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Audrey's Corner

Well, I was frankly amazed when so many people asked about little 'ol me... :) I mean, my life's not too thrilling...

Okay, so here's the deal. :) My name's Audrey, as you know...Brackett's not really my last name, darn the luck. *laughs* It's Whitton. The Audrey Brackett bit came about as part of a joke (ask if you dare), and the name stuck as a pen name. Currently, I'm living in Annandale, Virginia...a student at Northern Virginia Community College. That's my senior pic, and it's the one I like best...*grin* Granted, it was taken almost three years ago... I'm 20, born August 6, 1983. (I was nearly two weeks late and haven't been on time since, LOL!)

Interests...I love theatre...stuffed animals, and chocolate. Plus the obvious things like writing. And being online. And E!. (And The Sentinel, but that's another story.) Oh...yeah, and medicine. I'm a nursing student. Really. (Now the Rampart hangup makes sense...)

I'm still surprised you even stuck this far. Maybe it's that whole putting a face with the email address thing? :) Whatever it is...enjoy the site :) I may add more recent pics when I feel like it, LOL...

Then again, you might just think I'm weird.