Roger Logo

Roger Cornwall

The Submit Group





The Submit Group is dedicated to deliver quality service and support in these areas:

  • Word
  • Excell
  • PowerPoint
  • Access Programing
  • Network & Data Base Management (DBM SQL)
  • Web Page Design

  • HTML Programing



    ICS / Harcourt / Thomson Education Direct Present
    Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0

    ICS / Harcourt 2000
    PC Specialist: Understanding software & hardware, Windows advanced topics, Preventive maintenance & upgrading, Microsoft Office97 Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, The basics of networks, Understanding computer viruses.

    NRI Schools 1997-2000
    Multimedia Programming: Introduction to microcomputers, Multimedia basics, Programming basics, Multimedia techniques, Windows 98, Working with BASIC, Internet Explorer, Netscape navigator/ communicator, Liberty Basic, Asymetrix Multimedia Toolbook. This course included a state of the art PC.

    Van Nuys College of Business 1990
    Data Processing: Introduction & history of computers Typing.

    Watterson College 1989-1990
    Commercial Art: Life Drawing, Page layout and design, Mac OS, Macintosh PageMaker, Adobe Illustrator, Marker Rendering.

    For more information,
    enter any of these areas:

    Functional Resume: Roger Cornwall Jr.

    Resume: Roger Cornwall


    Roger Cornwall Cornerband Page

    The Original NEW KITCHEN CABINETS page The Cabinet Master and Son
    The Original links page The Cabinet Master and Son
    The New Redesigned home page The Cabinet Master and Son
    The Submit Group
    Santas Letters
    Student Achievements
    Devotee Ring Surf
    Art Gallery 2
    World Religions
    HTML Reference Guide
    Roger Cornwall Main Page
    Rock n Roll Hollywood
    Califronia song Music Magazine
    Roger Cornwall Art Gallery
    The Resource resource
    Rocanadeva my biggest bomb shell ever!!!!!

    Rocanadeva Dasa Bramhamcari Meditation and Yoga Studio

    LA Scoop Rock n Roll Hollywood

    Mary Jane's Radio Internet Hour

    Mary Jane's Medical Marijuana

    The Punk Museum

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