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Many thanks to Betty for this picture!

My name is Maura Shea and I am too saddened by Julie London's death. I had just got home from work when a friend of mine had sent me an e-mail that said "Julie London dead at 74" and like you all I could say was oh my God not her and cried.

Julie did touch our lives in a most remarkable way. She was a positive role model for anyone I know she was for me since I started watching Emergency at the age of 4.

She will be will missed by all of her fans and you know that Bobby and her are happy once more.

My name is Gayle Stewart. I wrote a poem Wednesday nite after I learned of Julie's death. I like you burst into tears when I heard the news. Some online said they hoped Bobby was there to walk her across. That sparked something inside and this is what came of it.

Eternal Love
by Gayle Stewart

A voice was calling out to her;
A hand was reaching too.
The face, it was different
Yet it was a face she knew.

"Hello, my love
How I've missed you so.
I never wanted to leave you.
And now I'll never let you go.

Come, my love, and take my hand
And let me lead the way.
Forever starts with a single step;
That step begins today."

Somehow, she knew the time was right.
She stepped forward towards the light.
Her eyes then filled with tears and
Each and every one of them
Washed away the years.

Then standing there before him,
As radiant as before
His one true love
The woman he adored.

"Come, my love our journey
Has only just begun.
We will now live and love
An eternity as one."

"True loves and soul mates have a tendency to find each other, no matter how great the distance."

--Beth, referring to Julie and Bobby.

Like many of the fans, I too was sadden by Julie London's passing this past week. I am from Nova Scotia, Canada. I was touched by the fact they ran the story in our provincial Newspaper. A photo was placed beside the short write up about her life and accomplishments. I would like to send that photo along to you. I have scanned many of the sites but I don't recall ever seeing this one.

--from Betty
(The picture she sent, by the way, is the one above.)

It's Audrey again...I finally found the full version of a poem I thought would be perfect for this page. It's the same poem, by the way, that I enclosed in a sympathy card I was fortunate enough to be able to send to Julie's family (thanks again, Rozane!). Here's the poem.

Her Journey's Just Begun
Author Unknown

Don't think of her as gone away--
Her journey's just begun.
Life holds so many facets--
This earth is only one.

Just think of her as resting
From the sorrows and the tears
In a place of comfort
Where there are no days and years.

Think how she must be wishing
That we could know today
That nothing but our sadness
Can really pass away.

And think of her as living
In the hearts of those she touched . . .
For nothing loved is ever lost--
And she was loved so much.

Debbie Casey writes:
I was saddened by the lost of Julie London. But more than that I was saddened that the newspaper where I lived didn't even mention her death. Also that no tv stations mentioned her death. I know she is with Bobby now and happy.

From Don Patton:

I just got up...midnight shift!! While having that first 3 p.m. cup, put on my usual.."the voice." Checked e-mail, then went to internet, thinking about running down an album of Julie's that i don't have yet. I live in a very rural area. Newspapers & TV did not carry her passing, and today, March 7, 2001, I am sad to say was the first I had heard she was gone. In the late '60's, while in high school, I met an old big band/jazz guitarist, who became my teacher/mentor and etc. He introduced me to Ron and Howard Roberts, Barney Kessel, and etc. told me listen to this and hear what REAL sidemen sound was "Cry me a River." Guitar work was impeccable, but the voice.... I was 17 years old, and I was hooked!!! There are some others that are great voices, and some fantastic guitarists out there, but there is only one "Julie." My kids grew up hearing LP's that I wore out. Finally, I started finding CD's.

I have never understood why there were international fan clubs. Does it get better than this? How can it? The tone, the taste, the intonation. I am sad to know she is not with us, but at least she is with the best, and she deserves the best.........Joe Pass, Howard Roberts, and the rest.

I wrote her 10 years or so ago, and asked for an autographed picture and a discography. She graciously replied with my request.

What an ignorant country we live in. A news media that did not cover the passing of one the legends. May she rest in peace.

Want to add your own comments or tribute to Julie? Email me and I'll be happy to add it!

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