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You Can Call Me Al **Contest Entries**

I had to carry on the tradition of the different songs as page names... *g* It amuses me. *shrugs* And I like the Quantum Leap theme song... *g* (That's the music you're hearing...)

Yours here!

1st place
"Dix? That's not my stethoscope."--contributed by AJM

2nd place
"Don't give me that 'I'm colorblind' routine, Kel! That doesn't excuse mixing paisley and plaid!"--contributed by Steph

3rd place
"Look--I know you look like Mike Nesmith, but you're NOT wearing the wool hat to the hospital awards ceremony!"-- contributed by Cvblair

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Other entries:
"I'm telling you, Kel. By the time I'm finished with our beloved Administrator, he's going to wish he was never born!"--contributed by Nancy

"Dix... uh....better watch where you put that hand..."
"Better take it when you can get it, Kel."--contributed by En

Kel: "Dix, we can't be seen together like this!"--contributed by Robin R. Neher

Kel:"What's wrong, Dix? Do you have another headache?"
Dix:"No, I have a Joe ache."--contributed by Angela Harrell

"Kel, did you steal the keys to the narcotics cabinet AGAIN?"--contributed by Jen

"Well, Kel, I don't think Scotty's available, but use that 'martini- on-my- shoulder' line one more time and I'm personally gonna see that you get to the Enterprise!"--contributed by AJM

Kel: "Humm, Dix, that is not the radio's call back button!"
Dix: "10-4 Kel!"--contributed by Dianne E

"Kel, are you ready for the karoke contest?"
"Yeah, Dix. Maybe we'll beat the Station 51 Barbershop Quintet again this year."--contributed by Melissa Kutcher

Dix: "Kel, is that a blemish on you chin? Could it be . . . Acne??"
Kel, rubbing his jaw: "Damn -- a zit!! I guess there are some things you're never too old for!"--contributed by LaraLee

"So, your place or mine tonight?"--contributed by Aaron

"...Hold on, 51, I'll check...Dix, do we have Prince Albert in a can?"--contributed by Anonymous

"This clipboard measures eight inches by eleven inches...the average colon only expands to about six inches in diameter...that makes your suggestion physiologically impossible...!"--contributed by Charlene

"I don't know many surgeons does it take to screw in a light bulb?"--contributed by Lizzie

Dixie: I can't believe you Kel! You actually told Roy and Johnny to 'kiss it and make it better'?
Kel: There's nothing wrong with that treatment! As a matter of fact, I've got a little boo-boo right about...
Dixie: Don't go there Kel!
--contributed by Steph