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Submission Guidelines

Okay, I'm going to expand these later, but I'm pressed for time right now, so I'm keeping it simple.

No NC-17 fic. I don't have anything against it being written, but this is a family site.

I'll take just about anything else Dixie/Kel (rated G-R), but I do reserve final discretion and so on and so forth.

Put "fanfic submission" somewhere in the subject line, so I know. Please also provide a name (pen name if you wish), title, and rating somewhere in the email message. I accept RTF (preferred), DOC, and TXT files. Cut and paste is okay too. If you can provide a summary, that'd be wonderful, if not, I'll make one up for you.

I will do some editing, but only grammar and format. I will not edit the words you write, those are yours. Believe me, as I writer, I understand.

I promise this will be better once I've had more time to work on it. :) Bear with me for now.