong is that they are not playing in the front yard, I dont see or hear them in the back yard or ridding bicycles in theneiborhoods or playing football in the streets. The Moms had us allin everybody elses pools, looaded in the car for the movies and ice or roller rinks. What the fucks everybody fucking doing?

Actually there isn't no thing as what is the most exciting thing I've done in my life. Gotta be a toss up, limited perspective as I feel the day as I did feel the environment as it was at these times. Musta been a sense of Nostalgia. We don't actually exist any longer, its all electronic. The alternative is much more stranger than Hiroshima fried cookie's. Ya don't even KNOW! YOU WOULNDT WANT TO KNOW WHILE MY GUTIAR GENTLY WEEPS WHILE YOUR SOUL IS SLEEPING THINKING YOUR WHO YOU THINK YOUR ARE. BORN WITH AN SSN THATS WHAT YOU THINK, A LABLE, A GENDER, A SPECIES, A RACE. NEED TO SWEEP THE WALK, DUSY MIRROR OF THE MIND. CETO DARPANA MARJANAM. I told ya about Strawberry Fields man the place where Nothing is Real, Looking through a Glass Onion. I am just living out My life and getten outa here! They always said I am dead. Gratefully like Jesus Christ or Alister Crowley. There's life after REALZATION. NO REAL REASON. ITS ALLWAYS BEEN THERE, JUST OVER LOOKED. They say �Musta have some kind of Guardian Angel�! I remember when they popped up with the red Barrett & leather Jackets registering in with the local law enforcements, but She wore a Strawberry Barrett. I know better, don't have it but better none the less. Give or take a few Billion Zillion or so. Don't forget the decimal if its a dollar figure. The wind screams MARY. Love. Devotion. Serenity. 25V million mikes. M&m's are to much a dollar or more when it used to be a nickel or dime went up to 25 cents when the Vitamin C introduces Truthsyrum. Indian holy ground now houses government buildings that do not compare with ELDERS. Its not a vortex, abstract Holy beings speak throughout eternity as central hub broadcasting. Lease It, tax it, divide it build fences. Fences are to keep one in. Bobbed on the live wire. Like Apples? Green or Red is always a personal discretion. Cross bread spliced together is beauty.

Were in a group Ya don't KNOW! Just don't KNOW! Junk the whole balcony, why don't ya get your brains fixed. I was born in the world a puzzed Panther....Bobby Pins, Darby Crashed on the night of the release of The Decline, just before I hit the scene. They all used to ask Me if I Knew Darby. I am just a bit taller actually. I met the Go Go's though at an autograph signing party for Beauty & the Beat. I used to dye My hair red, They all said oh hey dude and let Me right in the line went all the way down the Hollywood hill a few blocks of a Sunset. They signed My Art Pad that had a design and the script The Go Go's. They said Good Luck, boy oh boy, I needed it in a bad way. I liked their hair richly dyed and spiked smooth. I wanted to be a punk like never before. Glad I am. Always used to ask all the bands if I could be in their band. Jane jumped up said Billy! When Billy Zoom Walked in. Hangin out with Dusty Street and the Plimsouls. Everyone else was havin their album signed. I always used to treaten that I am running away to join the Beatles. One time they pack my clothes, stuffed Me out the front door, all alone finnaly, Nowhere to go. THE FUTURE IS KNOWN EVELYN WOOD WOULD. HOW,? THE THING THAT MATTERS IS THE MOST. ITS MUTUAL. SUCIDAL AMERICAN SOCIAL STATIS IS THE KILLER. FALLOUT. JUST ANOTHER SATISTIC. CRUNCH THE NUMBERS. JUNES TO LATE. POOR LITTLE TIMMY'S NOT ON THE FARM ANYMORE LOST LASSIE IN SPACE WHO JOINED THE FORREST RANGERS. My dog ran away or the cat got hit by a car. POOR UNFORTUNATE MARILYN. FUCK!!! SHES GOT TO MUCH TO TRY TO FORGET. ITS PARASHUTING IN A GROUP CONNECTED WITH BUNGIE CORDS. PULL THE SHUTS AT INTVULAS THAT CREATE THE SUPPER BALL EFFECT. SOUNDS DANGEROUS? STICK AROUND. DRACULA GETS A SPIKE, WAREWOLF GETS A SILVER BULLET. JAVLYN STAY IS A MUSIC VIDEO. GET REAL! ITS ALL A GRAVEYARD. That's the first thing they want ta give ya,. Afghanistan production has only increased due to American occupation. Same thing in South America just ask Noriega, OLIVER NORTH or anyone that tried them that have no accusations. EPIDEMICS COME AND GO. ALLs Well Good thing those Ruskies left. Down it fell also in Berlin. Wanna piece of the rock? GIBALRALTOR! Dumplings should be like clouds. Ever look at them lately? Devils, elephants, long necks, short stubby bodies, how come never a singer sewing machine or Winston Rifle stamp press, Annie Oakly in Wild Bill Hicock's Wild Wild West Show. I told you, I got away from bad people to get involved with good people. It was a back stabin triple cross multiplied by each individual conspiracy to get what was offered. I have no Idea how it becomes what ya want, most went to prison or died very early. Few still exist suffering greatly medical conditions as well as legal implications as an impossible life. Couldn't ya tell. Now your going to Prison. Just only a bit aggressive for the immediate ignoring the long term. Your think your longevity. 200 American years , 2,000 Christian era, 5,000 years Dvarpa yuga, Krsna ended his eternal pastimes in Vraja Dama. A Spritual Hub of eternal atmosphere on earth 40 miles South West of Deli, Kali yuga began. Not very long really a person lives about 50 - 100 years. My Great Grand parents should have founded or settled the Americas. Just need an accurate estimation no need for large departments of bookkeepers. They really did a hack job on you. Spitin out all the right answers, any common sense? Musta been the quota. Performance Management Evaluations, unrealistic goals creating a revolving door to which your reputation resides. Keepin ya down, raising the budget getin less & less of watcha could never have had. Holding a carrot by a fishing pole over everyone's eyes. Step, Step small or large requires another step. Ya not gonna get it even crossing millions of universes from the Cruel Master. He only wants your genocide. Diamond Dogs are poachers & hide behind trees. The Myth, THE PEICE OF THE PIE. That's a Mutual Fund gotta have 250 to 500 thousand to have your private separately managed account. Where they gettin it? Couldn't be their own wages.

is�v�syam idam sarvam
yat k�nca jagaty�m jagat
tena tyaktena bhunjith�
m�dg�dhah kasya svid dhanam

Everything animate or inanimate that is within the universe is controlled and owned by the Lord. One should therefore accept only those things necessary for himself, which are set aside as his quota, and one should not accept other things, knowing well to whom they belong.

Let Me go ahead & get this started, when I was hangen out at a Clothes Thrift shop in Hollywood. They open up shops & close all the time. The Studios love this shit. I was invited by the owner Rosemary, Drinkin Bear with the Mentors. They had this gig at The Zero & are allowed guests. It was a closed Industry thing. The door man as the bouncer is the same guy at the Whiskey, just in leather this time instead of the Boston jacket. There were these plastic trash cans everywhere full of beer & ice, probably to keep them cold. No real reason though cause it just keep comin before the ice even got a chance to melt any really. So I am sittin in a couch, Billy Zoom Head Back on the back rest drinkin a beer, Carlos Guitarlos, Top Jimmy and a few guys from the Rythem Pigs, like Gill were there as well as Tequila Mockinbird hangin out with Derf Scratch from FEAR. I used to play at Carlos Guitarlos Jam Nite at the Cathay. Tequila & Martini were the bar maids. Couple a Great chicks of a couple a Great Drinks. Jan would say its ladies night, your my guest, walk in free arm in arm. Some nights were pay nights most of the time free including some beers. The rule was just don't come empty handed cause ya never know, I ll get it comin my way in time, just never know, don't expect it. I was workin at Acoustic Control Corp at the time. Made guitar & bass amps. Went into business by outfitting the Doors. This real cute beautiful chick lookin like a million buck background more than just melted fresh eyeliner comes up on the couch. She says this real nasty man bumped into her and backed up and bounced into her over and over again like she was traumatized. Who was that? All Duesh! I see now shes not kiddin gota go see it for myself. There he is, doing like Curly in the 3 Stooges. Big ass belly hangin out under a Tee Shirt a couple of sizes to small takin over the whole floor with his antics! Oh yeah, like I am born with a silver spoon in my mouth. I was his guest, He was great, Everybody loved it! Walkin right up to everybody bouncein his hangin out belly off of everyone lookin like crazy going like Curly hand after hand down forehead to chin again and again going URGHHHHH. I met Eva O at the anti club when the Super Heroines played there, she gave Me a Super Heroines button, an over lapped barbed SH over black in 1981.

I was interested in meditation due to some deep experiences I have had. I meet a few chicks. The government passed a law against Punk Rock and closed all the clubs down. Americans have the right to assembly. The Government Redefined the the American Constitution as �PEACEFULL ASSEMBLY�: WHICH THEY DID NOT CONSIDER PUNK ROCK AS A �PEACEFULL ASSEMBLY� DISCRESTION OF LOCAL LAW ENFOREMENT AGENCYS. An Amendment to an Amendment

Most of the stuff that isn't enforced is enforced sooner or later as local revenue decides. They used to just turn their head until collection. How do you Plead? How ya gonna get out of it if it wasn't entrapment. I did it but it that fuckers who's a cop! INSTAGATORS. FEES WAIVED HALF OFF ON PROBATION. HEY PROBATION GOT HALF OFF!! LETS GO GET FUCK AROUND FOR A WHILE. HOPE YOUR NOT A JUVINILE... BETTER GROW UP SON...

WHAT THE FUCK WAS THIS ABOUT?, Bad News Bears, Oh is that right, musta been some self interested thing actually. The Gang Suicidal Tendency's were fuckin up all the gigs. One night at the New Olympic, Mike from the real band Suicidal Tendency's came out to discredit the gang from the band. He said Suicidal's were shit! Suicidal's with their tee shirts they made in spray paint �Suicidal Tendencys� with blacken darken eyes step out like puppets from the wood grain. Their mouths slightly opened to show their tongues slightly. Arms and fist in slow slamin motion, warbling their heads from side to side. They came outa now where all around the whole slam pit. A big fog horn blowen blue fog everywhere. The lights went out. In the darkness I could feel movement ALL AROUND ME LIKE SLAMIN. Sofly slamin, couldn't tell what was going on like fighting or somtin like somebody's getten their asses kicked. The lights went back on. The Suicidal's stepped slowley backwards, like puppets backwards into the wood work. These were no puppets. The Meat Puppets played Frank Zappa. The Alley Cats at the Roxy, Flesh Tones, Plimsouls,The Dickies played Sunset. Allmost had lunch with the Damned, I was telling some people out side the Country Club that I did some art work with some design that said the Damned in their Ol English script. Some English guys talkin like their from England, dyed black hair, black finger nail polish black eyes & lips like wearin leather pants & shorts, jackets and vests walked up. Said So you did a poster for the Damned? Where is it mate? I left it at home cause I really didn't think Id have a chance to give it to em on stage or anythin, besides a bottle of peppermint schnaps's got knocked over on it. To bad mate cause were going to lunch.

Really seems someones got it out for Me. Black Flags gota new singer at Devonshire Downs. His names Henry, He musta really been new cause like he screamed and roared on all the numbers like swingin his arms like slam fighting swimming. Nothin like TV Party Tonight or Revenge. I don't know if He new the words or not cause he didn't sing them. Everybody said Henrys gonna be around fer a while. I don't know what happened to Ron but the guy in the Circle Jerks got on Crack and was replaced. Circle Jerks playin Old Floratine Gardens, Starlight, Godzillas with the Stains. Social Distortion at the Whisky. They used to rent an industrial space in North Hollywood and charge $3 a head. I used to go with the same guy in Another State Of Mind, Social Distortion Red Scare, and Legal Weapon on tour across the United States & Canada on the beer run. An over 21 stamp got ya a beer just from the fridge. Bad Religion, Battalion of Saints Legal Weapon at The New Olympic. On New years it was also Fear & Black Flag, at New Olympic and Godzillas in the same night. Godzillas had the Damned. When the car broke down on the Adolessents Tony Cadena, Dez Cadena, the guy that plays guitar in the Circle Jerks with the green army jacket were just hangin out. All opf the equipment didnt make it, So the owner told em just play anything, make some noise, I gotta have a gig tonight. Great jam! Like Circle Jerks meets Black Flag with an Adolescent Singer. X, The Blasters, Los Lobos playin the Roxy on Tour with the Motels stopped in at The Club Lingerie. I am standing around talkin and having a drink with Billy Zoom, John Doe, Dave & Phil Alvin. Asked Los Lobos if they knew anything about Los Lobos, Said Cool, like Real Cool. Saw X with FEAR at the Starwood just before they closed down. John Holms stuff Hill Side Strangler or some LUDES. Fist full of Ludes got no time for the dudes Hot Tramp! Brakin up cat fights, tearin up ripping down pulling ear rings, necklaces breakin beads. Real Bean Breakers. Dark Smeary Eyed little girls fightin over their boyfriends. Agnet Orange, Christian Death with Rick Agnew. Hangin out with Eva O at the Super Herions at The Anti Club. I was amazed with her intellect seemed like eternal. Swhe told Me not to try to figure it out. This was a PUNK EXPLOSTION! LA is in the History Books. Culteral Counter Revolution. Yeah!!! Alternative life style - BOHEIMA!! Even My dad played a part of a beat nick in Jerry Lewis's Outa This World, said �Man, dig those groovey threads�! Standin in at New Wave Theater at Old Floritine Gardens. Paid a dollar, signed a consent form to be video taped or photographed for a TV show or other publications & I'd see the gig! Didn't even have to piss or get ink on all my fingers. Punk Band Photographer Alison Braun wanted to be on TV. I told her to let Me see her snake. What? let Me see her snake. I held it up, made it look real interesting like Alice Cooper. The producer goes whos snake is that! I want that snake on My show! There ya go.. Just do that think with yo snake & stand here in front of the camera. Breakin with Channel 3 at the Cathay. My dat always said Evelyn Wood Would. Ray Campy slappin Down, Balance on & a spinnin stand up bass with the Rockabilly Renegades at the Cathay. A couple of knock out chicks for My birthday for 2 weeks. TO BAD THEY FINNALY HAD TO GO HOME.

Well I had a couple of strokes, first one leaving My eyes slightly cross eyed, the second one leaving Me slightly paralyzed on the right side I just walk with a cane. All of the sudden the ground felt like it was moving. You know there's only 2 little rascals left, My dad and Robert Blake. My dad was the original Butch in the Our Gang Comedys. I my self once meet one of the camera men on the Hall Roch Production set of our gang. We went to his house, there were these stills all across the ceiling level mercury scratched Hall Roach Productions. He used to ride with Marlon Brando and Hung out with the James Dean crowd. Steve Mc Queen road along as well. He was in the The Wild One. Well yeah I became well aquaitned with strokes when I had my sinus surgery. My ear, nose and thought doctor pulled all those blood clots out from between my brain and the linning of the brain to prevent a stroke a couple of after surgery. He just went right up between the skull.

Your father was diagnosed with elderly dementia. We rented an apartment for him over here. They sure are going out with a bang! He didn't know where is was and he got lost and only slept there one night, He spent the night over here with Me. We had safe sex, we held hands. He wandered down to the court yard and got lost. He had another asthma attack and I called the paramedics that took him to the hospital. The doctor there diagnosed Him with advanced dementia escalated due to his drinking and the drugs He used.

I know He's mad at your brother for putting him there, were looking for a better place for him cause they don't have any where for exorcise or anything its just a small place where he is know. Your brother is fixing up the house cause the mice and the squirrels took the place over and demolished it real bad. When I was 15 My dad gave Me his pellet pistol, said go shoot the squirrels and I' ll give you a drink. Well I am a vegetarian now, but we lived on a ranch. Freddy Rump Roast was a Bull, Turkeys, Chickens and Ducks in the chicken coup. A coyote would get one every know and then, just left a pile a matted knit feathers outside the coup was all that was left of em. They get in the trash and get our catfish outa the pond. Bull Frogs down in the creek. Watch where ya step cause there's Rattle Snakes. One real big one crawled up beside Me on my sleeping bag, musta been at least 5 � 6 feet long. Whipped back real quick and rattled real loud. There's Bears, Racoons, The Fox's are like these short haired dogs that move like cats, Id watch em around 3:oo in the morning commin up from the side of the house ta cross the street, they'd stop to look right at Me . They have these really uncommon faces, short noses. Plenty of quail, an occasional pheasant and lots of rabbits. Flocks a Hummingbirds, Finch, a Mockingbird in the tree would go off at 4am. Blue Belly as well as Alligator lizards, Tranculla's. Isabelle was our milking goat, Bow was a billy goat, His sons got slaughtered so that Isabelle would continue giving us milk. We kept Bow in the Horse pen with the Horses. Its a great place for meditation, really felt the presence in oneness deeply slowed controlled breathing with full lotus yoga posture, calming the thoughts of the mind to become very receptive. Real high deep trips inward. Made a believer out of Me, I know so. I grew a great garden on the side of the house. When I came home from Hare Krsna we had a big ol salad from all the stuff from the garden on the side of the house every night. I started the garden when I was 16 around the time I began meditating and taken care of Freddy. I was a real cow boy, sitten on the bail of hay watchin the hawks mating just on the ridge across the street. They like to just soar high and ride the currents against clear blue & multi colored sky's. The squirrels were getting into the feed, the oats, chicken mash and alfalfa pellets. Sitten on the ol bail a hay I shot once, the squirrel fliped on its back and lay there. Another squirrel ran over to see, bang, dead, another squirrel. Before I knew it a squirrel poped it head up outa a hole, bang, flipped out of the hole dead. Squirrel's runnin every where bang bang bang all dead like they were pretending or somthin. I knew I really couldn't be that good of a shot. All the squirrel's dead. No more running around getting shot all over the place. Musta been at least 30. I go in the ol man say I thought I told you to go shoot the squirrels. I did! What happened, They all ran around and I shot em and there all layin around dead. Oh I gota see this! Walks out there, sees all the dead stuff, says what happened here? Oh they all ran around, these stuck their Heads up and flipped up outta the hole. He says Oh they just want to know what happened! Id say curiosity killed the cat. Hellish, What ya sow is what ya reap!

Your father doesn't know where He is. His girl friend was in prison for this before, the guy that was helping her got caught already, is back in prison, Their looking for her. She took your step mothers purse from the closet to impersonate her, wrote a bunch of checks that has been confirmed don't match your fathers signature. A detective called your brother to let him know that somthin was going on that aint right.

Things were just a little quite to transparent, so I called up to the house, the number was disconnected so I thought somtin was wrong so I called by mother her number was disconnected so I called my brother and found out He was in the Hospital. I did market research for a company that produces every thing from the time one is born, slaps every thing on the body, stuffs your face, pops a pill to make you feel better, gets stuffed up ones cunt and ass, keeps and helps one from and to getten knocked up, all the sleeves for ones prick, helps to get a hard on and makes it slippery and enters everything into your veins when you die. You know they call your name from down the hallway, strange beings enter your room. They just give you another shot. This phenoma stills goes unanswered. They know that it occurs and just give you another shot to put ya to sleep & calm ya down. They all know that Hell awaits. All the useable usual stuff at the counter. She never mentioned herself as one in the inheritance, its a double funeral, mines going to India for an Angni Hotra Fire Sacrifice, they really need a proper funereal & purification, all the drinkin and drugs, big on meat & killin on the ranch, getting their rocks off all the time down by the bar. I am just not as lucky, never got the chance really. He always said the sins of the father are visited upon the son. I think there's some one else one should watch out fer that's really quite simply not as divine. The crutch was I know your not stupid, she allays kept saying that trying to do home work cant think on that basis, ends up not being able to think at all. Creates a learning deficit. Lots a folks pull that shit. The yell listen you never listen. If they shut up then one could concentrate very easily and can hear. Now watctha gonna do, she provided for your ol own stuff too.

It all started I queses when I should a took my umbrella along with Me, didn't have far to go, just getting a couple of quarts and pak a smokes. Wacthin Bob Dylan when it doesn't a much to do with Dylan per say except the music, the story, the man of the legend Woodi Guthrie. Must be some of that ghost of us all in some form or fashion. What ever it is as any moments of any expressions, what ever mutates expresses itself through limited feelings or words that cannot describe and its nothing and everything. Sight and natural phenomena is only just an arrangement of a pallet of an artist or the mad ravings of homeless alcoholic. Its the same thing, the first thing of no other source than its self divided itself of an unlimited degree of expressions even of those of extreme opposition of which even opposed it self as which to avoid but we all have it as the source. Only just natural categorical distinctions of the same thing that localized by natural physics separates from its self as opposing elements do not combine. The only Devil there is, is the one that stomps, denies defiles this TRUTH. As the only liar is the separatist. It still takes all kinds. No where to go, no where to run. What is literal of the abstract is the Vedanta as like driving directions step by step procedural basis of not again taking birth in the external realm. One can actually extract oneself in the current lifetime. There is still no where to go just waiting out the time. Bide you own time keep your nose clean and where it shouldn't belong.

It doesn't matter, dark arts or Billy Graham up there, buryin your president, voten for a new one or just goin ta school, or watchin TV, listenin ta music When there s a really weird War goin on, or the music itself was one of extreme cultural change, CONSERTIVE REVOLUTION just another conformity actually. RADICALS ! They dissected our brains programed us to operate a specific way in line falling in or out or alive or dead its the same thing. If you like what I say or you don't doesn't matter either we all just go our own way basing our own opinions attracted to anything else and that s superior and natural of course shying away or pushing yourself onto others as the scorn of the eyes of those no good Do-Gooders. We really got turned on in those days but what makes that different than any other day?

Should of took my umbrella no real reason I didnt really think it was raining, I looked out side just wore my socks and plastic rubber sandal things, didn't get wet my cigaret just got a little rain drops. Makes good sense just to cup it anyways more water on my front then the top just don't step in any puddles, just curl your foot higher.

Natural Phenomena by the limited perception isn't whats really is goin on. Time and space is relative. The manifestations have a scientific explanation again only according to observation of sight, sound, taste, smell and sensation. Supply the conditions and observe the effects. The real meaning has no meaning and is and not completely intentional and could just be the mad insane creator genius slightly delixec really meant another of a thing or expression of situation and circumstance. All that really does and does not make any sense at all need not be corrected as perfect. The only thing that makes sense is logical or routine. Anybody could just go about that without much thought. The Arcane, the Unpredictable, The Unexpected throws us all into left field.

Just as the Bible says of the word of Christ, One does not know from where or from to the winds blows rather one can feel its effects. As this truth was liken to the explanation of Spirit. Don't need to be a weather man to know which way the wind blows. There ya go kid doing it again it takes a five dollar bill you only got ten. The observable effect isn't the end or is not the total expression. I made the effort made a couple a trips got my refund spent right back again for the right thing that still dint work endin up with some help ending up with what works with the thing I didn't expect cost more than I had, doesn't belong to Me, Using It fer Now, Going To Give It Back In THE END. Actually Iam payin fer it!

Their spells have no effect over Me. What day of the month is a command? March Forth! Don't shoot til ya see the whites of their eyes! Remember the Geronimo! A real culprit pulls a real fast one, big explosion all of the sudden when one least expects it. How, When did he have time. I was never there. I was just right here all the time I dunno, Hope you find it I queses. Do yourself a favor and quit just jumping any time you just only think some one rolled ya over. Just cause ya cant find it or cant get your names straight.

Little Fucker Shit Head! Waits til its to His advantage when singled out and most vulnerable cause He's the good little boy. Back Stabin Son a Bitch made Me a STAR and I am getting rich off of your stupidity & guilty conscious. TAKES IT TO HIS GRAVE! Never admits to anything or never committed himself absolutely depending on every one else on no agreements what so ever like it was a contract written in stone. What do you know, think about anything else. More like what do you think about that. What does it really matter already ruined my reputation over and over again to no end or resolve. Totally Trashed! They go like a Valley Girl �TOTALLY�. I know why he killed that chick with a drug over dose wouldn't let her out of a moving stolen van the police found later, didn't want her to talk about the last time he fucked her mother and strangled her in the field behind the Jr Market. His mother covered for him. He ditched school. The cops even came over. Always talkin bout Me, where I was, what I did. At school you stupid cunt they even verified that, They couldn't take me out of class if I was there all day. They know I was there cause we set the trash can on fire and filmed it on report card day in film making class. The project was to film music videos ours was Alice Copper Schools Out, Quite appropriate. No one could miss that! I am not the kind to be possessed Their spells have no effect over Me, just cause the bitch was in chronic pain and had a morphine implant that a reaction killed her is no real reason to call the cops unless ya want to break an ol man and sell his house. Black & blue around the ear and down the neck, blood shot right eye bruises all along the arms and legs he fell outta bed and died. Besides if the guy's got all those acres and a running creek on his property in the canyon just fence it up with a vendors license and make a killing on cash crops. Lots of dispensaries that would just love it. If they only knew the guy was being held against his will. Change of plans all over the place I guess. Denies that he was Court Marshaled in the Navy for being addicted to speed. They just off other sailors in the trash shredder, feed em to the sharks. Oops Man over board.

The fucker broke his collar bone having fallen over a 2 foot high fence ruining not only the best day of my life but my life along with it. Some other kid come into the hospital his mother beat him with a base ball bat head to toe blood and eye patches of the ambulance lucky I guess. I had to tie his shoes had to be tied right that was a point. He never stopped moving his feet little fucker. His problem then, Its mine. Bitch is a non stop rageing maniac. We all agree no wonder why I never want to take birth in this material world again! Next thing ya know my next mother has feathers and a long neck and webbed feet we all walk in a line right behind. All the cars stop and wait for us to cross. I keep telling ya I walk amongst the living and the dead. I'll be flying in formation makin my mudda proud when I grow up, some times leading then falling back to the rear to the next golf course. I pecked my self out of an egg and crawled out of the sand, gotta move fast to the ocean before the seagulls are havin a feast. Ya know, they don't know who their father is either, just some bitch got knocked up again & had a litter. On our ranch the puppies and kittens just got milk from who ever, moma cat or dog they didn't mind much either, either way, join the club everybody else does. Plenty ta go around!

Their spells have no effect over Me. I come home form work on pay day, min wage was only $2.10, $96 a week, rent $69, He's got a pak a smokes, a lid rolled up on My bed & his Lowenbrau at his feet & fryin a steak on my hot plate. Says I need some money, I am broke & he makes $2.50! only paid the rent once 3 weeks ago. SAME SCEEN, SAME STORY EVEY WEEK. He wanted his money back when I told to move out. Fuck, He cant pay like $35 and broke on pay day but has a steak? Get your priority's straight. Its you your not watchin out for.

I told em the bitch didn't have a frame on that water bed I didn't want to lay down on. Fuck just cause its a water bed, big deal. EXCUSE ME! So the little fuckers are jumpin on it and shit and when I least expect it my folks are payin for a leak in a water bed. Thanks a lot! THE BITCH WAS CRYIN, ALL I WANTED TO DO IS GET MY ROCKS OFF ALL THE TIME. OH SHE SAID THANKS ALOT. Which brings Me to my stuff. GOTTA GET STUFF,GOTTA HAVE STUFF, WHATS THE FUCKS WITH STUFF! Its like fuck, get off My shit!

All the cool gadgets I really couldnt really have that I got usually on Christmas. The bitch yelled and screamed Play Quietly but play with your shit. Playing very carefully to not make a peep and the cool shit goes right in the trash on Christmas day anyways. What the hell did they buy it for then? If not then on that day it was another day, after my batteries were taken away for the best thing with all the cars and the ramps, loop and curves of all sorts. Even the coolest collection of cars. Always having to take in how much I don't appreciate anythin I have cause I don't use it any more. Can I have my battery back then you bitch. Slap across the face. Oh well, it happens all the time! DONT OWN ON ANYTING, EVEN MINDIN YOUR OWN BUSSINESS OR PEACE OF MIND CAUSE YA DONT GET TO KEEP IT. The less ya have, the less anyone wants of ya. They want it all. What mine is mine and whats yours is mine and hands off! Don t ever cross this line, Son.

Their spells have no effect over Me. I always ask 2 questions, Who called the cops & in a society of cannibals what is the determining factor that decides who next on the menu. Gotta get em, knock em over the head first before he does. The bitch marries this guy who acts really nice and sells her car and buys a 2 door when shes got 3 kids and moves us into a new house that went into foreclosure cause his daughter is mentally retarded and in need of both ankle surgery's simultaneously and laid up in a wheel chair and her mother lives on a five floor apt with crazy winding stairs and no elevator and shes urinates in her wheel chair while were all watchin TV and never said a word. Really caught it that time!Like I was supposed to have made her just sit there in such agony. How dare Me! Makes good sense to piss off crazy fucked up asshole people all the fuckin time who are already pissed off. The retarded cunt called her Mom when she got her casts off and she picked her up that very same day and took her home. I guess she really couldn't wait to go home. We didn't even have her one day she was healthy. The inconsiderate cunt said we were mean to her. She is the asshole trouble maker. All those church ladies have all died by know and no one went to heaven, bearing witness was involuntary due to the mechanic nature of the after life in its abstract, they know the truth, She just wants to be miserable. Base any actions on lies is imperfect. Musta been justinfin sumthin. Its more than a double, triple, quadruple cross. They like the CROSS. Item of punishment.

Which brings Me to the point to the bitch abandoned our house that was paid for in full. Couldn't have my grand parents trust fund if your on state aid. Had to be dumped on the steps of other people all the time. Spent most of My life in front of other peoples TV's. Got the ol man fired from any real payroll job he ever got even the city cause child support and alimony is special handling. Cause she bitch about getting his life in order and getting a real job with real money. Must a been a Honey Do. No wonder they always try to tell me to go about my life in ridicules stupid non productive idiotic suggestions they really hold Me to commit to. Even My own phone is an inconvenience. Fuck I am not even allowed to have BALLS! Their spells have no effect over Me. I was never the one to be possessed. There is always has a presence in the hallway at her house that leads to the door and makes its presence known as I do as well. Wind blew through the house, all the bedroom & bathroom doors slamed shut with banging and hamering on walls, doors & the floor. The TV went static, My sister was hysterical. No one belived us. Their spells have no effect over Me. Wherever ya go your pecker goes along with ya leavin a paper trail from Timbuctu to Kingdom Come. 12/24/09 9:36 pm, There is much to tell, but ye can not bear it.

He says the sheriff dept calls him up the state social services were going to take him cause he had a lady over that has a prison record of elderly abuse who was his girl friend who had a cage down stairs in the keva they were going to lock him up in with plans to kill him to collect his social security. I figure that the social service and the sheriffs dept would have some records of such. Sounds like every other bitch I know.

So now My sisters comin down, The last time I saw here she was pretty sure she was never gonna see me again. I was under some kind of investigation that some one called the cops matching me with wanted posters of crime and various criminal in the area, ruined my reputation so bad that I finally lost a great job at a major home improvement retailer when my step mother had her morphine implant and died as a reaction. Don't think I'll ever get a job there again. They all came down for the funereal, to bad they missed the trial. I wonder what the fucker did, 4 squad cars talked to a couple of detectives brought in the witness and a wanted poster along with a helicopter. Looked serious enough for Me.

That's what I keep telling em, That I call God to the witness stand. I can call upon any witness I like. I can just imagine the Judge going Mr. Roger Cornwall I would like to remind you that this is a court of Law!. Just cause they killed him with cross isn't any reason to worship a cross. Its the object of punishment. Could a been anything else like lions, burning furnace, spear, hemlock, lethal injection, gas chamber, firing squad, guillotine or by hangin by noose. Great Greek Philosophers offered more than the formulation of less informed clergy gaining control. Socrates believed in the eternality of the self as the soul. The leaders of the day asked that He drink Hemlock if this is what he believes and knows as truth, so he drank from the cup that the external bodily carcass fell away. I guess we should worship the cup and hemlock poisonous herb. Usually capitol punishment is for something very serious like murder or like seeing through lenses, saying the world is round, applying sulfur to the tips of sticks and striking fire forth, or to say that any other heavenly body than the Earth is the center of the universe, or even professing another belief other than Christianity. We believe in Jesus Christ, although we understand the actual real science in which they ignore.

The actual real situation is this. There are 4 ages lasting approximately 4 million, 41 thousand years each on average. Satya Yuga, Tretya Yuga, Dvarpa Yuga and Kali Yuga. Each of the ages or yuga's rotate also mini yuga's of the same names. Each age begins with the current major age. Kali Yuga the current age now began with the mini yuga Kali. 2012 is the end of the mini Kali and the beginning of Staya mini yuga within the major age of Kali. One can look it up themselves and investigate east Indian Astrology. The Persians studied Joytish in India and made a few alterations to simplify and developed the less accurate detailed modern astrology. When investigating free will versus predetermined destiny one comes to the conclusion of free will within Karma presents itself with limited choices which again presents a set of limited choice available by Karma. Actually if one acts like animals one can have as their next lifetime as an animal. If one is within the lower realms of stupidity, ignorance, suffering extremely miserably in this life then one can determine the out come of the after life as Hell, Ghost and Evil Spirits as such. Guna literally means rope. There massive variety's of combinations of the 3 modes of external nature Satva Guna, Raja Guna and Tama Guna Goodness Passion and Ignorance. The way a rope is made is that 3 strands are braided together as such braids are again braided until the rope becomes very large and strong. Just as one is bound up by the ropes as a man who has many wife's has hold of one leg and another wife the other leg, the other wives caught hold of the arms each pulling in her own direction. The six senses absorbed externally is the source of misery. The Mind and intelligence directed internally is the source of unlimited eternal peace and happiness. These things have been excluded in modern education manufacturing animal miserable selfish loyal servants to a world lost only to its self.

The one very day that raging bitch is pickin us up after school, that little son of a bitch has to pull this fast one that embarrassed Me in front of my whole class & My 2nd grade teacher. I did a lot better in her class than He did. What do expect from a guy that gets straight F's except a C in PE. This little kid with dilated eyes, wearing those dark brown glasses the eye doctor gives you, gets knocked down when all the kids run at the whistle blow to the after lunch playground, I come along, there's the brat on the black top getting up. My previous teacher comes in our class with that brat and that little son o bitch pointing Me out at the bully who's pickin on her class. Never had to stay ofter school before cause hes the good little mommy's boy. Wait til they all find out themselves the truth after its to late. This must be the meaning of knowing the truth when you die. I always preferred the Absolute Truth as being the eternal full knowledge beautiful Godhead. They have another dimension to reckon. As I know as I walk amongst the living and the dead. Its all same anyways, a cannibalistic feeding frenzy for superiority. What does it mater the walking dead and the lost sleeping living. Should check it out for ones self If ones intelligent enough one will understand the structure, origin and mechanics in relation to the Surpreme, ones self, along with internal and external nature as apposed to and non different entity of varigatedness. The real secret is clairvoyance runs in my family. We all have our intuitions. Most of the time its much more than that. Deja Vue, Physic premonition dreams, static, silence and noise. The abstract perceptual being inner life. Its whats in your heart is this is the real internal vision.

The church lady that was my Sunday school teacher, helping Me out till I got paid My first check and received my late GR check to rent a room, thought I was gonna clear her house out cause they told her this shit that I am supposed to be on drugs as an indigent adult mentally retarded. She knows the truth. It all to much as late as sooner or later as the misgivings could not be corrected. There are many who are no longer walking amongst this world. Who's side are they on! TOTALY UNNESASARY! AMERICAS CALLING FOR VOLUNTIEERS! The poster says Uncle Sam Want You. This time it wasn't Uncle Sam. More like Uncle Sam wants you to perform the ultimate act of stupidity.

Now it is done and you are embarrassed. Embarrassed in front of My co-workers, managers, customers, friends & family and the local Police dept. One sure finds out who's your family and friends real quick as soon as trouble starts, schemed up behind ones back when one least expects it or getting laid off your job cause the factory's are no longer gonna operate in the United States. They would just rather hire immigrants and out source our jobs over seas. One who is born here is not eligible for benefits. The fine Americans in a great house cant go to the school across the street cause they gotta go on a bus to a school far less than safe neighborhoods they invested in. Not much different than the draft, your just not 18 yet, Voten and drinken age is 21. don't matter how well you did or how good you are at anything not gonna make it here. One was never really wanted anyways just some bitch got knocked up, happens all the time that's how well got here. JOIN THE CLUB ALREADY! THEY JUST ADORE FIRE & BRIMSTONE. Just remember The American way is the way of FREINDLY FIRE.

Man I don't know why your teeth are grinding like the heat and sparks teeth grit just flying out from the back of your mouth, I doing a great favor here. Its better than liquidating your assets and just laying everybody off! I've got more clients than ever, I just slightly underbid the competition, I can even use a little expansion open a satellite center in India. I don't have much time, Clients are coming today to view the faculties and do some monitoring. I always lock this room its just for storage. Typically I offer an hour for lunch 3 fifteen min breaks and when I have over time for the crew they get 2 more additional 10 min breaks. No raises yet, time and half and double time on overtime shifts make up for it.

My crew has to adhere to the daily job plan. So many hours on each job daily. They work independently. To be fair to every one, I don't just have the crews split by job types, they all work on all of them in any order they wish just as long as the hours as determined daily are fulfilled for each job type for my clients. Ya know the production is higher and I just pay them cash bonus's daily for anything over production. Certain times of the day are more productive for each job type.

Ya know the crew just go about this anyways they go to the parking lot and the lot has a few bear bottles and roaches laying around, sooner or latter someone is going to get arrested. So I thought I just clean it up a little. Let me show you the storage room. now I know, there's that grit steam engine again, settle down you gonna need the dentist after this. That's right Its a keg of beer, and over here is some medical Marijuana, there's a dispensary down stairs. It's called Mary Jane's Medical Radio Internet Hour, They are even on Myspace and Facebook. This area is the lounge, chairs for resting and the these here are Big books and the 12 & 12's. A library with some novels, Science fiction, Romance, Action, Bibles, Koran, Bhagavad Gita, Srimad Bhagavatam, The Vedanta. I have some videos to show you, I have an open door office policy, You would be surprised how often they just read the big book rather than get a toke or a beer!. Ya know instead of just shutting this place down you should just let me pay the rent and just keep the equipment and I'll pay the crew and the taxes and just change the company name. And the best of all is after work we all go to Club Hell for my art show with an open bar from 9 to 10 and bands play at midnight with the best dj's that have the best industrial goth punk dark Ethernet wave with dancing on the best state of the art dance floors! We just might even save Corporate America After all!

Subject: Lost Anarchy Magazine Rogers Total Loaded

One thing to remember is that IT'S ALL IN YOUR MIND. One of the main factors I studied in Art School was that images are pre-programed in the minds of the viewers. As the instructions involved in learning life drawing and perspective was to learn to observe and record with the hand what the eye actually sees rather that what the mind thinks it sees. There were these demonstrations I read in Betty Edwards book �Drawing on the Artist Within�. WE WERE TAUGHT HOW TO OBSERVE.

She had students first draw a hand or the flag. These were initially very basic elementary drawings. With the proper training and observing techniques and developing hand and eye coordination the end subject drawing of the hands and the flag were more realistic. Betty Edwards goes on to say that the students of schools don't get the proper training in art. They are given an exorcise and some materials and the rest is up to the student, just as if students were to be taken to the library full of books and given the instructions �ok learn to read now, your on your own�. If someone was successful in learning how to read every one would say that that person was �talented�. His uncle was a good reader he gets it from his uncle's side of the family.

Working with the abstract is to deal with images that would suggest pre programed notions of images collages all together and about curving straight forward and very to conservative limited color palates. After all, all is actually a stream of consciousness, rather than the material external being only just a small part of the entire spectrum.

What the students were drawing was both a combination of how they knew best how to draw and what they thought they saw and what can be recorded by careful non- objective observation. Most of the time we are thinking and don't really hear what is really being communicated or a complete inability to reason or even be aware of ones surroundings developing attention defects. A lot of interruptions all the time causes attention deficits, not allowing for one to concentrate properly for extended period of time. Besides If one wants to be an artist or a musician or an actor and learn to memorize lines and scripts or even learn a computer programing languages one has to learn how to learn and concentrate and get away form the television set which only dictate values and desires and is media controlled information for you to follow as an obedient slave in a system that is well neglected and you on your own and take you own chances in a system of laboring consumers. Work hard and give us all of your money for living expenditure with little left over for the �real fun stuff� like �The Happiest Place On Earth�. BIG WOW!!!

THEY GOT YOU DOING ALL KINDS OF STRANGE STUFF TOO, BY THE WAY. already - already. Who's to blame it has been dictated to you and its all pre programed in your mind how to be and what to do and how to talk, every thing, even at to what and how to perceive the world and the universe around and within you. At the turn of the century in the late 1800's early 1900's a compulsory eduction system was intuited and deemed �PREDICTIVE SOCIAL ENGINERING�. Ever heard of �THE GENERATION GAP�? Remember we are a stream of consciousness. Pure being, which by the way is an art is itself to practice and that's a perspective internal to the individual, taken advantage of by another profiteer, who doesn't really know very much, or has the knowledge but hasn't personally assimilated it and has become realized in it. OH, ALL THE DRAMA!!

WE TRIED TO MAKE EVERYTHING MORE COMFORTABLE. The same thing we work hard in the factory's, retail outlets, customer service centers, warehousing, financial institutions, and medical facility's are the same things that society has meet the requirements for the specific needs for thousand of years already fulfilled and met anyways already - already. already - already. Most of the technologies that were meant for saving time and money and making the task easier has actually made more things more complicated. Now we have transportation facility's but accidents occur and gets costly to fix and one could very easily lose their lives. Practically every time I turn around one computer program needs to be updated with the new version of an operating system or other complications arise which takes many hours and lost time and money to solve the problem. already - already!!!

I will say this much, that when one finds it, it's just like it always has been that way just never saw it that way. Focus, �As a lamp in a windless place does not waver, so the transcendentalist whose mind is self controlled remains always steady in their meditation on the transcendent self. The past is dead and the future is imaginary only the present exists. That's the way it has always been, just been caught up in our minds with all kinds of stuff like what we want, and stuff like that. We don't know our real interests, we haven't been education that way. We were taught to jump down stupid peoples thought's at a young age. Those stupid people really made us sick to. Don't worry military discipline will have one kill another soldier in your unit or kill ones own self. already - already!!! REMEMBER, One thing to remember is that IT'S ALL IN YOUR MIND.

Subject: FW: Lost Anarchy Magazine Rogers Total Loaded Pistol Augest 2009 Article

The current situation can be described as an external materialistic society lost even to themselves. Having misplaced their external self as the center in association with their sense object on e does not perceive god as the controller.

As if their house was on fire and one being burned, everyone is in a panic being frustrated at every turn. Krsna has awarded each situation according to karma.

Having had their intelligence stolen by illusion one does not know the reason for their suffering. being subject to karma on e enjoys and suffers misery's which again create reactions

Take Religion, Sprituality, Science Biology, Physics Meta physics and Quantum physics with an understanding that there is the observer which is consciousness.

The universe is a great biological machine, the great body of universal combination. One becomes embodied according to Karma. The body is also a biological machine an instrument for consciousness.

Quantum Physics describe that particles come from light and that there is a large Potential that particles exist in multiple locations until actualized.

The external world has nothing to do with the totality in its self as being matter.

The totality exists eternally. Matter is one of its separated energy's or manifestation and contains all knowledge of the external world yet the world knows it not.

Matter in itself is inert, lifeless. By injecting innumerable living entity's (JIVA) into the Pradhana (universal manifestation of nature of Maha Tava) along with the same multi expanded Super Soul (Param Atma) The world becomes animated.

the thing is "didn't think so?" Should have, will settle with a down grade already thought of " I will do so!" "dare me" actually - Must have had a little intuition :- Should Have -: Could Have :- Shouldn't Have -: Mostly just MIND. Intelligence is for discriminating Choices with or without the Mind. Self preserver. A Material way with all the material propensity or a way of superior intelligence o Super Consciousness o f every atom of entire Pradhana - Maha Tatva- Yoga Nidra Creative Sleep Of Illusion of Maha Visnu.

That why perhaps I listened to music - A specific style more before the main stream COMMERCIAL - some made it big, I prefer underground punk mod dark decadence

What I was really interested in is the subject matter and the delivery. The music ochestrated the points a certain philosophy in rythem and lead. was only just to think for myself cause nobody else would ever shut up finally.

If a tree falls in a forest and there was no one to hear it, would there be a noise in the forest? The answer is this is simple and is discussed in scientific circles. The answer is that it would be silent if there were no sensual perception to perceive it. The sense object- Sound Sight, taste, smell and sensation are created along with the senses, ears eyes tounge nose and skin.

The actual fact is this, is a dynamically multi dimensional universe in which society has been trained to be in darkness ;limited to sensual perception within a 3 dimensional sphere within limiting time and space. Length, height, and distance as well as past, present and future are limiting factors.

One actually perceives this world not directly by the senses or direct sensual perception rather processed information. Stimuli within the brain. A limited perspective of time and space limited and temporal.

The great mystery in the doctrine of Vedanta that the Absolute is everything and nothing and everywhere and no where is an accurate discription.

Matter itself has no knowledge. Jiva's or living entity's are everywhere embodied actually only misidentified a kind of contamination or misdirected attention to the sense objects that one identifies with the external perception of self as being the body from microbes, fish, plants, animals, insects, humans and demigods as the self.

falsely indentifies with the sense objects sound sight taste smell and sensation one receives a particular set of senses grouped about the mind.

One projects their external Matter Bubble on the others as all perceive a limited conception according to limited perspectives of false self.

Generally Society is composed of workers -laborers, Mercantile - business, Military and Administrative. Karma- Artha, Kama, Moksa Then Free will and destiny are in play as Karma.

Ultimately one wants to be freed from all the misery's - Moksa- Liberation. One is directed and moved by nature The self does nothing. One is identified with their Karma actions and reaction on the external plane which has no real knowledge of its actual origin its purpose. The Vedanta ancient texts is beyond limited scope of external region. Matter has no knowledge and the Vedanta is Transcendental full knowledge of all realization of self- God- matter and spirit and their respective intricate nature.

All constitutes of matter are spread out as potential until actualized as location and specific form.

being as energy matter is actualized by photonic energy - Light- Brahman is supreme eternality of light. Paramatma is Super Consciousness the one same Visnu pervading all atomic constitution as the Over Soul within the heart. Bhagavan is the actual source original Person, The fountain head of all energy's .

Silence is a virtue, A quality one must possess as necessary. Distractions and interruptions occur and if unbridled run rampant ad carry away ones attention especially Inner centered God Consciousness unless liberating topics of transcendence.

being Self controlled moderate in eating and sleeping avoiding external distractions keeping the Mantra being beyond matter factually. Keeping an inner life separate from external life. Spirit has nothing to do with matter or the body just appears that way to one who is carried away by useless constant talking about everything else.

Hoping for the best of those who are lost in over excessive hyper active speech - who only hear what they want to hear or see what the want to see only what they think only because its what to see to benefit the profit of the senses and the elite. Cant be steady with this quality of nature due to being covered more and more with what actually is the cause of misery's.

The wise - In true knowledge influence others by actions deeds of transcendence. The Supreme Being all Knowing is in control keeping speech in check only for transcendental discriptions untouched by the Guna'a Modes of natures combinations. The Karma Prison Cells: Blocks of Destiny and Free Will - To Be continued in next months article.

Ladies and Gentelman, ... Mr Rod Sterling.

Jiva Maya / Guna Maya

This is the story of a jiva atma who thought of entering the External Material World from the Transcendental Spiritual Platform. Being subjected to the Horror and Miseries of the three fold miserys Adi devic klesha natural calamities, Adi Boutic klesha attacks from others and finally the sufferings of ones own body and mind Adi atmic klesha.

In this forbidden realm of luxuries, delights and fine living to horror, disgust, jealousy pride, anger, lust, delusion and duality’s of all sorts. Being subject to the extreme one identifies with a particular body in any of the 8 million, 4 hundred thousand species from fish, plants birds reptiles, mammals and demigods. The bodily situation is one of paralysis of the jiva as jiva maya intoxicates one as they lose their precious intelligence, leading to bewilderment as one who becomes intoxicated in a tavern becomes attracted to the sights and pleasures of all varieties in the hoopla of merry go round on the “Will of the Wisp" where many sights, sounds and the acquaints with strangers become prominent as one then trys to relive an itch that never goes away rather gets worse as one tries to pacify the senses and mind that is only restlessly agitated mire and more desiring more in the burning house of love.

Ones very own senses and mind of the body the jiva accepts as oneself very self are one is subject as exposure as flash fire as one pours gasoline to extinguish the fire all relationships ending drastically horrible as the beauty of the first meeting of coming together is so lovely ones heart melts as in the presence of fire one is subdued in the trap of illusion only.

Even great Bears are caught in the steel jaw’s, elephants are trapped by camouflaged holes. Strange as the allurements of Guna Maya may be as to entrap the jiva by external false sense of security which ever so vanishes sooner or later more the less vanish as an illusion as false in the very beginning every time.

Oh poor jiva, when will he ever learn, time for this one to come home, if poor jiva only could really know or have at least a hint, jiva thinks he is happy here, taking unlimited births just to only have its glorious death as to legacy just to be born again unlimitedly.

Lost to its very self not knowing what’s to be done or the origins there of as to create by systematic evolution piles of theories to debate create and defend by force and sword repent to the orders desires and beliefs of another. King, as ruler of debauchery assassination, won to lose his title from and to another.

Many generations have fallen, the generation before Me is falling now, as I now am moving into its place, that death is as a reality for all as an accepted fact of life. Desire as being a major factor implicating in illusion of a machine that is composed of the sensual objects actually in contact with a specific element of its interaction as touch is of the air, sound is of the ether, sight is of the light, the Demigods of such functions are Sura the Sun, Vyu � air, etc in turn creates the sense of perception all together form a 3 dimensional illusion of temporary reality made possible by time & space the 10 directions includes upper & lower in which it seems that the only real source and control is our immediate or extended cause of our own making decisions, events and circumstances, that it seems the unseen has to responsibility as action & reaction as the real perpetrator as puppets take the stage in which to reenact insanity with exact precision.

The Environment is one of many constant changes, social, economic, political as well as the technological environment especially must remain caught up with or one is considered as insane as if such advances were to be accepted as five, ten or 20 years before or as no literate of such common day occurrences as the �ENVIROMENT� as it is referred to as in place as another product of ILLUSTION, as such only cause more misery�s as a fly caught in a spiders web only becomes more implicated. The unseen is the actual cause not so much as the external appearances of events as they unfold. Karma, Akarma, Vikarma is a serious subject of study. Good results, Bad results, how to be free from results. The apparent causes are mechanical as by the strings of the puppeteer. Nothing new under the Sun, just recurring recombination of events, sounds, sights & sensations of all sorts. Global Crises is falsely manufactured, social slavery condemns the self further into forgetfulness by its very nature of impurity.

Attachment, Desire, Identification, Illusion are common factors in this equation, A result of the cause, One has worked to hard for what they have to just renounce it or a spiritual life. One takes the high road another takes the low road. Both lead to specific results as there are thounads of Nadis which are the path of consciousness as its karmic condition leads to another type of life time in another species in another world. The Self righteous have no real knowledge save and except their own limited view of reckless values creating the miserable conditions �TO GET THEIR KIDS TO HEAVEN� by introducing drugs, creating the specific violent atmosphere in the home with the view that they will get them to say the lords prayer at death at the hospital. BOGUS!!!! The same ones who supply the black market are the very same source of fines, imprisonment, and confiscation of property resulting in the loss of reputation as a felon. One big mind game just to add to the already complicated issue an external reality of false identification one remains loss in debt, as the education for the good jobs, the home loan, the business loan etc, one feels obligated externally in a world of only live once. The real obligation is to the Vedas, The Guru and ones Parents, as one must relive their parents from Hell called Putra, One must become self realized for the Guru, one must study and know the Vedanta. The favorable winds of the Vedas, the expert boatsman is Guru, as the ship as being the Human form of life as to cross The Vast Ocean of Samsara as ramining as the amount of the water contained in the hoofprint of a calf becomes very easy to cross. This is real knowledge which can be uncovered by revelation beginning by uncovering the real self as extracted from the sensual objects of various perception & the controllers of each as well as the elements, as the real perceiver is the self separated from mind as well as the center of external perception within. Just in the same way dead matter such as the senses themselfs cannot ascertain the source of perception as the self, the self cannot without revelation the source of self as the caitya guru as the Soul of the soul. The real energetic principal of self itself as the Source, Totality of all existence. As one and different as SAT- CIT- ANANDA same as in tiny, small degrees as the Supreme Self Godhead is unlimited complete total, as the Sum bonum Sum and Substance as self are particles of this unlimited potency of ETERNITY KNOWLEDGE & BLISS as constitution or substance of construction.

"Journey to the center of Consciousness"
The From Shadana to Samadhi page

Chanting the Hare Krsna Maha Mantra should be sub titled "Journey to the center of Consciousness" It is true that at the base source that fills the atom and is the source of the sub atomic particle that comprise the atom is non-material transcendental spiritual energy which if full consciousness. Focus the attention of the consciousness being which is in another strata of existence on the mantra and our service envision Krsna or Visnu within the heart as well as within the unlimited atoms that surround us and make up the millions of universes around us. What we think and feel as well as the condition of our consciousness as it becomes covered or clouded or colored by the 3 modes of nature as well as the external being becomes influenced by the General o f Maya: Lust, anger and greed. Then there individual seems to be trapped for sure to an external awareness as it is only attachment to the bodily situations as false identification with the body as self which is not the case the self is an eternal spiritual being transmigrating since time immemorial through 8 million 4 hundred thousand life forms. It seems external view that this is the only life (false identification with body) as consciousness is not a product of mater occurring and developed at a certain stage of development.

Read and listen to The Nectar of devotion regarding the transcendental process and the information of attachment and identification to the bodily situation as the actual Dharma, occupation or function of the self. Prabhupada explains that we have a body due to past karma, advised us not to accept another body by devotional service. The self has been transmigrating since time immemorial, pure devotional service in pure devotional mood attracts krsna.

Scientists cannot perceive the spiritual that's why the atom appears to external view just empty space, its spiritual energy neither can the self which is spiritual be conceived by instruments or experiments like supply conditions and observe the effects as the spiritual cannot be perceived only by the spiritual self or consciousness can perceive it. individual consciousness is not part of the equation as it is not a proven fact remains a phenomena that just might be perceived differently which it is according to the individual influence of the modes of nature and ones conceptions of life

Read also 6th chapter of Bhagavad Gita From whatever and where ever he mind wanders due to its flickering and unsteady nature withdrawal it and bring it under control of the self, as a lamp in an windless place does not waver the transcendentalist who remains always stead in his meditation on the transcendent self

as well as the Srimad Bhagavatam as well as the chapter The forest of material enjoyment where one only is frustrated at every turn in the external world of matter.

As we are Brahman as situated in Brahman as stated and worded in the Vedanta it seems like paradox's and an impersonal conception as it is variegated diversity within oneness.

I was personally present in these classes in 1976 when I first joined ISKCON Srila Prabhupada came to Los Angeles on his world tour. I attend Guru Puja when his feet were bathed, as well as greeted Prabhupada at LAX upon his arrival. These clases delivered by Srila Prabhupada are on the subjuct matter of Ajamila who was saved by the Visnudutas by the transcendental strength of chanting the Holy name of the Lord.

Even a moment's association with a pure devotee cannot be compared to being transferred to heavenly planets or even merging into the Brahman effulgence in complete liberation. For living entities who are destined to give up the body and die, association with pure devotees is the highest benediction. SB 4.30.34

I concentrate my mind, apply my conscious attention as pure spiritual being situated in Brahman chanting Hare Krsna as the person Surpeme ParaBrahman situated within and without, is the source of my self, each of us is a jiva atma essentially a pure spiritual being aham bramastmi not the body or a product of matter. Visnu or Krsna situated within the heart guiding the direction of all living beings. Its really prety much as to what ever it is as to the situations and circumstance, its just Krsna's mercy actually. Mater is present because the source of all energys exist's Thats Krsna the background and foundation everything rests on him as pearls are strung on a thread.

Swept under the rug, yet the condition exists, denies that anything is still wrong. Many citys in the US also will not accept or denies that they have a gang problem, granted they exist and are everywhere, yet denies the statistics, must be fair and not discriminate so have to go after everyone.

yes don't kill the sharks, it disrupts the balance. Then even then killed only for a specific part, just like the Ivory trade. Formally society waited for the animal to die naturally then the leather, skin, or Ivory etc can be used.

A company or a corporation would conduct a market research survey if they thought they wanted to make improvements. Since the disaster and its only recognized as a disaster since the media calls it one anyways just to spectacularize the eve news. Since the disaster there most likely are some surveys being conducted about topics of recent concern and how issues should be treated and if the media is fair in its handling of the situation. A corporation would have accidents if they would make a profit rather than just accept would would have been earned acting ethically, even though there are deaths and injury's resulting is class action law suits and environmental issues and fines a profit would still be made. I don't see these things a accidental. To tell you the actual truth we are all the cruel servants of a very cruel master. The blind are leading the blind even against our best judgment and will only to lead everyone just over a cliff.

Yeah like "Crude Aid" Great Idea keep it focused like "Live Aid" "Mod Aid" and all of that. Over see it your selfs to make sure all the intended proceeds go to those in need that have been affected rather than all the organizers pay checks and bonus money, Yeah then the album of the event have a video the televised broadcast to raise funds to help those in need affected by the spill. You should get BP for ruining your Pow Wow I belive it could be Harassment on Spiritual Religious beliefs.

That's whats wrong with society its all a bunch of messed up uselessly born for nothing brats with nothing to do and they think they are the president or the chief of police or a doctor or a scientist even the ones that at least are honest about it and only panhandle for their next quart or burglarize for the their next hit, No you don't get to keep it, it gets smoked one way or another. Their all crazy mad men, some are more dangerous than others, and yes they cant help it, they were born that way.

Ego is the quality of identification. Pure spiritual eternal being "aham bramasmi" "I am not this body" is the beginning. Actually our attention is directed to the various experience of the sense objects sound, sight, touch, smell, taste externally. The mind and intelligence interacting with the material mode of passion creates the false identification with mater as a body interacting with other bodies. What a rush it was to discover we have a mind, beyond that the discriminating factor arriving at a transcendental conclusion that actually I do not have anything to do with my material body's never did. I obtained each body pretty much the same way - egg, seed - womb all those I came in contact with all have different various destinations - various planets in various species of life from where we came from all different past history's now forgotten.

Yeah in april of 1969 California as supposed to crumble into the ocean, alot of people sold their homes and relocated out of state.

For today's Daily Perspective, I'll take a look into the 1969 fears that an earthquake would cause California to separate from the rest of America.

There was smog in 1969 at that time the theory was in the future man would live underground by the year 2000 due to pollution of the surface. in 1969 I could look up at the Valley sky and see the little and big dipper and all the stars and shooting stars the night sky was still very clear. Only by the West Trail House in Kagel Cyn I sat in the porch in 2006 and very clearly saw were the obscurity ends at the base of the valley from Los Angeles forestry district and I watched a lot of activity at the Roger Jesup Airport, and I do mean alot of activity, must a been a lot of police helicopters hoovering around I saw a lot of stuff flying around.

Yeah that's a big part of it I saw recently, beach front property for sale in Arizona. We know that according to the astrologacal charts and the movements there is some activity and a shift from the minor age of Kali within the major age of Kali will shift to the minor age of satya in the major age of Kali. That's why there is so much empahsis on meta physics and spritutality. We know that the world of not going to end and not sure as to the exact effects and its even good advice that in the material world there are always some type of upheaval taking place in one form or another constantly and that the actual purpose is to just concentrate in our inner being. my inner meditation on Visnu and sadhana, and get my mind and attention off of stuff like the past, and whatever the future and focus.

Oh that's all right Ed, Their all on the Crazy Train, Highly emotional dysfunctional broken up family unit. I was expecting it, didn't know how long actually I think its again some of their stuff in it to. Couldndt reall find out what was really going on everybody had a differnt story and he cops came just when my step mother Jenny was scheduled for her morphine implant that she had a rection to and died, My step brothers got a real big monetary inhertance from her, then it really seem like these guys were scoping out his house and assets, I was staying there and my mother said I needed a rest and that I should check into rehabilitation and I just got sick and tired off all the crap, Besides the ol man was saying that I should go to the homeless shelter the very same day I bought him $100.00 worth of grocery's and a $100 towards the rent. Ive been writing about all this for a year now in Lost Anarchy, This stuff is true and I really waiting for the admissions of truth of guilt, Really strange treatment when all the employers I work for require a drug screening and home depot even got another drug test cause I lost my voice when I got a severe cold,n these people are talking and complaining about stuff they don't even know. They have allways gone about making a problem even when I got up in the morning at 4:00 to got to work before school in Jr High school and go to work in the eve until around 9 10 or 11 for $2.00 which went up to $2.00 each time and was still in the dog house for made up stuff and stuff to make it lookl like it to here church lady freinds that only bitch and complain. The actual real conclusion is in the Bhagavad Gita which I sent him a copy of recently chapter 2 the eternality of the self

I just do my service, concentrate on my sadhana, really envision krsna and the Maha Mantra, need to be attentive and become absorbed just to not comit the offense of being inattentive. I know that there are debates and controversiy and many of Srila Prabhupada's letters etc are being examined requarding he actual instructions of the Spritual Master. We sing the song every morning that without following the instructions of the Spritual Master one cannot make any spiritual consciousness. I have Hari nama from Srila Prabhupada and Diska on Janmastami 9/1/2010 Danavir Maharaja, He was my Bhakta leader in Los Angeles 1976 , I joined just 5 weeks before Srila Prabhpada came to LA. I am doing the deity worship here at RVC and am doing great just like before on Concentrated Sadhana. This is a very powerful process God Consciousness or Self realization is not a myth unattainable by humans or by society in the age of Kali, it is the natural condition, its just that the whole world has been highjacked by demons.

So we know the process and we know how to do it just apply the conscious self to the process as clearance of the impure mirror of the mind, withdraw our attention to anything other than Krsna. That is he order of the Spiritual Master, it is our duty to become self realized.

Got to pray for Dad he was in a real bad situation for a real long time the whole sceneria is insane the house we lived in when they got divorsed in 1965 was paid for and Mom abandoned it and the bank took it back over as abandoned. Real good sense to have to be dumped on everybodys door step cause like Help Me cause we aint got no place to go, real stupid and if no one notices there is a houseing crises going on as well as the insane economy situation. I worked for bank of america on the Country wide homes aquired by BOA I know the situation from the inside out when we had the crisses I was doing a market research study for market metrics when we had the crash and bail out I know, so great time to just give away the house or get money on it and give it to drug dealing girlfreind having worked and paid on it since 1973 gini was paying the taxes on it every year as required by home owners who have paid off their house, apparently we have been dealing with some one who is crazy their all crazy. I know when Ginni got the implant the investigation started and the cops went through my pockets and all my stuff for over a whole year. Any ways I got better things to do and I realy just dont care about anything, I just do my sadhana to the best of my conscous abiity and attention and thats all the maters.

Well its about time all this has been going on for just a little over a year now. totally gave away his house partyed it off and was hospitalized for only a year. Just found out and no one called I did a search cause my sisters freind email...ed Me and they never contact Me. This is the stuff Ive been writing about, too crazy to make it up

I obvously have not been dealing with the brighest people in the world, this is all the stuff that just dosnt make sense or these people are really stupid, He got the money for the reverse mortage and gave it away, now there's nothing left ...of it, just give away your house or what you got for it, RIGHT........

Hey Rog, thanks for leaving an email. We all tried to find you. Your phone # was disconected. Mom couldn't find any info for you. Lyn said you were back with the Harris. Dad came down with Pnewmonia that was resistant to meds. After a few weeks he couldn't breath and stopped eating. So he passed away on Dec 10th. He did a reverse mortagage and gave whatever he for to his "girlfriend" the meth heads he had living there stole everything else. Dad did have an investment that pays out $275.00 each month. We are entering probate, once cleared, you will receive one fourth of the payouts every quarter of the year. Please provide an address for your share to go to. That is all Dad left us. At least its something. There is no value in the house and will be forclosed soon. Dads Social security and Medicare payed for his hospital. I hope this answers your questions. I am the executor of the trust, let me know if you have any questions.

yeah like in 2004 or so I get a call he says Mom gave him all the photo's and to come to Ventura County to get them if I want them or he's throwing them away. He said hes got his and that he wouldn't bring them to the Valley just when He came to visit my dad like he did practically on a regular basis. Why throw them away keep them idiot.why would someone arrange to keep something and get rid of a lot of other stuff every time we moved and retain the photo's just to have them separated and thrown away and he comes to the Valley anyways and that's a cant or a wont or a do not or a we don't do that or whatever, it is but he calls up and says "come and get them or I am throwing them away".

So this is another thing I needed to get to it was like coming to my senses after the initial shock, is That My Dad was my best friend he taught Me jokes and made me laugh and smile, He said he didn't want for Me to have to struggle so much but that's life and he always said he wanted Me to be happy and he said that he certainly wasn't going to hold me by the hand all of my life but he was on the other end of the phone to call and talk about old times or get together or go to work on the painting construction sites, So that was cool he'd come by maybe Id make breakfast or we would go out to a coffee shop or for donuts I am a vegetarian so I get veggie stuff and oats and yogurt, So Hes gone, On I hope to a better place. Its probably better that way, that's the way it is we all will have to come to this point sooner or later one way or another this was just his time.So Yeah I knew that I would miss him. On a philosophical point of view the self is not the body rather an eternal spiritual being meant for self diss- cover - y . one has obligations to his natural parents as from whom one has obtained their body, to the vedas and to the spiritual master. to repay is to read the vedas, and to become enlightened and to save the father from the Hell known as Putra, So in this way one can be a good son and fulfill his obligations.

Yeah thanks there are alot of good times all his friends say that he's a good guy and cite when they helped each other in various ways, He was very much attached to taking care of My step mother when she was ill and injured chronic pain, I ...think it kept him out of trouble cause he kept everything else away from the house, He had good intentions, every one has some faults and Bhagavad Gita states that that everyone has some faults. In mentoring one selects a mentor and does what the mentor did to achieve their goal and disregard the bad quality's of character. Yeah I was thinking about a guy who after he passes away his survivors fight amongst themselves for his estate and property and totally disrespect the man, its like Whats That?

Srila Prabhupada pointed out that God is not realized by the physical eyes rather by the "eyes of Shastra" (Holy Vedic Scripture) the descriptions or given that because the manifestation of universes exists that god is the background and foundation as he is the fountain head of al existence. Or that the Maha Mantra is a spiritual sound recorded in the vedas its names of god composed in a specific way is non different from the actual God and is name is one so this is also Darshan, so we practice to be attention in the presence of the Godhead, that means to concentrate the mind on one point and that is God Visnu or Krsna he is situated within the heart or the being of the individual as well as all of the atoms scattered though out the entire cosmos.

Yeah I remember all the people I knew we all just graduated and the girls like dissapeared and everybvody like stope hitch hiking. You like never see hitch hikers anymore like they used to be around all the place just go any where just stick out your thumb,Man those days like you had to watch you let in your car or who picks you up some of em ngot real creapy

I told My Dad about when I met Mathew Nelson at Kulacks Woodshed and that one thing I mentioned is that I notice this ver "nice" niceness about the air of this person. My Dad "Oh the Nelson's are very nice people like its bread into them I used to work on the show Ricky was allways singing a song. I used to hang out with a famous Jiterbug instructor he was on I love Lucy and we used to be in the Nelsons dancing party scenes

What are the details, I did some math I just wanted to know what is the actual equation its monthly, matures 4 times a year so thats (Y times 12months divided by 4 quartley) = ((Y) divided by ? how many persons) = ?

So for the last few days been kinda sad, didnt handle it that well when they got divorsed eaither but at least I got beat up on the week ends and durring the summer but I saw him somtimes he bought me somtheing that some one else would break before I even got a chance to get it home. The thing that bothers Me the most is what actuall makes me sad is that the last time I called him at the Hospital nov 9 they took a real long time to go get him to bring him tho the phone a mean an real long time so I thought I would just call back, didn't happen. that the first thing I thought when I saw he online memorial. Gonna have to kick it. So actually I ve allways been upset and they would say I never see my father either. What ever.

Oh yeah Don Linder is a co worker and was my freind when I was working for Lumber city and we worked to gether at Sundowner industries, can you contact him to let him know that I am not the one who passed away, cause he didnt make his e-mail availble to send a message. He meet dad a couple of time when I was living there that didnt work out eaither Rick was just to mush off the wall they were eating my grocerys and I had I to go to he bar with thme just couse they are ging and I didnt have the money and he wanted gas and i by a pass pass. well anyways.

It's like whats wrong with you people, Told my Sunday school teacher that i was on drugs so she didnt want Me in her house while shes not there when she went back east and I just started my job and was waiting for my GR to go through and get my first check I was broke and no place to go. In the morning before work started at 2pm to 9pm I went to One Stop, a place in burbank thats helps people and I finnaly got in at the boys club dormatori. When I had to leave I got real sick with a real bad cold cause it was el ninio and I didnt even have my coat cause it was still at Moms house. Never did nothing but goes about that everybody else did but not Me. I have drug tests for every employer I worked for as a condition of employmentand no crimanial record no probation and no parole no hits or wants and no warents. Was getting stoped by the Police for over a year just when Jenny was going to have here morphine implant just when I was nominatd for Home depot employee of the month fiannly lost that job to cause of it. Whay do you think I keep asking the same 2 questions, who called the cops, and in a socity of canibals what is the process that determins who next on the menu? It was the YMCA dormitory in Burbank on Luise. actually I had my own room each floor had the restrooms with the showers

I saw the doctor at One Stop when she was there and she gave me an antibiotic for that cold - bronchitis I had another room it got tore down, with a voucher for a few weeks from catholic charity's in Burbank and then I got paid every 2 weeks so from that I was able to get a room for 1 week at a hotel then I got in at YMCA cause they were filled up.

I am going about getting a Passport and everybody else just gives them the Identification with a birth certificate and bingo their on the plane. I had to submit at least 10 documents, preferably 10 years old or more, talking about baptism certificate, employment records, military discharge papers, student loan deferral, Social Security yearly Statement, My school records weren't ready in time, Its like what is going on, whats wrong with you people I don't have a criminal record, maybe that's just the problem?

He let the wrong people into his life this time it caused him to lose his house and got him dead.

About Richard, I don’t know any of those folks. Dad talked about Richard. He told me his family paid him to stay away. Dad talked about doing painting jobs with him, but Richard had a bad drug problem and spent all his money on drugs.

In 2006, Dad had some room-mates Jennifer, and some other folks. The house was always clean, things seemed fine. Dad got home one evening to find his buddy Richard strangling one of the girls. Dad said he kicked his but, and called the police. Richard was arrested. When it came up for trial a year later, dad had developed the dementia and could not testify. As a result, Richard was allowed to plea to a lesser offense.

Dad Then hooked up with this meth head Brenda. According to dad, they were so in love.

We later found that Brenda was driving Dad to various banks and having him sign out loans. Dad didn’t remember taking out any loans. He would just sign anything that was put in front of him.

She moved a bunch of her meth head friends in, and they stole everything. I got a call from the detective in the Richard case who told me what was going on, and I need to get Dad out of there.

I filed a police report for elder abuse, but because Dad was the one who signed all the papers and gave away the money, they couldn’t prove anything.

So That’s why Dad was in the Hospital, there was no one he could stay with to take care of him and he had no money at that point.

Victim envy Subtle or Gross Envy of God or Krsna, being th direct victim or being affected by some one who was victimized and Identified with that as associated with self resentment, resentful, angry, rebellious, for and about all the miss treatment

got to give up the bodily conception that miss treatment happened to me... as self cause it only relates to the bodily platform awarded by Karma or a lesson Krsna wants to teach, I think AI heard maharaja speak on this before

The original envy of Krsna or god as the reason to have come to the material world in the first place as Gods Competitor, even being angry and resent full over miss treatment

Its all on the bodily platform influence emotions due to the thought process of the mind which is usually circular goes round and round never making any factual conclusions mostly nice mental concoctions no real resolve.

[9:16:43 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: Jai hari [9:16:35 PM] Arya Siddhanta: Haribol! [9:16:43 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: Jai hari [9:16:46 PM] Arya Siddhanta: 1 sec [9:16:47 PM] *** Call to Arya Siddhanta, no answer. *** [9:17:09 PM] Arya Siddhanta: can we text [9:17:21 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: Cause I know Bajana Kria is in Nectar of devotion [9:17:31 PM] Arya Siddhanta: yes [9:17:34 PM] Arya Siddhanta: first is sraddha - faith [9:17:46 PM] Arya Siddhanta: second is sadhu sanga - association [9:18:01 PM] Arya Siddhanta: third is bhajana kriya - taking shelter of spiritual master [9:18:10 PM] Arya Siddhanta: now you're firmly situated on third level [9:18:14 PM] Arya Siddhanta: next level is tough [9:18:27 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: taking intiation from the sprituyal master [9:18:30 PM] Arya Siddhanta: yes [9:18:44 PM] Arya Siddhanta: but we know SP is your guru from long back [9:18:57 PM] Arya Siddhanta: Danavir Maharaja just firmly re-established you after a short break [9:19:28 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: well danavir is my bhakta leader and disksa guru SP harinama guru main initator [9:20:11 PM] Arya Siddhanta: yes... so now you're firmly establshed in Bhajana kriya. but level four is anartha nivrtti = removing the unwanted things in the heart [9:20:35 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: atatchment [9:20:35 PM] Arya Siddhanta: very challenging for all of us... I'm on that stage for a long time now [9:20:43 PM] Arya Siddhanta: yes [9:20:48 PM] Arya Siddhanta: it's the end of attachments [9:21:03 PM] Arya Siddhanta: we must always remember that Krsna never gives us a test we cannot pass [9:21:04 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: like giving up being Krsnas competitor [9:21:14 PM] Arya Siddhanta: ultimately yes [9:21:22 PM] Arya Siddhanta: that envy drives all other attachments [9:21:47 PM] Arya Siddhanta: usually we work out a lot of smaller realizations before we get free from trying to be Krsna. [9:21:57 PM] Arya Siddhanta: we generally need a good smashing [9:22:19 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: cause I know that Krsna is the greatest cheater but Prabuhpada says that krsna is our real son and father freind cause he wont die and go away [9:22:51 PM] Arya Siddhanta: one sec... maharaja is contacting me.. I promise I'll be right back [9:23:17 PM] Arya Siddhanta: ok [9:23:18 PM] Arya Siddhanta: back [9:24:15 PM] Arya Siddhanta: you with me? [9:24:21 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: jai [9:24:43 PM] Arya Siddhanta: ok... so we're going to go through hell until we finish up this attachment [9:24:54 PM] Arya Siddhanta: you know that's true [9:25:02 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: gladly march through hell [9:25:17 PM] Arya Siddhanta: we must... but the tast is not insurmountable [9:25:37 PM] Arya Siddhanta: I can tell you that I know the lesson you're receiving right now. It involves taking responsibility [9:25:46 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: ok [9:25:59 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: responsibility for what? [9:26:20 PM] Arya Siddhanta: well first of all... only for what you are actually responsible for and nothing more. [9:26:35 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: ok [9:26:46 PM] Arya Siddhanta: Do have regret? [9:27:21 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: regret what like somthing I that I would feel guilty or somthing I didnt do? [9:27:40 PM] Arya Siddhanta: like about not talking to your dad that last time before he left the world [9:30:21 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: well kinda but I was on holod for a real long time and he didnt get sick yet and I thought id just call back and I didnt call him that often cause I have service to do and chant my rounds and go on harinam just call when I had a chnce to there was 2 hours difference, its just that like when I was little I was very glad to see my dad and I just didnt talk to him that time but the last time I talked to him he said send a bhagavad gita which did and I wanted to have enough time for him to recive it [9:31:45 PM] Arya Siddhanta: yes... so should you have regret about your relationship with your father at any point? [9:31:57 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: Which I do need to chant my ronds still have 4 1/2 round left and gayatri I try to take rest before 10:30 [9:32:31 PM] Arya Siddhanta: yes.. that's important, but sometimes this sort of discussion is more important. Sometimes taking a break when you need one is important too. [9:33:19 PM] Arya Siddhanta: I think you might need one... maybe not a complete vacation, but at least some time to work out a few things your dealing with. [9:33:58 PM] Arya Siddhanta: Krsna wants us to acurately deal with our challenges. [9:35:11 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: Yes and its alos like that something bad happend to him like a victim [9:35:57 PM] Arya Siddhanta: the benefit you gave him cannot be measured. [9:36:05 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: So you think that I should like just not work so hard or you think I should visit california? or get a motel room for a few days? [9:36:34 PM] Arya Siddhanta: I think that you should stay there if you can and just do the bare minimum for the temple. [9:36:35 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: Yes he had bad habits thats why he was in that situation [9:36:54 PM] Arya Siddhanta: if you can't stay there, then come down here for a few days. [9:37:39 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: so what should I do like more hearing and chanting or get more etra rest, If I went anywhere someould would need to cover my duties [9:38:00 PM] Arya Siddhanta: We live on a lake in the woodsy area... it's quite nice. If you really think you might fall apart do it over here. [9:38:24 PM] Arya Siddhanta: Then we can properly deal with it and rehabilitate you so you can get back up and running in your service ASAP [9:38:52 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: Ok I will keep that in mind and your open invitation is very nice sounds like a great place like the [9:38:56 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: Tapo vana [9:39:02 PM] Arya Siddhanta: if you can stay there and continue on with the bare minimum that's best. Yes extra hearing and chanting is the solution. [9:39:43 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: I wnated to see about my emotions by the end of the week by then I would started getting concerned that I might need proffesional help [9:39:53 PM] Arya Siddhanta: communicating with one of your Godbrothers might benefit you greatly. [9:40:04 PM] Arya Siddhanta: I wouldn't go to the professionals... the devotees are the professionals [9:40:12 PM] Arya Siddhanta: the other guys are not going to help you. [9:40:46 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: yes a nice god brother would be in oreder who do you sugest? Mahanta in LA is a very nice devotee and I meet him and he joined [9:41:21 PM] Arya Siddhanta: He would be good, but I think tapapunjah prabhu in New Vrindaban would be a good choice. He's very good with this stuff [9:41:36 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: how do I reach him? [9:41:51 PM] Arya Siddhanta: I'll put you in touch with him tomorrow if you like. I'll have him call you. [9:42:05 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: yes very nice thank you [9:42:52 PM] Arya Siddhanta: now the other thing to remember is that the mind is in charge of thinking, feeling and willing... the emotions are felt in the mind... so you are acurate about being concerned about your being on the mental platform [9:43:10 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: yes and? [9:43:37 PM] Arya Siddhanta: certainly we dont want that mind to win the battle... the solution is to stop listening to it's suggestions and dial in on chanting. [9:44:00 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: yes other wise i dont absorb my self [9:44:04 PM] Arya Siddhanta: it's developing emotions based on what the senses are perceiving. [9:44:33 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: yes emotions follwow the thouhgt process [9:44:59 PM] Arya Siddhanta: so that means the senses are actually in charge when you allow the mind to overwhelm you with emotion. Some things have come into your mental awareness and other things have gone out and you are developing an emotion based on that. [9:45:59 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: Cause at first I mentioned that I was expecting this and we all have to leave our body [9:46:09 PM] Arya Siddhanta: Maharaja has a book called "brightside" have you read it? [9:47:19 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: I know that I have mentioned it but I didnt think it was going to be this soon he cought phnemonia and was restant to the meds and stoped eating and coulndt breath my uncle passed away form the sme thing the same way I figured it was jut their time thier karma [9:47:34 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: no how can I get a Bright side [9:48:03 PM] Arya Siddhanta: yes... you figured correct... brightside is in the book area upstairs there. Go get a copy and find a chapter that you relate to and read it. [9:48:22 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: ok brb [9:49:56 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: allright I grabed one [9:50:19 PM] Arya Siddhanta: the section on depression is quite good. But maybe another one resonates with you better. [9:50:50 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: no deprestion is ok its not an unfamilar term [9:51:05 PM] Arya Siddhanta: I don't think it's depression you suffer from so much. I think you're overwhelmed a bit. [9:51:20 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: oh [9:51:40 PM] Arya Siddhanta: but depression may be accompanying the overwhelming effect [9:52:51 PM] Arya Siddhanta: I always found you to be in good spirits... even when times were tough you're good at hanging in there. When I was a brahmacari at RVC I had a lot of depression. It's a great sacrifice to take that life of virtual solitude.... but the deity service and that personal relationship with Krsna is the saving grace. [9:53:50 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: yeah liek that s just what I was thinking like the polic stuff for a shole year and that was when my step mither just got her morphine implant and died and I was just nominated Home depot empolyee of the month and that whole thing went sour and I was finnal fired after a year and a half and the thing with all the documents for the passport and the bakground thing at BOA and they got all kinds of loans and bad checks eith my faters signatur and my step mohter checking acount ive been thinkinng its all to much [9:54:42 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: Oh the deities are very mercifull, thay are kind to accept our service and thats the realation ship [9:55:02 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: I thinik it can be very personal [9:55:11 PM] Arya Siddhanta: yeah... it's time to simplify everything... when the basics become overendeavors that's Krsna's way of saying scale back. [9:55:45 PM] Arya Siddhanta: many times I had to just go back to "I only chant 16 rounds and follow four regs, that's it" [9:56:57 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: not to much is actuall expected of Me I just worsip the deities and do breakfast and lunch and put the lords to rest and attend bhagavad gita class after arti [9:57:17 PM] Arya Siddhanta: right! [9:57:27 PM] Arya Siddhanta: and if that's all you have to think about aren't you very blissful? [9:57:35 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: very [9:57:43 PM] Arya Siddhanta: so Krsna is saying just think about that. [9:58:50 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: I alswo read many times not to long ago to remember well and thats what I ve been thinking about is that is someone isnt happy in devotion service or is angry then the process isnt being done right [9:59:56 PM] Arya Siddhanta: you're nature is sat cit ananda... if you are straying from bliss it's because you're overendeavoring for something mundane. Of course going to the dhama is not mundane and we all want you to go, but Krsna may have an even more blissful plan for you. [10:00:14 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: cqanI just pray to to just give up the envy the origin of all my problems once and for all [10:00:49 PM] Arya Siddhanta: you can, but that's potentially sentimental unless accompanied by a lot of humble action. [10:01:55 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: yes, I thought that I maintain the deity page just take the 4 photos and post them then no one would think that I had any issue [10:02:11 PM] Arya Siddhanta: for example if you were to ask Maharaja... how can I serve you better? He would probably reply to just continue on as you're doing and be happy in devotional service. [10:02:54 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: yes I heard that many times, and then somtimes there would be an unless [10:03:19 PM] Arya Siddhanta: what was the unless? [10:03:49 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: HE WOULD SAY SOMTHING like unless you dont want to be happy, ir soimthingthats the main thing is being happy in devotional service [10:04:46 PM] Arya Siddhanta: yes... like right now I'm struggling with sadhana bhakti, but I'm extremely happy because I'm staying connected and trying to improve. [10:05:08 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: thats the main thing [10:05:14 PM] Arya Siddhanta: right! [10:05:41 PM] Arya Siddhanta: If I need some help I just ask for it. [10:05:58 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: so I see here things like dont ake it persoannlly and write it down probvlem list assesments happy list prioritizing tasks [10:06:32 PM] Arya Siddhanta: And I don't let the depression that "I'm not doing what I know I could be doing" stop me from continuing on [10:06:43 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: realistic plans how about somthig like responsabiltiy [10:06:58 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: i see [10:07:38 PM] Arya Siddhanta: and also responsibility about how you appreciate every misery you are given and use every boon for Krsna's service. [10:08:10 PM] Arya Siddhanta: the misery is Krsna's warm embrace. [10:08:35 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: oh i see [10:08:43 PM] Arya Siddhanta: what other motivation is there to leave? [10:08:49 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: that give the pain a purpose [10:09:07 PM] Arya Siddhanta: yes... not just purpose, but joyful mercy [10:09:12 PM] Arya Siddhanta: Krsna loves you that much. [10:09:26 PM] Arya Siddhanta: others aren't getting that like he's giving it to you. [10:09:46 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: leavin isnt an issue right now but material desires lead to that another motive [10:10:29 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: be;ive Me i dont want a material desire [10:10:37 PM] Arya Siddhanta: Krsna says He loves you the most if he makes you downtrodden to the point of everyone who we thought loved us rejecting us. [10:10:57 PM] Arya Siddhanta: I mean leaving the material world... misery is the motivation to leave this material mess. [10:11:06 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: yes that ocured [10:11:38 PM] Arya Siddhanta: you know that verse where Krsna says he loves someone the most when everything is taken away and even relatives reject you? [10:11:43 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: o yes the want to get out of the material world yes I wnat that very bad thats why somtime I cry [10:12:05 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: no I dont know thatverse [10:12:23 PM] Arya Siddhanta: When that crying becomes internal and the external is fixed you will be well situated. [10:13:44 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: yes I know that the issue abut my fatehr is material and I know that is like getting out of the material world then its spritual [10:14:30 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: or to be upset that some one stoll somthign or hurt me another way [10:15:00 PM] Arya Siddhanta: I'm not so much talking just about your father... I mostly interested in helping you realize that Krsna loves you the most. Maharaja is gauranteeing that. He's so pleased with you. You are the key that allows Maharaja to travel and preach. You go and Maharaja is stuck. [10:15:30 PM] Arya Siddhanta: You wanted to serve the servant... You're nearly perfecting it [10:16:05 PM] Arya Siddhanta: When you become that perfect servant you will also spread this message to your full capacity as Maharaja does. [10:17:25 PM] Arya Siddhanta: The only reason I came to RVC was to establish you there in one sense.... becasue I could not leave until I had freed Maharaja up. [10:17:51 PM] Arya Siddhanta: Now you have a good team coming in... Yugala Kishor is very nice. [10:18:19 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: yes hes very nice [10:20:12 PM] Arya Siddhanta: Would you like to finish your rounds and gayatri now? [10:20:56 PM] Arya Siddhanta: Remember you always have a friend over here.... Just call me... Or come over anytime you like. [10:21:14 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: ok [10:21:18 PM] Arya Siddhanta: We're living on a heavenly planet over here :) [10:21:30 PM] Arya Siddhanta: You're position is better [10:21:33 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: yes I have to do that. yes its very nice [10:21:52 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: My fTERS [10:22:08 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: My faters house was in he canyon [10:22:31 PM] Arya Siddhanta: a bit secluded from the world then? [10:22:41 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: I was like really attached to the mode of goodness didt like crowds and stuff [10:23:07 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: kinda its beed developed a lot more and the new 118 goes throught there [10:23:34 PM] Arya Siddhanta: yeah... temporary situation for them modes eh? [10:23:42 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: yes [10:24:27 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: Sunland Tujuanga Sylmar, the park in the canyon dexter park is now got the gangs and the cops are like purin gup the canoyon to go there [10:24:36 PM] Arya Siddhanta: It's very important for you to know that we love you very much. We remember you daily and greatly appreciate your freeing us all up to go out and preach. We have a new bhaktin living with us by your mercy. [10:25:21 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: nice, I am glad new devotee s are joining that what ai really hope for here too [10:25:50 PM] Arya Siddhanta: yes... We pray that your desire is fulfilled. [10:26:05 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: ja,i hare krsna [10:26:24 PM] Arya Siddhanta: I know that Maharaja is hopeful for a few new men coming right about now... You may be seeing some action there shortly. [10:26:47 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: that would be very enlivening [10:27:06 PM] Arya Siddhanta: How about that Sergio? [10:27:13 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: very nice worker [10:27:46 PM] Arya Siddhanta: yes... He's a complete package. In time he'll be very instrumental. [10:28:15 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: he just needed to brush up on english more he can speak he jut has to be with us and he will be a jaber box, I know a little spanish [10:28:49 PM] Arya Siddhanta: Are you feeling a little more comforted now? [10:29:04 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: yes mush more relaxed [10:29:11 PM] Arya Siddhanta: Let's stay in touch more then. [10:29:27 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: yes is there a way to save the transcrpt? [10:30:47 PM] Arya Siddhanta: It always save it... when you click on my name at the left then you will see this area displaying "show old messages" just click that and you'll be able to go back up to 7 days. Otherwise cut and paste into word. [10:31:12 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: ok
Arya Siddhanta
[10:32:41 PM] Arya Siddhanta: Ok... so shall I have tapapunja call you tomorrow then?
[10:32:59 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: yes I loolk forward to it that would be very nice assciation
[10:33:09 PM] Arya Siddhanta: will do.
[10:33:17 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: jai
[10:34:23 PM] Arya Siddhanta: We'll be in touch tomorrow. Finish you're rounds if you can and gayatri... if not just rest up nicely and worry about it tomorrow... and DON'T OVEREXTEND YOURSELF RIGHT NOW. Just do the bare minimum to help the temple and do some extra hearing, chanting and associating.
[10:35:05 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: ok, ill let themknow actuall it shouldbe transparent eonugh
[10:35:05 PM] Rocanadeva dasa: ok, ill let themknow actuall it shouldbe transparent eonugh
[10:35:50 PM] Arya Siddhanta: Ok. whatever you think is best. So we'll talk tomorrow then?

Harassment Incident report( or was it just cause the ol ladie's been injured and had a reaction to her morphine implant and dies and the Ol man goes senile and his house is in reverse mortage and he got other survivers that survived actually)

On Friday March 3rd 2006 I was sent for a drug test which gave a negative reading because home Depot managers felt there was something wrong and this was the starting point for an investigation for treatment. Of course when some one loses their voice that is not a good sign and should be given a diagnosis for treatment.

The incident that proceeded this action was of no fault of my own, in which I arrived for my scheduled shift at 10:00 am and I was called to the special services desk in which a customer had been in the store for 2 hours waiting for her purchase of some box’s of tiles that needed to be brought down form the overheads with forklift equipment.

As I identified the product and its location I was repeatedly called to the phone by the special services desk and even told to go back to the desk in which they wanted to know where her order was. I let them know that I needed a spotter to get them down form the overhead, banners to close off the required Isles and a “Reach” (Forklift Equipment), there was no one in my department as they had all gone on break. Luise at ther carpet desk said he couldn’t help me and he knew nothing of the order and he told me Maggie at the special services desk had to heop me because she proccess the sale in which she told me Luise had to help me because he sold the order to the customer. Luise told me the customer was in the store 2 hours ago and left he wrote the order and he pulled it out of his pocket and said he had to close out the order because she didn’t make the purchase. I informed him that the order was paid for at the special services desk and that she had allready been in the store waiting for 2 hours and we needed to get it down, and he still said hje couldn’t help that isnt his order. I asked a Manager if I could get some one to help me get the order down and he told me to get Luise in which he still refused and by that time Geramo came back from break and Geramo and Luise got the order down and said they will do it.

Geramo and Luise told the customer 2 hours previously that she can go to the special services desk to pay for it and in the mean time they will get the order down which they didn’t.

I was called into the office in which the managers said something was wrong with me and wanted to know what was up. I informed them that I lost my voice going on 3 week’s now and that I had a very hard time getting medical attention that I sought for my self on my day off and went to 3 different facilities and was refused medical attention in the morning before work on another day from the Home Depot participating doctor because of the annual premium requirement which I was unaware of at the time. That I had an infection and still had not yet seen a doctor. They said something else was wrong. I went back to work in my department and a little while later the managers came back again and called me back into the office and again wanted to know what was wrong and informed me that the customer who waited for 2 hours complained that I must be worried about something and that I am not right. Again I told them I had sick days off and I was required to come back to work because of the points system of attendance and there were many things questionable such as not being able to receive medical attention for a number of reasons, one of which is that I selected the wrong health plan provided through Home Depot in which $56.00 are being taken out of my check a month beginning Aug 2005 totaling to date $392.00 and that I cannot use the insurance until I pay a required annual premium of $1500. 00 and that I had been refused medical attention. I also mentioned that I didn’t get any help to get the customers order, which should not have taken that long in the first place

and that I didn’t act in any negative way what so ever and maintained a professional attitude, and that I did everything I could do to help the customer and that I believe that the customer fell through some cracks and that at best it was poor follow up with the customer in which I was called to repair.. They saw it as a liability to Home Depot and agreed that they have an incident in which to send me to drug testing. My condition resembled that of Drug users. It seems to me that Home depot creates criminals and drugies and are out on a “Witch Hunt”.

I also agreed that that would be a very good idea to once and for all get this thing proven that I don’t use drugs and that the other employees involved in continually inquiring if I had ever used drugs and all the stuff they say about crack, Crack pipes and speed, etc should all be done with and that I don’t wish to hear it any more about it and that it is harassment.

Sat March 4th and Sunday March 5th

Upon being informed of a negative reading of the drug test, the human Resource Director Jeff felt that he was concerned about my Emotional health, In which I informed him that I needed treatment for my physical health in which is the issue, in which I had been trying to seek treatment.

My shifts for this weekend was Sunday and Mon March 5th and march 6th 2006 both shifts form 12:00 am to 8:30 am over night with next shift on Thursday march 9th 2006.

I was not allowed to return to work until and physical compliance form could be completed by a doctor which was approved to return to work by the doctor on march 9th 2006.

March 10th 2006 My shift is scheduled to begin at 6:00 am and I was informed by the manager on duty to call the human resource department after 7:00 am to speak to Jeff as to when I can be allowed to return to work.

I understand that I have rights in these matters and that Home Depot is required by Law to compensate pay for the days I was not allowed to return to work to comply with their requests such as a drug test and a physical compliance form approved by the doctor.

Thursday March 9th 2005

I saw the doctor and he approved the Physical Compliance form, in which I demonstrated physical exorcise movements, in the afternoon when I returned home I called Home Depot and Jeff had already gone home and I called again Friday March 10 at 5:00 am because my shift starts at 6:00 am that day and the manager told me to call after Jeff was back in. about 11:00 am I reached Jeff in the human resource department, in which he told me that I should have had gone to work after the doctors visit. He told me before that I had to talk to him before I could return to work and than he said he has the green light to allow me back in the store and that I could start again on my next scheduled shift which was Sat March 11th 21005 at 6:00 am and that I could fill out the sick time form.

Police incident #1

August 2005

Toward the end of the month I was introduced to a regional security manager, who was the only manger on duty that day, and I was asked to perform a work task involving a forklift vehicle called a reach with and employee by the name if Ian.

Ian informed me that the security manager I had just meet would have me arrested if he ever found anything on me. I replied that I don’t do anything wrong and that I didn’t need to worry. Ian informed me that he was referring to drugs and if I had any drugs to give them to him now. I told him I didn’t use drugs and that I don’t have to worry and Ian replied “worry”

I went to lunch after the task was performed and when I returned, The police arrived with a helicopter, 4 squad cars and I had to talk to a couple of detectives about a crime that was committed in the area. I was searched for weapons and drugs and my Id card was ran for hits or wants which came up clear. I was informed by the detectives that someone thought I looked like someone on a wanted poster and alerted the authorities and they had to investigate. My Id card was run for warrants and I was asked if I had ever been arrested which is an incident beyond the limit prerequisite criminal investigation report by Home Depot. An occurrence in 1997 which all of the requirements had been meet which the officers needed to inquire the meet expectations.

This incident seemed unrelated at the time, although it was very unordinary, other empolyees in small Chit Chat were asking me questions about drugs specifically Crack, Crack pipes, methanfetimeinne and speed. They asked me if I ever used drugs before,

and used to make sounds of sirens and say the police ore coming Roger to get you. I thought that they were joking and I hoped that this incident would become transparent into the past, as I was not the person they were looking for, and this is not the type of reputation I wanted to attract.

Sept 2005 I was awarded Home Depot associate of the month, which involved and $80.00 bonus.

Oct 31 2005

These incidents with the police began again on Oct 31 2005 on Sunday when I traded my shift with another employee by the name of Anibal in my department Floor and wall, so that I could go to a Music Video Release to receive my copy of a dvd music video in which I had a part in. I went to the location in Santa Monica and I was stopped by the police and again searched and questioned about drugs, and the police had even opened my bike light to look for drugs in which there were only the batteries for the light to operate. The conclusion was I was given a ticket for not having a light. I believe this is the night that Anibal was arrested in the floor and wall department at Home Depot along with another employee and had their Lockers and cars searched and currently has no charges and was out on bail and has court dates to appear.

January 2006

Upon traveling by metro Rail to the Santa Monica Court house I was again given another ticket. The elevator didn’t seem to be working and I had my Bicycle, so I carried it up the flight of stairs at the station. When I got to the top I was just a little tired so I got on my bike and rode very slowly not being aware that no bicycle could be driven in this area also, and I was not going fast just a fraction a 1 speed per hour. I was asked for my ticket which I showed the Sheriff and he told me to get off of my bike informed me of a violation and issued me another ticket. Which has a court date in April 2006.

These incidents seem unrelated, but I find them extremely coincidental and seems to be implicated in legal implications in which I have no criminal record, and have not been in trouble with the law which now seems compromised. I actually received a ticket on my way to court for a ticket.

November 2005

I went to lunch at 7/11 on Lankershem just past Vanowen street close to Kitridge street. at 8:00 pm, on my way back I was again stopped by the police in which they tried to say that Home Depot was closed. I told them That my shift is until 12:00 am. At first they didn’t belive me that I worked at home depot and asked me if I could prove it. I replied that I did have check stubs in my wallet form home Depot that reflects that I currently work there.

The other employees at home depot told me that the police were stopping people in that area because of the bars and night clubs near that location. The Police block off Lankershem Blvd on Friday and Saturday nights there between those clubs between Vicoroy and Vanowen. The employees alos infomed me that the police were trying to arrest and round up the “Lankershiem Street Boys” a local gang operating in the area.

So one week later I decided to go to the 7/11 on the other side of Lankersheim by Strathern St. for lunch. Brian Marino was in town to specifically have a walk through of my department Floor and Wall.

There I had my lunch which I ate there at 7/11 and during that time a police car drove into the parking lot. When I was ready to leave I walked my bike to the parking lot and proceeded to ride back to work when I heard the police say “Roger!” so I turned around to see what they wanted and there were chasing me form the open doors of the police car saying again and again “Roger” as the acknowledgment on the police radio headsets they were using. They didn’t call me by name.

They showed me a wanted poster and they said that I had to admit that I looked like the guy in the picture, but the description was that in the photo he wore a blue cap with orange flames and a blue jacket. I told him my cap doesn’t have orange flames, it’s the cap I leave at work with my coat which is black. They hand cuffed me and told me they were taking me to the station. I told them that I didn’t commit the crime this offender committed and that I wasn’t even in there area that day, and my roommate is a witness that I was with him the whole day. And that also I at work just performed the job duties related to a walk through specially of my Department, Floor and Wall by Brian Marino district manger and went to lunch after it was picture show room quality.

Sgt Henkle of the North Hollywood Police division came out and seemed to be familiar with Home Depot and suggested that this looks like something that is beginning to constitute harassment. I informed Sgt Henkle that I have been getting stopped quite frequently and I just wanted to know what was wrong. He aske me some questions about how long ago they started coming out and I told him 3 month ago in August, and some of the other times I had been stoped.

Again my Id card was run for warrants and I was asked if I had ever been arrested which is an incident beyond the limit prerequisite criminal investigation report by Home Depot. An occurrence in 1997 which all of the requirements had been meet which the officers needed to inquire the meet expectations.

Dec 22nd 2005

After my shift was over at 10:00 pm I rode my bicycle home and had my light which the police officers saw, and again they ran my card for hits, warrants and wants, and I explained to them that I was getting stopped often and that Sgt Henkle acknoloweges that this is constituting harassment. The officers were very familiar with Henkle and finally let me go stating that I am a respectable citizen and with their apologies they are sending me home after seeing that my card and current record is clear and that I am not wanted for anything. They told me that there were burgerlies in the area and that they told me how someone commits a burglary riding a bicycle. They also informed me that they were clearing the area of undesirables.

Jan 2006

My 2 department heads of the carpet area and floor and wall gave me training on the computer and asked me if I was familiar with the system and informed my that I was probably the best PC specialist in Home Depot. I need to get out my User name for the system form my wallet and he said that I could just give him a blue envelope with speed in it and he will just do it right now and the other DH said yeah I have the razor blades to squash it right now. That blue paper is still in my wallet and it happens to be a schedule I wrote on blue lined paper from a paper tablet that I have. This was just before the new system will be in effect for the inventory beginning on feb 6th 2006, just a week away.

Febuary 2006

I informed another employee that I didn’t want to hear any more about drugs form anyone, when he said that I have to stop using the crack pipe because that stuff gives you a sore throat.

Febuary 2006 during this time also, another employee informed me that I have many enemies and that my past will catch up with me.

Employees have been making comments to me that “ Gotta stop using those drugs Rog” and this is usually right after I have performed a task to a customer’s approval, and I don’t use drugs.

March 20th 2005

Day Crew were sitting at the break room table waiting to clock out for the day and I was having my lunch. He starting that “someone’s watching me” “They are coming to get you Rog” The other day crew gentleman wanted to know if I had any warrants. I told them I do not have a criminal record. They were asking about what happened when the police had been stopping me. All along the were looking at each other and laughing. Basically I was trying to eat my lunch but talking was the big interruption that seemed to be apparent. He wanted to know what happened with the drug test on March 3rd 2005. I told him that it expedited the process to get into a doctor earlier than an appointment I was finally able to make for april 28th 2005 I got in on Thursday March 9th 2005. He wanted to know what’s going on with the police I showed him Sargent Henkle’s card, He wanted to know who Henkle is and I told him that he is one of the supervisors of the North Hollywood police department and he (Sargent Henkle) believes that I am being harassed. Sargent Henkle’s phone number is 818 623 4016

Kevin in the paint department, after the day crew clocked out and left wanted to know if I had ever been married. I told him about the failed relationships and what happened, It wasn’t entirely my doing I did my best and I wasn’t part a decision process where a abortion was concerned.

March 22nd 2005

Day Crew were in the men’s room while I was leaving they told me that smoking crack gives you a sore throat and gota stop using those drugs. I mentioned that I had an infection that cleared I didn’t see a doctor right away and that the doctor said I will be getting my voice back, its been slow but I am getting better and I asked him for his name because I just know him as day crew and he said thats fine keep it like that, and I confirmed that today is the 22nd right?

In conclusion

I would like to note that this is a place of business at Home Depot which strives to maintain a safe working environment for its employees and most importantly its customers who shop there.

I go to work to do a job, not to create or be involved in problems, especially of a personal nature.

For the most part the commadodire seems to be good and I work well with my fellow associates and with our customers. I have the Home Depot forklift certification and I help in the other department in which reach equipment is required.

I don’t got to work to be disrespected, or mistreated but rather, I treat everyone with dignity and respect, and I at least expect that I am not mistreated or disrespected. Harassment is a costly thing for a company striving to perform professionally because it takes time and effort out of the work place to address unnecessary issues which should not have arisen and this causes the company to lose production and money is lost in the process. Its time consuming and a costly process. I am actually very sorry to have to be involved in this implication. 

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