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Fic Challenge!

You're kidding...right?

Challenge time! This ought to be fun...c'mon, all you ladies out there have wanted to teach your man a lesson or two, sometime? And I'm sure you've seen the e-mail that's circulating, Courses For Men? Well--here's the challenge, in the back-to-college spirit! (Or just 'to college', whichever applies.) Take a look at the course list, and develop a short fic using one of the "classes". It doesn't have to be directly taught, even (but if it is, that's okay too). Hey, you never know, maybe we'll get famous off immortalizing this e-mail or something! (Well, a girl can dream.) Let your imagination run wild, then email it to me!

Course List


Challenge responses posted below!

~Let's Clean the Closet!~

~Those Blue Jeans Gotta Go!~

~I Could Have Played a Better Game Than That!~

~No, The Dishes Aren't Going To Wash Themselves~